1997 112 p., 2 figs, 68 (13 col.) pls, hardbound.
2006 138 p., 60 figures, numerous distribution maps, 27 (16 coloured) plates, hardbound. Library stamps, else good copy.
2008 223 p., 93 figures, numerous distribution maps, 75 (24 coloured) plates, hardbound. Library stamps, else good copy.
Delachaux et Niestlé , Des Hommes et des.. Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 2005 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur noir et bleu, illustrée de deux fourmis In-8 1 vol. - 216 pages
très nombreuses illustrations en couleurs et en noir 1ere traduction en français, 2005 Contents, Chapitres : Introduction - Des mignons petits subordonnés - Les fourmis sont-elles des modèles à suivre ? - L'ennemi qui vient de loin - L'ennemi caché - Machines ou fourmis ? - La fourmi ambiguë - Les fourmis à travers les âges - Notes, bibliographie, index infime trace de pliure au coin inférieur du plat supériur, sinon bel exemplaire, frais et propre
1964 [8], 144 p., 26 figs, 1 plate, paperbound. Thesis. Library stamps.
1964 [8], 144 p., 26 figs, 1 plate, paperbound. Thesis. With author's dedication.
1921 (3rd ed.) ix, 574 p., 282 figs, 1 col. plate, publisher's cloth (inner joints weak). Library stamps.
1943 (1st ed.) x, 269 p., 178 figs, 13 (3 col.) pls, cloth.
1956 (3rd ed.) xi, 303 p., 178 figs, 13 (3 col.) pls, cloth.
1958 435 p., 315 figures, 2 plates, cloth (with somewhat worn dust jacket). Library stamps, else good copy. In Czech with German abstract.
1974 iv, 113 p., 147 figs, 16 maps, paperbound. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. Library stamp.
1978 [4], 292 p., numerous plates depicting 336 figures, 1 coloured plate, 36 maps, new green cloth (original printed front cover bound in) with gilt author/title on spine. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. Library stamps, else good and well bound copy.
1982 [5], 389 p., numerous plates depicting 536 figures, 1 coloured plate, 48 maps, new green cloth (original printed front cover bound in) with gilt author/title on spine. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. Library stamps, else good and well bound copy.
1971 vi, 303 p., 162 figs, 51 maps, paperbound. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. Very good copy.
1971 vi, 303 p., 162 figs, 51 maps, paperbound. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. Ex library Prof. Dr. A.B. Stam (with his stamps/markings).
1971 vi, 303 p., 162 figures, 51 maps, new green cloth (original printed front cover bound in) with gilt author/title on spine. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. Library stamps, else good and well bound copy.
1995 145 p., 310 figures, paperbound. Library stamps, else good copy.
1982 123 p., 159 (62 col.) figs, paperbound.
2001 3 parts (complete). 138 p., num. col. photographs, 11 distribution maps, printed wrappers.
1962 52 p., 8 figs, paperbound. Published in: Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. We added: Smit, 1962. Siphonaptera collected from moles and their nests at Wilp (16 p.) & Claassens, 1966. Notes on fleas collected in the provinces of Noord-Brabant and Limburg, Netherlands (33 p., 1 map).
1996 44 p., 78 figures, printed wrappers. Library stamps, else good copy.
2003 202 p., 78 figures, paperbound.Complete taxonomic revision of the Neotropical ruteline genus Platycoelia. The group occurs mainly in the Andes Mountains of central and northern South America but also extends south to northern Argentina and north through Central America to about Mexico City.
2002 59 p., 20 figures, stapled. Published in: The Coleopterist Bulletin.
1990 142 p., 946 figures, numerous photographs & maps (one coloured), oblong, spiralbound. Library stamps and removed sticker mark verso front cover, else good copy. Scarce.
1994 196 p., 1100 figures, numerous plates (many coloured), oblong, cloth. Library stamps, else good copy.