Amsterdam, S.L. van Looy, 1908 portfolio, 52 plates, loosely inserted as issued in hcl. portfolio; 52 perfecte platen in grote kartonnen map. 40x31cm. Zeldzaam.
Het werktuigkundig Teekenen - Atlas van 52 platen - F.C. van der Togt : Leeraar aan de ambachtschool en avondteekenscholen te ' s Gravenhage .
Editeurs Divers Curaçao 2001 23 4x1x15 2cm. 2001. Broché.
très bon état de conservation intérieur propre bonne tenue
1957 in-8, 428pp., br. Paris Grasset 1957,
Phone number : 33 (0)6 77 77 12 33
ALBIN MICHEL. 1971. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Mors fendus, Déchirures. 295 pages - couverture contrepliée. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
ROBERT LAFFONT. 1976. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos plié, Intérieur frais. 236 Pages + Un flyer publicitaire de l'éditeur - Quelques planches photos en noir et blanc - Coiffes abîmées. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
Traduit de l'anglais par M. GAUTHIER-LAURENT Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
2012, Eyrolles, Les chemins de l'inconscient, in-8 broché, trop sensibles pour être heureux ? | Etat : bon état (Ref.: ref97578)
, Mercatorfonds 1976, 1976 Hardcover, 223 pagina's, Nederlands, 305 x 245 mm, omslag sporen van gebruik, boek zelf in prima staat, met illustraties in kleur en z/w,. ISBN 9789061530701.
Editional copyright 1975 Edizioni Zeta Firenze ( Italia)
I.N.R.A.. 1975. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 134 pages - 1 annotation et 1 tampon sur la page de titre - 1 tampon sur le 1er plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 328 pages, Size:180 x 265 mm, Language(s):Coptic, English, Greek. ISBN 9782503594446.
Summary Ce fascicule pr sente l' dition critique du Proto-Isa e (Is 1-39) en copte sa dique avec traduction anglaise, sur la base du manuscrit sa 53, Morgan 568, avec les variantes des autres t moins connus. Elle est pr c d e par une analyse philologique pr cise du principal t moin compar avec la tradition manuscrite grecque. Comme le montre l'Introduction, un tiers du texte du Proto-Isa e sa dique n'est attest que par sa 53 qui n'avait pas encore t publi jusqu' aujourd'hui.
Seuil 1978 190 pages 17 2x11 6x1cm. 1978. Poche. 190 pages.
Bon Etat des annotations
1983, E.S.F in-8 broché de 180 pages, La libération d'Oedipe, 4ème édition | Etat : bon état (Ref.: ref90836)
POINTS 1991 192 pages 10 6x1x17 2cm. 1991. pocket_book. 192 pages.
Bon état
Paris Gauthier-Vilars 1900. In-8 broché 108pp. Avec des formules et 8 graphiques dans le texte. Bel exp.
Thèse présentée à la Faculté des Sciences de Paris pour l'obtention du grade de Docteus ès Sciences Physiques, en juin 1900, par Daniel Tombeck préparateur de physique dans cette même faculté. (2402)
Tom Broes, Asl1 i ek, Bernard Colenbrander, Michiel Dehaene, Oswald Devisch, Stefan Devoldere, Katrien Embrechts, Christoph Grafe, Andr Loeckx, Ruth Soenen.
Reference : 59844
, VAI : VLAAMS ARCHITECTUUR INSTITUUT, 2014 softcover /PB, 255 x 200 mm, 324 pages throughout Kleurenillustraties,NL ed.. nieuwstaat. ISBN 9789082122534.
De geselecteerde projecten voor 'Architectuur middenin' zijn ambitieus, zelfbewust, nadrukkelijk aanwezig en met uiterste zorg ontworpen. Voor 'Architectuur middenin' selecteerde de redactie meer dan 50 projecten die zich succesvol met het leven verankeren. De diversiteit is zeer groot, het aanbod steeds breder. Het Architectuurboek levert het bewijs dat architectuurcultuur tot in de verste uithoeken van Vlaanderen en in alle geledingen van de maatschappij is doorgedrongen: cr ches, scholen, gemeenschapscentra, sporthallen, gezinswoningen, universiteiten, psychiatrische centra, brandweerkazernes, verzorgingstehuizen en crematoria. Het boek toont een opmerkelijke verscheidenheid aan architectuur.
, G.ARTS 2019, 2019 Hardcover, 316 pages, English, 280 x 280 mm, new book, with dustjacket, . ISBN 9780999243015.
Why was an artist with no architectural experience inspired to design and build a five-story spiral house made of stone? Can a home designed as sacred architecture be a comfortable place to live in the 21st century? How does living in a sacred space support one's path to awakening? These questions are answered in the story of artist Tom Gottsleben and his wife, Patty Livingston, who spent 20 years exploring what it means to build and live in a home designed as sacred space. This inspiring and informative book tells of Tom's years exploring stone sculpture and landscaping walls, his lifelong spiritual practice, accidental discovery of sacred geometry, and how Patty's pragmatic nature grounded the project in the practicalities of a comfortable home. Although this is the personal story of one couple's journey and their beautiful home and joyful approach to life, its purpose is to attune readers to seeing and creating sacred space in their own lives.
, Prometheus 2002, 2002 Softcover, 437 pagina's, Nederlands, 200 x 128 x 40 mm , in prima conditie. ISBN 9789044601244.
Met handgeschreven opdracht en gesigneerd, gedateerd door de auteur.
, Stockmans, 2005 HB, 290 x 285 mm, 120 pages, Eng. / NL edition. ISBN 9789077207116.
Tom Liekens verkent op doorgedreven wijze de kunstmatigheid van het ogenschijnlijk natuurlijke. Fragmenten van wintertuinen, subtropische zwembaden en dierentuinen staan vaak centraal in zijn werk, als uitgesproken symbolen van ons verlangen naar de ongerepte natuur / exop Marmeren Zaal, Antwerpse Zoo
In-8, broché, couverture imprimée (dos fendillé), 8 p., planche dépliante. London, Gilbert & Rivington, 1871.
Edition originale. Plan de l'invention installées en bord de mer.
Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60
Paris Typographie Walder 1876 Paris Typographie Walder 1876, In-8 plaqiette brochée, 23 pages + grand croquis dépliant et figures. Trés bon état.
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
["Eclectica" Reeks monografieën uitgegeven door de Sin-Aloysiushandelshogeschool] - TOMMISSEN, P. [ Tommissen, Piet (1925-2011) ]
Reference : 52890
1 vol. 8vo. softcover, "Eclectica" Reeks monografieën uitgegeven door de Sin-Aloysiushandelshogeschool, Brussel, 1971, 68 pp. Text in Dutch, only. Enclosed : a card by the author : "Piet Tommissen vous envoie cet opuscule, avec prière d'en confier le compte-rendu au Prof. Bousquet, qui lis (sic) le néerlandais couramment."
VG copy (with handwr. notes by prof. G.H. Bousquet). With handwritten notes in French, by prof. Georges-Henri Bousquet (1903-1978), a French academic, who was a disciple of Pareto and a friend of Joseph Schumpeter. G.-H. Bousquet spoke both French and Dutch as mother tongues. He wrote much about Vilfredo Pareto, whom he had visited, for instance in his villa of Céligny (Switzerland), before his death in 1923.
, Published by Tommy Eklof, 2013 Hardcover with illustrated cover, 165 pages, 30x21cm. very richly illustrated with coloured illustrations, fine condition!. ISBN 9789163733376.
A handbook for dating Chinese porcelain from facial features and adornments for museums, collectors and dealers alike. To arrive at a stylistic chronology in the rendering of facial features of people in porcelain decorations, the author has collected and categorized more than 3900 faces of men, women and children in Chinese porcelain decorations, dating from the 15th century until present day. The book contains: *Facial features and adornments described and dated in diagrams "quantity/year": - different outlines - 18 hairstyles - 27 headgear - 10 adornments - 6 clothes * 29 different categories of faces (men, women, children) described and dated in diagrams (quantity/year) with 12 faces examples for each gender for the most categories. Total more than 800 faces shown. * about 100 examples "copy versus authentic" to train the eyes. * advices to new collectors. The author is active as board moderator for the world's largest English language Chinese porcelain Internet site, "gotheborg". Some voices: "This book is a milestone for dating Chinese porcelain, for museums, collectors and dealers alike." "One thing that also sets this book apart from most other publications is the massive research and the number of pieces that has gone into its making. We are not talking about a few samples, not even a few hundreds of samples. The samples for this one counts into the thousands. This is not an idea, or a 'suggested direction of further research' etc., this is the thing.!" "It overwhelms me in every sense. Now I have a good reference at hand to date the porcelain by faces. A good guide mark for every porcelain lover, a milestone for dating porcelain." "I am more than pleased ! You have mastered what I think is the basis of true international language the ability to communicate simply. The format of simple text and great pictures works wonderfully well when trying to assimilate knowledge. You have nailed it!" "This is a refreshing change, although I am English I have to sit with a dictionary to fully understand some of the older classic reference books and the archaic language used by oxford graduates! This is a reference book for all, well done!" " A significant weapon in the armoury against confusion, misinformation and fakery!".
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, cxli + 187 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Languages: Greek, English. ISBN 9782503406619.
Summary The Florilegium Coislinianum is a Byzantine anthology dating to the ninth or tenth century. It deals with subjects ranging from the creation of angels to sin and virtues. Although it is an important document, it has only recently received due attention from the scholarly community. The present edition is the editio princeps of the first book of the Florilegium Coislinianum. It is part of a much larger collaborative project, in the framework of which a research team, based at KU Leuven, is currently studying and editing various sections of this florilegium. The critical text presented here is based upon a detailed examination of all the known witnesses of the florilegium, and has been thoroughly compared with its sources. It is supplemented with a philological introduction which studies the manuscript tradition and the relationship of the manuscripts, explains the orthographical peculiarities of the tradition, defines the ratio edendi and discusses the most relevant textual corruptions of the archetype. TABLE OF CONTENTS Florilegia - Florilegium Coislinianum A - ed. T. Fern ndez
Euro service internet 2002 in8. 2002. cartonné. 246 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre