Phone number : 44 (0)1235 82 06 04
Milhill Warehouse, Church Lane, Oxfordshire Abingdon United Kingdom
architecture, beaux-arts, histoire, littérature, religionetudes medievales
Phone number : 49 (0202) 74 03 37
PO BOX 144127 Sonnborner Strasse 144 D-42310 Wuppertal Germany
Phone number : 33 04 78 42 66 77
6 Place St Jean 69005 LYON France
Livres Régionaux - cartes postales anciennes - catalogue de ventes sur offres et à prix marqués
Phone number : 44 (0)20 7734 29 83
5-8 Lower John Street Golden Square LONDON United Kingdom
Fax number : 44 (0)20 7437 0967
Phone number : 44 (0)20 7402 7064
84 Westbourne Terrace, Flat 14 LONDON United Kingdom
topographie, voyages
Phone number : 04 93 38 33 36
7 , rue Jean-Daumas 06400 CANNES France
Ouvert tous les jours de 10 h à 12 h et de 15 h à 19 h.voyages histoire sciences
Phone number : 41 (0)31 921 26 88
Lindenmattstrasse 6 Bollingen Switzerland
droit, philosophie
Phone number : 0699648169
117 allée des tilleuls 01250 Saint Just France
religion - philosophie - chanson française
Phone number : 1 (0)215 744 6743
The Arsenal BUilding 4, 2375 Bridge street, box 314 PHILADELPHIA United States of America
gastronomie, linguistique, manuscrits, livres anciens & rares, religion, voyagesMUSIQUE
Phone number : 1 416 322 0777
491 Davenport Road Toronto Ontario Canada
Beaux-arts, Histoire, Littérature, Editions originales modernes
Phone number : 33 01 43 36 04 26
18 rue Linné 75005 PARIS France
toute la bande dessinée: occasion - soldes - épuisés - neuf
Phone number : 46 (0)703 76 66 70
varia, régionalisme
Phone number : 55 11 3889 7388
R. Jose Maria Lisboa , 463\ 84 J. Paulista 01423-000 São Paulo Brazil
Arts bresiliennes, Sciences humaines. Envoi periodique par e-mail sur demande.
53 Warren Close Hay-on-Wye via Hereford HR3 5EL United Kingdom
mail order business only - FINE, SCHOLARLY, SECONDHAND - Social Anthropology, Ethnography , Ethnographic, Arts
Phone number : 03 569 476 38
Nieuwe Haven 27A 1411 SG Naarden Netherlands
A.W. van Bekhoven Antiquarian Bookseller & Publisher offers a wide range ofbooks about: Art, Architecture, Art History Bibliography & Typography,History, Philosophy, Middle Ages Serials & Periodicals, catalogues, andreference books on manuscripts, incunabula and bookbindings.Our comprehensive stock has been built up over 40 years and holds thousandsof titles. These are offered worldwide by means of monthly catalogues thatcan also be found at our website. People who are setting up a specialcollection or library are invited to request our specific stock lists. Weare always interested in buying single volumes and whole collections in ourfield. All books are complete and in good condition unless otherwise stated.Prices are in American Dollars and Dutch guilders. -Portugeuse, periodicals, art arthistory
Phone number : 46 (0)41 82 56 98info@bengtsson
Stora Norregatan 162 Landskrona Sweden
livres illustrés
Phone number : 02 98 30 43 19
Phone number : 03 20 09 51 94
8, rue ampère 59130 Lambersart France
Pour l'instant San-Antonio et frédéric Dard mais bientôt des Fleuve noir anticipation.
Phone number : 03 84 24 68 15
89 rue des rippes 39570 Macornay France
Livres illustrés, thématiques,littérature, anecdotiques, BD...
Other phone number : 06 224 224 13
Phone number : 1 (206) 745 3113
15918 20th Place West Lynnwood, Washington WA 98037-2531 United States of America
Specialist in all matters concerning Africa. We maintain an inventoryof more than 35000 antiquarian and rare volumes, manuscripts, photographs, documentsephemera, maps, etc. Our research library now has over 2500 Africanbibliographies. We offer appraisal and collection development servicesin our area of specialization.Additional areas of interest include T.E.Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)and Ireland. We have a very decent inventory of antiquarian and rarematerial in both subject areas.
Phone number : 33 05 46 83 17 10
Phone number : 1 (0)617 247 2818
607 Boylston Street at Copley Square BOSTON United States of America
reliure, enfantina, impressions anciennes, livres illustrés, littérature, gravures & estampes, typographie
Phone number : 49 (0)511 324485
beaux-arts, atlas & cartes, livres illustrés, régionalisme, estampes & dessins
Phone number : 61 2 6251 5191
Unit 2, 1-3 Lawry PLace Macquarie Australia
Orientalisme, VoyagesWe specialise in out of print, antiquarian & secondhand bookson Asia, Africa and the Middle East.All prices are in Australian dollars (worth about 20% less than the US $). Postage extra at cost. We accept Mastercard, Visa and American Express.
Phone number : 31 713 619 498
Schoolstraat 31 2202 HD Noordwijk Netherlands
specialised in books on Natural History