Limoges, Barbou, 1880, 1 cartonnage polychrome: mappemonde dorée surmontant un cartouche illustré (chariot tiré par des boeufs, dans un paysage tropical), encadrement ornemental, tranches dorées. in-4 de 312 pp., illustrations, légères rousseurs sur les premiers feuillets ;
L'observation des insectes (le pays des merveilles).
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Limoges, Barbou, sans date (vers 1880), grand in 8°, cartonnage bleu décoré de léditeur, tranches dorées, 312 pages ; nombreuses illustrations ; quleuqes petites taches à quleuqes pages ; cartonnage frotté, dos factice. Exemplaire de travail.
PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
2001 191 p., numerous figures, 175 coloured photographs, hardbound. Library stamps, else a good copy.
1993 Lausanne, Delachaux & Niestlé, 1993 : in-12, broché, jaquette 191 pp., 176 photographies couleurs in-texte, jaquette de protection transparente. Très bon état.
1905 60 p., 5 plates, contemporary half cloth, spine with gilt title. Scarce.
1995-2003 Three volumes (complete). 410, 371, 572 p., numerous figures and photographs (some coloured), hardbound. Library stamps and small removed sticker mark on verso front cover, else very good set. The first volume is out of print.These three volumes have about 1300 pages, in which fifty authors from eighteen nations treat a huge variety of aspects. Taxonomy without a doubt dominates the WBC, and besides modern revisions, keys and checklists, almost 200 new species (and subspecies) have been described, along with nine new genera and subgenera. Detailed descriptions, including colour photographs and maps, of all collecting localities are provided. A key to the Chinese families of aquatic Coleoptera is illustrated splendidly with colour drawings, as are many of the chapters.
1904-1911 Numerous pages and plates. Slightly later buckram with gilt title on spine. Original printed wrappers bound in and with the preliminary index to parts I-III. Original wrappers rather tattered (some repaired) due to paper quality. Text and plates good, uncut. Leonard Axel Jägerskiöld (1867-1945) travelled for eight months (December 1900 - July 1901) through Egypt and up along the White Nile together with two students, Teodor Odhner and Ivar Trägardh. The zoological results were published in 34 papers, of which no less than 17 are on Insecta, arachnids and myriapodes, with the descriptions of many new species by several specialists. A fifth part (on non insect invertebrates only), was published much later, in 1928, and is not included. Topics are Termites, Coleoptera (Dystidae & Hydrophilidae), Coleoptera (other groups), Lepidoptera, Formiciden, Hymenoptera, Acariden, Hydrachniden, Apteygoten, Arachnides, Myriopoden.
2000 151 p, 2 figs, paperbound. In Estonian and English.
1982 144 p., num. maps, hardbound (faint knick in front cover). With author’s dedication to B.J. Lempke.
1954-1959 Six parts bound in one volume. 15, 14, 24, 28, 32 p., numerous figures, half cloth with authors/title in gilt on spine. Wetenschappelijke mededelingen KNNV. Library stamps.
1980 43 p., 1 map, paperbound. Unopened copy.
1980 43 p., 1 map, paperbound. Unopened copy. Library stamps.
1982 131 p. (printed one-sided), 1 map, 4to, spiralbound. Library stamps, else good copy.
1980-2008 All A4 and stapled or spiral-bound.Includes the following titles: Tien jaren vlinderonderzoek in de Amsterdamse waterleidingduinen 1971-1980 (131 p.) / De vlinders van Zaandam en Oostzaan, incl. ‘t Twiske - 1983 (62 p., 1 map) / Faunistische bewerking van de Microlepidoptera te Stein, Limburg (48 p., 5 pls) / Nachtvlinder-Inventarisatie 1989. Een vergelijking tussen Groeningen en de omringende regio (34 p., 1 map) / Vlinders in de Broekpolder 1992-1998. Verslag van 7 jaar vlinderonderzoek te Vlaardingen (135 p., num. col. photagraphs) / Vlinder- en Libellenwerkgroep Zeeland. Jaaroverzicht 1999 & 2000 (125 p., num. figs & maps) / Catalogus Lepidoptera. Achterhoekse vlinderwaarnemingen voornaamelijk afkomstig uit Bronckhorst in 2008 (53 p.) / Voorlopige atlas van de macro-nachtvlinders in Friesland (117 p., 5 col. pls, num. distribution maps).
1997-1999 2 parts. 93, 235 p., 154, 375 figs, paperbound. Library stamps. Acta Zoologica Fennica.
2011 x, 443 p., 438 figures, blue publisher’s cloth. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera Vol. 11. Library stamps, else good copy.
1994 ix, 340 p., 168 figures, publisher's cloth. Library stamps, else very good copy. In Chinese with a 17 page English Summary.
1911 (3rd ed.) 30, [2] p., 6 figs, 1 col. plates, printed wrappers,
1962 452 p., 1 figure, 146 maps, 8 diagrams, paperbound. Acta Entomologica Fennica. Very good copy.Important study that shows that global warming and its effect on animal distribution is by no means a recent phenomenon. Published by the Finnish Entomological Society in the society's Acta.
1962 452 p., 1 figure, 146 maps, 8 diagrams, paperbound. Acta Entomologica Fennica. Very good copy.Important study that shows that global warming and its effect on animal distribution is by no means a recent phenomenon. Published by the Finnish Entomological Society in the society's Acta.
2010 28 p., numerous coloured illustrations, 4to, printed wrappers. Library stamps.
1930 xi, 154 p., 20 plates, paperbound. Thesis. Library stamps, else a good copy.