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‎Freitag, R.‎

Reference : EC41907


‎Catalogue of the Tiger Beetles of Canada and the United States.‎

‎1999 vii, 195 p., paperbound. Library stamps, else very good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR22.00 (€22.00 )

‎Freude, Heinz‎

Reference : EC31711


‎Die Monommiden der Welt, Teil I : Die Monommiden der indo-australischen Region.‎

‎1955 Tutzing, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, 1955 : In-8 Cavalier, Broché. 73 pp., 11 planches N&B hors-texte dont 1 carte dépliante, envoi de l'auteur sur le 1° plat de couverture Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Freude, Heinz‎

Reference : EC31710


‎Die Monommiden der Welt, Teil II : Die Monommiden der amerikanischen Region.‎

‎1955 pp. 684-763, 3 planches N&B hors-texte, In-8 Cavalier, Broché. Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey. Envoi de l'auteur sur le 1° plat de couverture. Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Freude, Heinz‎

Reference : EC32481


‎Die Monommiden der Welt, Teil III : Die Monommiden Madagaskars und der umliegenden Inseln, 2 parts.‎

‎1957 Tutzing, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, 1957 : In-8 Cavalier, Broché. pp. 279-332, pp. 560-608, 6 planches N&B hors-texte, envoi de l'auteur sur la couverture de la 1° partie Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC40670


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 10. Bruchidae, Anthribidae, Scolytidae, Platypodidae, Curculionidae.‎

‎1981 310 p., numerous figures, green publisher’s cloth. Library stamps, else good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC35359


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 11. Curculionidae (num. subfamilies).‎

‎1983 342 p., num. figs, green publisher’s cloth. Very good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC40671


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 11. Curculionidae (num. subfamilies).‎

‎1983 342 p., numerous figures, green publisher’s cloth. Library stamps, else good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC35349


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 1. Einführung in die Käferkunde.‎

‎1965 214 p., 54 figs, 18 (8 col.) pls, green publisher’s cloth. With some annotations, else good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC40662


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 1. Einführung in die Käferkunde.‎

‎1965 214 p., 54 figures, 18 (8 coloured) plates, green publisher’s cloth. Library stamps, else good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC35350


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 2. Adephaga.‎

‎1976 302 p., num. figs, 4 pls, green publisher’s cloth. With annotations, else good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC40661


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 2. Adephaga.‎

‎1976 302 p., numerous figures, 4 plates, green publisher’s cloth. Library stamps, else good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC35351


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 3. Adephaga 2, Palpicornia, Histeroidea, Staphylinoidea 1.‎

‎1971 365 p., num. figs, 21 pls, 1 folded table, green publisher’s cloth. With some annotations on index-page, else good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC40664


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 3. Adephaga 2, Palpicornia, Histeroidea, Staphylinoidea 1.‎

‎1971 365 p., numerous figures, 21 plates, 1 folded table, green publisher’s cloth. Library stamps and spine missing. Working copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC40665


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 4. Staphylinidae I. (Micropeplinae bis Tachyporinae).‎

‎1964 264 p., 119 figures, green publisher’s cloth. Library stamps and spine with one joint partly split.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC40666


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 5. Staphylinidae II. (Hypocyphtinae und Aleocharinae). Pselaphidae.‎

‎1974 381 p., num. figures & plates, green publisher’s cloth. Library stamps, else good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR68.00 (€68.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC35355


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 7. Clavicornia.‎

‎1967 310 p., num. figs & pls, green publisher’s cloth. With some annotations on index-page, else good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC40668


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 8. Teredilia, Heteromera, Lamellicornia.‎

‎1969 388 p., numerous figures, green publisher’s cloth. Library stamps and spine detached. Working copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Freude, H. et al.‎

Reference : EC40669


‎Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 9. Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae.‎

‎1966 299 p., numerous figures, green publisher’s cloth. Library stamps, some wear on spine.This part written by: K.W. Harde & K.H. Mohr.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR48.00 (€48.00 )

‎Frey-Gessner, E.‎

Reference : EH27239


‎Hymenoptera Helvetiae, analytisch bearbeitet als Grundlage einer Hymenopteren-Fauna der Schweiz.‎

‎1887 89 p., 3 plates, paperbound (original printed covers).Probably a fore-runner of Frey-Gessner's "Fauna insectorum Helvetiae. Hymenoptera: Apidae". From the library of Dr. H. Franz, Vienna, with his small stamp in the front wrapper top margin and some corrections in the text. Cover split at fold, otherwise a good copy. Rare, not in Horn-Schenkling.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎Fricken, W. von‎

Reference : EC27866

‎Naturgeschichte der in Deutschland einheimischen Käfer, nebst analytischen Tabellen zum Selbstbestimmen für Lehrer und Studierende und alle freunde wissenschaftlicher Entomologie. Fünfte, verbesserde Auflage.‎

‎1906 (5th ed.) viii, 515 p., 91 text figures, contemporary half cloth over marbled boards, original printed front and rear wrappers mounted.One of the many editions, this one being expanded and improved. Small owner's stamps on title page and front flyleaf. Otherwise a good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Fricke, W. von‎

Reference : EC41905

‎Naturgeschichte der in Deutschland einheimischen Käfer nebst analytischen Tabellen zum Selbstbestimmen.‎

‎1906 (5th ed.) viii, 515 p., 91 figures, new half cloth, author/title in gilt on spine. Library stamps, else good, tight bound copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Frick, K.E.‎

Reference : ED41746


‎A generic revision of the family Agromyzidae (Diptera) with a catalogue of New World species.‎

‎1952 114 p., 33 figures, paperbound. University of California publications in entomology. With author’s dedication. Library stamps, else very good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Friederichs, K.‎

Reference : EO30302


‎Okologische Beobachtungen über Embiidinen.‎

‎1923 29 p., 7 figs, 2 pls, roy. 4to, disbound (no covers). Published in: Captita Zoologica.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR16.00 (€16.00 )

‎Friedländer & Sohn,‎

Reference : EL32131


‎Bücher-Verzeichnis n° 473 : Abteilung X, Entomologie III : Lepidoptera.‎

‎n.d (ca. 1910) Berlin, Friedländer & Sohn, s.d. : in-8, broché 86 pp., bon état, percé de 2 trous. Catalogue de ventes de livres sur les lépidoptères / Sale catalogue of Lepidoptera books.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : R160109452


‎HABS STADLER. NON DATE. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 70 pages environ tapuscrites, illustrations hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR24.90 (€24.90 )
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