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Reference : 48762


‎Om Arternes Oprindelse ved Kvalitetsvalg eller ved de heldigst stillede Formers Sejr i Kampen for Tilværelsen. Efter Originalens femte Udgave oversat af J.P. Jacobsen. - [FIRST DANISH EDITION OF ""THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES"".]‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Gyldendalske Boghandel (F. Hegel), 1872. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half calf with gilt lettering to spine. Spine rubbed. A few light brownspots throughout. Otherwise a fine and clean copy. (10), XIII, 605, (1) + 1 plate.‎

‎The Scarce first Danish edition (translated from the 5. edition) of Darwin's monumental ""On the Origin of Species"". ""In 1872 the book was translated into Danish by the young botanist J. P. Jacobsen. He was soon to become a celebrated novelist famous for Marie Grubbe - A Lady of the Seventeenth Century (1876) and Niels Lyhne (1880). In the early 1870's, however, he was still dedicated to science. In 1873 he received the University of Copenhagen's Gold Medal for his work on desmids, single-celled green freshwater algae. The Descent of Man was also translated by Jacobsen and appeared in 1874-75. ""In the early 1870s [With the Danish translation] the literary critic Georg Brandes started promoting Darwin's ideas as part of his liberal ideology and soon Darwinism became the mark of a new generation of intellectuals. Both the Steenstrup circle and the Brandes circle held Darwin in high esteem, but made completely different attributions to his theory. Consequently they both decided to raise money separately for the same Darwin. Darwin had borrowed the collection of barnacles from the Zoology Museum in Copenhagen with the help of Steenstrup. As a compliment Darwin sent him a signed copy of the Origin. Steenstrup acknowledged Darwin as an important fellow naturalist, but like many of his colleagues at the University of Copenhagen he never accepted evolutionary theory. The initial scientific reaction to Darwin's work on evolution by means of natural selection was respectful, but made few converts. memorial in 1882. Independently, Darwinism transformed as it became part of popular culture. ""(Kjærsgaard, Darwinism comes to Denmark)Freeman: 643. (PMM 344 - first edition)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )


Reference : 52105


‎Om Arternes Oprindelse ved Kvalitetsvalg eller ved de heldigst stillede Formers Sejr i Kampen for Tilværelsen. Efter Originalens femte Udgave oversat af J.P. Jacobsen. - [FIRST DANISH EDITION OF ""THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES"".]‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Gyldendalske Boghandel (F. Hegel), 1872. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half calf with 4 raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. Spine rubbed. A few light brownspots throughout. Otherwise a fine and clean copy. (10), XIII, 605, (1) + 1 plate.‎

‎The Scarce first Danish edition (translated from the 5. edition) of Darwin's monumental ""On the Origin of Species"". ""In 1872 the book was translated into Danish by the young botanist J. P. Jacobsen. He was soon to become a celebrated novelist famous for Marie Grubbe - A Lady of the Seventeenth Century (1876) and Niels Lyhne (1880). In the early 1870's, however, he was still dedicated to science. In 1873 he received the University of Copenhagen's Gold Medal for his work on desmids, single-celled green freshwater algae. The Descent of Man was also translated by Jacobsen and appeared in 1874-75. ""In the early 1870s [With the Danish translation] the literary critic Georg Brandes started promoting Darwin's ideas as part of his liberal ideology and soon Darwinism became the mark of a new generation of intellectuals. Both the Steenstrup circle and the Brandes circle held Darwin in high esteem, but made completely different attributions to his theory. Consequently they both decided to raise money separately for the same Darwin. Darwin had borrowed the collection of barnacles from the Zoology Museum in Copenhagen with the help of Steenstrup. As a compliment Darwin sent him a signed copy of the Origin. Steenstrup acknowledged Darwin as an important fellow naturalist, but like many of his colleagues at the University of Copenhagen he never accepted evolutionary theory. The initial scientific reaction to Darwin's work on evolution by means of natural selection was respectful, but made few converts. memorial in 1882. Independently, Darwinism transformed as it became part of popular culture. ""(Kjærsgaard, Darwinism comes to Denmark)Freeman: 643. (PMM 344 - first edition)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )


Reference : 57932


‎O Nastanek Vrst. (Slovene, i.e. ""Origin of Speices"").‎

‎Ljubljana, Slovenski KnjiPni Zavod, 1954. 8vo. In publisher's original full green cloth binding with gilt lettering to spine and gilt decoration to front board. In the original green printed dust-jacket. Dust-jacket with a few nicks and tear, otherwise a fine copy. 461, (3) pp.‎

‎Second printing of the first Slovene translation of Darwin's 'Origin of Species. Freeman F2427.OCLC only locates 1 copy outside Slovenia (Italy).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 56000


‎O Proischozhdenii Vodov... [Russian: On the Origin of Species]. Perevel c anglijskago [translated from English by] S.A. Rachinsky. - [""THE MOST IMPORTANT BIOLOGICAL BOOK EVER WRITTEN"" (FREEMAN)]‎

‎S.-Peterburg, 1864. 8vo. Bound in a beautiful recent pastiche-binding of brown half calf with marbled papers over boards and elegant gilding to spine. End-papers renewed. A few dampstains and a bit of brownspotting throughout. A nice copy. XIV, 399, (1) pp. + 1 plate.‎

‎First edition of the first Russian translation of Darwin's ""Origin of Species"", a main reason for the widespread effect of Darwinism in Russia, where the theory met less resistance in the 1860'ies than it did in Western Europe. In Russia, Darwinism had a profound influence not only upon the different sciences, but also on philosophy, economic and political thought, and the great literature of the period. For instance, both Tolstoy and Dostoevsky referenced Darwin in their most important works, as did numerous other thinkers of the period.""In 1864, S.A. Rachinsky, professor of plant physiology at St. Petersburg University, produced the first Russian translation of the ""Origin"". Although not a masterpiece of translation art, the book sold out so quickly that in 1865 it went through a second printing. By this time Darwin's ideas were discussed not only by scientists but also by such popular writers as Dmitri Pisarev and M. A. Antinovich."" (Glick, p. 232). Rachinsky began translating the ""Origin"" in 1862 and wrote an important article on the theories presented in it, while working on the translation. This article and the translation of the ""Origin"" into Russian were responsible for the great success and rapid, widespread knowledge of Darwinian theory of evolution in Russia. ""Darwin was concerned that the ""Origin of Species"" reach naturalists across the world, but translations of that complicated work raised problems for Darwin. If he found it difficult to make the reader ""understand what is meant"" in England and America, at least in those two countries he and the reader were discussing the ""Origin of Species"" in the same language. Foreign language editions raised not only the thorny question of translating Darwinian terms, but also the problem of translators, who often thought it proper to annotate their editions to explain the ""significance"" of Darwinism. The first Russian translation of the ""Origin of Species"" (1864) appeared, however, without any comment whatever by the translator, Sergei A. Rachinsky, professor of botany at the University of Moscow. Rachinsky had begun the translation in 1862 and published an article on Darwinism while continuing work on the translation in 1863."" (Rogers, p. 485). In the year of publication of the translation, 1864, Pisarev wrote a long article in ""The Russian Word"", which purports to be a review of this translation" the critic complains about the absence of notes and commentaries by the translator. Pisarev furthermore points to several errors in the translation and to numerous infelicities of expression. Acknowledging the importance of the work, however, and of the spreading of Darwinism in Russia, he goes on in his own essay to provide a much more popular account of Darwin's theory and to impress upon his readers its revolutionary significance.Nikolai Strakhov also reviewed the translation immediately upon publication, acknowledging the effect it would have. Strakhov, however, recognized potential dangers inherent in the theory and expressed them in his review of Rachinsky's translation. He praised the work for its thoroughness and rejoiced in the evidence that man constituted the highest stage of organic development" but then he went on to argue that by moving into questions of philosophy and theology, the Darwinists were exceeding the limits of scientific evidence. Like Pisarev, Tolstoy enthusiastically embraced Darwinism. ""The first mention of Darwin in Tolstoy's literary ""Nachlass"" is found in one of the drafts to ""War and Peace"". There Darwin is listed, apparently quite favorably, among leading thinkers ""working toward new truth"" [...] Thus by the late 1860's the name of Darwin as a leading scientist was already familiar to Tolstoy and duly respected."" (McLean, p. 160). A fact which is often overlooked is that Tolstoy actually knew Rachinsky quite well. Interestingly, it was in a letter to Rachinsky, in reply to a question about the structure of ""Anna Karenina"", that Tolstoy made the famous statement (that all Tolstoy scholars and lovers know by heart): ""I am proud of the architecture - the arches are joined in such a way that you cannot discover where the keystone is"". Like Strakhov, however, Dostoevsky, acknowledging the significance of the ""Origin"", saw the dangers of the theory. In the same year as the publication of Rachinsky's translation, he lets the narrator in ""Notes from Underground"" (1864) launch his attack on Darwinism , beginning: ""As soon as they prove you, for instance, that you are descended from a monkey, then it's no use scowling, you just have to accept it.""In ""Crime and Punishment"" (two years later, 1866) the Darwinian overtones inherent in Raskolnikov's theory of the extraordinary man are unmistakable. He describes the mechanism of ""natural selection,"" where, according to the laws of nature, by the crossing of races and types, a ""genius"" would eventually emerge. In general, Darwinian themes and Darwin's name occur in many contexts in a large number of Dostoevsky's works.Freeman: 748. See: James Allen Rogers: The Reception of Darwin's Origin of Species by Russian Scientists. In: Isis, Vol. 64, No. 4 (Dec., 1973), pp. 484-503.Thomas F. Glick: The Comparative Reception of Darwinism. 1974.Hugh McLean: In Quest of Tolstoy. 2008.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK55,000.00 (€7,376.71 )

‎Darwin, Charles -‎

Reference : 57486BB


‎Order of the Proceedings at the Darwin Celebration held at Cambridge June 22 - June 24, 1909. With a Sketch of Darin's Life.‎

‎Cambridge, University Press. 1909. 4°. 23 S. Text, 1 Karte und 11 Tafeln. Originalhalbleinwand.‎

‎Freeman 1481. - Erschien zu den Feierlichkeiten des 100. Geburtstages von Darwin. Mit einigen hier erstmals veröffentlichten Familienbildern und einer chronologischen Biografie. - Zusätzlich mit einem lose beigelegten Holzstichporträt Darwins von Worthington G. Smith, Mykologe und Illustrator, datiert 1881, auf Japanpapier. - Ecken leicht bestossen. Hinterdeckel mit leichten Druckstellen.‎


Phone number : +41 313 123 711

CHF160.00 (€163.76 )


Reference : 55761


‎Origem das Espécies. [i.e. Portuguese: ""Origin of Species""]. - [FIRST PORTUGUESE TRANSLATION OF 'ORIGIN OF SPECIES'.]‎

‎Oporto, Livraria Chardron, de Lello y Irmao, (1913). 8vo. Partly uncut in the original printed wrappers. Spine cracked and front hindge with repair. Wrappers with a few nicks. Half-title with previous owners names. Internally fine and clean. XVI, 477 pp.‎

‎The first edition, in the rarely seen wrappers, of the first Portuguese translation of Darwin's ""Origin of Species"". The comparatively late translation is partly due to the Portuguese 'Frenchism' at the time. The first French translation appeared in 1862 and was also widely circulated in Portugal. It also appears that the translator, a doctor and professor (who was also a Mason, a self-proclaimed poet, and the founder of the Spiritist Society of Portugal) named Joaquim [Marques] Dá Mesquita [Montenegro] Paúl (1875-1946), used the French translation rather than the English original. This apparently led to a number of errors and mis-translations that rendered the work unfaithful, to say the least. Unfortunately, this translation continued to be reprinted for the rest of the century in the Portuguese speaking world, oftentimes by simply changing the name of the translator for a spurious name. The first Brazilian edition, in 1973, turned out to be nothing but an exact reproduction of the text of the Portuguese translation. It appears that even in the 21st century many of the purported new translations were still reprints of the first Portuguese edition. A proper translation from the English was made in 1982, but it was apparently condensed from the 6th ed. (1872). In 1985 a complete translation was published, but it was based on the first ed. (1859). In 2011 and 2014, finally, two different translations were published in Brazil that appear to be more legitimate, which, as a commentator avers (see links below) doesn't necessarily guarantee that they are faithful. Thus, the Portuguese OSS bibliography remains murky and convoluted to this day, and it appears to be a continuing saga. Therefore this late, defective first translation, seems to have been crucial to the understanding-or misunderstanding- of Darwin's OSS for Portuguese readers for the remainder of the century, and then some.The uncertainty regarding the publication year is quite puzzling for a modern book. Freeman (online) gives three different numbers (F743, F743a, and F743b, the latter being 1961 and 1990, both of which are by the same translator as the first), and he gives the date ""[?192-]"" and 1920 to the first. The entry in the Biblioteca Nacional de España states ""1924"", and two Brazilian libraries give ""1900's"" and the rather wide ranging ""1910-1992,"" a Portuguese university library states ""1900-80,"" and the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal says ""1900."" The year 1925 is given to the only two copies in US libraries, the American Philosophical Society and The Huntington. In the links below, the commentators assign it to the year 1913, and even though they don't justify that date, they seem to be quite familiar with Portuguese OSS editions in general. The date 1913 is also given by Ana Leonor Pereira in ""The Reception of Darwin in Portugal (1865-1914)"" Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia T. 66, Fasc. 3, Evolução, Ética e Cultura / Evolution, Ethics and Culture (2010), pp. 643-660, which perhaps makes it more plausible As a final note, the 1961 translation at the Huntington purportedly by Eduardo Fonseca, is one of those spurious reprints with a made up name mentioned earlier. ( )(For a few commentaries on the different editions and on various Portuguese OOS translations and purported translators, see: and )Freeman 743 ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )


Reference : 57559


‎Orígen de las especies por medio de la seleccion natural, ó, Conservacion de las razas en su lucha por la existencia. - [SECOND EDITION OF THE SPANISH TRANSLATION OF 'ORIGIN OF SPECIES'.]‎

‎Madrid, José de Rojas, (1877 or 1880). 8vo. In contemporary half calf with five raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. Spine miscoloured and light shelfwear to extremities. A small stamp to half title. A closed tear on pp. 49-50. Otherwise internally fine and clean copy. 2), X, (2), 559 pp. + folded plate. [Freeman wrongly collate X, 589 pp.].‎

‎The rare second edition of the first Spanish translation of Darwin's ""Origin of Species"", this edition being corrected and rewritten in impersonal passive constructions (as opposed to the first Spanish edition being translated in personal) and a portrait of Darwin has been added. As the first edition (Freeman 770), this copy is of the utmost scarcity and very few copies of it are known. OCLC list only four copies (one in Puerto Rico and three in Barcelona), Blanco & Llorco lists two in Barcelona, one in Madrid and one in Valencia - no copies are listed in US libraries. The date of publication is disputed"" Freeman lists 1877 whereas Blanco & Llorco says 1880.""Unlike what had been the case in England, Darwin did not first become widely known in Spanish-speaking countries for the account of his travel around the world but was controversially introduced by the impact his ""Origin of the Species"" was having everywhere else. It is true, however, that his name was already familiar among scientists and intellectuals but it was ""The Origin of the Species"" and its translations that made him a household name. ... The full authorized version of ""The Origin of Species"" was finally translated in 1877 by Enrique Godínez. It had Darwin's endorsement and it was published with a letter from him, where he expressed being glad to have the book translated into Spanish because that would mean that it might be known not only ""in the large kingdom of Spain"" but also ""in the widest extended regions where spanish [sic] is spoken"" (Zabalbeascoa, 1968, p. 275).It took almost twenty years to have Darwin's best known work translated into Spanish while the German, French and Italian-speaking readership had had their own versions of ""The Origin of Species"" since 1860, 1862 and 1875 respectively (Núñez, 1969, p.27). We know it was not due to the author's unwillingness. Brisset states that after the success of ""The Origin of Species"" he communicated to his publisher that he wished his ideas be known abroad (2002, p. 178). This gap reveals that Spain was definitely lagging behind in spreading Darwin's ideas. We could attribute this tardiness to the ""governmental and ecclesiastical pressure"" that Dale J. Pratt mentions when he states that ""open discussion was all but impossible"" (2001, p. 26). It all changed after the Revolution of September 1868, which brought more openness to new ideas and the secularization of education.The situation in other Spanish-speaking countries was no different as regards the delay in the dissemination of Darwin's theory. Most of them were under a very strong Catholic influence and the idea of man descending from monkeys, as it was shallowly communicated, was as hard to swallow as when other visionaries had dared to say that the Earth was round or that the planets revolved around the Sun. Even today, almost 150 years after the publication of ""The Origin of Species"", the debate is no less controversial and very much alive when some conservative groups in certain parts of the United States aim at having the theory of evolution banished from the school curriculum to have the idea of intelligent design taught instead, as mentioned previously."" (Elisa Paoletti, Translations as Shapers of Image: Don Carlos Darwin and his Voyage into Spanish on H.M.S. Beagle. In: ""Érudit"", Volume 18, nr. 1, 2005, pp. 55-77). Freeman 771Blanco & Llorco 35‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )


Reference : 57758


‎O vzniku druhu prírozeným výberem cili zachováváním vhodných odrud v boji o zivot / Charles Darwin " dle sestého, velmi opraveného vydání anglického, posledního, jez vyslo za zivota autorova prelozil Fr. Klapálek. [Czech - i.e. On the Origin of Specie... - [FIRST CZECH TRANSLATION OF DARWIN'S ""ORIGIN OF SPECIES""]‎

‎Praha, Nakladatelstvem Autorovým. V Komissi Knihkupectví I.L. Kobra, 1914. 8vo. Uncut in the original printed wrappers. Wrappers with wear. Lower part of front wrapper with a 10 cm long tear. Bookblock spilit in two. Internally fine and clean. 389, (1) pp. + 1 folded plate.‎

‎First Czech translation of Darwin's landmark ""Origin of Species"" which predates the Latvian, Armenian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Romanian and Slovenian translations by several years. The translator, František Klapálek (1863–1919) was a prominent entomologist, founding member and the first chairman of the Czech Entomological Society. Four institutional copies located: U. Okla, U. Tex., Czech NL, and Olomouc RL.Freeman 641‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK32,000.00 (€4,291.90 )


Reference : 59981


‎Priruchennyie zhivotnyie i vozdelannyie rasteniya [i.e. Russian ""The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication"". Translated from English with the consent and assistance of the author by V. Kovalevsky. Edited by I. M. Sechenov, botanical sect... - [THE VERY FIRST PUBLICATION OF DARWIN'S 'VARIATION UNDER DOMESTICATION' IN ANY LANGUAGE. ]‎

‎St. Petersburg, 1868 [but in fact 1867-1869]. 8vo. In contemporary half calf with renewed spine. Inner hindges with repairs and boards with soiling and a few marks and holes to volume 1. Light foxing throughout, primarily affecting margins and plates. Overall a good copy. IV, 443, (1): ill"" V.2: 462, (I)-VI pp.‎

‎The very first publication of Darwin's 'Variation under Domestication' in any language. The title-page states 1868 but they two volumes were in fact published, respectively in November 1867 and 1869.""In August, 1867, Darwin wrote to Lyell that he was visited by a young Russian ""who is translating my new book into Russian."". The book was the 'Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication', and the youngRussian was Vladimir Kovalevsky, who subsequently became a well-known evolutionary palaeontologist. At that time the 'Variation' was not yet published, and it seems most probably that the translation was made from a set of proofs given to Kovalevsky by Darwin. Thanks to Kovalevsky's rapid work, the first section of the Russian translation of the Variation was published several months prior to the publication of the English original."" (Glick, The Comparative Reception of Darwinism, p. 235)""The first Russian edition, which is dated 1868 on the volume title page, is of particular interest. It is the only work, in his lifetime, of which any part appeared in foreign translation before it appeared in English. Correspondence at Cambridge shows that the translator was sent copies of corrected proofs as they were ready. It was published in seven parts of which four, perhaps to the end of Chapter XV, appeared in 1867"" the next two appeared in 1868, and the last not until 1869, because he had been away in Russian Asia. The title is given in full, in English translation, under No. 925 and has been discussed above"" (Freeman).Vladimir Kovalevsky (1842-1883), the translator of this book, was a Russian biologist and the founder of evolutionary palaeontology. His own scientific works were printed between 1873 and 1877, and according to Henry Osborn (Osborn, H. The rise of Mammalia in North America // Proc. Amer. Assoc. Sci. 1894. vol. 42, pp. 189-227) they ''dare away'' all traditional and dry European paleontology. That was mainly because Kovalevsky was a devoted Darwinist and adapted Darwin's ideas to palaeontology. Luis Dollo, the Belgian palaeontologist, a contemporary of Kovalevsky's, described him thus: ''No palaeontologist embodies so perfectly our epoch, as the brilliant and miserable Vladimir Kovalevsky, friend and guest of the immortal Charles Darwin''. Indeed, Kovalevsky was a friend of Darwin's and they corresponded extensively. When visiting Darwin in 1877, the Russian botanist, Timiryazev, asked Darwin about his views on Russian science and Darwin surprised him with an answer that Vladimir Kovalevsky (little known at the time) was the bright hope of palaeontology.Kovalevsky was very eager to translate Darwin into Russian as soon as possible so he asked Darwin to send him the proofs of his book chapter by chapter as soon as Darwin finished them. Kovalevsky translated with great speed (the complete book contains 900 pages) and he began to print the chapters from July 1867 (the first English edition appeared on 30th January 1868). The chapters were printed one after another as the translation went on. It is unclear whether any part of it appeared before the English edition.Vladimir Kovalevsky translated another of Darwin's books, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals [O vyrazhenii emotsyi u cheloveka I zhyvotnikh] that appeared the same year as the English edition (1872).Kovalevsky committed suicide at the age of forty after the breakdown of his marriage to the celebrated mathematician, Sophia Kovalevskaya who became the first female professor of mathematics in the world.OCLC finds only three complete copies worldwide (Cornell, American Philosophical Society (US) and Thomas Fisher Library, (Canada)). Freeman 925 ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK42,000.00 (€5,633.12 )


Reference : 53279


‎Proiskhozhdenie chelovieska i polovoi podbor [i.e. English ""Descent of Man""]. - [FIRST TRANSLATION OF DARWIN'S 'DESCENT OF MAN' INTO ANY LANGUAGE]‎

‎S.-Peterburg, Izdanie redaktsii zhurnala ""Znanie, 1871. 8vo. In contemporary black half calf with four rasied bands and gilt lettering to spine. Corners of binding with repairs and a three cm long tear to lower front hindge. Light miscolouring throughout, especially to first 10 leaves. (2), VII, (6), 439 pp.‎

‎The exceedingly rare first Russian translation of Darwin's 'Descent of Man' published only four month after the original English. The Russian publisher was eager to have a translation published, hence this early abridged edition - two other Russian translations followed later the same year - The present translation being the very first into any language. ""The Descent of Man showed that the process of organic evolution, propelled by the struggle for existence and natural selection, applied to man no less than to the rest of the animal kingdom. It gave explicit recognition to the idea of the anthropoid origin of man. This claim surprised no one, for it was clearly hinted at in the great work of 1859 and was elaborated in Thomas Huxley's Man's Place in Nature and Vogt's Lectures on Man. Nor was it much of a surprise when three Russian translations of The Descent appeared within one year after the publication of the English original. Two general ideas represented the essence of The Descent: natural selection is not only behind the physical survival of man but also behind the evolution of cultural values"" and the differences between animal and human behavior are differences of degree rather than of kind."" (Darwin in Russian Thought) ""The Expression helped lay the foundations for a scientific study of the psychological aspect of the evolution of species. The book appeared in a Russian translation only a few months after the publication of the English original. The paleontologist Vladimir Kovalevskii was the translator, and the embryologist Aleksandr Kovalevskii was in charge of editorial tasks. In 1874 Vladimir wrote to Darwin that nearly two thousand copies of the Russian translation were sold."" "" The Expression deals much more extensively with selected aspects of human and animal behavior than with general problems of evolutionary biology. The Russian reviewers were generally impressed with Darwin's descriptions and categorizations of animal behavior. The Journal of the Ministry of Public Education was unusually profuse in praising the book's content and writing style. The reviewer commended Darwin's impartiality and avoidance of ""materialistic trappings."" Even the adherents of spiritualism could read the book, he wrote, without the least discomfort. The reviewer thought that psychologists would benefit from the information the book presented on the ""physiological"" basis of behavior. Indeed, he recommended the book to all readers interested in the scientific foundations of human behavior. The liberal journal Knowledgewas equally laudatory. It noted that the book was eminently successful on two counts: it offered a ""rational explanation"" of many expressions of human emotions, and it integrated the study of animal and human behavior into the universal process of organic evolution. In fact, no educated person could afford to ignore it.N. P. Vagner, professor of zoology and comparative anatomy at St. Petersburg University, called The Expression a book with ""great strengths and minor flaws."" The volume reminded him of Darwin's previous works, which marked ""turning points in the history of science."" The strength of the book lay much more in its suggestion of new topics for comparative-psychological research than in a presentation of a theoretically and logically integrated system of scientific thought. Insufficient exploration of the physiological underpinnings of mental activities represented the book's major shortcoming"" (Darwin in Russian Thought) In Russia Darwinism had a profound influence not only upon the different sciences, but also on philosophy, economic and political thought, and the great literature of the period. For instance, both Tolstoy and Dostoevsky referenced Darwin in their most important works, as did numerous other thinkers of the period.Like Strakhov, however, Dostoevsky, acknowledging the significance of the ""Origin of Species"", saw the dangers of the theory. In the same year as the publication of Rachinsky's translation, he lets the narrator in ""Notes from Underground"" (1864) launch his attack on Darwinism , beginning: ""As soon as they prove you, for instance, that you are descended from a monkey, then it's no use scowling, you just have to accept it.""In ""Crime and Punishment"" (two years later, 1866) the Darwinian overtones inherent in Raskolnikov's theory of the extraordinary man are unmistakable. He describes the mechanism of ""natural selection,"" where, according to the laws of nature, by the crossing of races and types, a ""genius"" would eventually emerge. In general, Darwinian themes and Darwin's name occur in many contexts in a large number of Dostoevsky's works.'Descent of Man' was transted into Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian and Swedish in Darwin's lifetime. Freeman 1107.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK32,000.00 (€4,291.90 )


Reference : 55995


‎Put Jednoga Prirodoslovca Oko Zemlje. Part 1 (All that was published).‎

‎Zagreb, Tisak Kr. zemaljske tiskare, 1922. 8vo. Partly uncut in the original printed wrappers. Wrappers with light wear a few nicks. Internally fine and clean. (4), (1)-165‎

‎Rare first appearance in Serbo-Croatian of Darwin's 'Journal of Researches' - being the only work of any of Darwin's translated into this language. The present translation was never completed, thus only the first part 1. The full translation was not made until 1949.In 1945 the decision to recognize Croatian and Serbian as separate languages was reversed in favor of a single Serbo-Croatian or Croato-Serbian language. Today, for political/nationalistic reasons, there is a general opposition to the concept of Serbo-Croatian as a common pool/family. ""On its first appearance in its own right, also in 1839, it was called Journal of researches into the geology and natural history etc. The second edition, of 1845, transposes 'geology' and 'natural history' to read Journal of researches into the natural history and geology etc., and the spine title is Naturalist's voyage. The final definitive text of 1860 has the same wording on the title page, but the spine readsNaturalist's voyage round the world, and the fourteenth thousand of 1879 places A naturalist's voyage on the title page. The voyage of the Beagle first appears as a title in the Harmsworth Library edition of 1905. It is a bad title: she was only a floating home for Darwin, on which, in spite of good companionship, he was cramped and miserably sea-sick"" whilst the book is almost entirely about his expeditions on land."" (Freeman).Not in Freeman‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK12,000.00 (€1,609.46 )


Reference : 53280


‎Putovanje jednog prirodoslovca oko svijeta. - [ONLY TRANSLATION OF DARWIN INTO SERBO-CROATIAN]‎

‎Zagreb & Beograd, Novo Pokoljenje, 1949. Small4to. In publisher's original half cloth with printed lettering and ornamentation to spine. A ship decorating front board. Hindges very weak and first quire partly detached. 577, (6) + frontiespiece.‎

‎Rare first complete Serbo-Croatian translation of Darwin's 'Journal of Researches' - being the only translation of any of Darwin's into this language. It was reprinted in 1951, 1964 and 1966.In 1945 the decision to recognize Croatian and Serbian as separate languages was reversed in favor of a single Serbo-Croatian or Croato-Serbian language. Today, for political/nationalistic reasons, there is a general opposition to the concept of Serbo-Croatian as a common pool/family. ""On its first appearance in its own right, also in 1839, it was called Journal of researches into the geology and natural history etc. The second edition, of 1845, transposes 'geology' and 'natural history' to read Journal of researches into the natural history and geology etc., and the spine title is Naturalist's voyage. The final definitive text of 1860 has the same wording on the title page, but the spine readsNaturalist's voyage round the world, and the fourteenth thousand of 1879 places A naturalist's voyage on the title page. The voyage of the Beagle first appears as a title in the Harmsworth Library edition of 1905. It is a bad title: she was only a floating home for Darwin, on which, in spite of good companionship, he was cramped and miserably sea-sick"" whilst the book is almost entirely about his expeditions on land."" (Freeman).Freeman 244‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,000.00 (€804.73 )


Reference : 59977


‎Shurjerkrya chanaparhordutyun BIGL navov [i.e. ""Voyage of the Beagle""]. - [EXCEEDINGLY RARE FIRST ARMENIAN TRANSLATION OF DARWIN'S ""JOURNAL OF RESEARCHES""]‎

‎Erevan, Academy of Sciences Armenian S.S.R., 1949. Large8vo. In publisher's original printed cardboard binding. Title printed to spine and front board. A pictures of The Beagle on lower part of front board. Binding with wear to spine, especially to upper part. Back board with a few stains. Internally fine and clean with many text-illustrations throughout. (4), 460 pp. + frontiespiece of Darwin.‎

‎The exceedingly rare first Armenian translation of Darwin's ""Journal of Researches"". ""His first published book is undoubtedly the most often read and stands second only to ‘On the origin of Species’ as the most often printed. It is an important travel book in its own right and its relation to the background of his evolutionary ideas has often been stressed.""(Freeman p. 31).Freeman 169‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK15,000.00 (€2,011.83 )


Reference : 53459


‎Sposobnost rastenij dvischenijo. [i.e. The Power of Movements in Plants]. [translated by:] G. Miloradovich (+) A. Kobelyatskii, - [FIRST RUSSIAN TRANSLATION]‎

‎Kief, F. A. Johanson, 1882. 8vo. In contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Extremities with wear and spine lacking 1 cm of upper part of spine. Title-page with 8 numbers written in contemporary hand. Pasted down back end-paper with two small stamps, otherwise internally fine. VII, 433 pp.‎

‎Rare first Russian translation of Darwin's ""The Power of Movement in Plants"" published two years after the Original English. ""This [the present work] was an extension of the work on climbing plants to show that the same mechanisms hold good for flowering plants in general. It was another specialist book..."". (Freeman).It appeared in French, German and Russian by 1882, and in Italian and Romanian later. Freeman 1349‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK20,000.00 (€2,682.44 )

‎Darwin, Charles. -‎

Reference : 57522BB


‎The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical Chapter. Edited by his Son, Francis Darwin. Third Edition.‎

‎3 Bände. London, John Murray, 1887. Gross-8°. IX, 3 n.n. S., 539 (recte 395) S.; 2 Bl.,393 S.; IV, 418 S. Mit 3 Frontispiz, 1 Faksimile und Illustrationen im Text. Originalleinwandbände.‎

‎Freeman 1455. - Das 3. Tausend der ersten Briefauswahl und der Biografie durch Francis Darwin. - Alle Bände mit Exlibris von Elizabeth (von Arnim) mit dem Text "This Book belongs to Elizabeth. Chanterai ma chanson" auf den Innendeckeln. Zusätzlich mit einem handschriftlichem Besitzvermerk "Herbert Clemence, January 3rd, 1888". - Einbände beschabt. Rrücken des 2. Bandes mit Fehlstelle. Titelblätter und Frontispiz fleckig. Hinterer Vorsatz des 1. Bandes knittrig.‎


Phone number : +41 313 123 711

CHF500.00 (€511.75 )


Reference : 53497


‎Usonogie raki (i.e. 'Living Cirripedia') (+) Proishozhdenie vidov putem estestvennogo otbora... (i.e. 'On the tendency of species to form varieties') (+)Razlichnye formy tsvetov u rastenii odnogo i togo zhe vida (i.e. 'The Different Forms... - [SEVEN FIRST RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONS OF DARWIN'S SHORTER WORKS]‎

‎Moscow, Academy of Science, 1935-1959. Royal8vo. In 9 uniform full cloth bindings (albeit with slightly different colours, as published). All volumes with Darwin's signature ""Ch. Darwin"" embossed in gold to lower right corner of front board. All nine volumes with wear to spines. All nine volumes internally fine and clean (no stamps or brownspotting). XLVII, (1), 604, (4) pp. + 3 folded maps.: 682, (2) pp. + 3 folded maps: X, (2), 831, (1) pp. + 1 folded map.: 883, (1) pp.: 1040 pp. + 1 folded plate.: 696 pp.: 650 pp.: 543, (1) pp.: LVI, 734, (1) pp. The following being the collation of the papers which represent the first Russian translation of the given paper:[Geologija, Eskavajra, Tjlena Korolevskogo obschestva (i.e. 'Manual of Scientific Enquiry']: Vol. 2: Pp. 613-637[Usonogie raki (i.e. 'Living Cirripedia')]: Vol. 2: Pp. 37-87[Lectsii evolutsionnoi teorii (i.e. 'Studies in the theory of descent')]: Vol. 3: p. 755.[Proishozhdenie vidov putem estestvennogo otbora... (i.e. 'On the tendency of species to form varieties')]: Pp. 239-255.[Razlichnye formy tsvetov u rastenii odnogo i togo zhe vida (i.e. 'The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species')]: Vol. 7: Pp. 31-251.[Oplodotvorenie tsvetov (i.e. 'Fertilisation of flowers (Hermann Müller)']. Vol. 6: Pp. 652-654.[Zhizn Erazma Darvina (i.e. 'The Life of Erasmus Darwin')]. Vol. 9: Pp. 251-309.‎

‎A rare complete run of Moscow's Academy of Science Journal's publication of Darwin's 'Collected Works' containing seven first Russian translations of Darwin's shorter works. -Manual of Scientific Enquiry, Freeman 338, Translated by D. L. Weiss. Annotated by N. S. Shatskiï. 1935-Living Cirripedia, Freeman 341, Translated by N. I. Tarasov. 1936.-Studies in the theory of descent (August Weismann), Freeman 1415, Translated and with notes by S. L. Sobol'., 1939.-On the tendency of species to form varieties , Freeman 370, Translated by A. D. Nekrasov, S. L. Solol, 1939.-Different forms of flowers, Freeman 1302, Translated by A. P. Il'inskiï and E. D. D'yakov, 1948.-Fertilisation of flowers (Hermann Müller), Freeman 1433. Translated by V. A. Rybin., 1950.-Erasmus Darwin (Ernst Krause), Freeman 1324, Translated by V. N. Sukachev., 1959.Freeman 338, 341, 370, 1302, 1324, 1415, 1433,‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK32,000.00 (€4,291.90 )

‎DARWIN Charles‎

Reference : 022230

‎Voyage Aux Origines De L'Espèce : Voyage D'un Naturaliste Autour du Monde‎

‎Genève Cercle Du Bibliophile In-8 Reliure en skyvertex havane et noire . Motif doré . Edition soignée . Portrait de Darwin en frontispice . Traduction de Ed. Barbier . Introduction et analyse de l'oeuvre par Mellersh . Illustrations en noir et blanc . C'est une expédition en Terre de feu à bord du Beagle , qui agit sur l'auteur comme une révélation . Il y développa librement son goût pour les sciences et l'observation , mais il mit très longtemps a livrer sa théorie étant très critique envers lui-même . Biologie . - 590 p. , 800 gr.‎

‎Couverture rigide Très Bon État . 1° Édition Chez Cet Éditeur‎

Phone number : 04 67 98 96 91

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎DARWIN (Charles).-‎

Reference : 33951

‎Voyage d'un naturaliste autour du monde (Des îles du Cap-Vert à la Patagonie). Traduit de l'anglais par Edmond Barbier. Illustrations en noir, plus 4 hors-texte en couleurs d'après le "Règne Animal" de Georges Cuvier.‎

‎ P., La Farandole, 1959, in 8°, cartonnage de l'éditeur, 283 pages ; quelques rousseurs éparses. ‎

‎PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎


Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69

EUR33.00 (€33.00 )


Reference : 50927


‎Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier-und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung, oder Erhaltung der vervollkommneten Rassen im Kampfe um's Daseyn. Nach der zweiten Auflage mit einer geschichtlichen Vorrede und andern Zusätzen des Verfassers für d... - [FIRST GERMAN TRANSLATION OF ""ORIGIN OF SPECIES"".]‎

‎Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung und Druckerei, 1860. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half calf with gilt lettering and ornamentation to spine. Small stamp and previous owner signature to title page. Leather on lower part of spine with a tear and part detached. Hinges weak but book-block firmly attached. VIII (including half, 520, (6) pp + 1 plate.‎

‎The very scarce first edition of the highly important first German translation, which appeared just months after the original.This translation came to play a tremendous role in the spreading of Darwinism in Germany and Northern Europe in general. It was through this translation that Darwinian thought reached most of the German scientists and thinkers of the period, and it was this translation that challenged German scholars to think in new ways about morphology, systematics, paleontology, and other biological disciplines. It was from this translation that Ernst Haeckel, Darwin's most famous nineteenth-century proponent and popularizer in Germany, got his Darwinism and was able to further spread the new ideas in his own country. The German translation of Darwin's ""The Origin of Species"" appeared in 1860, just months after the original, thanks to Heinrich Georg Bronn, a distinguished German paleontologist whose work in some ways paralleled Darwin's. Bronn's version of the book (with his own notes and commentary appended) did much to determine how Darwin's theory was understood and applied by German biologists, for the translation process involved more than the mere substitution of German words for English.""Its [Origin of Species] greatest impact on German biological practice lay in the introduction of historical modes of explanation for the observable phenomena of living nature. The historical approach to nature was rejected, not only by the opponents of evolution, but also by the idealist evolutionist. Whether they favored a teleological or a reductionist biology, the idealists could not see the point of a theory that emphasized the irregularities and exceptions in the organic world. In the timeless real of idealist thinking, unchanging laws worked out an inevitable destiny. But Darwin taught his followers to look at living beings one by one. Thus prompted, they recognized, as if for the first time, the surprising fact of anomaly and the wisdom of an open-ended theory."" (Glick, The Comparative Reception of Darwinism). ""Darwin was not happy about the first German translation. It was done from the second English edition by H.G. Bronn, who had, at Darwin's suggestion, added an appendix of the difficulties which occurred to him"" but he had also excised bits of which he did not approve. This edition also contains the historical sketch in its shorter and earlier form."" (Freeman).Freeman No 672 - Freeman does not mention the lithographed plate.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK32,000.00 (€4,291.90 )

‎"DARWIN, CHARLES (+) ASAJIRO OKA [translated and revised by).‎

Reference : 55802


‎Shu no Kigen: Seizon Kyoso Tekisha Seizon no Genri (i.e. English: ""Origin of Species""]. - [THE MOST INFLUENTIAL JAPANESE TRANSLATION OF 'ORIGIN OF SPECIES']‎

‎Tokyo, Tokyo Kaiseikan, Meiji 38 [1905]. 8vo. In the original full bloth cloth with gilt letteing (in both Japanese and Latin characters). Light occassional brownspotting, otherwise a fine copy. 4, 894, 28, 12 pp. + frontispiece and folded plate with genealogical tree.‎

‎Rare second translation, and arguably the most important, of the Japanese translation of Darwin's ""Origin of Species"" (the first being from 1896 and only published once). This is the first translation to be made by a professional biologist. The previous translation (""Seibutsu Shigen"") was made by a law student which presumably was a contributing factor to the fact that the work primarily was embraced by social thinkers, philosophers and politicians to advocate the superiority of Japanese culture and society (and military) and not by biologist and zoologist. With the present translation Darwin's ideas and theories were finally properly introduced to the people they were intended for: biologist and zoologist. The popularity of Darwin's works and theories became immensly popular in Japan: ""Curiously, there are more versions of ""The Origin"" in Japanese than in any other language. The earliest were literary, with subsequent translations becoming more scientific as the Japanese developed a technical language for biology."" (Glick, The Comparatice Reception of Darwinism, P. XXII).""It was as if Darwin's famous oceanic journey and the meticulous research into the animal and plant kingdoms that he spent his life undertaking had all been staged as an elaborate excuse for composing a theory whose true object was Victorian society and the fate of the world's modern nations."" (Golley, Darwinism in Japan: The Birth of Ecology).Darwin's work had in Japan - as in the rest of the world - profound influence on the academic disciplines of zoology and biology, however, in Japan the most immediate influence was not on these subjects but on social thinkers: ""[...] it exerted great influence on Japanese social thinkers and social activists. After learning of Darwin's theory, Hiroyuki Kato, the first president of Tokyo Imperial University, published his New Theory of Human Rights and advocated social evolution theory (social Darwinism), emphasizing the inevitable struggle for existence in human society. He criticized the burgeoning Freedom and People's right movement. Conversely Siusui Kautoku, a socialist and Japanese translator of the Communist Manifesto, wrote articles on Darwinism, such as ""Darwin and Marx"" (1904). In this and other articles, he criticized kato's theory on Social Darwinism, insisting that Darwinism does not contradict socialism. The well known anarchist, Sakae Osugi published the third translation of On the Origin of Species in 1914, and later his translation of peter Kropotokin's Mutial Aid: A Factor of Evolution. Osugi spread the idea of mutual aid as the philosophical base of Anarcho-syndicalism."" (Tsuyoshi, The Japanese Lysenkoism and its Historical Backgrounds, p. 9) ""Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was introduced to Japan in 1877 (Morse 1936/1877) during Japan's push to gain military modernity through study of western sciences and technologies and the culture from which they had arisen. In the ensuing decades the theory of evolution was applied as a kind of social scientific tool, i.e. social Spencerism (or social Darwinism) (Sakura 1998:341"" Unoura 1999). Sakura (1998) suggests that the theory of evolution did not have much biological application in Japan. Instead, Japanese applied the idea of 'the survival of the fittest' (which was a misreading of Darwin's natural selection theory) to society and to individuals in the struggle for existence in Japan's new international circumstances (see also Gluck 1985: 13, 265).However, at least by the second decade of the 1900s, and by the time that Imanishi Kinji entered the Kyoto Imperial University, the curricula in the natural and earth sciences were largely based on German language sources and later on English language texts. These exposed students to something very different from a social Darwinist approach in these sciences. New sources that allow us to follow"" (ASQUITH, Sources for Imanishi Kinji's views of sociality and evolutionary outcomes, p. 1).""After 1895, the year of China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War, Spencer's slogan ""the survival of the fittest"" entered Chinese and Japanese writings as ""the superior win, the inferior lose."" Concerned with evolutionary theory in terms of the survival of China, rather than the origin of species, Chinese intellectuals saw the issue as a complex problem involving the evolution of institutions, ideas, and attitudes. Indeed, they concluded that the secret source of Western power and the rise of Japan was their mutual belief in modern science and the theory of evolutionary progress. According to Japanese scholars, traditional Japanese culture was not congenial to Weastern science because the Japanese view of the relationship between the human world and the divine world was totally different from that of Western philosophers. Japanese philosophers envisioned a harmonious relationship between heaven and earth, rather than conflict. Traditionally, nature was something to be seen through the eyes of a poet, rather than as the passive object of scientific investigations. The traditional Japanese vision of harmony in nature might have been uncongenial to a theory based on natural selection, but Darwinism was eagerly adopted by Japanese thinkers, who saw it as a scientific retionalization for Japan's intense efforts to become a modernized military and industial power. Whereas European and American scientists and theologians became embroiled in disputes about the evolutionary relationship between humans and other animals, Japanese debates about the meaning of Darwinism primarily dealt with the national and international implications of natural selection and the struggle for survival. Late nineteenth-century Japanese commentators were likely to refer to Darwinism as an ""eternal and unchangeable natural law"" that justified militaristic nationalism directed by supposedly superior elites"". (Magner, A History of the Life Sciences, Revised and Expanded, p. 349)""Between 1877 and 1888, only four works on the subject of biological evolution were published in Japan. During these same eleven years, by contrast, at least twenty Japanese translations of Herbert Spencer's loosely ""Darwinian"" social theories made their appearance. The social sciences dominated the subject, and when Darwin's original The Origin of Species (Seibutsu shigen) finally appeared in translation in 1896, it was published by a press specializing in economics. It is not surprising then that by the early 20th century, when Darwin's work began to make an impact as a biological rather than a ""social"" theory, the terms ""evolution"" (shinka), ""the struggle for existence"" (seizon kyôsô), and ""survival of the fittest"" (tekisha seizon) had been indelibly marked as social and political principles. It was as if Darwin's famous oceanic journey and the meticulous research into the animal and plant kingdoms that he spent his life undertaking had all been staged as an elaborate excuse for composing a theory whose true object was Victorian society and the fate of the world's modern nations."" (Golley, Darwinism in Japan: The Birth of Ecology).Freeman 719‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK30,000.00 (€4,023.66 )


Reference : 57929


‎Postanak vrsta pomocu prirodnog odabiranja ili Odrzavanje povladivanih rasa u borbi za zivot. (Bosnian, i.e. ""Origin of Species""). - [FIRST BOSNIAN TRANSLATION OF DARWIN'S 'ORIGIN OF SPECIES']‎

‎Beograd, Prosveta, 1948. 8vo. In publisher's original half cloth binding with printed board. With previous owner's name to front free end-paper. A fine and clean copy. XI, (1), (1)-459 pp. + the folded plate with the genealogical tree and a loosely inserted errata leaf.‎

‎The rare first Bosnian translation of Darwin's 'Origin of Species'. Freeman F2397 (Darwin-Online).Not listed in Glick's The Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe, Vol. 1.OCLC only list 2 copies, both in Slovenia.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK15,000.00 (€2,011.83 )

‎DARWIN, Charles Galton.‎

Reference : 39947

‎Die nächste Million Jahre. Ein Ausblick auf die künftige Entwicklung der Menschheit. Aus dem Englischen übertragen von Wilhelm H. Westphal.‎

‎ Braunschweig, Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn 1953, 210x150mm, 163Seiten, Verlegereinband mit Umschlag. In gutem Zustand. ‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€20.47 )

‎Darwin (Charles) - Leakey (Richard E.), ed. - Bynum (W. F.) and Barrett (J. A.), consultants‎

Reference : 38418


‎The Illustrated Origin of Species - Abridged and Introduced by Richard E. Leakey‎

‎Faber and Faber Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1979 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon hardcover, under dust-jacket In-4 1 vol. - 240 pages‎

‎many illustrations, black and white and colours 1st edition "Contents, Chapitres : Introduction by Richard E. Leakey (35 pages) - Introduction to the original work - Variation under Domestication - Variation under Nature - Struggle for Existence - Natural Selection ; or the Survival of the Fittest - Laws of Variation - Difficulties of the Theory - Miscellaneous objections to the Theory of Natural Selection - Instinct - Hybridism - On the Imperfection of the Geological Record - On the Geological Succession of Organic Beings - Geographical Distribution - Mutual Affinities of Organic Beings : Morphology - Embryology - Rudimentary Organs - Conclusion - Glossary - Further reading - Index" infime accroc, sans manque sur le haut de la jaquette, sinon tres bon etat‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎"DARWIN, C. R. ‎

Reference : 60115


‎Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds.‎

‎London and New York, Macmillan and Co., 1874. Royal8vo. In a bit later full green cloth. In ""Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science"", Vol. 10, May 1874 - October 1874. Stamp to title-page and ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. Stamps to front free end paper. Traces from book block having been bended. Darwin's paper: Pp. 24-25. [Entire volume: XI, (1), 534 pp].‎

‎First appearance of Darwin's paper on Primrose flowers. Primrose flowers, and the flowers of related members of the Primulaceae are often removed from their stalks and scattered on the ground by green finches apparently consuming the ovaries and nectaries - here first described by Darwin. Freeman 1771‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )

‎"DARWIN, C. R. ‎

Reference : 60122


‎[Memorial to Gladstone] (+) Bree on Darwinism.‎

‎London and New York, Macmillan and Co., 1872. Royal8vo. In publisher's original red embossed cloth. In ""Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science"", Vol. 6, May-October 1872. Stamp to title-page and p. 1 and ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. Binding with wear and light soiling, spine loose and missing part of cloth to upper part.. Internally fine and clean. Darwin's paper (co-author): 211-216" P. 279. [Entire volume: XII, 548 pp].‎

‎First publication of these two short notices by Darwin. Freeman 1937 & 1756.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )
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