Motorbooks Intl, ,1995, in-4 de 608 pages ,illustrations in-texte et hors-texte ,cartonné éditeur ,Bon état ,livre en Anglais .(3 photos du livre sur mon site .Les frais de port pour la France sont offerts à partir de 20 euros d'achat (Mondial relay )et 30 d'achat (colissimo suivi ). Pour l'étranger : tarif livre et brochure, colissimo international, DHL express
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 300 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503602561.
Summary This collection of essays aims to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to nineteenth and early twentieth century scholarship on Jesus and early Christianity, which illustrates the width and depth of the questions that critical reflections on the historical Jesus raised in and beyond the field of liberal theology. More precisely, it focuses on Jesus scholarship as practiced in various disciplines and fields that engaged with the academic study of religion. On the other hand, this volume aims for a comprehensive, multi-perspectivist historicization of this scholarship, considering the full range of religious, cultural, racial, political, and national dynamics that hosted the many controversies over the historical Jesus. Divided into five sections, the eleven essays in this book are organized according to guiding themes and a loose chronological structure. The first section revisits the roots of the Forschung in Liberal-Protestant Germany, and especially focuses on the maturation of historical-critical consciousness in the work of Reimarus (and his predecessors), Schleiermacher and Strauss. The second section is concerned with the rise of the ?oriental Jesus? against the background of the making of the academic, non-theological study of religion as a scientific discipline. The third section explores how themes related to the historical Jesus and the rise of Christianity were treated among different academic disciplines from the early second half of the nineteenth century onwards. The fourth section explores how the historical Jesus was at the same time further explored by the biblical scholars and theologians who integrated new comparative methods in their research. The fifth section, finally, highlights the cultural-political appropriations that were made of scholarly writings on Jesus, which not rarely constituted the bricks with which radical political movements built their houses. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction (Cristiana Facchini & Annelies Lannoy) Section 1: Disentangling the Jesus of History from the Christ of Faith 1. Reimarus' Dangerous Idea: Launching a Historical Research of Christian Origins in the German Enlightenment (Fernando Bermejo-Rubio) 2. Betwixt and Between: Fr. Schleiermacher's and D. Fr. Strauss's Contributions to the Paradigm of the 'Historical Jesus' in Early Nineteenth Century Theology as Prototypes of Post-Enlightenment Christology and Jesus Research (Eckart David Schmidt) Section 2: The Historical Jesus between Academic Scholarship and Public Debate 3. 'One Cannot Be a Good Historian and a Good Controversialist at the Same Time': The Politics of Historiography in Renan's Histoire des Origines du Christianisme from Jesus to Paul, 1863-1869 (Robert D. Priest) 4. An Eastern Story: Claude Reignier Conder and the Oriental Jesus (Michael Ledger-Lomas) Section 3: Jesus at the Crossroads of Disciplines 5. Early Christianity in the Framework of Roman Religion: Georg Wissowa (Elisabeth Begemann & J rg R pke) 6. The Passion as Purim Sacrifice: Jesus and Comparative Religion in the Dialogue between James G. Frazer and Salomon Reinach (Annelies Lannoy) 7. The Sociological Gospel of Shailer Mathews (1863-1941) (C. J. T. Talar) Section 4: The Comparative Jesus in Liberal Theology 8. 'Religionizing' History, or 'Historicizing' Religion? Johann G. Droysen's Hellenismus in Wilhelm Bousset's Works on Jesus and Early Christianity (Luca Arcari) 9. Danish Contributions to the Life of Jesus Literature (Mogens M ller) Section 5: Cultural Mythmaking on Jesus 10. Enlisting Religion: Franz Overbeck's Criticism of the Socialist and Nationalist Mythmaking on Jesus and Early Christianity (Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli) 11. The Historical Jesus at the Battlefield: Scholarship and Politics in Italy, 1900s-1920s (Cristiana Facchini) Names Index
, Somogy ditions d'art , 1998 Hardcover, 227 pages, Texte en Francais,295 x 265 mm, jaquette illustre , bon exemplaire, illustrations en couleur. ISBN 9782850563102.
La derni re et extraordinaire collection entr e dans les tr sors m dic ens est celle des bijoux et " galanteries " d'Anne Marie Louise, lectrice palatine (1667-1743) avec laquelle se termine la dynastie florentine. La plus grande partie des bijoux et des objets pr cieux qui nous sont parvenus se trouve au Museo degli Argenti, Florence, dans les splendides salles d cor es de fresque et l'entresol de l'appartement d' t du Palazzo Pitti ; les pi ces int ressantes ne manquent pas dans d'autres mus es florentins (Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Museo Archeologico et Museo di Antropologia e Etnologia). Tr sors des M dicis nous permet d'admirer des pi ces rivalisant de richesse, souvent tonnantes par leur qualit et leur diversit , accompagn es de textes d' minents historiens d'art italiens.
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 260 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:40 b/w, 150 col., 3 tables b/w., 7 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503605852.
Summary GARDEN TRANSMISSIONS: WORD, IMAGE, EXPERIENCE, FUTURE examines the ways in which the exchange of garden forms, designs, technologies, and styles created a global garden culture at the intersection of nature and cultural expression from the early modern age to the present. Europe, at the center of this global exchange, drew inspiration from Islamic and Chinese garden traditions and benefitted from the traffic of botanical novelties from the Americas. In turn, European models were successfully exported to other parts of the world and adapted to other landscapes, environments, and climates. The appropriation of new design ideas, methods, and trends resulted in new garden types and invigorated earlier approaches to horticulture. These garden transmissions?effected through the exchange of writing and images as well as direct contact between cultures?provided the tools for fruitful cross-pollination of knowledge and skills as a mode of mediation between humans and nature. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Didier Wirth Introduction: Cristina Castel-Branco Key note speaker Marc Treib, University of California, Berkeley, Transmissions: Word, Image, Experience TRANSMISSIONS FROM GARDEN TO GARDEN The Western Culture Ana Ku?an, University of Ljubljana, In the Looking Glass: compositional principles of major styles at a margins of the Habsburg Monarchy Nathalie de Harlez, Haute cole Charlemagne, The influence of the Grand Tour and travels on the programs of the first English gardens in the Low Countries Emmanuel Ducamp, Association Paris-Saint-Peterbourg, From Western Europe to Imperial Russia: a fair and fruitful transmission in garden design Ada Segre, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Vehicles of Transmission for Garden Model Plans: an Overview (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries) From East to Europe David Jacques, University of London, Did the Chinese give Europe the English garden? Cristina Castel-Branco, University of Lisbon, Garden Transmissions from India to Portugal. Adopting and Adapting Anatole Tchikine, Dumbarton Oaks, Migrating forms: Italian fountains in Spain and Portugal From Europe to the West Therese O'Malley, National Gallery of Art, A Vast and Howling Wilderness? (Deuteronomy 32:10): Wilderness gardens and early American environmentalism Marco Martella, Jardins, The Italian garden revival at the beginning of twentieth century through the eyes of American and English writers Monica Luengo, ICOMOS-IFLA, Nature in the city. Hispanic Alamedas: El Paseo del Prado in Madrid TRANSMISSIONS FROM GARDEN TO LANDSCAPE Education Transmissions Teresa Andresen and Ana Catarina Antunes, University of Porto, Transmissions through landscape architecture education from Germany to Portugal Iris Lauterbach, Zentralinstitut f r Kunstgeschichte, Transmission of Knowledge in the Early Modern Period: On the Traces of travelling German Court Gardeners Luigi Latini, IUAV, The International Carlo Scarpa Garden Prize, 1990-2020: thirty years of research of an Italian centre for landscape studies Design Transmissions Fernando Caruncho, Caruncho Garden & Architecture, Garden and Truth Thorbj rn Andersson, Sweco Architects, From Linnaeus to Greta Jo o Nunes, PROAP, Cultural Transmissions in Landscape Architecture Future Transmissions Dirk Sijmons, H+N+S Landscape architects, The Anthropocene: gardening the critical zone
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 720 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:16 b/w, 9 col., Language(s):English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503593920.
Summary The closure of religious houses, in varying circumstances, affected all of Europe at some point between the sixteenth and nineteenth century. At different times and in different countries the consequences were widely varied, in some cases preserving medieval and early modern collections intact, in others abandoning books to their fate, or transferring them piecemeal into new ownership to serve different cultural purposes. Integral preservation or dispersal may each be viewed in positive or negative terms. For religious and political history there are many, and bigger, factors involved, and the effects of secularization worked on many things beside libraries and books. None the less, by focusing on books and libraries through these changes a particular narrative emerges of great cultural importance. It is the most important book-historical story for the survival and accessibility of Europe's heritage of the written word, one that interacts with major historical themes and still connects with future issues for the continuing role of books and libraries in the European heritage. A conference held in Oxford in 2012 brought together thirty experts in different aspects of this process or with knowledge of its impact in different countries and at different periods. The result was to bring together and share for the first time the similar and different experiences of different European countries, from Portugal and Spain in the west to Poland and Ukraine in the east, from Finland and Sweden in the north to Naples in the south, with ramifications stretching to North and South America. While reading this volume of collected essays, the reader may notice a disparity in the evidence that each author has been able to bring to bear upon their subject. Provenance research is well advanced in some territories, less so in others. In the decade since the conference and this publication, there have been some attempts to bridge certain gaps. But in general, there has been little new work in the years since the conference took place. The editors anticipate that this publication will stimulate further research, bridging some of the gaps visible in the evidence presented in this volume. Multiple avenues for further investigation open up, indeed, in historical and cultural studies, such as the impact of the secularization on nonreligious libraries, and the change in attitude with respect to certain disciplines and even to erudition itself. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chronology Part 1: The territorial and temporal map of the dissolved collections Fiorenzo Landi (University of Bologna) - The dissolution of monasteries and convents in Europe. An overview of the economic implications Richard Sharpe (? University of Oxford) - Dissolution and dispersion in sixteenth-century England: understanding the remains Rudolf Gamper (Vadianischen Sammlung St. Gallen) - Klosteraufhebungen und das Schicksal ihrer Bibliotheken in der Deutschschweiz Jeffrey Garrett (formerly Northwestern University) - The expropriation of monastic libraries in German-speaking Europe, 1773-1817 Javier Ant n Pelayo (Universidad Aut noma de Barcelona) - The Secularization of Spanish religious libraries (1767-1836): The Catalan case Lu s Cabral (formerly Biblioteca P blica Municipal do Porto) - Case study 1: Portugal, Porto - State policy concerning the dissolution of monastic book collections in Portugal, especially during the nineteenth century Mar a Luisa Lopez Vidriero (formerly Royal Library of Madrid) - Case study 2: Spain, Seville and Madrid - The formation of new libraries Pedro Rueda Ram rez (University of Barcelona) - The secularization of religious houses in Latin America from independence to the new republics: the continuity and fragmentation of library collections Part 2: State policy toward book collections Dorit Raines (University of Venice) - The dissolution of the Venetian religious houses and the keeper of the library of St Mark, Jacopo Morelli, under Venetian, French, and Austrian governments (1768-1819) Vincenzo Trombetta (University of Salerno) - La politica delle soppressioni e le nuove biblioteche a Napoli tra illuminismo regalista e restaurazione (1767-1815) Marie-Pierre Laffitte (formerly Biblioth que nationale de France) - Napol on et les confiscations de livres dans les monast res italiens Part 3: Sequestration, redistribution, or contribution to the foundation of public libraries Jos A. A. M. Biemans (formerly University of Amsterdam) - The foundation of the city library of Amsterdam (1578) and the confiscation of manuscripts and printed books from ecclesiastical and monastic libraries. Fact or fiction? Emmanuelle Chapron (Universit Aix-Marseille) - Biblioth ques et suppressions eccl siastiques en Toscane de Pierre-L opold Napol on Andreina Rita (Vatican Library) - La Biblioteca Vaticana e la dispersione delle biblioteche dei religiosi romani nella prima Repubblica Romana e nell'et napoleonica Marina Venier (formerly National Central Library of Rome) - The dispersal of monastic libraries in Rome. The laws of suppression during the Roman Republic of 1849 and after the annexation of the city as the capital of the Kingdom of Italy in 1873 Marek Derwich (formerly Wroclaw University) - The dissolution of monasteries in Silesia and Poland Oleh Dukh (National University of Lviv, Ukraine) - The dissolution of Roman-Catholic and Uniate monasteries in the western guberniyas of the Russian Empire and the fate of their libraries Part 4: Impact on book trade and the emergence of private collections Dominique Varry (formerly University of Lyon) - Le commerce du livre d'antiquariat en France apr s la R volution Marino Zorzi (formerly National Marciana Library of Venice) - The book market in nineteenth-century Venice Bettina Wagner (Bamberg Staatsbibliothek) - ?Duplum Bibliothecae regiae Monacensis?: the Munich court library and its book auctions in the nineteenth century Richard A. Linenthal (London antiquarian bookseller) - Monastic collections and the nineteenth-century English book trade: the new interest in printed fragments Part 5: Migration of books, access to new publics Bart op de Beeck (Royal Library of Belgium) - Jesuit libraries in the Southern Netherlands and their dispersal after 1773 Antonella Barzazi (University of Padua) - Before Napoleon. Change and continuity in Italian religious book collections William P. Stoneman (formerly Houghton Library at Harvard University) - North American collection-building: gathering monastic books from long ago and far away Part 6: Destruction of books, spoils of war, and clandestine exportation Tuomas Heikkil (University of Helsinki) - The fate of medieval religious book collections in the Swedish realm during the Reformation Martin Germann (formerly Burgerbibliothek Bern) - Zurich and the books of the monasteries: from the Reformation to the 19th Century Part 7. Tools for Research James Willoughby (New College, Oxford) - Medieval libraries of Great Britain: MLGB3 Cristina Dondi - Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI) and other tools for searching the provenance of early printed books Giovanna Granata (University of Cagliari) - The RICI Database. A tool for the history of religious libraries in Italy at the end of the sixteenth century Cristina Dondi (University of Oxford), Lavinia Prosdocimi (formerly University Library of Padua), Dorit Raines (University of Venice) - The incunabula collection of the Benedictine library of S. Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. Formation, use and dispersal according to documentary and material evidence (from MEI) Index of Names Index of Places
, Cambridge University Press, 2024 Hardcover,273 pages, . ISBN 9781108844772.
A ground-breaking contribution that broadens our understanding of the history of prints, this edited volume assembles international senior and rising scholars and showcases an array of exciting new research that reassesses the history of women in the graphic arts c. 1700 to 1830. Sixteen essays present archival findings and insightful analyses that tell compelling stories about women across social classes and nations who persevered against the obstacles of their gender to make vital contributions as creative and skilled graphic artists, astute entrepreneurs and savvy negotiators of copyright law in Britain, France, Germany, Holland, Italy and the United States. The book is a valuable resource for both students and instructors, offers important new perspectives for print scholars and aims to provide impetus for further research. This title is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available Open Access. Check our website Cambridge Core for details.
DESSAIN ET TOLRA. 1979. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 95 pages.Nombreuses photographies en noir et blanc et en couleurs dans et hors texte. + quelques pages de journaux .. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
Collectionner les coquillages, que faire avec, Tableaux de coquillages, cadres et sous-verre, le royaume des animaux, les bijoux en coquillage, fleurs et coquillages, petits objets et bibelots. Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
Tours, Mame, 1936, in 8° broché, 136 pages ; illustrations.
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rapport à Monsieur le ministre de l’intérieur et de l’instruction publique,introduction de M le Professeur Albert PITRES. In 8 demi-cuir bleu,dos lisse titre,fers dorés,filets à froid,faux-titre,titre,XI,50 pages,8 figures en XXXV planches hors-texte,dont 42 d’après les photos du professeur Albert PITRES,en 16 planches hors-texte (reproduites dans les leçons de l’hystérie et l’hypnotisme en 1891)complet du tableau dépliant,en fin de volume, indiquant l’opinion des auteurs.Société d’édition scientifique 10 septembre 1895,ex-libris manuscrit , premier frotté,intérieur en très bon état,édition originale très rare
Plon 1938 In-12 broché, 246 pp. Bon exemplaire
Bon état d’occasion
Plon 1938 In-12 broché, 246 pp. Couverture ternie.
Bon état d’occasion
Maison de la bonne presse 1942 105 pages in12. 1942. Broché. 105 pages.
Etat Correct nombreuses taches rousseurs couverture pages + tranche jaunies
LGDJ / Montchrestien 2016 158 pages in8. 2016. Broché. 158 pages.
French édition - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état d'ensemble. Envoi rapide et soigné dans une enveloppe à bulle depuis France
, Bruxelles : G. Van Oest et Cie , 1919, cartonnage illustre de l'editeur, 104 pages, 12x19cm bon etat.
Oostende Compagnie
Robert laffont / Les portes de l'étrange 1979 189 pages in8. 1979. broché. 189 pages. Avez-vous éprouvé le sentiment d'avoir déjà vécu cet instant de votre vie ? D'où provient notre inconscient ? Pourquoi certains sont-ils toujours obsédés par le même rêve ? La vie est-elle absurde injuste ? Y a-t-il des chances et des malchances imméritées ? Pourquoi ces sympathies et ces antipathies inexplicables ? Notre destinée est-elle écrite d'avance ? Que penser du suicide ? Des morts prématurées ? Du cas troublant des enfants martyrs ? Faut-il avoir peur de la mort ? Que se passe-t-il après ? Pouvons-nous garder le contact avec nos disparus ? Peut-on connaître ses vies antérieures ? Pourquoi devons-nous évoluer ? Autant de questions parmi d'autres auxquelles ce livre fournit des réponses surprenantes permettant de comprendre des phénomènes inexpliqués dans notre destinée et celle des autres. De plus en plus de gens en Occident (actuellement une personne sur cinq) croient en la réincarnation. Ce que cela peut changer dans notre vie de tous les jours... Un livre clair concis complet faisant le point actuel sur cette question
Bords de la couv frottés-texte frais
London, Falcon, 1952, un fort volume in 8 relié en pleine toile éditeur, 15pp., 436pp., figures dans le texte et planches hors texte
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- Science in western christendom until the 12th century renaissance - The reception of greco-arabic science in western christendom - The system of scientific hought in the 13th century - Technics ans science in the Middle Ages - Criticism of Aristotle in the later Middle Ages - The revolution in scientific thought in the 16th and 17th centuries - Bibliography**6507/K6
Presses Universitaires de France Presses Universitaires de France, 2 volumes, 1958-1959, 588 p., brochés. Dos un peu froissés, bon état et intérieur bien propre.
Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.
Puf.1959.2 toilés.588 p.Figures.TBE.Couv.conservées.Pièces de titre.(B2 065).
, Stedelijk Museum / Museum voor Moderne Kunst , 1991 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 24 pag. text NL/ENG. ISBN 9050060609.
Tentoonstellingscatalogus Uniek en meervoudig : Johan van Loon, Piet Stockmans, Jan van der Vaart = Unique and multiple : Johan van Loon, Piet Stockmans, Jan van der Vaart
in 12 carré, broché,couverture illustrée,faux-titre, titre, 274 pages,23 figures dans le texte,traduit de l’anglais par Madame Irène Radcliffe. Corréâ 1951.très bon état
Antwerpen :, Joannes Godefridus J. de Roveroy, 1664 ? origineel lederen band destijds met blindrukmotieven. 305 pagina's, .
Almanach voor heden en morgen [...] met geestelyke bemerkingen: voor een nieuw-jaer / Petrus Croon. - Antwerpen, 1644?
2 vol. in-4 reprographié, 1994, 321 ; 308 pp.
Avec une lettre autographe signée de l'auteur. Complet. Bon état (une annotation sur couv., parfait état par ailleurs).
ALLIA. 2003. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 265 pages. Nombreuses planches en noir et blanc. Couverture contrepliée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 500-SCIENCES DE LA NATURE ET MATHEMATIQUES
Note présentée par M. Jean Cros, Président du Conseil Général, 15 juin 1949, 1 vol. in-4 br., Imprimerie Municipale, Hôtel de Ville, 1949, 489 pp. avec 11 cartes et plans dépliants
Impressionnant volume d'une remarquable richesse documentaire, bien complet des grandes cartes dépliantes (une carte déchirée mais bien complète, qq. accrocs en couv.)
Cambridge University Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1992 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, under editor's blue and grey printed dust-jacket, illustrated by an endgraving of the Institut de France by Mick Sharp grand In-8 1 vol. - 473 pages
3 black and white text-figures and 11 tables in text 1st edition, 1992 "Contents, Chapitres : Contents, List of illustrations, Preface, List of abbreviations, Chronological table, xix, Text, Name Index, Subject Index, 454 pages - Science in France - The structure of the academy - The functioning of the academy : some possible roles - Science divided: The sections - The academicians - Elections : "" Green fever "" - Registration, judgement and reward - The printed word - An academy under government control - "" Outsiders "" : The scientific fringe anbd the public - The international dimension - The control of the academy and of science" fine copy, the editor's dust-jacket is fine, inside is fine, clean and unmarked