St. Gallen, Ruprecht Weniger, 1740. 8°. (1) Bl., (8) Bl., 752 S., 112 S. Mit 1 gest. Fronistp. u. 1 gef. und kolorierten Karte. Neuer Halbpergamentband im Stile der Zeit mit altem Marmorpapierbezug.
Lonchamp 3231. - Haller IV, 796. - e-HLS. - Feller-Bonjour 493. - Das Hauptwerk des Appenzeller Pfarrers, Schriftstellers und Geographs Gabriel Walser (1695-1776). Der erste historische Teil schliesst an Bartholomäus Bischofbergers Werk an und ergänzt dieses bis 1732. Der landeskundlich wertvollere Teil der Chronik, beruht auf eigenen Beobachtungen, u.a. beschreibt Walser die Verlegung des Leinengewerbes von St. Gallen nach Appenzell, den Anfang des Tabakrauchens, die Teuerung und ihre Folgen, die Hexenverbrennungen und die "Alpkilbinen". - Durchgehend stockfleckig. Die Seiten 419-421 mit kl. Fehlstelle.
Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50
Walsingham (Lord Thomas de Grey) - Linnean Society of London
Reference : 38307
Linnean Society of London , Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1885 Book condition, Etat : Moyen paperback, original editor's wrappers grand In-4 1 vol. - 6 pages
2 plates in colors (complete) Contents, Chapitres : Lord Walsingham : Contributions to the Knowledge of the Genus Anaphe, Walker, plates XLIV and XLV - pages 421 to 426 spine used, the wrappers are mooving, otherwise near fine copy, inside is clean except very few foxings
Hachette. 1933. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur bon état. 91 p. Nombreuses photographies couleur et noir et blanc dan et hors texte. textes de P;-A GRUENAIS. . . . Classification Dewey : 570-Sciences de la vie
Walt disney nous montre que contrairement à l'idée que nous nous faisons du désert, il n'est pas mort, il vit intensément. des milliers de bêtes les plus diverses y cohabitent.... Classification Dewey : 570-Sciences de la vie
LAUSANNE. 1957. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 81 pages. Nombreuses images contrecollée en couleurs dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 570-Sciences de la vie
Classification Dewey : 570-Sciences de la vie
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 276 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503605074.
Summary This volume revolves around three men who knew each other well, oversaw the political and spiritual life of much of northern France and Flanders during the first third of the twelfth century, and died within five years of one another: Charles the Good, count of Flanders from 1119 to 1127; John of Warneton, archdeacon of Arras from 1096 to 1099 and bishop of Th rouanne from 1099 to 1130; and their common biographer, Walter, archdeacon of Th rouanne from 1116 to 1132. The volume includes a detailed historical introduction and offers the first English translations of Walter's biographies of Charles and John and of several other texts: Lambert of Saint-Omer's Genealogy of the Counts of Flanders and its continuation, poems on the death of Charles the Good, the inquest into his murder, and selections from Galbert of Marchiennes' The Transferal of Saint Jonatus to the Village of Sailly-en-Ostrevant, Simon of Saint Bertin's continuation of the Deeds of the Abbots of Saint Bertin's, Andreas of Marchiennes' The Miracles of Saint Rictrude, and the third Genealogy of the Flemish Counts (Flandria generosa). The works translated in this volume are the principal sources for the reign and assassination of Charles the Good and the bishopric of John of Warneton that have not yet been translated into English. This volume will be of particular interest to scholars of medieval Flanders and to medieval legal, ecclesiastical, political and social historians in general. Most of the source texts of this volume were edited in 2006 by Jeff Rider (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 217). References to the corresponding pages of the Corpus Christianorum edition are provided in the margins of this translation. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Charles the Good John of Warneton Walter of Th rouanne Sources and Principles of the Translations Bibliography Primary Sources Secondary Sources The Life of Count Charles of Flanders The Life of Lord John, Bishop of Th rouanne Appendices 1. Lambert of Saint-Omer, Genealogy of the Counts of Flanders and its continuation 2. Poems on the Death of Charles the Good 3. Inquest into the Assassination of Count Charles 4. Selections from Galbert of Marchiennes (?), The Transferal of Saint Jonatus to the Village of Sailly-en-Ostrevant 5. Selections from Simon of Saint Bertin's, Deeds of the Abbots of Saint Bertin's 6. Selections from Andreas of Marchiennes, The Miracles of Saint Rictrude 7. The End of the Third Genealogy of the Flemish Counts Figures Map of Flanders c. 1127 Genealogy of the Counts of Flanders Genealogy of the Erembalds Indices Index of Scriptural References Index of Non-Biblical Sources General Index
Edition Sanamin, nouvelle édition 2008, in/8 broché, 192 pages.
, Silvana Editoriale, 2020 hardcover 280 x 230 mm, 96 pages, 50 illustrations Eng./ IT edition. ISBN 9788836646043.
Expo: from March 21st, 2020, Paci Contemporary, Brescia Photographer of excellence, and among the most appreciated in the contemporary art scene, the Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf (1959) is to be considered one of the greatest interpreters of modern portrait photography: he is known all over the world for a photographic style dominated by mysterious and contemplative atmospheres, for his mise en scene and theatrical compositions. In his shots Olaf weaves complex and dramatic narratives. His works are striking in their strangeness, their will to provoke, their sense of solitude and restlessness: they catch glimpses of truth, which reveal the imperfection and the fictitious nature of an apparently perfect world. This rich catalogue represents a journey through the artist's entire production, offering a complete overview of his work: from the beginning with Chessmen, the series that made him internationally famous, awarded at the Young European Photographer competition in 1988, up to the recent Palm Springs project (2018). The volume includes a critical text by Walter Guadagnini and a conversation with the artist. Text in English and Italian.
Paris P.U.F. Presses Universitaires de France 1982 in 8 (23x13,5) 1 volume broché, 252 pages [2]. Collection "Le linguiste". Envoi autographe signé par l'auteur. Bon exemplaire
Bon Broché Signé par l'auteur
Paris Robert Laffont 1994 in 8 (21x13,5) 1 volume broché, couverture illustrée, 498 pages [2], avec des cartes. Bel exemplaire
Très bon Broché
P., Laffont, 1994. In-8 broché, 498 pages, nb cartes in-txt. Très lég. trace de mouillure sur la couverture.
Les Origines lointaines, le Grec, les langues Celtiques, les langues issues du Latin, les langues Germaniques.
Epi 1968 in8. 1968. Broché.
bon état cependant couverture défraîchie intérieur propre dos ridé
Paris, Dunod, 1936. 17 x 25, 231 pp., 167 figures, broché, très bon état.
traduit de l'allemand par R. Nierenberger.
, Brill, 2009 Hardcover 272 pages english. ISBN 9789004179745.
In bringing together work on optic theory, ethnography, and the visual cultures of Christianity, this volume offers a sense of the richness and the complexity of early modern thinking about the human eye. The seven case studies explore the relationship between vision and knowledge, taking up such diverse artifacts as an emblem book, a Jesuit mariological text, Calvin's Institutes, Las Casas's Apologia, Hans Staden's True History, the Codex Telleriano-Remensis, and an exegetical painting by Herri met de Bles. Argued from different disciplinary perspectives, these essays pose crucial questions about the eyes, asking how they were construed as instruments of witnessing, perception, representation, cognition, and religious belief. Contributors include: Tom Conley, Walter Melion, Jose Rabasa, Lee Palmer Wandel, Michel Weemans, Nicolas Wey Gomez, and Neil Whitehead.
, Lettre Volee La Kanal 20, 2004 Softcover, 240 pagina's, Expo: August 2004, MAC's, Grande-Hornu./ PB, 240 x 170 mm, 240 p, full colour illustrations NL/FR/ENG TEXT . ISBN 9782873172251.
Cette nouvelle collection a pour objectif de mettre en lumi?re le processus de cr?ation d'une oeuvre travers l'accumulation de notes, de croquis, de textes. qui sont les bases d'une pens?e destin?e ? trouver plus tard une formulation aboutie, ? fonder l'expression du travail. Walter Swennen, depuis des d?cennies, inscrit sur papier des dessins ou des phrases et les entasse dans des cartons. Il en a ressorti un peu plus de 200 afin que l'on puisse s'y plonger. Croquis et mots sont donn?s avec la l?g?ret? d'un propos inaugural et en m?me temps ind?termin?. Nous y verrons l'humour masquer la gravit? et le d?tachement c?toyer une certaine forme de sagesse.nNous suivrons, ainsi que le sugg?re cette collection, les traces subtiles de la m?moire qui s'inscrit jour apr?s jour dans les formes les plus vari?es de la plume, du pinceau et du crayon. nnWalter Swennen est n? ? Bruxelles en 1946. Artiste peintre, il a expos? depuis les ann?es 1980 ? Anvers, Bruxelles, Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, New York. Son travail a notamment ?t? montr? au Plateau (Paris) dans l'exposition collective ? Voir en peinture ?. Le livre sera pr?sent? lors de l'exposition des dessins de Walter Swennen au Mac's (Mus?e des Arts contemporains au Grand-Hornu, Belgique) le 29 avril 2004.nnnAs the days go by, we know, artists accumulate notes, sketches and texts-in short, scraps with no immediate consistency but which we guess are the origins of an idea that is destined later to find its finished form and to be the basis of a work.nWalter Swennen has, for decades, been putting drawings or sentences on paper and piling them up. From this daily exercise, he has taken a selection of just over 200 sketches. We will find humour masking seriousness and detachment going hand in hand with a sort of wisdom. And in Swennen's daily excursions, we find the Belgian artist's entire, sensitive mental view of the world, whose work has now generated a revived interest among collectors and critics.nnWalter Swennen, born in Brussels in 1946, lives and works in Antwerp. As an artist, he has had exhibitions since the 1980s in Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, Milan, Amsterdam and New York. Many museums and centres for contemporary art have displayed his painted works. His pictorial productions have greatly influencednyoung contemporary artists.
, Hannibal Books, 2024 Hardcover, 34 x 24 cm, 176 pages, **Hardcover with cover shape and three interchangeable cover images! English edition. . ISBN 9789464941388.
An exclusive look at the collages of celebrated designer Walter Van Beirendonck Cut the World Awake by Walter Van Beirendonck presents an exclusive look into a crucial part of the creative method of this Antwerp Six member. Sourcing his materials across art and culture, the fashion designer uses collage as a pre-meditation, creating paper montages that inspire, excite and provoke. Going back as far as the 90s but also including work used as instigators for his most recent collections, this book offers a selection of more than one hundred never-before-seen colour collages, brain-scanned, sliced and juxtaposed by one of the most influential and groundbreaking artists of our time. This publication features an extensive new interview with Walter Van Beirendonck himself and an exclusive and brilliant conversation between Walter and his long-time hero Paul McCarthy.
, Hannibal Books, 2024 Hardcover, 34 24 cm, 960 pages, ***Hardcover with cover shape and three interchangeable cover images. English edition. . ISBN 9789464941364.
Magnificent drawings by fashion designer Walter Van Beirendonck For the first time ever, Walter Van Beirendonck opens up his personal archives to reveal an incredibly rich but meticulously curated selection of the transmutative drawings that have been crucial in bridging the gap between his mind, his runways and the world at large. As one of the most influential fashion designers ever, the Antwerp Six member has been rethinking and reshaping what contemporary clothing can look and feel like for over four decades. Previously stored within his private vault, this curation of more than five hundred drawings on paper, some dreamt up in the eighties, others just weeks ago, offer an unprecedented insight into the wonderful, wild, hopeful world of a true artist who relentlessly follows his calling, no matter the hurdles or setbacks along the way. This Walter Van Beirendonck bible, filled with more than 500 of his most magnificent drawings, is an indispensable addition to the personal library of any fashion lover.
, MER - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, 2021 Map met 8 posters, 84 x60cm. ISBN 9789463936101.
Vanaf 2021 maakt het MoMu Antwerpen extra publieke ruimte vrij, waaronder een permantente tentoonstellingszaal voor de vaste collectie van het museum. Zo kunnen bezoekers niet alleen genieten van de indrukwekkende thematische collecties, maar ook van het vaste modeverhaal dat het museum zal vertellen. De opening van het vernieuwde MoMu gaat gepaard met de publicatie van een uniek boek. ?MoMu Posters? bundelt acht iconische affiches van tentoonstellingen en ontwerpers die de voorbije jaren exposeerden in het museum, waaronder Walter Van Beirendonck, Rik Wouters en het huiselijk utopia en Game Changers. Het boek bevat de acht gevouwen posters en kan doorbladerd worden als een salontafelboek, maar de lezer kan er even goed voor kiezen om de posters eruit te halen en op te hangen. From 2021, MoMu Antwerp will create extra public space free, including a permanent exhibition hall for the permanent collection of the museum. This way visitors can not only enjoy the impressive thematic collections, but also of the fixed fashion story that the museum will tell. The opening of the renewed MoMu is accompanied by the publication of a unique book. 'MoMu Posters' bundles eight iconic posters from exhibitions and designers who have exhibited in the museum in recent years, including Walter Van Beirendonck, Rik Wouters and the domestic utopia and Game Changers. The book contains the eight folded posters and can be leafed through like a coffee table book, but the reader can good choice to take the posters out and hang them up.
Walter van Beirendonck Kaat Debo Co-auteur: Cl mence Mathieu Valentine Plisnier Fanny Wonu Veys Jan Willem Sieburgh Chris Dercon Sonja Wijs Alexandra van Dongen Kaat Debo
Reference : 62275
, Lannoo, 2017 Hardcover, 240 pag. Illustrated. 28x24cm. English text. FINE!. ISBN 9789401442954.
To this very day masks capture the imagination: where does one's identity stop and a transformation start to take place when someone puts on a mask, how do we deal with old symbolic and mythical meanings, when do we create new ways of defining ourselves, what is accepted and where does controversy start? Again and again, POWERMASK calls into question the border between tradition and renewal, between uncovering and covering up, thereby connecting past and present across different cultures. Ever since his first collections from the 1980s, Belgian fashion designer Walter Van Beirendonck has been intrigued by masks. In this exhibition and its accompanying catalogue POWERMASK, his personal fascination for masks and their impact on a person's identify translates into a particular and varied view of the phenomenon of masks. He also examines the role of the mask in the work of visual artists, photographers, and fashion designers. With contributions by Kaat Debo, Chris Dercon, Alexandra van Dongen, Cl mence Mathieu, Valentine Plisnier, Jan Willem Sieburgh, Fanny Wonu Veys, and Sonja Wijs.With works by Diane Arbus, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Hans Bollongier, Louise Bourgeois, Olaf Breuning, Thom Browne, Pieter Bruegel de Oude, Dietmar Busse, Richard Butler, Claude Cahun, Giorgio de Chirico, Christophe Coppens, Gustave Courbet, James Ensor, Charles Fr ger, Coco Fronsac, Phyllis Galembo, Jean Paul Gaultier, Craig Green, Erik Halley, Keith Haring, Hannah H ch, Axel Hoedt, Stephen Jones, Folkert de Jong, Lajos Kass k, Brian Kenny, Christoph Klauke, Manon K ndig, Inez van Lamsweerde, James Merry, Robert Mapplethorpe, Martin Margiela, Paul McCarthy, Emil Nolde, Niels Peeraer, Pablo Picasso, Bertjan Pot, Richard Quinn, Augustin Rebetez, Tony Saulnier, Hans Sch rer, Cindy Sherman, Saul Steinberg, John Stezaker, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Maiko Takeda, Walter Van Beirendonck, Dirk Van Saene, Viktor & Rolf, Sally Wassink
Editions Paul Leymarie, Paris 1920, 18,5 x 13 cm, XVIII, 179 pp Broché ;
Remises possibles sur les achats en lot, achetez plusieurs objets à la fois ! Reçoit sur rendez-vous pour consultation des ouvrages.
Maastricht, Galerie Wanda Reiff, folder 4 pages, catalogue 1988.
folder/ catalogue 4 pages, 1988
, , Omslagmap met vier illustraties en tekst. NL/DE/ENG/FR text. ISBN 9789085866305.
De Antwerpse poesjenel is een bastaardkind van de Italiaanse Pulcinella. Wannes Van de Velde leerde als kind de ongekunstelde en scabreuze houten poppen kennen in de kelders van de Repenstraat en Stoofstraat. De figuur van de Neus legde de basis van zijn eerste lied, geschreven uit boosheid om de afbraak van zestiende-eeuwse huizen in zijn wijk. Karel Vingerhoets liet zich onderdompelen in het oeuvre van Wannes en schreef in opdracht De Neus in het Mas, waarin de Neus ons met zijn amoureuze en geestige ziel meeneemt langs de straten en klanken van zijn gedroomde stad. Met vier prachtige illustraties uit de schetsboeken van meester Wannes Van de Velde. Deze unieke tekeningen zijn uitneembaar en kunnen afzonderlijk ingekaderd worden.
Editions hemma. Non daté. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 48 pages augmentées de nombreuses illustrations en couleurs dans le texte. Page de garde découpée .. . . . Classification Dewey : 570-Sciences de la vie
Classification Dewey : 570-Sciences de la vie
Gallimard. 1930. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos abîmé, Papier jauni. 257 pages. Quelques rousseurs et pliures.. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
"Collection"" Les documents bleus - L'univers n°18"". NRF. 3e édition. Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES"
, Brugge, 1975., In suite, originele uitgeversomslag, 21,5x28cm, z.p., geillustreerd met 10 originele houtsneden.
JO DE MEESTER De bladen voor de grafiek nr.2 jrg.8
Cantabrigiae, Archdeacon, 1772, un volume in 4 relié en demi-soie noire (reliure moderne), (titre monté sur onglet, restaurations aux planches et renforcées, petits trous de vers dans la marge de quelques feuillets, quelques rousseurs), (2), 11pp., 123pp., 7 planches dépliantes
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "WARING published Proprietatis algebraicarum curvarum in 1772 and Meditationes analyticae in 1776... These works contain many new results". (Cajori p. 248) ---- WARING received the Copley medal of the Royal Society in 1784". (DSB XIV pp. 179/180)**5260/