Baehni Ch. Association Internationale pour la Texinomie Vegetale. Bureau international pour la taxinomie et la nomenclature végétales. [Utrecht Pays-Bas]
Reference : 300007474
1870-1995 Includes the following: Bonde, Cladistic Classification as applied to Vertebrates / Williams et al., A Computer Approach to the comparison and identification of species in difficult taxonomic groups / Hammen, A structuralist approach in the study of evolution and classification / Hammen, Some notes on taxonomic methodology / Hofsten, A system of double entries in the zoological classification of Linnaeus / Bohart, The art and practice of key-making in Entomology / Gould, Geographic Variation / Laurent, Problèmes taxonomiques. L'spèce et la race. La phylogenese et la systematique / Frizzell, Terminology of types / Kiriakoff, La taxinomie, la biogeographie et la loi de Vavilov / Swinton, Type specimens in botany and zoology / Preston, Time and space and the variation of species / Anonymous, De la nomenclature des etres organises / Miller, Scientific names of latin and greek deviation / Regteren Altena, Enkele opmerkingen over de beteekenis van het subspecies-begrip.... / Bonde, Origin of ''Higher Groups'': Viewpoints of phylogenetic systematics / Sundberg & Pleijel, Phylogenetic classification and the defenition of taxon names / Thorpe & Sole-Cava, The use of allozyme electrophoresis in invertebrate systematics/ Bengtsson, Theoretical models of Speciation / Sether, Underlying Synapomorphies and Anagenetic Analysis / Lovtrup, Classification, Convention and Logic / Savory, Animal taxonomy / Brullé, Considerations sur la classification des animaux en series paralleles / Pfeffer, Die Bezeichnungen für die hoheren systematischen Kategorien in der Zoologie.