Melbourne, CSIRO, 1982. Gr.-8°. 73 S. Mit Abb. Orig.-Broschur.
1988 1024 p, 1401 figures & maps, hardbound (dust jacket). Library stamps, else very good copy.
1973 Centro di Entomologia Alpina e Forestale del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, n° 190, 1973 : in-8, broché tiré-à-part, pp. 309-324, 2 cartes dépliantes hors-texte, 2 photos N&B in-texte. Très bon état.
1911 Lancaster, The New Era Printing Company, 1911 : in-8, broché 259 pp., couverture grise imprimée. Très bon état, couverture légèrement défraichie, non coupé !
1912 Lancaster, The New Era Printing Company, 1912 : in-8, broché 386 pp., couverture grise imprimée. Très bon état, couverture légèrement défraichie, non coupé !
1885 Bulletin of California Academy of Sciences, vol. 1, 1885 : In-8 Raisin, Broché. tiré-à-part, pp.283-336, 1 planche N&B in-fine, Très bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Non coupé.
1980 165 p., 3 (1 coloured) plates, 1 portrait, paperbound. Museo Reg. Sci. Nat. Torino. Cataloghi. Library stamps, else very good copy.
Société entomologique française. 1996. In-8. En feuillets. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Photocopie de la page 121à 161, illustré de figures dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
1973 2, 35 p., 13 photographs, paperbound. Les Cahiers Rouergats No. 11. With second author’s dedication to J. d’Aguilar.We added several other papers and photographs related to Henri Fabre: Anonymous (P. Germain?), 1933. Guide de l’Harmas de J.-H. Fabre à Sérignan (Vaucluse) (13 p., 9 figures, chipped wrappers) / Ferton, 1916. J.H. Fabre, entomologiste (1828-1915) (44 p., wrappers) / Four photographs of the statue of Fabre with notes by M. Gavalda, and two letters by Gavalda to d’Aguilar.
Non précisé. 1967. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Livré sans Couverture, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. Paginé de 596 à 670. Tiré à part illustré de quelques schémas en noir et blanc dans le texte. Couverture muette scotchée. Scotch jauni au dos des plats, les maintenant.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
Tiré des 'Annales de Biologie', t. VI, Fasc. 11-12, 1967. Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
2008 Keltern, Goecke & Evers, 2008 : in-4°, broché 8 pp., 1 planche N&B in-texte, 28 planches couleurs hors-texte, couverture illustrée. Etat du neuf !
1840 4 volumes (complete). cxxv, 324, [1], 563, [1], 672, 600, [1] p., 43, 38, 72, 46 pls, contemporary dark violet (almost black) half calf (spine richly gilt), marbled boards (rubbed), blueish-green and brown marbled end-papers, edges light blue. With scattered foxing. very small stamp on title-page volume 1, 2 plates cut short (with loss of tip of wing of butterfly), one blank margin of one plate repaired.Emphazis in this series was on Coleoptera which was treated much more exhaustively than the other groups by le Comte de Castelnau. This is a good, complete set in an attractive period binding but with outer ends boards rubbed and scattered foxing.
1840 4 volumes (complete). cv, 324, [1], 563, [1], 672, 600, [1] p., 43, 38, 72, 46 pls, contemporary dark purple (almost black) half calf (spine gilt), marbled boards (rubbed) and end-papers. Edges light blue. With scattered foxing, but the majority clean. two repaired tears in text and one in plate.Emphazis in this series was on Coleoptera which was treated much more exhaustively than the other groups by le Comte de Castelnau. This is a good, complete set in an attractive period binding.
2 Bände. Paris, P. Duménil, 1840. 8°. CXXV, 323 S., Tafeln Nrn. 1–14 und 1–19; 563 S., Tafeln Nrn. 20–57, alle im schönen Kolorit der Zeit. Roter Halblederband aus der Zeit mit Rückenvergoldung und rotem Deckelbezug.
Nissen (ZBI) 838. – «Histoire naturelle des animaux articulés, Annelides, Crustacés, Arachnides, Myriapodes et Insectes» von François Louis Nomper de Caumont de Laporte de Castelnau (London 1810 oder 1812–1880 Melbourne). Die vorliegenden Bände 1 und 2 aus diesem umfangreichen Werk zur Gattung der Gliedertiere umfassen den ausführlichen Text von A. Brulé zur Anatomie und Physiologie, sowie den Text zur weltweit grössten Ordnung aus der Klasse der Insekten, der Käfer (Coleoptera) von Castelnau. – Tafeln leicht gebräunt, Text zum Teil leicht stockfleckig. Einband etwas berieben, Ecken bestossen.
Paris, (Lacour for) Société Bibliophile, (1850-)1851, in-8vo, 2 leaves + LXXVI (= 76 p. Introd. by Brullé) + 325 p. / 2 leaves + 566 p. + in all 81 handcoloured and gummed steel engraved plates, plate 57 with tiny waterstains to upper right corner, some rare unsignif. foxing to text pages (strong foxing to the title leaves), light browning to text leaves (as usual) but plates untouched, hw. note on front endleaves ‘Dr. Y. Faes, don de A. Forel’, brown half leather bindings, gilt title and lining on spines, some rubbing.
This is a title edition, a reissue of the 1835-1841 edition with the same plates and text, new title page dated 1851. A remarkable publication, with altogether 81 nicely handcoloured engravings: 24 pl. to Brullé's anatom. and physiolog. Introd., and 57 pl. to Castelnau's work. Some of the handcoloured beetle plates are very well coloured!According to the handwritten note on the endpaper of both volumes this is a copy from the library of the famous Swiss entomologist Dr. Auguste Forel. Nissen ZBI 838; Horn-Schenkling 3265.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Non Renseigné. 1986. In-8. En feuillets. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Tiré à part de la page141-154, illustré de figures.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
En espagnol Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
1940 262 p., num. figs, 29 (of 36) pls, roy. 4to, paperbound (corner of back cover missing). Thesis. Plates 5-11 missing.
1999 viii, 75 p., 110 figs, paperbound. University of California Publications, Entomology. Library stamp on front cover.
***. ***. In-4. Relié demi-cuir. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos à nerfs, Intérieur frais. 402 pages illustrées de nombreuses gravures et dessins explicatifs dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
Ouvrage en allemand sur les insectes avec la définition, morphologie et classification. Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
1907 126 p., 94 figures, new half cloth, with author/title in gilt on spine (original front cover bound in). Library stamps, else good, well bound copy.
1903-1932 Including: Collection of Orthopteroid Insects from Java / THe Phasmidae, or Walkingsticks, of the United States / Notes on Orthoptera from Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas, with Descriptions of New Species. 114 p., 5 pls, wrappers.
1907 126 p., 94 figs, paperbound. Unopened copy. Library stamp.
1903 Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 26(1335), 1903 : in-8, broché extrait, pp. 863-885, 4 planches N&B hors-texte (LVI-LIX), très bon état !
1941 [8], 91 p., 13 figures, 2 plates, paperbound (original covers). Thesis.
1941 [8], 91 p., 13 figures, 2 plates, paperbound. Thesis. Library stamps and markings.