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Reference : MM13052


Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

Reference : MM09896


‎Pyramidellidae collected during the Dutch CANCAP and Mauritania expeditions in the south-eastern part of the North Atlantic Ocean. Part 1-2.‎

‎artsen et al., 1998-2000 57, 50 p., 68, 65 figs, paperbound/stapled. Zool. Verhand./Meded.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Abbott, D.P. et al. (eds)‎

Reference : MM14858


‎The Biology of Tegula funebralis (A. Adams, 1855).‎

‎1964 v, 82 p., num. figs, 1 plate, 4to, paperbound/stapled. The Veliger Supplement.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Adam, W.‎

Reference : ML20286


‎Notes sur les Gastéropodes. Parts I-XV.‎

‎1934-1947 121 p., several figs & pls. Good collection of reprints published in the Bulletin du Mus. royal Hist. Nat. de Belgique, all on the land and freshwater mollusca of Belgium.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎Adam, W.‎

Reference : MM25619


‎Resultats Scientifiques du Voyages aux Indes Orientales Neerlandaise. Volume II, fascicule 14. Prosobranches parasites.‎

‎1934 115 p., 16 text figures. roy. 4to, paperbound.On Eulimidae. Well-illustrated. Uncut. Small stamp of Herbert Ant on front wrapper and title, with author’s dedication.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )

‎Adam, W.‎

Reference : ML25620


‎Revision des mollusques de la Belgique I. Mollusques terrestres et dulcicoles [All published].‎

‎1947 293 p., several text figs, 6 plates (tissue guarded), 162 distribution maps. Half cloth. Original front wrapper pasted on front board.Usually only found paperbound, this being a bound copy. A part II, presumably covering the marine molluscs, has never been published. Right margin cut short with small part of the distribution maps shaved, otherwise in good condition. Ex library Herbert Ant (with his stamps).‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Adam, W. and E. Leloup‎

Reference : MG25621


‎Resultats Scientifiques du Voyages aux Indes Orientales Neerlandaise. Volume II, fascicule 20. Gastropoda - Pulmonata, Scaphopoda et Bivalvia.‎

‎1939 126 p., 7 plates (one coloured), 1 map, roy. 4to, paperbound.Includes land, freshwater and marine species. Uncut. Small stamp on front wrapper and title, otherwise clean. A very good copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Adam, W. & E. Leloup‎

Reference : MM10303


‎Résultats Scientifiques du Voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises. Prosobranchia et Opisthobranchia.‎

‎1938 209 p., 36 figs, 8 (1 col.) pls, roy. 4to, paperbound (back almost broken). Published in: Mémoires du Musée royal d'Histoire Naturelle. Ex library W.S.S. van Benthem Jutting (with her stamp). Inserted is half a page of notes in her handwriting.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR38.00 (€38.00 )

‎Adam, W. & E. Leloup‎

Reference : MM26539


‎Résultats Scientifiques du Voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises. Gastropoda-Pulmonata, Scaphopoda et Bivalvia.‎

‎1939 126 p., several figs, 7 (1 col.) pls, roy. 4to, paperbound. Unopened copy. Published in: Mémoires du Musée royal d'Histoire Naturelle.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Alexandrowicz, J.S.‎

Reference : MM18232


‎Contribution a l'étude des muscles, des nerfs et du mécanisme de l'accommodation de l'oeil des Céphalopodes.‎

‎1927 64 p., 35 figs, 1 double-paged plate, paperbound. Unopened copy. Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale. Scarce.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Allasinaz, A.‎

Reference : PM28410


‎Cefalopodi e Gasteropodi dello Julico in Lombardia.‎

‎1968 48 p., 11 figs, 14 pls, paperbound. Il Trias in Lombardia XXIII. We added from the same series no. XVII: Assereto & Casati, 1966. Longobardites brembanus sp. n. dell’Ansico supeiore della Lombardia (8 p., 1 fig., 1 plate).‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Anderson, H.-J.‎

Reference : MM14009


Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Andreas, D. et al.‎

Reference : PG26327


‎Zur biostratigraphischen Untergliederung des Rotliegenden.‎

‎1975 138 p., 12 figs, 18 pls, paperbound. Schriftenreihe für geologische Wissenschaften.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Angelo, G. d' & S. Gargiullo‎

Reference : MM20319


‎Guida alle Conchiglie Mediterranee.‎

‎1981 224 p., num. figs, over 500 col. photographs, 4to, cloth (dust jacket).‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎Angelo, G. d' & S. Gargiullo‎

Reference : MM36785


‎Guida alle Conchiglie Mediterranee.‎

‎1981 224 p., num. figures, over 500 col. photographs, 4to, cloth (dust jacket).‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Annales de la Société Malacologique de belgique,‎

Reference : MJ25691


‎Annales de la Société Malacologique de Belgique. Tome XII.‎

‎1877 127, cxxix, [1] p., 4 (3 fine hand-coloured) lithographed pls, paperbound (back broken).This volume includes: Alfred Craven, Monographie du genre Sinusigera (22 p., 3 hand coloured plates). In 1842, Alcide d'Orbigny (in Historia fisica, politica, y natural de la isla de Cuba) first figured a strange shell with a tri-lobed aperture as Sinusigera cancellata. Today we know it represents the planktotrophic veliger stage of a Cypraea. This however, was unknown to the Belgian malacologist Alfred Craven, who in 1877 described many new species. Today, his work is forgotten but for no good reason as his clear descriptions and good figures represent valid introductions of new names (in Muricidae, Triphoridae etc.) overlooked or neglected by modern students of these families. The other plate depicts Solen laversinensis and Solen laubreirei.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )


Reference : MM36664


‎Verzeichniss ueber eine Samlung von Versteinerungen aus den Jura und Liasgebilden Oberfrankens im Königreich Bayern.‎

‎no date (ca. 1830-1840) 20 p., large 4to (21 x 34 cm), loose in paper cover with hand written title. Neatly handwritten document on a collection of German fossils. It includes Echinoderms and Brachiopods, and Molluscs are on pages 8-20. It gives, number, species name, stratigraphic layer, locality and number of specimens.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR190.00 (€190.00 )


Reference : MJ25409


‎Apex. Volume 14(2).‎

‎1999 Bruxelles, Société Belge de Malacologie, Single issue (of four) 4to. Uniform printed wrappers. With several contributions on marine molluscs. Very good clean copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎Archaux, F. et al.‎

Reference : EL30335


‎Papillons du Loiret. Atlas des Rhopalocères et Zygènes du Loiret (2000-2013).‎

‎2015 344 p., ca. 800 col. photographs, 62 col. drawings, ca. 260 maps, 4to, hardbound. New copy.One of the best regional faunas ever published. It received the prize ‘’Constant 2016’’, for its thorough scientific contents, its rich iconography and its beautiful production.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Archiv für Molluskenkunde,‎

Reference : MJ25427


‎Archiv für Molluskenkunde. Volume 111(4-6).‎

‎1980 Frankfurt am Main, Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Three issues in one. 8vo. Original printed wrappers. With several new species including eastern Atlantic Triforis. Most important paper by Zilch, "Die Typen und Typoide... Senckenberg; 67 ... Viviparidae (Nachtrag)". A very good clean copy.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Archiv für Molluskenkunde,‎

Reference : MJ25411


‎Archiv für Molluskenkunde. Volume 53(1-2,6).‎

‎1921 Frankfurt am Main, Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. 8vo. Three parts in two. Printed wrappers. On land shells.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Ardovini, R. & T. Cossignani‎

Reference : MM36772


‎West African Seashells. Conchiglie dell'Africa Occidentale.‎

‎2004 318 p., 2190 coloured photographs, 1 coloured map, 4to, hardbound. In English and Italian. Very good copy, as new.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎ARGENVILLE (D') Antoine Joseph Dezallier‎

Reference : 3241



‎Aus dem Franzoesischen uebersetzt und mit Anmerkungen vermehret. Mit 41 Kupfertafeln. Kraussische Buchhandlung, Wien, 1772. In-4 gr. (mm. 357x 235), 2 parti in 1 volume, mz. pelle mod. con ang., dorso a cordoni con filetti e titolo oro su tassello, piatti in cartonato coevo, pp. (2),XII,302; 82,LVIII,(14), frontespizio con titolo in rosso e nero, illustrato da 41 tavole fuori testo inc. in rame, di cui la prima con bellissima raffigurazione allegorica. Ogni tavola contiene numerose figure di tipi diversi di conchiglie (di mare, d'acqua dolce, terrestri e fossili), per un totale di 650, suddivise per specie, tutte disegnate dal vero, accompagnate da dettagliate descrizioni e note su ogni Famiglia.L'opera tratta "von den Schnekken, Muscheln und Schaalthieren, welche in der See, in suessen Wasser und auf dem Lande gefunden werden nebst der Zoomorphose, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der Thiere, welche die Gehaeuse bewohnen". In appendice: "Elenchus alphabeticus verborum abstrusiorum, tam latinorum quam e graeco idiomate desumtorum quae saepius in auctoribus occurrunt: cum eorum teutonica versione.." e gli Indici.Cfr. Nissen,ZBI,147.Il naturalista francese Antoine Joseph Dezallier D'Argenville (1680-1765) pubblicò per la prima volta, nel 1742, l'"Histoire naturelle éclairci dans deux de ses parties principales: la lithologie et la conchyliologie", famosissima opera, illustrata in modo mirabile, in cui riunì le conoscenze del tempo sulla mineralogia e la conchiliologia (l'A. fu il primo ad usare questo termine). Lo stesso Linneo si basò su queste illustrazioni per il suo "Systema naturae". Con alone margin. sulle ultime 6 carte; solo qualche lieve uniforme arross. alle pagine di testo, altrimenti esemplare ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR2,800.00 (€2,800.00 )

‎(ARGENVILLE (D') Antoine Joseph Dezallier)‎

Reference : 106460



‎Ouvrage dans lequel on trouve une Nouvelle méthode & une notice critique des principaux Auteurs qui ont écrit sur ces matiéres. Par M*** de la Société Royale des Sciences de Montpellier. chez De Bure, Paris, 1742. In-4 p. (mm. 290x207), mz. pergamena ottocentesca con ang., fregi e tit. oro su tassello al dorso, pp. (8),230, 1 carta numer. *230 (dopo la pag. 230) di Addition, 1 c.nn., pp. da 231 a 491,(1). L'opera è molto ben illustrata da 33 tavole inc. in rame f.t., compresa la bella antiporta allegorica incisa da Chedel su disegno di Boucher: 4 raffigurano tipi diversi di rocce e 28 sono dedicate alle conchiglie (ciascuna con numerose figure); tutte portano una didascalia con il nome del personaggio che contribuì alle spese per la loro realizzazione. La seconda parte è un importante Traité général des coquillages de mer, de la rivière et de terre, dans lequel on trouvera una nouvelle méthode accompagnée de tables latines & françoises, pour distribuer ces coquillages suivant leurs caractères génériques dans les classes qui leur conviennent. Avec des remarques sur chacune de leurs familles, des figures en taille-douce des plus belles coquilles dessinées d'après nature, avec leurs explications. In appendice una Table alphabetique des mots difficiles, tant Latins que dérivés du Grec, dont se sont servis la plupart des Naturalistes, & dont la plus gande partie ne se trouve point dans les Dictionnaires. Avec leurs traduction Françoise dans le sens propre à l'Histoire Naturelle des Minéraux, des Végétaux & des Animaux.Rara "edizione originale".Splendida e famosissima opera prima del naturalista francese Antoine Joseph Dezallier D'Argenville (1680-1765), illustrata in modo mirabile, in cui riunì le conoscenze del tempo sulla mineralogia e la conchiliologia (l'A. fu il primo ad usare questo termine). Lo stesso Linneo si basò su queste illustrazioni per il suo Systema naturae'". Così Cat. Mostra "Il libro naturalistico-malacologico illustrato dal '400 al '700", Mantova, 1975, n. 49.Cfr. anche Nissen,ZBI,144 - Cat. of The British Museum (Natural History),III, p. 1203 - Caprotti,I, pp. 40-41 - Brunet,II,522.Testo con uniformi ingialliture più o meno lievi, per la qualità della carta, e con qualche piccola macchia, ma certamente un buon esemplare.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR1,600.00 (€1,600.00 )

‎Assereto, R.‎

Reference : PM28411


‎Fossili dell’Anisico superiore della Val Camonica.‎

‎1963 100 p., 33 figs, 11 pls, 1 folded table, paperbound. Il Trias in Lombardia IV.With author’s dedication. Mostly on Ammonites.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )
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