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Reference : 36145


‎Naturlærens mechaniske Deel.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Reitzel, 1844. Samtidigt hldrbd. Rygforgyldningen lidt svag. lettere brugsspor. XXII,360,(1) pp. Talrige tekstillustrationer i træsnit. Enkelte tilskrifter i teksten. Lille indhug øverst på titelblad (navn bortklippet).Contemporary half calf Gilding on spine a bit vague. Numerous woodcut illustrations in the text. A few annotations in the text. Old owner's name cut out of top of title-page (far from affecting lettering). XXII,360,(1) pp.‎

‎First edition of Ørsted's textbook on his primary field, ""On the Mechanical Part of the Philosophy"", which served as the authoritative textbook on the field for about 50 years in Denmark.Due to his previous work and discoveries, Ørsted had never actually had the time to compose a textbook within his actual field, although his wish to do so kept growing over the years. Thus, he finally decided to begin his work on this and hired a helper (C. Petersen, who had followed his lectures intensely) to do part of the work, namely expanding and editing Ørsted's own material, collecting from other works (mostly foreign textbooks, especially German) the areas on which Ørsted had not written anything, making the index and the corrections. In the preface, Ørsted himself states that ""Naturally, a textbook composed in this manner cannot in all its parts achieve the completeness that could have been achieved, had the author devoted all his time to this"" but since this has not been possible, one will probably be tolerant, as long as the work advances the spreading of that science in the home country."" (the Preface, p. V). Ørsted himself advised against translating the work into other languages (especially German, which would be the language closest to Danish), since many equally good textbooks of this sort already existed in other countries. The book, however, was translated into German and appeared with Ørsted's consent.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,200.00 (€160.95 )


Reference : 41557


‎Over Skypumpen.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Schultz, 1842. Orig. papbd. med dekoreret overtrækspapir, overtrækket med lidt tab, særligt ryggen. Afhandlingen i ""Dansk Folkekalender for 1842. Udgivet af selskabet for Trykkefrihedens rette Brug."" (54),XII,200 pp. Ørsteds afhandling pp. 169-190.‎

‎Første danske udgave, som er skrevet i 1837 og udgivet for føste gang på tysk i Schumachers astronomisches Jahrbuch 1838. Ørsted har ikke fundet et velegnet sted for publikation af afhandlingen før nu i Dansk Folkekalender.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK500.00 (€67.06 )


Reference : 29031


‎Tale ved det kongelige Videnskabernes Selskabs Mindefest over dets Præses...Adam Wilhelm Hauch, holden af Selskabets Sekretaier H.C. Ørsted.‎

‎Kbhvn., Bianco Luno, 1838. Orig. sort glanspapirsomslag. 32 pp. Lettere brunplettet.‎



Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK500.00 (€67.06 )


Reference : 43416


‎Versuche über die Wirkung des electrischen Conflicts auf die Magnetnadel. (Experimenta circa Effectum, etc. Expériences sur l'effet du conflict électrique sur l'aiguille animantée). - [THE DISCOVERY OF ELECTROMAGNETISM]‎

‎Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1820. Contemporary half calf. Raised bands, gilt spine. Spine slightly rubbed. ""Annalen der Physik. Hrsg. von Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert"", Bd. 66. Small stamps on verso of title-pages (2) and verso of plates. (12), 426 pp., 1 folded table a. 3 engraved plates. The entire volume offered. Oersted's paper: pp. 295-304. Internally clean and fine.‎

‎First edition of the first German translation (by Gilbert) of Oersted's epoch-making announcement of his discovery of electromagnetism, printed in the same year as the Latin original. The work originally appeared in Latin as ""Experimenta circa effectum conflictus electrici in acun magneticam. Hafniæ, 1820"""" this Latin pamphlet is impossibly scarce and only a few copies are known, as it was privately printed in a very small number and was only distributed to colleagues in Europe. This discovery and confirmation of the connection between 2 forces, electricity and magnetism, must be considered one of the happiest events in the history of science, both with regard to scientific and practical results.""From the moment that Ørsted's discovery became known it created an enormous sensation. The results communicated were so astounding that they were received with a certain distrust, but they were stated with such accuracy that it could hardly be permitted to entertain any doubts. In the course of a short time the treatise was translated into all the chief languages."" (Kirstine Meyer). In a note Gilbert says, that it is a word by word translation of Oersted's small Latin pamphlet, ""Eine fast wörtliche Uebersetzung des einzeln gedruckten, lateinischen, de 21 Juli 1820 geschriebenen Viertel-Bogens, de von Hrn. Oersted mehreren zugeschicht worden ist...""When Oersted's discovery became known to European physicists they became busy with testing Oersted's results"" thus, this volume of ""Annalen"" contains some important papers on electromagnetism in German: Gilbert: Untersuchungen über die Einwirkung des geschlossenen galvanisch-electrischen Kreises uaf die Magnetnadel. pp. 331-391" Biot & Savart: Von einer Abhandlung über die Magnetismus der Voltaischen Sáule (The Law of Biot & Savart), pp. 392-394 (German extract) Yelin: Ueber den Zusammenhang der Electricität mit dem einigen Zusätzen von Gilbert. Muncke: Einiges die Polarisierung des Lichtes und die Oersted'schen Versuche betreffend... The volume also contains first German editions of papers by Biot, Gay-Lussac, G.G. Schmidt, Humphrey Davy, etc.Dibner:61 - PMM: 282 - Horblitt: 3 b. - Sparrow: 152.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )


Reference : 32664


‎Forsøg i Anledning af nogle Steder i Winterls Skrifter (Chemistry) (and) Om den Maade, hvorpå Electriciteten forplanter sig (Electricity and Magnetism). (and) Endnu et historisk Bidrag til Oplysning over de nye Ritterske Pendulforsøg (Physics).‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, H. Tikjøbs Forlag, 1806. Ubeskåret med originale bogtrykte omslag. Hele heftet af ""Nyt Bibliothek for Physik, Medicin og Oeconomie udgivet af Herholdt, Rafn, Viborg og Ørsted"" (Niende Binds Tredie hefte, som samtidig er tidsskriftets sidst udgivne del). 1. Afhandling pp. 229-52 - 2. Afhandling pp. 268-75 - 3. Afhandling pp. 329-332.‎

‎First editions of three early works by Oersted. The second work is Oersted first paper on electricity and magnetism, investigations on which later made his name famous by his discovery of Electromagnetism in 1820. The paper here does not state the causal connection, but gives information of the striking analogies and parallels between the two phenomena in connection with polarization and their propagation as waves.""Alt hvad her er sagt om Electricitetens Udbredelse, gjelder ogsaa om Magnetismens. Magnetens Virkning begynder og med en Polarisation, og maa altsaa af samme grunde, ligesom Electriciteten, udbrede sig bølgeagtigen...."" (All what is said here about the propagation of electricity, also holds for magnetism. The effects of the magnet also starts with a polarization, and must, due to these same causes, just like electricity, propagate in wave-like fashion).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,500.00 (€469.43 )
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