1999 318 p., 567 text figures. paperbound. A very detailed monograph, with new taxa. Part of a larger series, with contributions by other collembologists. Added: Dr Ingrid Dunger's obituary [offprint from vol. 69(8)]. Unmarked, as new.
1906-1916 All in printed wrappers and published in: Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires.
1908 Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, tomo XVI, Ser. 3, t. IX, 1908 : in-8, broché tiré-à-part, pp. 367-374, 6 figures in-texte, couverture bleue imprimée. Très bon état, couverture défraichie, non rogné.
Toulouse Supplément à la Nouvelle revue d'entomologie 1978 Un volume in-8 demi toile rouge, pièce de titre en basane rouge, couverture conservée, 355 pages. Epidermures, néanmoins bon état.
La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné.
1938-1946 35, 10, 7, 2 p., 24, 8 figs, roy. 4to, original printed wrappers. Published in: Novitates Entomologicae.
1938-1946 35, 7, 2, 25, 56 p., 24, 10, 26 figs, 15 maps, roy. 4to, cloth (original printed covers bound in). A collection of Coleoptera papers all published in: Novitates Entomologicae.
1934-1945 Paris, Le Moult, 1934/45 : in-4°, relié 568 pp., 582 figures in-texte, 615 pp., 368 figures in-texte, reliures en pleine toile verte avec pièces de titre en cuir rouge, couvertures des différentes livraisons conservées. Très bon état, dos uniformément insolés, griffures sur la pièce de titre du vol. 1, bel ensemble relié !
1969 207 p., paperbound. Museum G. Frey. Several annotations.
1978 355 p., 41 distribution maps, paperbound. Supplement à la Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie. Very good copy. Scarce.
1956-1958 4 parts (complete). 199, 223, 123, 104 p., 6 figs, 2 plates, paperbound. Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey. Band 7 (Heft 1-2) & Band 9 (Heft 1 & 3).Contains many other smaller papers on Coleoptera (in all 1608 p.), and a few larger papers like: Bechyné, Reise des Herrn G. Frey in Südamerika: Galerucidae (Phytophaga) (118 p., 26 figs) / Kulzer, Monographie der südamerikanische Tribus Praocini (Tenebrionidae) (105 p., 13 figs) / Haaf, Uber die systematik, Verbreitung und Schädlichkeit der Blosyrus-Arten der aethiopischen und madagassischen Region (Curc.) (132 p., 74 figs, 3 maps).Georg Frey (1902-1976) was a wealthy businessman and a entomologist working on Scarabaeidae. Frey was able to create (in 1950) his own Coleoptera museum, the Museum G. Frey, which was the world's largest private collection of beetles (three million specimens, approximately 150.000 species, including 20.000 types!). Frey also began the journal Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, which was published in 56 volumes. The last one was published in 1987.
Tervuren, Musée Royal du Congo Belge, Tervuren, Musée Royal du Congo Belge1957 ; in-8, broché. 127 pp.Exemplaire à l’état de neuf non coupé.
Dorking, Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) entomology Vol. 7, N°5, Dorking, Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) entomology Vol. 7, N°51958 ; in-8, broché. paginé 211 à 328, figures dans le texte.
1963 72, 60 p., 4 figs, paperbound. Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey. Band 14 (Heft 2).Contains 17 smaller papers on Coleoptera (in all 321 p.), including: Scherer, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Alticidenfauna Afrikas (Crysomelidae) (37 p., 30 figs), and: Kulzer, Die Helopinen des antarktischen Gebiets (Tenebr.) (30 p., 6 figs).Georg Frey (1902-1976) was a wealthy businessman and a entomologist working on Scarabaeidae. Frey was able to create (in 1950) his own Coleoptera museum, the Museum G. Frey, which was the world's largest private collection of beetles (three million specimens, approximately 150.000 species, including 20.000 types!). Frey also began the journal Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, which was published in 56 volumes. The last one was published in 1987.
1951 103 + 108, 56 + 113, 29, 126 p., 2, 2, 1 plates, paperbound. Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey. Band 2(1-2). Includes also a few smaller papers (in all 581 pages). Partly unopened copy.Georg Frey (1902-1976) was a wealthy businessman and a entomologist working on Scarabaeidae. Frey was able to create (in 1950) his own Coleoptera museum, the Museum G. Frey, which was the world's largest private collection of beetles (three million specimens, approximately 150.000 species, including 20.000 types!). Frey also began the journal Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, which was published in 56 volumes. The last one was published in 1987.
1956 199 + 223, 118, 51 p., 26 figures 2, 2 plates, paperbound. Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey. Band 7(1-2). Includes also several smaller papers by Scheerpeltz, Frey, Kulzer, Uhmann, Voss, Jeannel, Petrovitz etc. (in all 893 pages).Georg Frey (1902-1976) was a wealthy businessman and a entomologist working on Scarabaeidae. Frey was able to create (in 1950) his own Coleoptera museum, the Museum G. Frey, which was the world's largest private collection of beetles (three million specimens, approximately 150.000 species, including 20.000 types!). Frey also began the journal Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, which was published in 56 volumes. The last one was published in 1987.
1975 Bulletin de l' I.F.A.N., T. XXXVII, série A, n° 2, 1975 : In-8 Carré, Broché. extrait, pp. 345-370, 24 figures in-texte, Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais.
1928 Revista Espanola de Entomologia, 1928 : In-8 Cavalier, Broché. extrait, pp. 283-338, Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais.
1970 Bulletin de l' I.F.A.N., T. XXXII, série A, n°, 1970 : In-8 Carré, Broché. extrait, pp. 718-759, sous couverture imprimée Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais.
1950 Longicornia, 1, 1950 : in-8, broché extrait, pp. 317-377, 8 figures in-texte. Très bon état, non coupé.
1950 Longicornia, 1, 1950 : in-8, broché extrait, pp. 161-262, 19 figures in-texte. Très bon état. en feuillets.
2013 Lambillionea, 113(1), 2013 : in-8, broché extrait, pp. 53-65, 2 planches et 2 figures en couleurs in-texte. Très bon état !
STOCK. 1991. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 221 pages - couverture contrepliée - quelques illustrations en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
COLLECTION NATURE - Traduit de l'anglais par Paule Fougère. Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
1994 164 p., paperbound. Klapalekiana.
1994 Klapalekiana, vol. 30, n° 1-2, 1994 : in-8, broché 164 pp., ex-libris Hervé de Toulgoët Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais.
1791 xxviii, 324, [ii] p, contemporary dark blue paper-covered boards, spine with blue morocco label with gilt title, and gilt lines.An early work on plant-insect symbiosis. The second half of this book contains a systematic account of plants, which serve as food for the various species of insects. It refers often to Linnaeus, Leeuwenhoek, Reaumur, Bonnet, Duhamel de Monceau, etc. Pritzel and Horn-Schenkling wrongly quote one plate, this copy, however, is complete. Endpapers a bit spotted; fore-edges of boards much rubbed. A good copy. Rather rare. Horn-Schenkling, 2440; Pritzel, 1142