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‎Ferguson, D.C.‎

Reference : EL20479


Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Fernald, C.H.‎

Reference : EL40991


‎The Genera of the Tortricidae and Their Types.‎

‎1908 68 p., contemporary half cloth with marbled boards (original printed covers bound in). Ex library A. Diakonoff (with his signature). Spine somewhat rubbed. Library stamps.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Fernandez, J.M.‎

Reference : EL40992


‎Los Lepidopteros diurnos de las Islas Canarias‎

‎1978 31 p., 6 coloured plates, paperbound. Library stamps and small removed sticker mark on front cover.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Fernandez-Rubio, F.‎

Reference : EL21215

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )


Reference : R160109382



‎EDITORIAL CIENTIFICO-TECNICA - LA HABANA. 1974. In-4. Cartonnage d'éditeurs. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 126 pages illustrées de très nombreuses images dans le texte. Jaquette légèrement passée, et illustrée.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR24.90 (€24.90 )

‎Ferrarese, U.‎

Reference : ED39856


‎Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane. Chironomidi 3 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae).‎

‎1983 [6], 67 p., 24 figures, paperbound (dust jacket). Library stamps, else very good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR16.00 (€16.00 )

‎Ferrarese, U. & B. Rossaro‎

Reference : ED39854


Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR16.00 (€16.00 )

‎Ferrari, P.M.‎

Reference : EW09979


‎Cicadaria Agri Ligustici. Huqusque Lecta. .‎

‎1882 93 p., several figs, paperbound (printed covers). Library stamps. Author's dedication to Victor Signoret.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Ferrari, P.M.‎

Reference : EW09980


‎Cicadaria Agri Ligustici. Huqusque Lecta. .‎

‎1882 93 p., several figs, paperbound (printed covers). Small (blank) corner of front cover missing.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Ferreira d'Almeida, R.‎

Reference : EL41515


‎Catalogo dos Ithomiidae Americanos (Lepidoptera).‎

‎1978 [4], 405 p., paperbound. Library stamps, else a very good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Ferrer, Julio‎

Reference : EC30516


‎Les espèces australiennes du genre Mesomorphus Miedel, 1880, et description d'une nouvelle espèce d'Afrique du Sud (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Opatrini).‎

‎2008 Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 113 (3), 2008 : In-8 Raisin, Broché. extrait, pp. 287-300, 55 figures in-texte, Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Ferriere, Ch. & G.J. Kerrich‎

Reference : EH32552


‎Handbooks for the identification of British insects. Hymenoptera. 2. Chalcoidea.‎

‎1958 Royal Entomological Society of London, 8(2), 1958 : in-8, broché 40 pp., 79 et V figures in-texte, couverture verte illustrée. Très bon état, envoi de lCh. Ferrière sur le 1° plat !‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎Ferris, C.D. (ed.)‎

Reference : EL41011


‎Supplement to: Catalogue/Checklist of the Butterflies of America North of Mexico.‎

‎1989 vii, 103 p., paperbound. The Lepidopterists’ Society, Memoir No. 3. Library stamps, else good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Ferris, G.F.‎

Reference : EO30296


‎A catalogue and host list of the Anoplura.‎

‎1916 81 p., paperbound. Good, unopened copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎Ferris, G.F.‎

Reference : EO27210


‎The sucking lice.‎

‎1951 x, 320 p., 124 figures, blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine. Written by the American entomologist Gordon Floyd Ferris (1893-1958), professor of entomology at Standford University, California. With detailed descriptions and illustrations, including those of new species. Small library mark on front paste-down, otherwise a very good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Ferris, G.F.‎

Reference : EO27211


‎The sucking lice.‎

‎1951 ix, 320 p., 124 text figures, blue buckram with gilt title on the spine.Written by the American entomologist Gordon Floyd Ferris (1893-1958), professor of entomology at Standford University, California, and with the collaboration of Chester J. Stojanovich. With detailed descriptions and illustrations, including those of new species. Two things may be extra noteworthy. First, the motto, lifted from a work by Denny (1842): "In the progress of this work, however, the author had to contend with repeated rebukes from his friends for entering upon the illustration of a tribe of insects whose very name was sufficient to create feelings of disgust", and two: the chapters on the pediculi ascribed to man. The latter alone is worth buying the volume. Library stamp on front paste-down, otherwise a good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )

‎Ferris, G.F.‎

Reference : EO37804


‎The sucking lice.‎

‎1951 ix, 320 p., 124 text figures, blue buckram with gilt author/title on the spine. Library stamps, else good copy.Written by the American entomologist Gordon Floyd Ferris (1893-1958), professor of entomology at Standford University, California, and with the collaboration of Chester J. Stojanovich. With detailed descriptions and illustrations, including those of new species. Two things may be extra noteworthy. First, the motto, lifted from a work by Denny (1842): "In the progress of this work, however, the author had to contend with repeated rebukes from his friends for entering upon the illustration of a tribe of insects whose very name was sufficient to create feelings of disgust", and two: the chapters on the pediculi ascribed to man. The latter alone is worth buying the volume.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )

‎Ferrière, Ch., J. van der Vecht, R.D. Shenefelt & C. van Achterberg (eds)‎

Reference : EH37758


‎Hymenopterorum Catalogus (nova editio). Pars 1-19.‎

‎1965-1995 First 16 parts bound in 9 red new cloth bindings (original printed covers bound in), last 3 parts paperbound (as issued). As far as I know this is all published. Library stamps, else very good set. This a large and heavy set.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR480.00 (€480.00 )

‎Ferton, CH.‎

Reference : EH41924


‎Notes détaches sur l’istinct des Hyménoptères mellifères et ravisseurs (4e serie). Avec la description de quelques espèces.‎

‎1909 52 p., 1 engraved plate, disbound (original printed covers of journal, back cover loose). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. Volume 77, 4e trimestre. Plate with small waterstain in blank margin.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )

‎Ferton, Ch.‎

Reference : EH31914


‎Notes détachées sur l'instinct des hyménoptères mellifères et ravisseurs, 7° série, avec la description de quatre espèces nouvelles.‎

‎1911 Annales de la Société entomologique de France, LXXX, 1911 : in-8, broché tiré-à-part, pp. 351-412, figures in-texte, couverture jaune imprimée. Très bon état, infimes défauts à la couverture.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )

‎Ferton, Ch. [E. Rabaud & F. Picard eds]‎

Reference : EH41821


‎La vie des abeilles et des guêpes. Oeuvres choisies, groupées et annotées par Etienne Rabaud & François Picard.‎

‎1923 xv, 376 p., 72 figures, later cloth (original front cover bound in). Library stamps, otherwise a very good and well bound copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Fet, V. et al.‎

Reference : EA39046


‎Catalog of the Scorpions of the World (1758-1998).‎

‎2000 [4], 690 p., cloth. Library stamps, else a very good copy of this out of print title.A complete list of all known scorpion taxa, with references, synonymy and distribution. This catalogue contains the taxonomy of all known scorpions recorded from 1758-1998. It contains the following currently valid extant taxa: 16 families; 16 subfamilies; 155 genera, 31 subgenera (including 10 nominotypical); 1259 species; and 356 subspecies (including 114 nominotypical). It also included all published scorpion names which are currently considered invalid, unavailable or dubious.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎Feve Pierre‎

Reference : R160215475


‎Fourmis, guêpes, bourdons, libellules - collection BT n°6‎

‎PEMF. 1976. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 112 pages - nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie‎

‎collection BT n°6 Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : RO40231384



‎Librairie L. Lhomme, Paris - Librairie Féret et Fils, Bordeaux. 1921. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos fané, Intérieur acceptable. 134 pages. Illustré de nombreuses gravures en noir et blanc dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie‎

‎(Rare) Une société communiste dans une souche de pin. Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )


Reference : 39941


‎Le peuple des termites.‎

‎Couverture souple. Broché. 128 pages. Papier bruni.‎

‎Livre. Editions P.U.F (Collection : Que sais-je? N° 213), 1946.‎

Librairie et Cætera - Belin-Beliet

Phone number : +33 (0) 5 56 88 08 45

EUR5.40 (€5.40 )
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