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‎Susanne Pollack and Samuel Vitali‎

Reference : 58088

‎Crossing parallels Agostino Carracci - Hendrick Goltzius. ‎

‎, Imhof verlag, 2021 Hardcover, 24 30 cm, 304 pages with 289 illustrations. English text. ISBN 9783731909712.‎

‎Crossing Parallels Agostino Carracci, Hendrick Goltzius Graphische Sammlung ETH Z rich: 9. Dezember 2020 bis 14. M rz 2021 Agostino Carracci and Hendrick Goltzius were the leading engravers of the late 16th century ? one north and the other south of the Alps. They have not only achieved revolutionary achievements in technical terms, but have also had a lasting impact on the medium of copperplate engraving with the selection and design of their image content. While there are already numerous publications on Goltzius as well as on Carracci, the obvious comparison of the two great figures of the engraving around 1600 is undertaken here for the first time. In four detailed essays and catalog texts on all exhibited engravings, the amazing parallels in the life and work of the two masters are shown, their artistic development is comparatively analyzed and the readers eyes are sharpened for the sophistication of their virtuoso engraving technique.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.99 (€49.99 )

‎Susan Whyman‎

Reference : 62765

‎Pen and the People : English Letter Writers 1660-1800.‎

‎, OUP Oxford, 2009 Hardcover, 348 pages, ENG., 240 x 165 x 25 mm, In Very Good condition, illustrated dustjacket, with b/w illustrations. ISBN 9780199532445.‎

‎Susan Whyman draws on a hidden world of previously unknown letter writers to explore bold new ideas about the history of writing, reading and the novel. Capturing actual dialogues of people discussing subjects as diverse as marriage, poverty, poetry, and the emotional lives of servants, The Pen and the People will be enjoyed by everyone interested in history, literature, and the intimate experiences of ordinary people. Based on over thirty-five previously unknown letter collections, it tells the stories of workers and the middling sort - a Yorkshire bridle maker, a female domestic servant, a Derbyshire wheelwright, an untrained woman writing poetry and short stories, as well as merchants and their families. Their ordinary backgrounds and extraordinary writings challenge accepted views that popular literacy was rare in England before 1800. This democratization of letter writing could never have occurred without the development of the Royal Mail. Drawing on new information gleaned from personal letters, Whyman reveals how the Post Office had altered the rhythms of daily life long before the nineteenth century. As the pen, the post, and the people became increasingly connected, so too were eighteenth-century society and culture slowly and subtly transformed.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.95 (€39.95 )

‎Susie Nash Till-Holger Borchert‎

Reference : 55245

‎. Andr Beauneveu. Pas de pareil en nulles terres -Artiste aux cours de France et de Flandre.‎

‎, Paul Holberton Publishing 2008, 2008 Softcover, 216 pages, Texte en Francais, 270 x 225 mm, Tres belle exemplaire. ISBN 9781903470718.‎

‎Andr Beauneveu has long been known as one of the greatest European artists of the late 14th century. This book re-examines the oeuvre of the artist as first and foremost a master sculptor. Nash surveys the whole of his work including sculpture and stained glass originally for Jean, duc de Berry's chapel at Bourges. This is an important revisionary contribution to the study of late medieval art and the practice of its workshops. Susie Nash is a senior lecturer at the Courtauld Institute of Art.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Susovski Marijan ‎

Reference : 57863

‎EXAT 51. 1951-1956. Nuove tendenze. / Catalogo della mostra allestita a Siena nel 2003.‎

‎, Protagon, 2003 softcover, 160 pages, color and b/w illustrations, English / Italian edition .‎

‎Catalogo della mostra allestita a Siena nel 2003. Testo di Marijan Susovski. Edizione bilingue italiano/inglese. EXAT 51 (Experimental Atelier) identifica un movimento di pittori, disegnatori, architetti e artisti sorto a Zagabria nel 1951. In questo laboratorio sperimentale confluirono molti sostenitori croati dell'arte astratta, con il risultato che si cre uno stile inconfondibile anche nell'arte applicata, chiamato proprio con il nome del movimento EXAT. Il presente volume fornisce un'ampia documentazione, sia teorica che iconografica, sui risultati raggiunti dagli artisti di questo movimento.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎SUTHERLAND (Charles Lindsay), TEGETMEIER (William Bernard)‎

Reference : 220375

‎Horses, asses, zebras, mules, and mule breeding.‎

‎Londres, Horace Cox, 1895 in-8, viii pp., 166 pp., [5] ff. n. ch., avec quelques illustrations dans le texte et 24 planches hors texte, toile chagrinée aubergine, dos lisse, encadrements à froid sur les plats, mulet doré poussé au centre du plat supérieur (reliure de l'éditeur). Dos insolé et un peu taché.‎

‎Exposé essentiellement zoologique. Le naturaliste William Bernard Tegetmeier (1816-1912) s’intéressa particulièrement aux pigeons et à la volaille, aux rapaces et aux abeilles. Il rencontra Charles Darwin (1809-1882) vers 1855, et les deux savants commenceèrnt alors une correspondance suivie qui portait surtout sur les élevages entrepris par Tegetmeier. Ces échanges alimentèrent même deux livres de Darwin : On the origin of species (1859) et The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication (1868).Aucun exemplaire au CCF. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT‎


Phone number : 06 46 54 64 48

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )


Reference : 29867

‎Cours de munitions. Livre 2 Physique des explosifs . Tome 1‎

‎école Nationale supérieure de l'armement ,1963, in-4 de 256 pages ,broché ,Bon état , .(3 photos du livre sur mon site .Les frais de port pour la France sont offerts à partir de 20 euros d'achat (Mondial relay )et 30 d'achat (colissimo suivi ). Pour l'étranger : tarif livre et brochure, colissimo international, DHL express‎

Phone number : 0623153626

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Sutter Pr‎

Reference : 249483



‎Librairies techniques 1971 in8. 1971. Broché sous rodhoid.‎

‎Bon Etat. Couverture défraîchie. Pages légèrement jaunis‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Sutton Félix‎

Reference : RO30338556


‎La planète où nous vivons‎

‎R.S.T.. 1961. In-Folio. Cartonné. A relier, Coins frottés, Dos frotté, Intérieur acceptable. 100 pages. Partiellement désolidarisé. Léger jaunissement. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs, in et hors texte. Texte sur deux colonnes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES‎

‎Illustrations par J. Hull. Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )


Reference : 30752

‎Matelassage machine‎

‎Le Temps Apprivoisé ,1996, in-4 de 119 pages ,illustrations in-texte et hors-texte ,cartonné éditeur ,Bon état , .Isbn : 9782283582718.(4 photos du livre sur mon site .Les frais de port pour la France sont offerts à partir de 20 euros d'achat (Mondial relay )et 30 d'achat (colissimo suivi ). Pour l'étranger : tarif livre et brochure, colissimo international, DHL express‎

Phone number : 0623153626

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : 83335



‎MINERVA 1981 in8. 1981. Broché. Ils s'étaient connus en 1944 à leur sortie de l'ombre... L'un paysan communiste autodidacte d'esprit missionnaire s'engageait dans le militantisme syndical et politique l'autre étudiant frustré de sa course aux diplômes s'élançait dans le journalisme de témoignage comme correspondant de guerre. Durant 40 ans ils se retrouvèrent ainsi aux quatre coins du monde le premier à la pointe des hautes affaires de l'agro-alimentaire le second à l'avant-scène du grand reportage. Et fidèles à leurs origines ils revenaient se replonger ensemble avec délices dans la fraîcheur intacte de leur première rencontre. Mais brutalement à la sortie d'un hiver -cinq autres déjà- sonna l'heure de la dernière... Et le paysan dit à l'étudiant : Si les médecins ne se sont pas trompés qui m'accordent de six mois à un an de vie je viendrai chez toi dans les Pyrénées en mai et nous finirons de parler tous les deux sur ta terrasse face aux sommets... Neuf jours après hélas il s'en allait... Alors surmontant sa peine et ses scrupules et avec l'appui de témoins de tous bords humbles ou grands l'étudiant s'est décidé à combler ce mou de conversation. Car il connaissait le désir profond du Gavroche de Noé qui avait relevé l'extravagant défi de jouer au milliardaire rouge : Je compte sur toi pour que l'on sache un jour qui j'étais vraiment... La révélation dans toute la rigueur de l'amitié est bouleversante‎

‎French édition -Livre de bibliothèque recyclé avec étiquette et couverture plastifiée - quelques marques plis de lecture et/ou de stockages mais du reste en bon état de lecture. Expédition soignée sous blister dans une enveloppe a bulles‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Suzanne Greub‎

Reference : 64112

‎Museums in the 21st Century: Concepts, Projects, Buildings,‎

‎, Prestel, 2008 softcover, 225 pages Illustrated. fine, ENG text. ISBN 9783791361703.‎

‎In this book, the world s most exciting new museums are shown to be as inspiring as the works they display.The twenty-first century has seen a boom in museum construction, both in new buildings and renovations or additions to existing ones. Nearly thirty museums are given close inspection in this generously illustrated volume. Each entry includes a discussion of the building s cultural and geographic environment, complemented by color photographs, sketches and architectural plans. The book encompasses four continents and highlights the designs of Frank Gehry, Renzo Piano, Steven Holl, Zaha Hadid, Mario Botta, David Chipperfield, Tadao Ando, Yoshio Taniguchi and Daniel Libeskind. In addition, the authors provide thoughtful commentary on the relationship between architecture and the fine arts and an assessment of museum functionality in modern times.Suzanne Greub is Director of the Art Centre Basel and the editor of several exhibition catalogues. She is a contributor to Museums for a New Millenium (Prestel).Thierry Greub is an art historian and Assistant Director of the Art Centre Basel.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Suzanne L. Stratton‎

Reference : 55293

‎Spain, Espagne, Spanien: Foreigh Artists Discover Spain 1800-1900 ‎

‎, The Equitable Gallery 1993, 1993 Paperback, 142 pages, English, 305 x 230 mm, in good condition,.‎

‎ Spain -- In art -- Exhibitions. Painting, European -- Spanish influences -- Exhibitions. Painting, American -- Spanish influences -- Exhibitions.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR12.50 (€12.50 )

‎Suzanne Pag ; Angeline Scherf ; traduction : Jean-Francois Allain‎

Reference : 63027

‎Monet / Mitchell : Catalogue officiel d'exposition‎

‎, Hazan / Fondation Louis Vuitton, 2022 Paperback, 240 pages, Texte en Francais, 320 x 270 x 20 mm, Nouveau, illustrations pleine page en couleur. ISBN 9782754112833.‎

‎Le catalogue de l?exposition Monet Mitchell , organis e la Fondation Louis Vuitton en partenariat avec le mus e Marmottan Monet, explore les correspondances entre les ?uvres tardives de Claude Monet (1914-1926), qui anticipent les d buts de l?abstraction, et les peintures de Joan Mitchell (1925-1992). Peintre am ricaine issue de l?expressionnisme abstrait, Joan Mitchell voyage en France d s 1948 et s?installe en 1968 V theuil, lieu d?inspiration o v cut aussi Monet de 1878 1881. Les chefs-d??uvre et les essais ici r unis soulignent les points de convergence li s la couleur, la lumi re, la gestualit , la nature et aux paysages de Giverny et V theuil, qui ont profond ment inspir les deux artistes.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.95 (€39.95 )

‎Suzanne Slesin , Stafford Cliff‎

Reference : 58301

‎Mittel Europa : Rediscovering the Style and Design of Central Europe‎

‎, Clarkson Potter Publishers 1994, 1994 Hardcover, 252 pages, EN, 260 x 260 mm, book is in very fine condition, cover is somewhat discoloured, coloured illustrations and pictures very clear, . ISBN 9780517588031.‎

‎The authors of the International Style Library turn their attention to the land east of the Danube as they travel through Vienna, Budapest, Prague, and the surrounding countryside to find in the architecture, interiors, and folk arts of the region a host of thriving design traditions accessible again after a long isolation.Full-color photographs.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.00 (€39.00 )

‎Suzanne Veldink / Jaap Versteegh‎

Reference : 65210

‎Zwart op Wit De peintre-graveurs van de Nederlandsche Etsclub,1885?1896. ‎

‎, Scriptum, 2024 hardcover, 160 pagina's, met prachtige illustraties. ISBN 9789083450704.‎

‎De 'vergeten' kunst van het etsen opnieuw op de kaart ze en. Dat is het belangrijkste uitgangspunt bij de oprichting van de Nederlandsche Etsclub in 1885 door een groep jonge, ambieuze kunstenaars onder leiding van Willem Witsen, Jan Veth en Antoon Derkinderen. Samen is men sterker was het idee en dus werden ook oudere kunstenaars als Jozef Isra ls, Anton Mauve en Jacob Maris uit. En De Etsclub nodigt vrouwelijke kunstenaars als Th rese Schwartze, Barbara van Houten, Etha Fles, Wally Moes en Suze Robertson uit om deel te nemen en breekt zo -bewust of niet- een lans voor vrouwelijke grafici. De Etsclub nam tussen 1885 en 1896 deel aan tentoonstellingen van hedendaagse kunst, maar organiseerde zelf ook tentoonstellingen in Amsterdam en DenHaag. Voor de internationale context werden daarvoor ook Engelse en Franse kunstenaars gevraagd: James Abbot McNeil Whistler, Francis Seymour Hadden, Charles Fran ois Daubigny, Theodoor Rousseau en Mary Cassa . Daarnaast gaf De Etsclub jaarlijks een map uit met minstens 10 werken van kunstenaarsleden. Donateurs kregen jaarlijks zo?n portefeuille. In de en jaar van haar bestaan werden 9 portefeuilles uitgeven met in totaal honderd werken van 28 verschillende kunstenaars Jaap Versteegh gaat uitgebreid in op de opkomst van de etstechniek in de negen ende eeuw in interna onale context. Vervolgens legt hij de focus op het ontstaan en verdere verloop van de Nederlandsche Etsclub. In een gedetailleerde geschiedenis laat hij de hoofdrolspelers veelal via citaten aan het woord. Suzanne Veldink behandelt in haar bijdrage de vrouwelijke leden van De Etsclub. De grafici Wally Moes, Th r se Schwartze, Barbara van Houten en Etha Fles hadden ieder hun eigen ontwikkeling en hun persoonlijke redenen om lid te worden. Daarnaast besteed zij uitgebreid aandacht Mary Cassa . Het boek besluit met een volledig ge llustreerde oeuvrecatalogus met alle prenten die door De Etsclub zijn uitgegeven, wat dit boek tot een onmisbaar naslagwerk maakt voor iedereen die ge nteresseerd is in Nederlandse grafiek.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.95 (€29.95 )

‎SUZUKI Daisetz Teitaro.-‎

Reference : ORD-10167

‎Le Non-Mental selon la pensée Zen.-‎

‎2e édition. Paris. La Colombe. 1952. In-8 (140 x 192mm) broché, couverture imprimée en noir et brun sur fond vert, 216 pages. Bon exemplaire, non coupé.‎

Phone number : 0494895924

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎S. Van Bellingen Co-auteur: F. Geerardyn‎

Reference : 58050

‎Johan Clarysse * Why October & Other Questions‎

‎, ludion, 2008 hardcover 77 pagina's, ill. ISBN 9789055447282.‎

‎De schilderijen van Johan Clarysse ogen verleidelijk en vervreemdend. Ze nodigen u uit om deel te nemen aan de zoektocht van de kunstenaar naar een kritische interpretatie van de menselijke verlangens, drijfveren en emoties. Dit boek is een esthetische belevenis en tegelijkertijd een psychologische uitdaging om de dingen niet als vanzelfsprekend te zien. En om dan in de dubbelzinnigheid de waarheid te zien. Warm aanbevolen.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Sven Augustijnen, Spectres‎

Reference : 31046

‎Sven Augustijnen, Spectres / 9789461170095‎

‎, Bruxelles , Wiels, 2011 softcover, 240x160mm, 304p, English/ French edition , fine condition !! ISBN 9789461170095.‎

‎Sven Augustijnen lives and works in Brussels. These last years, Augustijnen has been working on Spectres, a long film (90 min), which analyses Belgian colonial history, in particular the assassination of Patrice Lumumba.100 years after Leopold II's death and 50 years after the Independence of Congo, the characters in Spectres (ex-colonials, royalists, psychiatrists, communists, believers, historians and anticolonialists), are still being haunted by the colonial past. Alongside the film, a number of other works created during Augustijnen's research will be presented, such as photographs, publications, sculptures, original documents, etc. Sven Augustijnen toont met zijn nieuwe project Spectres (geesten) een documentaire langspeelfilm (90 min) die een van de zwartste pagina's uit de periode van de dekolonisatie van Belgisch Congo behandelt: de moord op Patrice Lumumba. In Spectres is de verhaallijn opgebouwd als een omzwerving, een zoektocht. Het hoofdpersonage is ridder Jacques Brassinne de la Buissiere, een voormalige hoge functionaris en hoofdrolspeler in de politiek-humanitaire thriller die de dekolonisatie was. Hij treedt op als gids en symboolfiguur en laat zijn thesissen, die hij gedurende 30 jaar ontwikkelde over de ware toedracht van de feiten, aan bod komen tijdens de ontmoetingen en herdenkingen met de laatste overlevende betrokkenen en familieleden van de hoofdrolspelers. Naast de film worden ook nog andere werken getoond die tijdens Augustijnens' zoektocht ontstaan zijn, waaronder publicaties, foto's, sculpturen, originele documenten. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.99 (€39.99 )

‎Sven Cnudde , Frederic Vanden Bussche‎

Reference : 56032

‎100 Kindervragen - Voetbal‎

‎, Stichting Kunstboek 2012, 2012 Hardcover, 64 pagina's, Nederlands, 245 x 175 mm, wetenschap voor kinderen EN de ouders. ISBN 9789058564276.‎

‎Ieder deel van de reeks 100 Kindervragen bevat 100 vragen van kinderen over een bepaald onderwerp. De thema's binnen deze reeks zijn zeer divers, maar sluiten nauw aan bij de dagelijkse belevingswereld van het kind. Heel wat kwesties zullen ook de ouders boeien, omdat zij lang niet alle gestelde vragen zelf kunnen beantwoorden.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR14.50 (€14.50 )

‎Sven D'Hollander | Ruth Vandewalle / Osama Diab ‎

Reference : 55798

‎Cairopolis Global events - Local repercussions / vier Belgische topfotografen Zaza Bertrand, Filip Claus, Bieke Depoorter en Harry Gruyaert / **** SIGNED‎

‎, Snoeck, 2013 Gebonden, Hardcover 125 pagina's . 24X24CM **** GESIGNEERD DOOR ZAZA BERTRAND EN BIEKE DEPOORTER ISBN 9789461610829.‎

‎Op 25 januari 2011 streken reporters van over de hele wereld neer op het Tahrirplein, om de roep van het volk om vrijheid en democratie uit eerste hand vast te leggen. Een revolte was begonnen in Egypte. Het is na twee jaar duidelijk dat het beeld dat door de media aangeboden wordt er niet in slaagt te vatten wat echt aan het gebeuren is. De documentaire outsiders-blik van het team van vier Belgische topfotografen (Zaza Bertrand, Filip Claus, Bieke Depoorter en Harry Gruyaert) wordt aangevuld met poetische bespiegelingen van dichters en proza-schrijvers. Het resultaat is een gelaagd, divers beeld van de post-revolutionaire Egyptische maatschappij‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR48.00 (€48.00 )

‎Sven Dupr (ed)‎

Reference : 65990

‎Perspective as Practice. Renaissance Cultures of Optics‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, 512 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:143 b/w, 46 col., 2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503581071.‎

‎Summary This book is about the development of optics and perspective between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. The point of departure of this book is the recognition of the polysemy of perspective, that is, the plurality of meanings of perspective. To bring forward the polysemy of perspective, this book explores the history of perspectiva in terms of practices, a conglomerate of material, social, literary and reproductive practices, through which knowledge claims in perspective were produced, promoted, legitimated and circulated in and through a variety of sites and institutions. The ways optical knowledge was used by different groups in different places (such as the university classroom, the anatomist's dissection table, the goldsmith's workshop, and the astronomer's observatory) defined the meanings of Renaissance perspective. As this period was characterized by widespread 'optical literacy', perspective was defined in different ways in different places and sites by various groups of practitioners. Most interestingly, sites such as the theatre, the instrument maker's workshop and the courtly garden were home to practices of perspective which have remained on the margin, or even completely invisible, in the historiographies of optics and perspective. The book also brings out the differences between codifications of perspectiva and practice. There were a variety of non-Albertian constructions to create the illusion of space, and other types of optical knowledge were as important to artists as the geometry of perspective. TABLE OF CONTENTS Sven Dupr , Introduction I. Sites of Perspective Marvin Trachtenberg, Perspective and Artistic Form: Optical Theory and Visual Culture from Giotto to Alberti Marjolijn Bol, The Emerald and the Eye: On Sight and Light in the Artisan's Workshop and the Scholar's Study Samuel Gessner, The Perspective of the Instrument Maker: The Planispheric Projection with Gemma Frisius and the Arsenius Workshop at Louvain Tawrin Baker, Dissection, Instruction, and Debate: Visual Theory at the Anatomy Theatre in the Sixteenth Century Jaime Cuenca, The Princely Point of View: Perspectival Scenery and Aristocratic Leisure in Early Modern Courts Juliet Odgers, The Optical Construction of John Evelyn's 'Dyall Garden' at Sayes Court II. Writing on Perspective Elaheh Kheirandish, Optics and Perspective in and beyond the Islamic Middle Ages: A Study of Transmission through Multidisciplinary Sources in Arabic and Persian A. Mark Smith, The Roots and Routes of Optical Lore in the Later Middle Ages and Renaissance Dominique Raynaud, A Hitherto Unknown Treatise on Shadows Referred to by Leonardo da Vinci Sven Dupr , How-To Optics Jose Calvo Lopez, Teaching, Creating, and Using Perspective in Sixteenth-Century Spain: The Architectural Notebook of Hernan Ruiz II III. Drawing, Constructing, Painting Filippo Camerota, Masaccio's Elements of Painting: Geometrical Practice in the Trinity Fresco Pietro Roccasecca, Divided into Similar Parts: Representation of Distance and Magnitude in Leon Battista Alberti's De pictura J.V. Field, The Use of Perspective in the Art of Piero della Francesca Paul Hills, The Venetian Optics of Light and Geometry of Proportion Georges Farhat, Constructed Optics and Topographic Perspective at the Grand Canal of Versailles‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎Sven Dupr , Marieke Hendriksen (eds)‎

Reference : 63248

‎Making of Technique in the Arts. Theories and Practice from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 206 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:35 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503598994.‎

‎Summary What is technique in the arts? Now widely used to refer to the practical aspects of art making, ?technique' was a neologism in the vernacular, and started to appear in treatises on arts and sciences from around 1750. Rooted in the Greek techne?, which was translated routinely as ?art' until the mid-eighteenth century, technique referred to processes of making or doing and their products. Described previously as ?art', ?methods', ?manners' or ?mechanics', techniques were recorded in text with the intention of documenting or transmitting practical skills and knowledge. This book bridges the gap between the changing concept of technique and the practices currently described by it. It explores the linguistic, philosophical, and pedagogic history of technique in the arts, answering the question why the term ?technique' first emerged around 1750, and exploring how its meaning to artists, art theorists, and natural philosophers changed until the twentieth century. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction Sven Dupre? & Marieke Hendriksen 2. The Body and Daily Life as Metaphor and Analogy in Technical Language in the Works of Leonardo da Vinci, Vannoccio Biringuccio and Benvenuto Cellini Andrea Bernardoni 3. Neudo?rffer's Notebook: Recipes and the Rendering of Calligraphic Technique between Manuscript and Print in Sixteenth-Century Germany Hannah Murphy 4. Between arte and ingenio. Approaches to Technique in Early Modern Spanish painting Jose? Ramo?n Marcaida 5. ?An old and calm woman, blind and mute': Finding Words to Describe Technique in Dutch Seventeenth-Century Art Literature Marije Osnabrugge 6. ?Have a great care of the shadows'. Perspectives on Carefulness in Historical Recipes for the Restoration of Oil Paintings. Maartje Stols-Witlox 7. Architecture and Technical Virtuosity in Eighteenth Century France Vale?rie Ne?gre 8. The Debate about Technique in the Kunstwissenschaft around 1900 Maria Teresa Costa 9. Somatic Language in Artistic Work Practices. An Ethnographic Perspective on Bodies, Materials, Practical Knowledge and Technique in Contemporary Art Christiane Sch rkmann‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Sven Ortoli Et Jean-Pierre Pharabod‎

Reference : 2147508210


‎Métaphysique quantique‎

‎La découverte 2011 2011.‎

‎Très bon état‎

Fraguas Margaux - Perpignan

Phone number : 06 12 21 42 25

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Sven Ortoli - Nicolas Witkowski‎

Reference : RO80207929


ISBN : 202028765X

‎La baignoire d'Archimède - Petite Mythologie de la science‎

‎Seuil. 1996. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Mouillures. 157 pages. Quelques illustrations en noir et blanc dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES‎



Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎Sven van Dorst‎

Reference : 56310

‎Bloemenvaas met rozen, narcissen en tulpen Tussen fictie en realiteit ‎

‎Antwerp, Phoebus Focus VI, 2020 Paperback, 78 pages, 21,1 x 14,1 x 1,1 cm. Illustrated. Text in NL. ISBN 9789463883344.‎

‎Phoebus Focus 6 - Bloemenvaas met rozen, narcissen en tulpen Tussen fictie en realiteit ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR22.50 (€22.50 )
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