Stockholm, Albert Bonniers, 1872. 8vo. 2 volumes in one (as issued) contemporary half calf binding with gilt lettering to spine. A fine and clean copy. (Frontiespiece), (1), 314, (2) pp."" (4), XV, (1), 294, (6), 39 pp.
The rare first Swedish translation of ""The Descent of Man"" translated by Rudolf Sunderström. Freeman's collation is incorrect (as he also dated the first Swedish translation of ""Origin of Species"" wrongly).Withbound is Lawrence Heap Åberg's ""Ett försök att uppvisa darwinismens öfverensstämmelse med en rationelt idealistisk verldsåskådning"" (1874). Freeman 1136
Brunswick, F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1844. 8vo. 2 volumes bound in one contemporary half calf binding with gilt lettering to spine. Previous owner's stamp to front free end-paper. Light brownspotting throughout, especially to first and last leaves. XVI, 319, VIII, 301, (3) pp. + 1 folded map.
Rare first German translation of Darwin's Journal of researches, now known as Voyage of the Beagle, constituting the very first translation of any of Darwin's works into any language. As Darwin later recalled in his autobiography 'The voyage of the Beagle has been by far the most important event in my life and has determined my whole career'. ""On its first appearance in its own right, also in 1839, it was called Journal of researches into the geology and natural history etc. The second edition, of 1845, transposes 'geology' and 'natural history' to read Journal of researches into the natural history and geology etc., and the spine title is Naturalist's voyage. The final definitive text of 1860 has the same wording on the title page, but the spine readsNaturalist's voyage round the world, and the fourteenth thousand of 1879 places A naturalist's voyage on the title page. The voyage of the Beagle first appears as a title in the Harmsworth Library edition of 1905. It is a bad title: she was only a floating home for Darwin, on which, in spite of good companionship, he was cramped and miserably sea-sick"" whilst the book is almost entirely about his expeditions on land."" (Freeman)Freeman 176
Adelaide, The Limited Editions Club, 1963. 4to. In half wallaby over paper covered boards, imitating wooden boards. Spine in black wallaby hide with gilt lettering and ornamentation with green inlaid label. XXXII, 470 pp. + 6 engraved coloured plates and 72 illustrations in text. The paper was also produced in Australia for this specific edition. No. 785 out of 1500 copies. Housed in a green slip-case. A fine and clean copy.
First Australian edition of Darwin’s seminal ‘Origin of Spcies’, here – to honor this copy’s Australian origin – bound in wallaby hide and printed on paper produced in Australia. The Limited Editions Club was founded by George Macy in 1929 to publish finely printed, illustrated, and bound editions of literary classics in editions limited to 1500 copies. The books were available on a subscription basis. The company continued to produce books through multiple changes in ownership, but has not released new books since 2010.
S.-Peterburg, 1864. 8vo. Bound in a beautiful half calf recent pastiche-binding with marbled papers over boards and elegant gilding to spine. End-papers renewed. Stamp to half-title, title-page and first leaf of text. First leaves evenly browned and dampstain to outer margin affecting last 50 ff. A few occassional brownspots throughout. XIV, 399, (1) pp. + 1 plate with genealogical tree (between pp. 92/93).
First edition of the first Russian translation of Darwin's ""Origin of Species"", a main reason for the widespread effect of Darwinism in Russia, where the theory met less resistance in the 1860'ies than it did in Western Europe. In Russia, Darwinism had a profound influence not only upon the different sciences, but also on philosophy, economic and political thought, and the great literature of the period. For instance, both Tolstoy and Dostoevsky referenced Darwin in their most important works, as did numerous other thinkers of the period.""In 1864, S.A. Rachinsky, professor of plant physiology at St. Petersburg University, produced the first Russian translation of the ""Origin"". Although not a masterpiece of translation art, the book sold out so quickly that in 1865 it went through a second printing. By this time Darwin's ideas were discussed not only by scientists but also by such popular writers as Dmitri Pisarev and M. A. Antinovich."" (Glick, p. 232). Rachinsky began translating the ""Origin"" in 1862 and wrote an important article on the theories presented in it, while working on the translation. This article and the translation of the ""Origin"" into Russian were responsible for the great success and rapid, widespread knowledge of Darwinian theory of evolution in Russia. ""Darwin was concerned that the ""Origin of Species"" reach naturalists across the world, but translations of that complicated work raised problems for Darwin. If he found it difficult to make the reader ""understand what is meant"" in England and America, at least in those two countries he and the reader were discussing the ""Origin of Species"" in the same language. Foreign language editions raised not only the thorny question of translating Darwinian terms, but also the problem of translators, who often thought it proper to annotate their editions to explain the ""significance"" of Darwinism. The first Russian translation of the ""Origin of Species"" (1864) appeared, however, without any comment whatever by the translator, Sergei A. Rachinsky, professor of botany at the University of Moscow. Rachinsky had begun the translation in 1862 and published an article on Darwinism while continuing work on the translation in 1863."" (Rogers, p. 485). In the year of publication of the translation, 1864, Pisarev wrote a long article in ""The Russian Word"", which purports to be a review of this translation" the critic complains about the absence of notes and commentaries by the translator. Pisarev furthermore points to several errors in the translation and to numerous infelicities of expression. Acknowledging the importance of the work, however, and of the spreading of Darwinism in Russia, he goes on in his own essay to provide a much more popular account of Darwin's theory and to impress upon his readers its revolutionary significance.Nikolai Strakhov also reviewed the translation immediately upon publication, acknowledging the effect it would have. Strakhov, however, recognized potential dangers inherent in the theory and expressed them in his review of Rachinsky's translation. He praised the work for its thoroughness and rejoiced in the evidence that man constituted the highest stage of organic development" but then he went on to argue that by moving into questions of philosophy and theology, the Darwinists were exceeding the limits of scientific evidence. Like Pisarev, Tolstoy enthusiastically embraced Darwinism. ""The first mention of Darwin in Tolstoy's literary ""Nachlass"" is found in one of the drafts to ""War and Peace"". There Darwin is listed, apparently quite favorably, among leading thinkers ""working toward new truth"" [...] Thus by the late 1860's the name of Darwin as a leading scientist was already familiar to Tolstoy and duly respected."" (McLean, p. 160). A fact which is often overlooked is that Tolstoy actually knew Rachinsky quite well. Interestingly, it was in a letter to Rachinsky, in reply to a question about the structure of ""Anna Karenina"", that Tolstoy made the famous statement (that all Tolstoy scholars and lovers know by heart): ""I am proud of the architecture - the arches are joined in such a way that you cannot discover where the keystone is"". Like Strakhov, however, Dostoevsky, acknowledging the significance of the ""Origin"", saw the dangers of the theory. In the same year as the publication of Rachinsky's translation, he lets the narrator in ""Notes from Underground"" (1864) launch his attack on Darwinism , beginning: ""As soon as they prove you, for instance, that you are descended from a monkey, then it's no use scowling, you just have to accept it.""In ""Crime and Punishment"" (two years later, 1866) the Darwinian overtones inherent in Raskolnikov's theory of the extraordinary man are unmistakable. He describes the mechanism of ""natural selection,"" where, according to the laws of nature, by the crossing of races and types, a ""genius"" would eventually emerge. In general, Darwinian themes and Darwin's name occur in many contexts in a large number of Dostoevsky's works.Freeman 748. See: James Allen Rogers: The Reception of Darwin's Origin of Species by Russian Scientists. In: Isis, Vol. 64, No. 4 (Dec., 1973), pp. 484-503.Thomas F. Glick: The Comparative Reception of Darwinism. 1974.Hugh McLean: In Quest of Tolstoy. 2008.
(Bucharest), National Academy, 1957. Folio. With the original printed wrappers in publisher's full cloth with gilt lettering to spine and gilt ornamentation to spine forming 6 compartments. A fine copy. (2), LXXXIV, 398, (2) pp. [plate with genealogical tree included in the pagination].
Rare first complete Romanian translation of Darwin's ""Origin of Species"". A preliminary and incomplete translation was made and published in 1950 (48 pp,. which also included a biography of Darwin [Freeman 746]).Freeman 747.
London, 1873. Small folio. Extracted, with traces from the sewn cords, in the original printed wrappers. In ""Nature"", No. 179, Vol. 7, April 13. Entire issue offered. Front wrapper detached, otherwise fine and clean. Housed in a portfolio with white paper title-label to front board. Darwin's notice: Pp. 417-18. [Entire issue: Pp. (1), cx-cxvi, 417-436].
First appearance of Darwin's comment to an article in NATURE of March 20, 1873, containing his view on the origin of certain instincts. ""THE writer of the interesting article in NATURE of March 20 doubts whether my belief “that many of the most wonderful instincts have been acquired, independently of habit, through the preservation of useful variations of pre existing instincts,” means more than “that in a great many instances we cannot conceive how the instincts originated.” This in one sense is perfectly true, but what I wished to bring prominently forward was simply that in certain cases instincts had not been acquired through the experience of their utility, with continued practice during successive generations. I had in my mind the case of neuter insects, which never leave offspring to inherit the teachings of experience, and which are themselves the offspring of parents which possess quite different instincts. The Hive-bee is the best known instance, as neither the queen nor the drones construct cells, secrete wax, collect honey, &c."" (From the present paper). Freeman 1760.
Praze [Prague], Nákladem Autorovým, 1914. 8vo. In the original red binding with black lettering to spine and front board. Light wear to extremities, inner fronthinge pleit, Internally nice and clean. 389, (1) pp. + 1 folded plate.
The rare first Czech translation of Darwin's landmark ""Origin of Species"" which predates the Latvian, Armenian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Romanian and Slovenian translations by several years. Freeman 641
London, 1873. Small folio. Extracted, with traces from the sewn cords, in the original printed wrappers. In ""Nature"", No. 176, Vol. 7, March 13. Entire issue offered. Issue split in two, otherwise fine and clean. Housed in a portfolio with white paper title-label to front board. Darwin's notice: P. 360. [Entire issue: Pp. (1), lxxxvi-xcii, 357-376].
First appearance of Darwin' comment on Aldred Wallace's suggestion that animals find their way home by recognising the odour of the places which they have passed. In the comment Darwin describes the following anecdote: ""Many years ago I was on a mail-coach, and as soon as we came to a public-house, the coachman pulled up for the fraction of a second. He did so when we came to a second public-house, and I then asked him the reason. He pointed to the off-hand wheeler, and said that she had been long completely blind, and she would stop at every place on the road at which she had before stopped. He had found by experience that less time was wasted by pulling up his team than by trying to drive her past the place, for she was contented with a momentary stop. After this I watched her, and it was evident that she knew exactly, before the coachman began to pull up the other horses, every public-house on the road, for she had at some time stopped at all. I think there can be little doubt that this mare recognised all these houses by her sense of smell."" (From the present paper). Freeman 1759
S.-Peterburg, Izdanie redaktsii zhurnala ""Znanie, 1871. 8vo. In recent half calf with four rasied bands and gilt lettering to spine. Soiling and damp stain to title-page. Light brownspotting throughout. (2), VII, (5), 439, (7) pp.
The exceedingly rare first Russian translation of Darwin's 'Descent of Man' published only four months after the original English. The Russian publisher was eager to have a translation published, hence this early abridged edition - two other Russian translations followed later the same year - The present translation being the very first into any language. ""The Descent of Man showed that the process of organic evolution, propelled by the struggle for existence and natural selection, applied to man no less than to the rest of the animal kingdom. It gave explicit recognition to the idea of the anthropoid origin of man. This claim surprised no one, for it was clearly hinted at in the great work of 1859 and was elaborated in Thomas Huxley's Man's Place in Nature and Vogt's Lectures on Man. Nor was it much of a surprise when three Russian translations of The Descent appeared within one year after the publication of the English original. Two general ideas represented the essence of The Descent: natural selection is not only behind the physical survival of man but also behind the evolution of cultural values"" and the differences between animal and human behavior are differences of degree rather than of kind."" (Darwin in Russian Thought) ""The Expression helped lay the foundations for a scientific study of the psychological aspect of the evolution of species. The book appeared in a Russian translation only a few months after the publication of the English original. The paleontologist Vladimir Kovalevskii was the translator, and the embryologist Aleksandr Kovalevskii was in charge of editorial tasks. In 1874 Vladimir wrote to Darwin that nearly two thousand copies of the Russian translation were sold."" "" The Expression deals much more extensively with selected aspects of human and animal behavior than with general problems of evolutionary biology. The Russian reviewers were generally impressed with Darwin's descriptions and categorizations of animal behavior. The Journal of the Ministry of Public Education was unusually profuse in praising the book's content and writing style. The reviewer commended Darwin's impartiality and avoidance of ""materialistic trappings."" Even the adherents of spiritualism could read the book, he wrote, without the least discomfort. The reviewer thought that psychologists would benefit from the information the book presented on the ""physiological"" basis of behavior. Indeed, he recommended the book to all readers interested in the scientific foundations of human behavior. The liberal journal Knowledgewas equally laudatory. It noted that the book was eminently successful on two counts: it offered a ""rational explanation"" of many expressions of human emotions, and it integrated the study of animal and human behavior into the universal process of organic evolution. In fact, no educated person could afford to ignore it.N. P. Vagner, professor of zoology and comparative anatomy at St. Petersburg University, called The Expression a book with ""great strengths and minor flaws."" The volume reminded him of Darwin's previous works, which marked ""turning points in the history of science."" The strength of the book lay much more in its suggestion of new topics for comparative-psychological research than in a presentation of a theoretically and logically integrated system of scientific thought. Insufficient exploration of the physiological underpinnings of mental activities represented the book's major shortcoming"" (Darwin in Russian Thought) In Russia Darwinism had a profound influence not only upon the different sciences, but also on philosophy, economic and political thought, and the great literature of the period. For instance, both Tolstoy and Dostoevsky referenced Darwin in their most important works, as did numerous other thinkers of the period.Like Strakhov, however, Dostoevsky, acknowledging the significance of the ""Origin of Species"", saw the dangers of the theory. In the same year as the publication of Rachinsky's translation, he lets the narrator in ""Notes from Underground"" (1864) launch his attack on Darwinism , beginning: ""As soon as they prove you, for instance, that you are descended from a monkey, then it's no use scowling, you just have to accept it.""In ""Crime and Punishment"" (two years later, 1866) the Darwinian overtones inherent in Raskolnikov's theory of the extraordinary man are unmistakable. He describes the mechanism of ""natural selection,"" where, according to the laws of nature, by the crossing of races and types, a ""genius"" would eventually emerge. In general, Darwinian themes and Darwin's name occur in many contexts in a large number of Dostoevsky's works.'Descent of Man' was transted into Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian and Swedish in Darwin's lifetime. Freeman 1107.
Kjøbenhavn, Brødrene Salmonsen, 1876. Samtidigt hldrbd. med rygforgyldning. Lttere brugsspor ved kanter. XXIII,570,(1) pp., portræt, et foldekort, 7 tonede litografier. Indvendigt rent frisk eksemplar.
First Danish edition of ""Journal of Recherches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the command of Capt. Fitz Roy. 1839."" - Freeman No. 174.
Erevan, Armenia, Gosizdat, 1936. 8vo. In publisher's original full cloth with title in silver lettering to spine and front board. A picture of Darwin embossed to front board. Extremities with wear and hindges weak. Spine miscoloured and remains of paperlabel to upper part of spine. First quire loose. Internally fine and clean. (2), 765 pp. + frontiespiece and plate with genealogical tree.
The exceedingly rare first Armenian translation of Darwin's landmark work.Only two Armenian translations of 'Origin of Species' has been made. The present first a second from 1963, both translations are of the upmost scarcity. Due to the relatively low number of people speaking Armenian (approximately 3 million in Armenia and 7 million outside) books in Armenian were printed in comparatively low numbers. OCLC locates no copies. Freeman 630.R.B. Darwin Online, F630.
Erevan, Armenia, Gosizdat, 1936. 8vo. In publisher's original full cloth with title in silver lettering to spine and front board. A picture of Darwin embossed to front board. Hindges weak. ""75"" in ink to spine and front board. Stamp and a few annotations to title-page, otherwise nice and clean. (2), 765 pp. + frontiespiece and plate with genealogical tree.
The exceedingly rare first Armenian translation of Darwin's landmark work.Only two Armenian translations of 'Origin of Species' has been made. The present first a second from 1963, both translations are of the upmost scarcity. Due to the relatively low number of people speaking Armenian (approximately 3 million in Armenia and 7 million outside) books in Armenian were printed in comparatively low numbers. OCLC locates no copies. Freeman 630.R.B. Darwin Online, F630.
(Ankara, Sol yayinlari, 1970). 8vo. In the original blue printed wrappers. Light wear to extremities. Small white paper label pasted on to back wrapper. Internally fine and clean. 469, (3) pp. (with the genealogic tree included in the pagination).
First Turkish translation of The Origin of Species, translated by Öner Ünalan from the sixth London edition. Ünalan, fluent in English and German, was assisted in this translation by an unspecified German edition. ""Ünalan was well known for his translations of Einstein, Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Fidel Castro. ""(Darwin-Online).Freeman F796.
LA FARANDOLE. Janv. 1959. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 281 pages. Quelques planches illustrées en couleurs. Quelques dessins en noir et blanc, dans le texte et hors-texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
Illustrations de Georges CUVIER. Traduit de l'anglais par Edmond BARBIER. Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
Reference : 47264
Kjøbenhavn, Gyldendalske Boghandel (F. Hegel), 1872. Contemp. hcalf. Spine gilt and with gilt lettering. Spine slightly rubbed. Corners a bit bumped. (10),XIII,605,(1) pp. and 1 folded plate. A few faint brownspots to the first leaves.
Scarce first Danish edition of ""On the Origin of Species"" (1859).Freeman: 643.
Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, Victor Masson et Fils, 1862. 8vo. Bound uncut and with the original printed front wrapper (expertly restored) in a very fine later half morocco binding with four raised bands and gilt title to spine. Very light minor brownspotting to a few pages. An exceptionally nice, clean, and attractive copy. LXIV (incl. half-title), I-XXIII + (24-) 712. pp. and 1 folded plate (between pp.160 a. 161). Fully complete.
The scarce first French edition of Darwin's masterpiece, one of the most important books ever printed. The ""Origin"" started the greatest of all intellectual revolutions in the history of Mankind.There were some difficulties with the first French edition. Mlle Royer, who Darwin described as 'one of the cleverest and oddest women in Europe' and wished 'had known more of natural history', added her own footnotes. He was not really happy until the third translation by Éduard Barbier appeared in 1876. (Freeman). Freeman No 655 (Freeman does not mention the plate, which is present here).
Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, Victor Masson et Fils, 1862. 8vo. In contemporary half calf with gilt title to spine. Very light minor brownspotting to a few pages. Previous owner's name to half title. A fine copy. LXIV (incl. half-title), I-XXIII + (24-) 712. pp. and 1 folded plate (between pp.160 a. 161). Fully complete.
The scarce first French edition of Darwin's masterpiece, one of the most important books ever printed. The ""Origin"" started the greatest of all intellectual revolutions in the history of Mankind.There were some difficulties with the first French edition. Mlle Royer, who Darwin described as 'one of the cleverest and oddest women in Europe' and wished 'had known more of natural history', added her own footnotes. He was not really happy until the third translation by Éduard Barbier appeared in 1876. (Freeman). Freeman No 655 (Freeman does not mention the plate, which is present here).
Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, Victor Masson et Fils, 1862. 8vo. Bound partly uncut with the original wrappers in a very nice later full calf pastiche binding with four raised band and richly gilt spine. Gilt boarders to boards. Small repair to upper right corner of title-page, not affecting text. An exceptionally fine and clean copy. LXIV (incl. half-title), I-XXIII + (24-) 712. pp. and 1 folded plate (between pp.160 a. 161).
The scarce first edition of the controversial first French translation - bound partly uncut and with the original wrappers - of Darwin's masterpiece, one of the most important books ever printed. This famed translation - done by self-taught female scholar - ended up causing quite a stir and adding to the theory of evolution some for Darwin quite unforeseen interpretations. Because of this, the translator, Clémence Royer, gained notoriety as one of the leading eugenicists of the time. Darwin was very eager to have his work published in French. It is not known exactly how he happened on Royer as the translator, but as she was familiar with the works of Lamarck and Malthus, immediately realized the importance of Darwin's work and also had close connections to the French publisher Guillaumin, she must have seemed perfect for the job. She had a naturalist help her with the biologically technical parts and made an excellent job of the translation. There was one big problem, however - she went well beyond her role as a translator and added a 60-page preface and numerous explanatory footnotes that Darwin had not seen before publication. In the preface, she challenged the belief in religious revelation, she discussed the application of natural selection to the human race, and she presented a pure eugenic theory, explaining the negative consequences of protecting the weak and the infirm. She also promoted her concept of progressive evolution, which had more in common with the ideas of Lamarck than with those of Darwin. Right after having seen the translation, Darwin wrote in a letter to the American botanist, Asa Gray: ""I received 2 or 3 days ago a French translation of the Origin by a Madelle. Royer, who must be one of the cleverest & oddest women in Europe: is ardent deist & hates Christianity, & declares that natural selection & the struggle for life will explain all morality, nature of man, politicks &c &c!!!. She makes some very curious & good hits, & says she shall publish a book on these subjects, & a strange production it will be.""After some reflection, however, Darwin began having more serious doubts, and about a month later he wrote to the French zoologist Armand de Quatrefages: ""I wish the translator had known more of Natural History" she must be a clever, but singular lady" but I never heard of her, till she proposed to translate my book."" He had now also read the footnotes and wrote to Joseph Hooker: ""Almost everywhere in Origin, when I express great doubt, she appends a note explaining the difficulty or saying that there is none whatever!! It is really curious to know what conceited people there are in the world.""Freeman No 655 (Freeman does not mention the plate, which is present here).
London and New York, Macmillan and Co., 1871. Royal8vo. In publisher's original red embossed cloth. In ""Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science"", Vol. 4, April-October 1871. Stamp to title-page and p. 1 and ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. Binding with wear and light soiling, spine partly detached with a 7 cm long tear to rear hindge. Internally fine and clean. Darwin's paper: Pp.180-181. [Entire volume: XII, 520 pp].
First appearance of Darwin’s short notice to Henry Hoyle Howorth (1842-1923), geologist and naturalist. F1754
London and New York, Macmillan and Co., 1871. Royal8vo. In publisher's original red embossed cloth. In ""Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science"", Vol. 3, November 1870 - April 1871. Stamp to title-page and ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. Binding with considerable wear"" spine partly disintegrated and front board bended vertically, but bookblock firmly attached. Internally fine and clean. Darwin's paper: Pp. 502-503. [Entire volume: XII, 520 pp].
First appearance of Darwin’s defense of his Pangenesis-theory. The Pangenesis theory was hypothetical mechanism for heredity, in which he proposed that each part of the body continually emitted its own type of small organic particles called gemmules that aggregated in the gonads, contributing heritable information to the gametes. He presented this 'provisional hypothesis' in his 1868 work The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, intending it to fill what he perceived as a major gap in evolutionary theory at the time. Darwin's half-cousin Francis Galton spent much time conducting wide-ranging inquiries into heredity which led him to refute Charles Darwin's hypothetical theory of pangenesis. In consultation with Darwin, he set out to see if gemmules were transported in the blood. Galton was troubled because he began the work in good faith, intending to prove Darwin right, and having praised pangenesis in Hereditary Genius in 1869. Cautiously, he criticized his cousin's theory, although qualifying his remarks by saying that Darwin's gemmules, which he called ""pangenes"", might be temporary inhabitants of the blood that his experiments had failed to pick up. In the present paper Darwin challenged the validity of Galton's experiment, giving his reasons in an article published in Nature where he wrote. “Now, in the chapter on Pangenesis in my Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, I have not said one word about the blood, or about any fluid proper to any circulating system. It is, indeed, obvious that the presence of gemmules in the blood can form no necessary part of my hypothesis" for I refer in illustration of it to the lowest animals, such as the Protozoa, which do not possess blood or any vessels" and I refer to plants in which the fluid, when present in the vessels, cannot be considered as true blood."" He goes on to admit: ""Nevertheless, when I first heard of Mr. Galton's experiments, I did not sufficiently reflect on the subject, and saw not the difficulty of believing in the presence of gemmules in the blood.” (From the present paper) The hypothesis was finally refuted in the 1900ies after Gregor Mendel's theory of the particulate nature of inheritance was accepted. The Pangenesis-theory, however, may be considered an eclectic mix of DNA, RNA, proteins and prions, and can be regarded as being one of the earliest steps toward the modern mechanism for heredity, namely DNA and RNA. Freeman 1751
Lisieux, Imprimerie nationale, Delaunay L'an 3e de la République (1795). 8°. VI p. (avertissement), 1 f. n. ch., 180 p. Pleine toile grise, titre manuscrit au dos. Couverture conservée.
Contrefaçon de l'édition chez Didot jeune de la même année. - Légère déchirure au bas de la 1ère page
Archives contemporaines. 1983. In-8. Broché. Etat passable, Plats abîmés, Dos satisfaisant, Fortes mouillures. 460 pages. Fortes mouillures en tranches et en marges altérant fortement l'état des pages mais sans réelle incidence sur la lecture. Vendu en l'état.. . . . Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
Albin Michel. 1979. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Mors arrachés, Intérieur frais. 319 pages. Nombreuses photographies en couleurs hors texte. Légers accrocs sur les plats.Trace d'étiquette sur le dos. Vendu en l'état.. . . . Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
Traduit de l'anglais par Caroline Rivolier et Dominique Le Bourg - Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
BORDAS. 1988. In-12. Cartonné. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 156 pages. Nombreuses photographies en couleur, dans le texte. Numéro de classement sur le dos. Tampon de l'institution sainte marie sur la page de titre.. . . . Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
Une photo guide d'identification. Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
EDITIONS LITO. NON DATE. In-4. Cartonné. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Environ 50 pages. Nombreuses photos en couleurs dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie