1972 xv, 478 p., 7 figs, 10 col. pls, 4 maps, col. frontispiece, 4to, cloth (dust jacket). Good copy.
1910 12 p., 4 pls, large 4to, disbound (no covers). Published in: The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Library stamps.
"Non Renseigné. Non daté. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 1 planche en couleurs de la ""Chenille de l'Eriopus pteridis à differents âges"" - 1 PHOTO DISPONIBLE.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie"
Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
ca. 1900 88 p., 12 figs, 4 pls, several vignettes, paperbound. Published in: Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique.
1946 Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1946 : in-8, cartonnage éditeur avec jaquette xxvi, 466 pp., 22 planches N&B hors-texte, 68 figures in-texte, pleine toile brique de l'éditeur. Bon état, dos fané, jaquette très abimée, de la bibliothèque de Jacques d'Aguilar avec sa signature en page de titre.
1972 New York, Dover Publications, 1972 : in-8, broché réédition, xxvi, 466 pp., 22 planches N&B hors-texte, 68 figures in-texte, couvertures illustrées. Bon état, quelques rares annotations au crayon de papier en marge du texte, nom en page de titre !
1946 xxvi, 466 p., 68 figs, 22 pls, cloth. Library stamps.
1924 150 p., paperbound (original printed covers). Published in: Annals of the South African Museum. Small library stamp.
1926 234 p., 2 pls, paperbound. Library stamps. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
1999 xii, 677 p., num. figs & photos, hardbound. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Spine discoloured, else very good copy.
1999 xii, 677 p., num. figs & photos, hardbound. Kluwer Academic Publishers. With previous owner’s name on first blank end-paper, spine discoloured, else good copy.
1999 xii, 677 p., numerous figures, 4to, hardbound. Library stamps, else very good copy.
2009 v, 347 p., num. figs, hardbound. Springer. Very good copy, as new.
1835 230 p., 6 fine hand-coloured plates, 19th century marbled boards with old blue written label on spine.According to Horn-Schenkling there are seven volumes published (numbered 1-6 & 9, 7-8 never published). The body of the work is devoted to Coleoptera, but this section as part of volume 9 is on Orthoptera. The other section of volume 9 (not included here) is on Hemiptera. The plates were drawn and engraved by Madame Pillet and are numbered 1, 4, 7, 9, 12, 20. There is no title-page but probably never issued for this part. Pages with some marginal foxing (more in first and last pages), but plates clean. Ex libraries of Dr. G. Flor and H.A. Krauss with their names (and cities) written on verso front cover. Very rare.
1844 104 p., 1 lithographed plate, disbound (partly loose, no covers). First 2 pages in photocopy! Published in: Annales des Sciences Naturelles.
1966 472 p., 638 figures, 30 (6 coloured) plates, 4to, cloth. Library stamps, else a very good copy of this scarce title.
1923 136 p., new half cloth with gilt author/title on spine. Library stamps, else a very good copy.
1920 ix, 401 p., 40 figures, 4 plates, original publisher’s cloth. Library stamps and removed sticker mark on first paste-down, else good copy.
1912 xxviii, [1], 581 p., 44 figures, 12 plates, original publisher’s cloth. Library stamps and some wear on spine, else good copy.
1861 26 p., 8 (of 9) partly handcoloured pls, paperbound (partly loose). Plate 15 is missing. Published in: Verhandl. der k.k. zool. bot. Gesellschaft. Rare
1908 [4], 589 p., 2 figures, 27 plates, large royal 4to (27.5 x 35.7 cm), half cloth with author/title in gilt on leather label. A few pencil annotations. Library stamps, else a very good copy of the original edition. Rare.
1973 [4], 266 p.,num. distribution maps, paperbound. Good copy.
1912-1920. 8°. Zusammengebunden in Halbleinenband der Zeit.
Mit den folgenden Beiträgen: Nochmals die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Ameisenpsychologie. - Zur Psychologie der künstlichen Allianzkolonien bei den Ameisen. - Zur Biologie von Formica rufa und Camponotus herculeanus i. sp. - Beobachtungen im Kemptthaler Ameisengebiete (von Edgar Brun). - Ueber die Ursachen der künstlichen Allianzen bei den Ameisen, ein Problem der vergleichenden Psychologie. - Die räumliche Orientierung der Ameisen. - Le problème de l'orientation lointaine chez les fourmis. - Weitere Untersuchungen über die Fernorientierung der Ameisen. - Die moderne Ameisenpsychologie - ein anthropomorphistischer Irrtum? - Die psychischen Fähigkeiten der Insekten. - Psychologische Forschungen an Ameisen. - Mehrfach gestempelt. Papier teilweise gebräunt.
2004 145 p., 6 coloured plates, 4to, paperbound. Library stamps and small, non-obtrusive stain on top left corner of front cover.