CHAPMAN AND HALL. 1972. In-8. Cartonnage d'éditeurs. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 827 pages illustrées de 412 illustrations dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
1988 West Chester, Schiffer Publishing, 1988 : In-8 Carré, Broché. n.p., 101 photos couleurs, un ouvrage pour les sculpteurs, peintres, taxidermistes, naturalistes et ornithologues représentant le milouin d'Amérique (Redhead) sous tous les angles. Etat du neuf, Couv. remarquable, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais.
1963 116 p., 9 (sets of) figs, paperbound. Zoologische Verhandelingen.
1961-1966 85, 42 p., 12 figs, 3 pls, paperbound. Published in: Zoologische Verhandelingen.
1968 71 p., 27 figs, 1 plate, wrappers. Published in: Tijdschrift voor Entomologie.
1990 62 p., 1 figure, paperbound. Zoologische Verhandelingen. Library stamps.
1999 121 p., numerous figures, 3 coloured plates, paperbound. Thesis. Library stamps, else good copy.
1982 98 p., several figs, paperbound. Thesis.
1977 325 p., num. figures and tables, paperbound.With numerous contributions by various entomologists. A very good clean "as new" copy.
1998-2000 Three parts. 34, [10], 38, [11]. 42, [5] p., several maps and figures, 4to, paperbound (plastic covers). Library stamps.
1960 124 p., 63 figs, paperbound. Published in: Fustula Entomologica.
1960 77 p., 2 figs, paperbound. Published in: Fustula Entomologica.
1982 186 p., 46 figures, 5 plates with 20 original photographs, 4to, paperbound (unsewn). Mimeographed thesis. Rare
Non Renseigné. 1997. In-8. En feuillets. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Tiré à part de la page 378-383, illustré de figures.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
En anglais Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
Non Renseigné. 1997. In-8. En feuillets. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Tiré à part de la page 115-120, illustré de figures.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
En espagnol Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
1935 141, [1] p., 30 figures, 4 double-paged plates, new cloth (with author and date in gilt on spine). Original printed covers bound in. With author’s dedication. Library stamps and repaired small hole in title-page, else good copy.
Treignes, Centre Paul Brien - Editions D.I.R.E., Les Cahiers du Viroin 2, 1984. In-8 broché, couverture illustrée. Abondamment illustré en noir.
1941 Bruxelles, Mus.Roy.Hist.Nat.Belgique, 1941 : In-8 Carré, Broché. 2° édition, 125 pp., 11 figures in-texte, dos réparé avec du scotch, une bonne monographie Bon état, Couv. défraîchie, Dos abîmé, Non coupé.
1952 Bruxelles, I.R.S.N.B., 1952 : In-8 Carré, Broché. 5° édition, 155 pp., 50 figures in-texte, non rogné, une excellente monographie, Très bon état, Non coupé.
n.d 119 p., 113, 26 figs, paperbound (covers loose). Ex library Dr. Jeekel, well used copy.We added from the same series: O. Schubart, Progoneata. Ergänzung ( 51 p., 1 plate).We acquired a large part of the Jeekel library including his reprint/separate-collection, only part of this is listed, please inquire!
1901 18 p., 1 lithographed plate, roy. 4to, printed wrappers (mounted in extra plain paper covers). Published in: Nova Acta. Abh. der Kaiserl. Leop.-Carol. Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher. Ex library Dr. C.A.W. Jeekel (with his signature).We acquired a large part of the Jeekel library including his reprint/separate-collection, only part of this is listed, please inquire!
1943 42 p., 8 pls, roy. 4to, paperbound (spine taped). Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. Ex library Dr. C.A.W. Jeekel.We acquired a large part of the Jeekel library including his reprint/separate-collection, only part of this is listed, please inquire!
1906 153 p., 44 figs, roy. 4to, paperbound (mounted in extra plain paper covers). Published in: Nova Acta. Abh. der Kaiserl. Leop.-Carol. Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher. Ex library F. Schumacher (with his stamp) and Dr. C.A.W. Jeekel (with his signature).We acquired a large part of the Jeekel library including his reprint/separate-collection, only part of this is listed, please inquire!
1906 153 p., 44 figures, large 4to, contemporary half calf, gilt author/title on spine. Library stamps, else good copy.
1958 310 p, 51 figs, 9 pls, roy. 4to, original printed boards. Ex library C.A.W. Jeekel (with his signature). Published in: Nova Acta der Kaiserlich-Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher.We acquired a large part of the Jeekel library including his reprint/separate-collection, only part of this is listed, please inquire!