23-52 31st Street Astoria, New York, NY 11105 United States of America
We deal in early printed books in the Greek language, whether classics, theology, etc. It does not matter that a translation is present as long as the Greek text is included.
Phone number : 39 (0)51 23 30 56
Via Gesso 122 Zola Predosa (BOLOGNA) Italy
Phone number : 0139561756
418 Av. R.GARROS BP 336 78533 Buc CEDEX France
Bandes dessinéesBD<br>Catalogues<br>Expertise<br>Vente uniquement par correspondance<br>Vente publique<br>Marches
Phone number : 61 3 9497 2845
Atlas & Cartes, Manuscrits, Marine, Militaria, Histoire Naturelle, Estampes & Dessins, Voyages
Phone number : 05 61 65 36 54
6, rue Lafaurie 09000 FOIX France
Ouvert du mardi au samedi de 10 h à 12 h et 14 h 30 à 19 h. (du 01/07/97 au 03/09/97, tous les jours : 10 h - 12 h 30 et 14 h - 19 h 30). Livres, CD, vinyls, cassettes d'occasion.
Phone number : 44 (0289) 33 15 02
31 Church Street BERWICK UPON TWEED, Norths. TD15 1EE United Kingdom
Phone number : 61 2 9363 5383
92 Quenns Street Woollahra Australia
Régionalisme, Estampes & Dessins, Voyages
Phone number : 615 834 5974
Phone number : 32 (0) 81 40 27 95
50 rue de Longeau Dave Belgium
Reliures, Histoire, Littérature
Phone number : 01 43 26 19 50
3 bis, place de la Sorbonne 75005 PARIS France
archéologie, beaux-arts, orientalisme, philosophie, sciences sociales...
Phone number : 1 (0)802 356 4200
P.O. Box 1204 NORWICH United States of America
atlas & cartes, impressions anciennes, manuscrits, sciences & techniques
Phone number : 44 (0181) 944 56 00
Phone number : 377 - 97 77 51 10
29, rue du Portier Monte-Carlo Monaco
gastronomie, oenologie, arts de la table, jardinage, art de vivre
14 Rue Antoine Watteau 17180 Perigny France
Editions originales, livres illustrés, arts graphiques, reliures
Phone number : 06 47 35 36 12
Phone number : 0622221077
la favriere 79250 nueil les aubiers France
Phone number : 1 904 386 2602
806 Ivanhoe Road 32312-3025 Tallahassee FL United States of America
Speciality: Rare books and periodicals on the violin family of stringedmusical instruments
Phone number : 61 3 9347 4656
629 rathdowne Street North Carlton Australia
Livres d'enfants, Littérature, Editions originales modernes, Musique, Sciences Naturelles Sceinces sociales, Voayges
Phone number : 49 (06031) 791 85 16
Bismarckstrasse 4 FRIEDBERG Germany
histoire, judaïca, militaria, littérature, philosophie
Phone number : 42 (02) 26 21 86
Phone number : 44 (0) 171 485 5205
Phone number : 44 (0)1367 240 046
10a Marlborough street Faringdon United Kingdom
bibliophilie, antiquité classique, judaïca, linguistique, livres anciens & rares, orientalisme, religion
Les Chasteigners 85220 Apremont France
Other phone number : 06. 70. 03. 86. 78
Fax number : 02. 28. 10. 00. 01
Phone number : 44 (01497) 820013
14 Broad Street Hay-on-Wye, Hereford, HR3 5DB United Kingdom
Specialists in rare and out of print children's and illustrated books. Aselection of quality reading books for children also available. Established14 years. Open 7 days a week 9.30am-5.00pm. By the clock tower, parkingavailable. Catalogues issued quarterly.
Phone number : 06 33 12 38 95
5 rue Gambetta 45200 Montargis France
reliure d art