P., Rueff, 1892, un volume in 8, reliure souple de l'éditeur (légèrement défraîchie), (3), 233pp., (1pp.), (1), figures dans le texte
---- PREMIERE EDITION EN LIBRAIRIE DE LA THESE de Pierre Janet - Préface de J.M. Charcot ---- "Janet was one of Charcot's many students who later achieved prominence in the burgeoning field of psychiatry. After receiving his doctorate in psychology from the University of Paris, he was appointed director of pathological psychology at the Salpêtrière at the request of Charcot. He later taught at the Sorbonne and the Collège de France... Janet was largely responsible for the movement to reconcile the concepts of clinical and academic psychology in an attempt ot find a single, unified system". (cf. Heirs of Hippocrates). "Although underappreciated in Britain and the United States, the work of Janet was fundamental to the establishment of psychology as a discipline. He originated several key psychiatric concepts and his word directly inspired both Jung's concepts of introversion and extroversion and Adler's theory of compensation". (Norman N° 1155 1st ed.) ---- Postel & Quetel p. 650 - Hunter & Macalpine pp. 70, 174 - McHenry p. 282 - Zilboorg, pp. 375/377 - Ellenberger - Grégory "Le cerveau, un inconnu"**6973/F1
P., Maloine, 1932; un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée, 305pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "JANET was one of CHARCOT's many students who later achieved prominence in the burgeoning field of psychiatry. After receiving his doctorate in psychology from the University of Paris, he was appointed director of pathological psychology at the Salpêtrière at the request of Charcot. He later taught at the Sorbonne and the Collège de France... Janet was largely responsible for the movement to reconcile the concepts of clinical and academic psychology in an attempt to find a single, unified system". (cf. Heirs of Hippocrates) ---- Postel & Quetel p. 650 - Hunter & Macalpine pp. 70, 174 - McHenry p. 282 - Zilboorg pp. 375/377 - Ellenberger - Grégory Le cerveau, un inconnu**3100/F1/CAV/i2
P., Alcan, 1889, un volume in 8 relié en demi-maroquin marron à coins (reliure de l'époque), (3), 496pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- TRES BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- GARRISON N° 4976.1 ---- "JANET'S FIRST MAJOR WORK " ---- Heirs of Hippocrates N° 2228 : "Janet was one of Charcot's many students who later achieved prominence in the burgeoning field of psychiatry. After receiving his doctorate in psychology from the University of Paris, he was appointed director of pathological psychology at the Salpêtrière at the request of Charcot. He later taught at the Sorbonne and the Collège de France. L'automatisme psychologique was Janet's first major work, and it was here that he introduced the concept of automatism. Janet was largely responsible for the movement to reconcile the concepts of clinical and academic psychology in an attempt to find a single, unified system" ---- Norman N° 1154 : "Janet defined psychological automatisms as seemingly intelligent actions which nonetheless bypass the will and escape conscious awareness. Janet argued that hysterical symptoms are due to subconscious fixed ideas that have been isolated and usually forgotten. Split off from consciousness - dissociated - they embody painful experiences, but become autonomous by virtue of their segregation from the main stream of consciousness. This predated Breur and Freud's announcement of their virtually identical discovery by four years. Although, Janet may have been the first to express this idea, it would take the work of Freud to eventually convince the scientific world of its efficacy" ---- Garrison N° 4976.1 - Postel & Quetel p. 650 - Hunter & Macalpine pp. 70, 174 - Zilboorg pp. 375/377 - Ellenberger - Grégory "Le cerveau, un inconnu"**6221/F1
P., Alcan, 1919/1928, 3 volumes in 8, brochés, couvertures imprimées, (quelques rousseurs sur les plats de couverture du tome 1), T.1 : (3), 346pp., T.2 : (2), 307pp., (1pp.), T.3 : (2), 494pp.
---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- Le tome 1 est en Edition originale, seconde édition pour les tomes 2 & 3 ---- "JANET was one of CHARCOT's many students who later achieved prominence in the burgeoning field of psychiatry. After receiving his doctorate in psychology from the University of Paris, he was appointed director of pathological psychology at the Salpêtrière at the request of Charcot. He later taught at the Sorbonne and the Collège de France... Janet was largely responsible for the movement to reconcile the concepts of clinical and academic psychology in an attempt to find a single, unified system". (cf. Heirs of Hippocrates) ---- Norman N 1158 - Postel & Quetel p. 650 - Hunter & Macalpine pp. 70, 174 - McHenry p. 282 - Zilboorg pp. 375/377**2795/F1
P., Flammarion, 1936, un volume in 8 broché, couverture imprimée, 292pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Janet was one of Charcot's many students who later achieved prominence in the burgeoning field of psychiatry. After receiving his doctorate in psychology from the University of Paris, he was appointed director of pathological psychology at the Salpêtrière at the request of Charcot. He later taught at the Sorbonne and the Collège de France... Janet was largely responsible for the movement to reconcile the concepts of clinical and academic psychology in an attempt ot find a single, unified system". (cf. Heirs of Hippocrates) ---- Postel & Quetel p. 650 - Hunter & Macalpine, pp. 70, 174 - McHenry p. 282 - Zilboorg pp. 375/377 - Ellenberger pp. 390/391 - Grégory "Le cerveau, un inconnu"**7613/F1
P., Alcan, 1931, un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée (dos passé), 169pp., figures dans le texte
---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- Troisième édition ---- "JANET was one of CHARCOT's many students who later achieved prominence in the burgeoning field of psychiatry. After receiving his doctorate in psychology from the University of Paris, he was appointed director of pathological psychology at the Salpêtrière at the request of CHARCOT. He later taught at the Sorbonne and the Collège de France... JANET was largely responsible for the movement to reconcile the concepts of clinical and academic psychology in an attempt to find a single, unified system". (cf. Heirs of Hippocrates) ---- "Although underappreciated in Britain and the United States, the work of JANET was fundamental to the establishment of psychology as a discipline. He originated several key psychiatric concepts and his work directly inspired both JUNG's concepts of introversion and extroversion and ADLER's theory of compensation". (Norman N° 1155 1st ed.) ---- Postel & Quetel p. 650 - Hunter & Macalpine pp. 70, 174 - McHenry p. 282 - Zilboorg pp. 375/377 - Ellenberger - Grégory "Le cerveau, un inconnu" ---- Note sur l'hystérie droite et sur l'hystérie gauche - Un cas d'hémianopsie hystérique transitoire - Un trouble de la vision par exagération de l'association binoculaire - Un cas du rythme de Cheyne-Stokes dans l'hystérie. Influence de l'activité cérébrale sur la respiration - Un cas du phénomène des apports - L'amnésie et la dissociation des souvenirs par l'émotion - Une Félida artificielle**2797/F1
P., Chahine, 1928, un volume in 4, broché, couverture imprimée, 619pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE du cours de Janet au Collège de France ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Janet was one of Charcot's many students who later achieved prominence in the burgeoning field of psychiatry. After receiving his doctorate in psychology from the University of Paris, he was appointed director of pathological psychology at the Salpêtrière at the request of Charcot. He later taught at the Sorbonne and the Collège de France... Janet was largely responsible for the movement to reconcile the concepts of clinical and academic psychology in an attempt to find a single, unified system". (cf. Heirs of Hippocrates) ---- Postel & Quetel p. 650 - Hunter & Macalpine pp. 70, 174 - McHenry p. 282 - Zilboorg pp. 375/377 - Ellenberger - Grégory Le cerveau, un inconnu**2792/F1
P., Chahine, 1929; un volume in 4, broché, couverture imprimée(4), 581pp., (1)
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Janet was one of Charcot's many students who later achieved prominence in the burgeoning field of psychiatry. After receiving his doctorate in psychology from the University of Paris, he was appointed director of pathological psychology at the Salpêtrière at the request of Charcot. He later taught at the Sorbonne and the Collège de France... Janet was largely responsible for the movement to reconcile the concepts of clinical and academic psychology in an attempt to find a single, unified system". (cf. Heirs of Hippocrates) ---- Postel & Quetel p. 650 - Hunter & Macalpine pp. 70, 174 - McHenry p. 282 - Zilboorg pp. 375/377 - Ellenberger - Grégory Le cerveau, un inconnu**2790/F1/TOIL
In-12, broché, couverture imprimée, (4), 179 p., (1) p. de table, 8 p. de catalogue éditeur. Paris, Germer Baillière, 1867.
Edition originale publiée dans la "Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine".Professeur de philosophie morale puis de logique, Paul Janet (1823 - 1899) occupa, à partir de 1864, la chaire de philosophie à la Sorbonne et fut élu membre de lAcadémie des sciences morales et politiques.Canguilhem citait Paul Janet, "psychologue aujourd'hui injustement délaissé" et cet ouvrage, qui constituait pour lui, un modèle de résistance à la réduction de la pensée au cerveau et la réduction de la psychologie à l'étude du cerveau."La psychologie c'est la science de l'homme tout entier: ce n'est pas la science du cerveau" (Paul Janet).Dos fendu, sinon bon exemplaire.
Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60
Réédition de lédition de 1889, part Félix Alcan, Société Pierre Janet et laboratoire de psychologie pathologique de la Sorbonne, 1973, 463 pp., broché, rares passages signalés et annotés au crayon, dos légèrement jauni, bon état.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
laboratoire de psychologie pathologique de la sorbonne paris 1973 - In 8 broché 462 pages
réédition de l'édition de 1889
Paris, Félix Alcan 1928, 253x165mm, 307pages, broché.
Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Paris, Société Pierre Janet, 1990. 15 x 23, 532 pp., 68 figures, broché, bon état (petites taches sur la couverture plastifiée).
"tome 1 seul; nouvelle édition."
Paris Ernest Flammarion, éditeur 1909 in 12 (18,5x11,5) 1 volume reliure demi basane marron à coins, dos à nerfs, couverture conservée, 397 pages. Préface du Dr Pierre Luquet. Collection '' Bibliothèque de philosophie scientifique ''. Bon exemplaire
Bon Broché
FLAMMARION. 1930. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos abîmé, Intérieur frais. 397 pages. . . . Classification Dewey : 619.89-Psychiatrie
Classification Dewey : 619.89-Psychiatrie
Editions des Femmes, 1988. 264 pp., In-8° broché.
Bon état général. Intérieur très frais et agréable. Quelques marques d'âge.
Thèse. Bordeaux. Cadoret. 1916. In-8 br.128pp. (2).
L'auteur, née à Kolomna (Russie) en 1886, était Interne à l'Asile d'Aliénés de Château-Picon à Bordeaux.|Notre travail se divise en 3 chapitres. Après un chapitre consacré à l'historique de la question des guérisons tardives, nous rapportons 15 observations recueillies dans le service de notre maître, M.le Dr.Anglade,...Elles portent sur une période de 20 ans.|Une des 1°femmes Interne d'un Asile d'Aliénés en France?
Paris, Flammarion, 1975. in-8°, 481 pages, broche, couverture illustree plast.
Bel exemplaire. [SC-3]
Flammarion. 1976. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 481 pages. Petite annotation au crayon de papier en page de garde.. . . . Classification Dewey : 619.89-Psychiatrie
Trad. de l'américain par Jeanne Etoré et France Daunic. Classification Dewey : 619.89-Psychiatrie
FLAMMARION. 1975. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 481 pages- 1 annotation à l'encre en page de garde. . . . Classification Dewey : 619.89-Psychiatrie
Traduit par J Etoré et F Daunic- Adaptation du langage primal par France Daunic/ ...- La souffrance- Souffrance et mémoire- Nature de la tension- Le système de défenses- Nature du sentiment- Le traitement- La respiration, la voix et le cri- Névrose et maladie psychosomatique- Qu'est-ce qu'être normal?- Insight et transfert en psychothérapie- Les origines de la peur et de la colère- Drogues et dépendances- La psychose: avec ou sans drogue-... Classification Dewey : 619.89-Psychiatrie
JANOV, Arthur - Traduit de l'américain par France Janov et Théo Carlier
Reference : 103608
1982 Ed. Robert Laffont - Coll. Réponses - 1982 - In-8 broché avec pièce d'illustration en couleurs - 360 p.
Bon état - Couv. insolée - Coins très légèrements émoussés - Plis de lecture au dos
Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 1958, gr. in-8vo, VIII + 322 S., ill. mit 197 tlws. farbigen Abb., aus de Bibl. v.M. Wiesendanger, Original-Halblederband mit Ecken. Schönes Exemplar
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Amsterdam, Swets & Zeitlinger 1955, 225x150mm, 147pages, paperback.
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