Flammarion. 2007. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 237 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
Librio. 2022. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Plats abîmés, Dos satisfaisant, Déchirures. 93 pages - déchirures et pliures sur les plats - déchirures en pied (en marge) sur les premières pages ne gênant pas la lecture.. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
Collection sciences n°1138. Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
Flammarion. 2006. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 219 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
RBA FRANCE. 2014. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 165 pages - nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc hors texte. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
Flammarion / Champs 2004 11x18x1cm. 2004. Poche. 224 pages. Très bon état
Albin Michel, 1996, in-8°, 201 pp, (Coll. Sciences d'aujourd'hui)
Flammarion. 2005. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 281 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
Avant-propos d'Etienne Klein et Michel Spiro. Intro. de Michel Crozon. Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
Berlin, Teubner, 1912/1914, 3 volumes in 8, brochés, couvertures imprimées, 94pp., 161pp., 148pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- DSB VII pp. 396/400 ---- Zeuthen (H.G.). Die mathematik im altertum und im mittelalter - Voss (A.). Die beziehungen der mathematik zur kultur der gegenwart - Timerding. Die verbreitung mathematischen wissens und mathematischer auffassung - Voss (A.). Uber die mathematische erkenntnis**2920/K3
GAUTHIER-VILLARS. 1974. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 772 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
"COLLECTION ""DISCOURS DE LA METHODE"". / NOTA : Felix Christian Klein est un mathématicien allemand, connu pour ses travaux en théorie des groupes, en géométrie non euclidienne, et en analyse. Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES"
1973, nrf Gallimard, collection «Connaissance de l'inconscient «, in-8 broché de 230 pages, couverture blanche rempliée, Envie et gratitude et autres essais | Etat : Bon état général, dos insolé, tout petit accroc en haut du 1er plat (Ref.: ref87608)
nrf Gallimard
1978, PUF, bibliothèque de psychanalyse, in-8 broché de 310 pages, La psychanalyse des enfants | Etat : bon état, frottements sur les coins et coiffes (Ref.: ref87564)
2019, Dunod, in-8 broché de 192 pages, l'univers et ses merveilles | Etat : bon état (Ref.: ref91598)
The MIT Press , Transformations : Studies in the History of Science and Technology Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 2007 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, under editor's black and brown printed and illustrated dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 355 pages
few black and white figures and tables 1st edition, 2007 Contents, Chapitres : Contents, List of figures, x, Text, 345 pages - 1. Contexts and practices : Commodities and natural objects - Practices of studying materials in XVIIIe century chemistry - Why study classification ? - A world of pure chemical substances : 1787. A new nomenclature - The Tableau de la nomenclature chimique - Classifying according to chemical composition - Simple substances and paradigmatic syntheses - Operations with pure chemical substances - Classification of pure chemical substances before 1787 - A revolutionary table ? - 3. A different world : Plant materials : Diverse orders of plant materials - Ultimate principles of plants : Plant analysis prior to 1752 - The epistemic elevation of vegetable commodities - The failure of Lavoisier's plant chemistry - Uncertainties - A novel mode of classifying organic substances and an ontological shift around 1830 - Conclusion - References and index near fine copy, the editor's dust-jacket is near fine, inside is clean, no markings, very light spots on the right side of the volume, inside is not concerned, a rather nice copy
Broché, 19x12, 112 pages, Flammarion. Paris. Très bon état.
Ce livre est d'occasion. Hors frais d'envoi.
Klejman Laurence Montreynaud Florence Helfter Caroline Perrot-Lanaud Monique Audé Françoise
Reference : 500079355
ISBN : 9782092608333
Klejman Laurence Montreynaud Florence Helfter Caroline Perrot-Lanaud Monique Audé Françoise
Reference : 500133586
ISBN : 9782092608333
Nathan 1999 830 pages 23 8x5 2x29cm. 1999. Broché. 830 pages.
Très bon état
Paris, Payot, 1966. Coll. Bibliothèque scientifique. In-8 broché vert et blanc, ill. sur 1er plat, 234 p. Figures in-t. Tableau chronologique. Bon état. Non coupé.
1966 Paris, Payot (Bibliothèque Scientifique), 1966, in 8° broché, 234 pages ; 39 figures dans le texte ; couverture illustrée.
...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Rottach egem, LEU Gallery, 1988 softcover 300x210 mm, many illustrations in colour and b/w, text in DE/ FR / ENG. fine copy. tat bon
catalogue 1988
Xanten, Stadt Xanten, , 2003 Softcover, 143 S. mit einem Frontispiz und zahlreichen Abbildungen very richly illustrated with coloured illustrations.
niederrheinischen topfers und plastikers / Ceramique / keramiek.
, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunste, 1991 softcover, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 24,5x31cm, 335pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9789053490181.
Boek dat verscheen bij gelegenheid van een tentoonstelling in het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen in 1991 over David Teniers, toen 300 jaar eerder overleden. Teniers (1610-1690) was een van de grootste schilder van zijn tijd. Alle thema's van de genreschilderkunst komen bij hem aan bod: taferelen met boeren en burgers, galante en soldateske sc nes met veelal moraliserende inslag, religieuze voorstelllingen en portretten.
2011, Pearson, in-8 broché de 298 pages, Le guide des calques avec Photoshop, nouvelle édition | Etat : bon état, coins et coiffes frottés, quelques passages surlignés au stabilo (Ref.: ref90686)
Kl ra Benesovsk , Tanja Michalsky, Daniela Rywikov , Elisabetta Scirocco (eds)
Reference : 64777
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 165 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9788028000233.
Summary The contributions of this special issue - proceedings of the conference on royal nunneries that took place in Prague in July 2020 - focus on the monasteries connected to the ruling houses, which were endowed with special privileges and enriched by royal and aristocratic donations, often serving as instrumenta regni. They are introduced as active cultural hubs, stages for royal and courtly promotion, and places of personal and dynastic self-representation. This includes female monasteries, the agency of female lites in medieval society and their role as patrons and addressees of works of art. TABLE OF CONTENTS Jakub Adamski, Pjotr Pajor The Architecture of Poor Clares' Nunnery in Stary S?cz and Early Fourteenth-Century Artistic Relations between Lesser Poland and Upper Rhineland Angelica Federici Rome, Barons and Nunneries Art, Architecture and Aesthetics in Convents in Medieval Latium Jenny Vl?ek Schurr Function and Faith: Revisiting the Role of Hospital, Church, and Chapel in the Convent of St. Francis, Prague Giulia Rossi Vairo Seeing Double in Odivelas Nuns and Monks at the Monastery of St Dinis, a Royal Pantheon in Late Medieval Portugal Susan Marti Networking for Eternal Salvation? Agnes of Habsburg, Queen of Hungary and Co-Founder of K nigsfelden Agnieszka Pata?a The Medieval Furnishings of the Convent of Poor Clares in Breslau Eszter Konr d 'Helisabet filia Stephani regis ungarorum illustris' Image of a Saintly Nun of the Arpad Dynasty as Reflected in Hagiographic Sources Michaela Z schg Beyond Naples. Fourteenth-Century Royal Widows and their Clarissan Foundations in a Trans-Regional Perspective
Kl ra Dolezalov , Ivan Foletti, Katar na Kravc kov , Pavla Tich (eds)
Reference : 65040
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 172 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9788021099791.
Summary This volume presents the proceedings of the conference Materiality and Conversion: The Role of Material and Visual Cultures in the Christianization of the Latin West organized by the Centre for Early Medieval Studies in 2020. Its contributions thus focus on the Christianization of the Roman Empire between the fourth and sixth centuries. The studies examine the religious change through the ?material turn? approach, building on the material and sensorial dimension of Christian conversion and especially the baptismal rite as one of the key components of the process. The material and visual cultures are regarded as vectors and witnesses of conversion to Christianity, while human body is viewed as one of the agents in ritual actions. The volume covers a wide range of topics, including the prebaptismal purification, the moment of immersion in the baptismal font, the postbaptismal alteration of perception, as well as the continuous changes in funeral forms. As such, the papers attempt to shed more light on the role of materiality in the complex and rapid conversion to Christianity in Late Antique West. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Kl ra Dole?alov , Ivan Foletti, Katar na Krav? kov , & Pavla Tich , Articles Barbara Bruderer, A Prolegomenon to the Evolution of the Consecration of Baptismal Water in the Latin West as a Performative and Sensorial Activation of the Invisible: The Roman Rite (3rd-9th centuries) Mark ta Kulh nkov and Pavla Tich , The Phrygianum Neighboring Old Saint Peter's on Vatican Hill in the Time of Conversion Robin Jensen, Conversion to Jesus as a Healer God: Visual and Textual Evidence Gajane Achverdjanov and Ivan Foletti, Purifying Body and Soul: Late Antique Combs, Their Use and Visual Culture Zuzana Frantov , Luxury for Everyone (?): Ivory Diptychs and Their Use in the Baptismal Liturgy Juliette Day, Materiality and the Sensation of Sin in Late Antique Pre-Baptismal Rituals. The Short-Lived ?Rite of the Cilicium? Megan Bunce, Shrines, Special Burials, and the Christianization of Britain Al?b?ta Filipov and Adrien Palladino, Converting Minds, Eyes, and Bodies? The Early Cult of Relics between Rhetoric and Material Practices in Northern Italy and Gallia