
4,327 (145 Page(s))



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Wilkinson Paul,

Phone number : 61 3 9818 1474

59 Church Street Hawthorn Australia

Atlas, Cartes, Gravures & Estampes

Libraires (anciens)


Phone number : 0555620663

Antiquarian, and second-hand French and English books.Adult and children's books.

Libraires (anciens)

Wolf Bernard,

1439, rue Stanley Montréal, Québec. H3A 1P4 Canada

General and scholarly bookstore. Professional evaluations for estate,insurance and donation purposes. 7 days a week.

Libraires (anciens)

Windle & Chris Loker John,

Phone number : 1 (0)415 986 5826

49 Geary street suite 233 SAN FRANCISCO United States of America

beaux-arts, reliures, enfantina, livres illustrés, littérature, manuscrits, typographie

Libraires (anciens)

W. Kornfeld Eberhard,

Phone number : 41 (0)31 381 46 73

LaupenstraSSe 41 CH-3008 BERN Switzerland

beaux-arts, ventes publiques, estampes & dessins

Libraires (anciens)

Wagram 9 , M. Joffrey Bougard

Phone number :

28 avenue du Général Leclerc 72000 Le Mans France

Livres anciens, lithos, gravures, cartes postales, vieux papiers, BD, tableaux...

Libraires (anciens)

Weinstein Ben & Louis ,

Phone number : 1 (0)310 659 3674

8540 Melrose Avenue West Hollywood Ca90069 United States of America

reliures, enfantina, impressions anciennes, économie, livres illustrés, littérature, sciences & technqiues reliure

Libraires (anciens)

Wood Bookseller Charles B,

Phone number : 1 (0)617 868 1711

Post office box 382369 Cambridge United States of America

architecture, beaux-arts, histoire du livre, histoire de l'imprimerie, manuscrits

Libraires (anciens)

Werner Skorjanetz - Livres Anciens (ILAB), M. Werner Skorjanetz

13 Rue des Moraines CH - 1227 Carouge Switzerland

Livres anciens et rares.

Libraires (anciens)


Ce libraire fait partie de Livre-Rare-Book :

Contact bookseller
All books from Werner Skorjanetz - Livres Anciens
Wölfle Robert,

Phone number : 49 (089) 28 36 26

Po Box 401980 Amalienstrasse 65 D-80719 München Germany

livres d'enfants, impressions anciennes, littérature, régionalisme, estampes & dessins

Libraires (anciens)

Wesselman Piet,

Coronelstraat 6 1063 EP Amsterdam Netherlands

NAN's growth is not only marked by the new server, but also by a number of new booksellers recently added to our site: - Eureka Antiquarian Books .50.000 books on *any* subject. We specialize in esoteric books - Liber Antiquus, Scituate, MA. Early imprinted books (15th - 18th Centuries) - Antiquariaat Moison & Scholts. Dutch Linguistics and Literature - Antiquariaat Jos Wijnhoven. Art, applied art, photography, architecture, Indonesia, Posters, English children's books and illustrated books and there are more to come. You can find them via the main page at latest addition is a searchable database at: We will develop the database as an instrument for international booksellerswith interfaces in several languages. We started modestly (as is our custom;-) with 5 booksellers and 15.000 books, but this will soon grow to over50.000, and we expect further growth in the next months. So please checkfrom time to time. If you are a bookseller and are interested in joining NAN or its databaseservice, email us at We will soon add a second databasefor antiquarian books (pre-1900). You are welcome to visit us. Please send us your comments and questions.Kind regards,Piet Wesselman & David MeestersAntiqbook: NAN

Libraires (anciens)

Weiser Liebegott Susan,

Phone number : 1 (0)718 891 5241

2435 Ocean avenue, #6J Brooklyn United States of America

enfantina, livres illustrés, judaïca, photographie, voyages

Libraires (anciens)


Phone number : 49 (0201) 23 97 00


littérature, régionalisme, estampes & dessins, sciences & techniques

Libraires (anciens)

Waaijenberg Henk ,

Phone number : 31 (0)55 3554292

Soerenseweg 49 7314 JE Apeldoorn Netherlands

Only books on Classical Antiquity

Libraires (anciens)


Phone number : 44 (0)20 7431 0489

P.O. Box 29745 LONDON United Kingdom

impressions anciennes, livres illustrés, incunables, médecine, sciences naturelles, sciences & techniques

Libraires (anciens)


Phone number : 02 38 59 32 90

32, chemin Moulins 45530 COMBREUX France


Libraires (anciens)

Weiner Graham,

Phone number : 44 (0)20 8883 84 24

78 Rosebery Road LONDON United Kingdom

médecine, sciences & techniques, transports

Libraires (anciens)


Phone number : 00 32 (O)4 229 55 25

20, rue dossin 4000 LIEGE Belgium

Vente uniquement par correspondance

Libraires (anciens)

Western carla,

Phone number : 49 0721 405058

Amthausstr. 33 76227 Karlsruhe Germany

general antiquarian bookshop

Libraires (anciens)

Werell Karin,

Phone number : 46 (0)41 32 11 21

Storgatan 26 HÖÖR Sweden

beaux-arts, littérature, sciences sociales

Libraires (anciens)

WILLISTON Benedict & Rosalind C.,

Phone number : 1 (0)860 868 2621

931 Bantam road Bantam United States of America

histoire littérature régionalisme, livres rares & anciens, voyages

Libraires (anciens)


Phone number : 44 (0)1539 621 233

Long Lane, Cumbria Sedbergh United Kingdom

médecine, philosophie, psychologie, psychiatrie, sciences & techniquesLarge and varied stock of Academic, Scholarly and Antiquarian Books, Catalogues and lists issued in the following specialisedsubjects: History, Science and Technology, History and Medicine,Mathematics, Philosophy and Psychology, Geology.

Libraires (anciens)

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