1910 (reprint, n.d., ca. 1970?) 217 p., 15 plates with explantory text leaves, large 4to, blue cloth with gilt title on spine.Well executed facsimile reprint of this classic work, of which the plates are printed on good quality, thick paper, and upper side edges of pages gilt.
1900 xii, 279 p., 89 figures, publisher’s cloth. A few gatherings loose. Library stamps.
2006 375 p., 140 plates, 330 distribution maps, hardbound. In French and English. Library stamps, else very good copy.A brief introduction in German, French and English precedes the English/French determination key. Illustrated by 34 plates of line drawings, this key allows the determination of the specimens down to the genus level. The 106 plates showing important details will then lead the reader to the species observed in Switzerland. This key is completed for each species by a distribution map and two diagrams, showing the vertical distribution by thermal level, the other the phenology, the number of observations and their seasonal distribution.
1832 (reprint 1970) xii, 4, [93] p., numerous coloured or partly coloured plates, cloth (dust jacket). Library stamps.
1832 (reprint 1970) 57 p., 20 col. plates, publisher’s cloth. Very good copy.
1996 384 p., 418 portraits, paperbound. Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Ex library Dr. Jacques d’Aguilar.
1923-1927 4 papers. 10, 10, 28, 48 p., 1, 2, 17, 16 figs, 1, 1 double-paged (1 col.) pls, paperbound (original printed covers). Library stamps.
1935 109 p., 78 figs, paperbound (original printed covers). Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale. Ex library Herbert Ant (with his small stamp). Unopened copy.We added: Poisson, 1936. Quelques observations biologiques et morphologiques sur Ceresa bubalus (19 p., 12 figs) / Poisson, Les Hémiptères de Normandie. Géocorises (4e liste des espèces et observations diverses) (18 p.).
1936 62 p., 19 figs, 3 (2 double, 1 col.) pls, paperbound. Unopened copy. Published in: Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale.
1934 Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, tome LIX, 1934 : In-8 Raisin, Broché. extrait, pp. 87-103, 11 figures in-texte, Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais.
Paris Editions Paul Lechevalier 1957 in 8 (25x16) 1 volume reliure bradel toilée grège ornée de l'éditeur, 263 pages {2], avec 185 figures dans le texte. Fédération française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, Office central de Faunistique. Faune de France, 61. Poisson Raymond, Professeur à la Faculté des Sciences, Rennes. Bel exemplaire
Très bon Reliure
1936 Mission Scientifique de l'Omo, 3(26), 1936 : in-8, broché extrait, pp. 191-218, 29 figures in-texte. Très bon état !
Lille Thone 1922 In12 62 pages - illustrations - couverture defraichie - etat correct
1991 350 p., 92 figs, 84 tables, hardbound. Crisp new copy.
1991 350 p., 92 figs, 84 tables, hardbound. New copy, but price written with pen on first blank end-paper.
Wroclaw. 1991. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Non coupé. 90p,, illustré de nombreuses figures dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
Ouvrage en Polonais. Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
1991 80 p., 44 figures, 17 plates, paperbound. Library stamps and removed sticker mark on top margin front cover..
1973 170 p., 171 figs, paperbound. Australian Journal of Zoology. Library stamp.
1995 x, 223 p., 8 plates, cloth. Very good copy.
1995 x, 223 p., 8 plates, cloth. Library stamps, else very good copy.
1996 791 p., 4to, paperbound.Part of a series of four basic taxonomical lists of the insects from Canada and Alaska to the Mexican border, including synonyms, misspellings, etc. A clean "as new" copy.
1987 257 p., numerous plates (depicting 1116 figures), 4to, paperbound. Library stamps, else good copy.
1989 xii, 1314 p., 4to, cloth. Library stamps, else very good copy.
1993 v, 51 p., 115 (many col.) figs, 4to, paperbound. Library stamp and markings.
1964 293 p., 18 plates, 2 portraits, cloth (original front cover bound in), no title on spine. Library stamps, else good and well bound copy. With author’s dedication to Curt Eisner.