1936 xxxiii, 579 p., 22 plates, 7 folded maps, frontispiece of the "Boma", the Tsetse Research Department in Tanganyika, paperbound (original printed covers).A massive work, being the first important scientific research on the tsetse fly, sleeping sickness and its devastating effects upon people in eastern Africa. Published in the society's Transactions. A very good clean copy.
1984-1988 4to, stapled. Library stamps. Scarce.
1977 175 p., 135 figs, paperbound. In Hungarian. Very good copy.
1977 175 p., 135 figures, paperbound. In Hungarian. Library stamps, else good copy.
1911 47 p., 2 coloured plates, royal 4to, new cloth, title in gilt on spine (original printed front cover bound in). Library stamps.
1979 219 p., 299 figures, paperbound. Library stamps, else a very good copy.
2004 176 p., numerous figures, 41 coloured plates, paperbound. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei. Library stamps, else very good copy.
1932 204 p., 223 figs, new red cloth. Ex libris Rudolf Troelstra.
Paris, Masson 1996, 200x140mm, 291pages, broché. Bel exemplaire.
figures in texte, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
1951 2 volumes (complete). 175, 185 p., 79, 83 figures, 12, 12 col. plates, paperbound. Library stamp on half-title, else very good set.
1951 2 volumes (complete). 175, 185 p., 79, 83 figures, 12, 12 col. plates, paperbound. Library stamps, else good set.
1940 65 p., 139 figs, paperbound (original printed covers). Mémoires du Museum National d’histoire naturelle.
Paris Lechevalier 1967 in 8 (24,5x16) 1 volume reliure bradel toilée grège de l'éditeur, 465 pages [1], avec 200 figures dans le texte. Collection '' Encyclopédie entomologique '', XLI. Séguy E. Sous-directeur au Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Couverture rigide
1923 xi, 393 p., 813 figures, later half cloth, paper label on spine (original printed covers bound in). Library stamps, else good copy.
1923 xi, 393 p., 813 figures, paperbound (original printed covers). Some wear on lower end spine, else very good.
1923 xi, 393 p., 813 figures, cloth. Spine and extremities rubbed.
1937 9 tissue guarded plates (2 coloured), loose in covers. Plates only.
1959 248 p., 113 figures, paperbound. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle.
Paris, Paul Lechevallier 1950, 253x165mm, 609pages, broché. Non coupé. Très bel exemplaire.
10 planches en couleurs et n/b, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Planches en noir et en couleurs de E. SÉGUY. 2me édition entièrement remaniée. Paris. Delagrave. 1947. In-12 (120 x 187mm) broché, couverture illustrée couleurs par l'auteur, 252 pages, bien complet des 12 planches dont 4 en couleurs. Assez bel exemplaire.
1923 225 p., 201 figures, publisher’s boards. Library stamps, else a good copy.
Paris Editions Paul Lechevalier 1926 in 8 (25,5x16,5) 1 volume reliure demi toile verte, dos lisse, pièce de titre verte, 308 pages, 685 figures dans le texte (reliure amateur). Fédération française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, Office central de Faunistique (Faune de France 13). Relié à la suite: Diptères (Brachycères) (Asilidae) par E. Seguy (Faune de France 17) 1927, 190 pages, 384 figures. Relié à la suite: Diptères Pupipares par L. Falcoz (Faune de France 14) 1926, 64 pages, 76 figures. Relié à la suite: Diptères Anthomyides par E. Seguy (Faune de France 6) 1923, 393 pages, 813 figures. Bon exemplaire
Bon Demi-toile
1932 223 p., 29 text figures, 4to, paperbound (original printed covers).In this work, several new genera and species of harvestmen are described. It was started by Sørensen and after his death partially revised by C. With, who also died before completion. With a preface and notes in English. Uncut, unopened. A very good copy.
1932 223 p., 29 text figures, 4to, paperbound (original printed covers).In this work, several new genera and species of harvestmen are described. It was started by Sørensen and after his death partially revised by C. With, who also died before completion. Uncut, unopened. With a preface and notes in English. Small upper piece of paper-covering spine missing, covers edges a bit frayed but otherwise a very good clean copy.
1932 223 p., 29 text figures, 4to, new cloth, author/title in gilt on spine (original printed covers bound in). Library stamps, else very good copy.In this work, several new genera and species of harvestmen are described. It was started by Sørensen and after his death partially revised by C. With, who also died before completion. Uncut, unopened. With a preface and notes in English.