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Reference : 39817


‎Conduction of Electricity Throught Gases. 2 vols.‎

‎New York, Dover Publ., 1969. Paperback. 491, 604 pp.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK450.00 (€60.35 )


Reference : 44055


‎On some Applications of Dynamical Principles to Physical Phenomena. Received December 16, 1884, - Read January 8, 1885. (+) Some Applications of Dynamical Principles to Physical Phenomena. - Part II. Received March 31, - Read April 21, 1887. (2 Papers).‎

‎(London, Harrison and Sons, 1886 a. 1888). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1885. Vol. 176 - Part II. Pp. 307-342. + 1887. Vol. 178 - Series A. pp. 471-526.‎

‎First appearance of these importent papers, containing the ideas which was the foundations for his later developed theory of the electron theory of metals.""In a series of papers (the two papers offered), and a book..., Thomson illustrated how to guess at a term in the Lagrangian from a consideration of known phenomena and how, from the term once admitted, to deduca the existence and magnitudes of other effects. he also showed that a time-average of the Lagrangian could play a part of the entropy in certain problems usually handled by the second law of thermodynamics. One of his most importent contributions in this line, was the development of of the notion, perhaps original with him, that electricity flows in much the same way in metals as in electrolytes. He was to return to this idea in founding the electron theory of metals....‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,850.00 (€248.13 )


Reference : 44056


‎On the Determination of the Number of Electrostatic Units in the Electromagnetic Unit of Electricity. Communicated by Lord Rayleigh. Received June 19, - Read June 21, 1883.‎

‎(London, Harrison and Sons, 1884). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1883. Vol. 174 - Part II. Pp. 707-721, textillustrations. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance (together with the 2 pp. extract in ""Proceedings"") of Thomsons first paper on the electrostatic unit of electricity.""In 1884 Lord Rayleigh,....resigned the Cavendish Professorship of Experimental Physics. Thomson had by then completed a few imperfect bits of laboratory work, including a determination, at Rayleigh's suggestion, of the ratio of the electrostatic to the electromagnetic units of electricity (the paper offered). Rayleigh had intended to collaborate in this work which, apart from its imperfection, was typical of the Cavendish during this area" but Thomson, unaware of many of the pitfalls, ran away with the project, published hastily, and gave his collegues, including the Professor, to doubt that he had any future in experimental physics. With these credits and his mathematics, he competed for the chair" much to his surprise, and to the great annoyance of some of his competitors, who included Fitzgerald, Glazenbrook, Larmor, reynolds, and Schuster, he was elected.""(DSB XIII, p. 365).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK850.00 (€114.00 )


Reference : 44057


‎A determination of ""v"", the Ratio of the Electromagnetic Unit of Electricity to the Electrostatic Unit. Received March 12, - Read March 27, 1890.‎

‎(London, Harrison and Sons, 1891). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1890. Vol. 181 - A. Pp. 583-621, textillustrations. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of this paper of Thomsons second paper on the electrostatic unit of electricity, in which he corrects some of the imperfections in his first paper on the subject ""On the Determination of the Number of Electrostatic Units in the Electromagnetic Unit of Electricity"" published 1884.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK850.00 (€114.00 )


Reference : 44058


‎On the Vibrations of a Vortex Ring, and the Action upon each other of Two Vortices in a Perfect Fluid. Communicated by Lord Rayleigh. Received November 16, - Read December 8, 1881.‎

‎(London, Harrison and Sons, 1883). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1883. Vol. 173 - Part II. Pp. 493-521, textillustrations. Fine and clean.‎

‎First appearance of Thomson's second paper on the Vortex Atom. In 1882 he had won a prize with the subject ""a general investigation of the action upon each other of two closed vortices in a perfect incompressible fluid""The first attempt to construct a physical model of an atom was made by Lord Kelvin in 1867. The main point was that in an ideal fluid, a vortex line is always composed of the same particles, it remains unbroken, so it is ring-like.""In fact, the investigations of vortices, trying to match their properties with those of atoms, led to a much better understanding of the hydrodynamics of vortices - the constancy of the circulation around a vortex, for example, is known as Kelvin's law. In 1882 another Thomson, J. J., won a prize for an essay on vortex atoms, and how they might interact chemically. After that, though, interest began to wane - Kelvin himself began to doubt that his model really had much to do with atoms, and when the electron was discovered by J. J. in 1897, and was clearly a component of all atoms, different kinds of non-vortex atomic models evolved.""(Michael Fowler).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )

‎Thomson (Sir Joseph John) - A. Cotton (préface) - Louis de Broglie, ed.‎

Reference : 101232


‎Au delà de l'électron , traduit par R. Fric avec une préface de M. A. Cotton, dans la série des Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles n° 211, Exposés de Physique Théorique, volume XIV, publiés sous la direction de Louis de Broglie (Au-delà de l'électron)‎

‎Hermann et Cie , Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1935 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur marron, titre en rouge et noir grand In-8 1 vol. - 30 pages‎

‎1 planche hors-texte avec 2 figures (photographies) et 2 autres figures dans le texte (graphiques), complet 1ere traduction en français, 1935 "Contents, Chapitres : Préface, 4 pages - avec 2 appendices : Propagation des ondes dans un milieu supra-dispersif - Trajectoire d'un électron sous l'action d'une force extérieure - Joseph John Thomson, né le 18 décembre 1856 et mort le 30 août 1940, est un physicien britannique. Il a découvert l'électron ainsi que les isotopes et a inventé la spectrométrie de masse ; il a analysé la propagation d'ondes guidées. Il a reçu le prix Nobel de physique de 1906 pour « ses recherches théoriques et expérimentales sur la conductivité électrique dans les gaz ». Ces recherches ont fourni les preuves de l'existence de l'électron. - En 1897, Thomson prouve expérimentalement l'existence des électrons, qui avait été prédite par George Johnstone Stoney en 1874. Cette découverte est le résultat d'une série d'expériences sur les rayons cathodiques. La même année, il énonce son modèle de l'atome, le modèle de plum pudding. - En 1906, Thomson montre que l'atome d'hydrogène ne contient qu'un électron. À cette époque certaines théories ont envisagé divers nombres d'électrons. En 1912, il étudie la composition des mélanges des ions positifs dits « ions anodiques ». Au cours de cette recherche, il mesure la déflexion d'un faisceau de néon ionisé (Ne+) qui passe à travers un champ magnétique ainsi qu'un champ électrique. Sur la plaque photographique qui lui sert comme détecteur, il observe deux taches (voir image) qui correspondent aux atomes de masses 20 et 22. Il conclut que le néon est constitué d'atomes de deux masses différentes ou isotopes. Cette séparation des atomes par leur masse est le premier exemple de la spectrométrie de masse, méthode qui est subséquemment mise au point par Francis William Aston (étudiant de Thomson) et par Arthur Jeffrey Dempster (source : Wikipedia)" 1 ligne de la préface de Cotton soulignée en rouge, sinon bel exemplaire, frais et propre‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Thomson (Sir Joseph John) - Maurice Solovine et Paul Langevin, eds.‎

Reference : 101146


‎Electricité et matière , traduit de l'anglais par Maurice Solovine, préface de Paul Langevin (Conférences données à Yale en 1903-1904)‎

‎Gauthier-Villars et Cie, à Paris , Science et Civilisation, Exposés Scientifiques du Savoir Humain Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1922 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur crème In-8 1 vol. - 142 pages‎

‎19 figures dans le texte en noir, et 1 planche hors-txte en frontispice, portrait de Sir J.-J. Thomson 1ere traduction en français, 1922 "Contents, Chapitres : Préface de Paul Langevin (4 pages), avant-propos de J.-J. Thomson, ix, Texte, 133 pages - Représentation du champ électrique par des lignes de force - Masse électrique et masse liée - Effets produits par l'accélération des tubes de Faraday - La structure atomique de l'électricité - La constitution de l'atome - La radioactivité et les substances radioactives - Joseph John Thomson, né le 18 décembre 1856 et mort le 30 août 1940, est un physicien britannique. Il a découvert l'électron ainsi que les isotopes et a inventé la spectrométrie de masse ; il a analysé la propagation d'ondes guidées. Il a reçu le prix Nobel de physique de 1906 pour « ses recherches théoriques et expérimentales sur la conductivité électrique dans les gaz ». Ces recherches ont fourni les preuves de l'existence de l'électron. - NB : Il s'agit de conférences données à l'Université de Yale en mai 1903 - (A series of four lectures, given by Thomson on a visit to Princeton University in 1896, were subsequently published as Discharge of electricity through gases (1897). Thomson also presented a series of six lectures at Yale University in 1904 - cf : Wikipedia)." couverture propre et en très bon état, avec quelques rousseurs discrètes, intérieur sinon frais et propre, papier à peine jauni, cela reste un bel exemplaire, bien complet du portrait de Thomson en frontispice‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : 47439


‎On the Mathematical Theory of Electricity in Equilibrium, On the Elementary Laws of Statical Electricity. - [ANTICIPATION OF THE QUADRANT ELECTROMETER THE PORTABLE ELECTROMETER, AND THE ABSOLUTE ELECTROMETER]‎

‎Cambridge, Macmillan and Co., 1846. 8vo. Bound with the original front wrapper in contemporary half calf with black and red title labels to spine with gilt lettering. In ""The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal"", Vol. I [1], (Being Vol. V [5], of the Cambridge Mathematical Journal), 1846. Bookplate pasted on to pasted down front free end-paper and library code written in hand to lower part of spine. Library cards in the back. A fine and clean copy. Pp. 75-96. [Entire volume: IV, 288, VIII pp.].‎

‎First English translation (and first translation in general) with 'considerable additions' (as stated on p. 75) of Thomson's highly influential paper in which he for the very first time occupies himself with - and anticipates the invention of - the quadrant electrometer, the portable electrometer, and the absolute electrometer. ""When resident in Paris he published in Lionville's Journal a paper [first publication of the present], in which he examined the experiments and deductions of Sir. W. Snow-Harris. This investigator had made an experimental examination of the fundamental laws of Coulomb. Thomson showed by pointing out the defects of Harris' electrometer that the results, instead of disproving these laws, actually confirmed them, so far as they went, from this examination dates Thomson's interest in electrometers, which led to the invention of the quadrant electrometer, the portable electrometer, and the absolute electrometer. "" (Lectures on Ten British Physicists of the Nineteenth Century, P. 57).""Thomson's extensive contact with Liouville led him to think more deeply about electrical theory. Liouville had heard of Faraday's work in electrostatics, or at least of the aspects in which Faraday claimed to have found that electrical induction occurs in ""curved lines."" The conception seemed to conflict with the action-at-a-distance approach, and Liouville asked Thomson to write a paper clarifying the differences between Faraday on the one hand and Coulomb and Poisson on the other. This request prompted Thomson to bring together ideas he had been turning over in his mind during the previous three years.From Thomson's new point of view, both the French approach to electrical theory and that of Faraday should consist only of sets of mathematical propositions about the ""distribution of electricity"" on conducting bodies. Of Coulomb, who had never written like Poisson of the ""thickness"" of the electrical layer, Thomson said that he had ""expressed his theory in such a manner that it can only be attacked in the way of proving his experimental results to be inaccurate."" He did not, therefore, believe that Coulomb's approach would stand or fall with the fate of the electrical fluid.Of course, it may be wondered how Thomson could have employed the phrase ""distribution of electricity"" without believing that some hypothetical entity is implicated. He did not think so, however. Instead, by 1845 he was drawing a distinction between a ""physical hypothesis"" and an elementary mathematical law."" By a physical hypothesis he meant an assumption concerning the physical existence of an unobservable entity like the electrical fluid or Faraday's contiguous dielectric particles. By an elementary mathematical law he meant a statement that can be directly applied in experiments because its referents are phenomenal entities and mathematical propositions about them. For example, when it is a question of the ""distribution of electricity"" a phrase that might appear in an ""elementary mathematical law,"" the actual subject concerns the effects produced when a proof-plane is applied to a point of an electrified conductor. The measure of those effects is the twist given to the torsion-bearing thread of an electrometer. Coulomb's laws, therefore, and also those aspects of Poisson's mathematical development of them that do not depend upon the conception of electricity as a physical fluid, were thus actually concise, mathematical laws applicable to the results of such experiments. They were not hypotheses concerning the nature of electricity."" (DSB)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,800.00 (€777.91 )


Reference : 44046


‎A Mathematical Theory of Magnetism. Received June 21, - Read Juni 21, 1849. (+) A Mathematical Theory of Magnetism. Continuation of Part I. Received June 20, - Read June 20, 1850. (2 Papers).‎

‎(London, Richard Taylor, 1851). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1851 - Part I. Pp. 247-268 a. pp. 269-285.‎

‎First appearance of Lord Kelvin's most importent paper on magnetism.""In Paris, Joseph Liouville (1809-1882) encouraged Thomson's professional interest in Michael Faraday, whom Thomson knew and interacted with in London, by suggesting that the reconciliation of Faraday's electrostatic experimental results and the views of the French mathematicians, Ampère, Coulomb, Poisson, etc., could be a fertile field of mathematical endeavor. Intrigued by Liouville's suggestion Thomson wrote several papers over the next few years based on Faraday's experimental results, including: On a Mechanical Representation of Electric, Magnetic and Galvanic Forces (1847). On the Mathematical Theory of Electricity (1848). On the Mathematical Theory of Magnetism (1851). (The paper offered).After receiving Maxwell's request for guidance, Thomson shared with him the challenge presented by interpreting Faraday's written experimental results using mathematical formalism. Faraday's work on electricity and magnetism intrigued Maxwell and he began his research by reading Thomson's papers on the subject.""(Alan T. Williams). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,250.00 (€167.65 )


Reference : 44050


‎Electrodynamic Qualities of Metals. - Part VII. Effects of Stress on the Magnetization of Iron, Nickel, and Cobolt. Received May 9, - Read May 23, 1878.‎

‎(London, Harrison and Sons, 1880). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"", Vol. 1710 - Part I. Pp. 55-85, 12 plates and textillustrations.‎

‎First printing. In the paper Lord kelvin describes the effects of magnetization on different metals, reaching a notion of ""critical stress"".‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK650.00 (€87.18 )


Reference : 44045


‎Elements of a Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. Received April 16, - Read April 24, 1856.‎

‎(London, Taylor and Francis, 1856). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1856 - Vol. 146 - Part II. Pp. 481-498.‎

‎First edition of an importent paper on the elasticity of materials. ""The most importent contributions made to physics by Thomson during the first years of his work at Glasgow were in the field of thermodynamics, buthe also obtained a considerable amount of experimental data in strenght of materials and in the theory of elasticity. The result were later used in the preparation of articles which appeared in the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica and they became widely read and greatly valued.""(Timoshenko p. 263).Lord Kelvin ""was generally looked upon as the founder of British physics. Together with helmholtz in germany, he had been the foremost figure in transforming - indeed, in creating - the science of physics as it was known in 1900.""(DSB XIII, p. 387).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK850.00 (€114.00 )


Reference : 44047


‎The Bakerian Lecture. - On the Electro-dynamic Qualities of Metals. Received February 28, - Read February 28, 1856.‎

‎(London, Richard Taylor and William Francis, 1856). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" Vol. 146 - Part III. Pp. 649-751 a. 58 textillustr. of experimental apparatus. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of Lord kelvin's large account of his thermo-electric researches in which he found, that the Peltier-effect must be directly proportional to the absolute temperature in a circuit formed of two metals. ""This result, however, as Thomson well knew, was contradicted by the observations of Cumming, who had shown that when the temperature of the hot junction is gradually increased, the electromotive force rises to a maximum value and then decreases. The contradiction led Thomson to PREDICT THE EXISTANCE OF A HITHERTO UNRECOGNIZED THERMO-ELECTRIC PHENOMENON - namely, a reversible absorption of heat at places in the circuit other than the junctions.(Whittaker ""A History of the Theories of Aether & Electricity"", pp. 237-38).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 48811


‎On the Thermal Effects of Fluids in Motion. Part I-II (2 Papers).‎

‎London, Richard taylor and William Francis, 1853-54. 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1853, Vol. 143 and 1854, Vol. 144. With titlepages to vol. 143 a. 144. The papers: pp. 357-365 a. pp. 321-364, textillustrations. The first titlepage bears the name of P.G. Tait.‎

‎First printing of these importent papers in which the authors found the so-called Joule-Thomson effect which should be the founding technology in refrigeration. They showed that a gas expanding into vacuum without addition of external work undergo a change in temperature, in spite of the theoretical speculations. The temperature change occurs due to the internal work required to overcome the attractive forces between molecules.""The only substantial contribution to thermodnamics to which the joint names of Joule and Thomson, are attached belongs to an idea conceived by Thomson, who saw the possibility of analyzing the deviations of gas properties from the ideal behavior. In particular, a non-ideal gas, made to expand slowly through a porous plug (so as to approximate a specified mathematical condition—constant enthalpy), would in general undergo a cooling (essentially a transformation of atomic motion into work spent against the interatomic attractions). For the delicate test of this effect Thomson required Joule’s unsurpassed skill (1852). But the application of the Joule- Thomson effect to the technology of refrigeration belongs to a later stage in the development of thermodynamics.""(DSB).Peter Guthrie Tait (1831 - 1901) was a Scottish mathematical physicist, best known for the seminal energy physics textbook Treatise on Natural Philosophy, which he co-wrote with Kelvin, and his early investigations into knot theory, which contributed to the eventual formation of topology as a mathematical discipline. His name is known in graph theory mainly for Tait's conjecture. (His name on the first titlepage).Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"" 1852 C.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )


Reference : 42715


‎On the Thermal Effects of Fluids in Motion. Received June 15, - Read June 16, 1853.‎

‎(London, Richard Taylor and William Francis, 1853) 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1853, Vol. 143 - Part III. Pp. 357-365. Textillustrations. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of this highly importent paper in the development of thermodynamics, describing the experiments leading to the discovery of the cooling effect when a gas is allowed to expand freely. This is the founding theory, later used in refrigeration.""The only substantial contribution to thermodynamics to which the joint names of Joule and Thomson are attached belongs to an idea conceived by Thomson, who saw the possibility of analyzing the deviations of gas properties from the ideal behavior. In particular a non-ideal gas, made to expand slowly through a porous plug so as to approximate a specified mathematical condition - constant enthalpy), would in general undergo cooling (essentially a transformation of atomic motion into work spent against the interatomic attractions)....But the appliocation of the Joule-Thomson effect to technology of refrigeration belongs to a later stage in the development of thermodynamics.""(DSB VII, p. 182).The Joule-Thomson effect or Joule-Kelvin effect describes the increase or decrease in the temperature of a real gas (as differentiated from an ideal gas) or a liquid when allowed to expand freely through a valve or other throttling device while kept insulated so that no heat is transferred to or from the fluid, and no external mechanical work is extracted from the fluid. The Joule-Thomson effect is an isenthalpic process, meaning that the enthalpy of the fluid is constant (i.e., does not change) during the process. It is named for James Prescott Joule and William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin who established the effect in 1852, following earlier work by Joule on Joule expansion in which a gas expands at constant internal energy. The Joule-Thomson effect is sometimes referred to as the Joule-Kelvin effect. Engineers often refer to it as simply the J-T effect. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )

‎Thomson (William T.)‎

Reference : 85185


‎Theory of Vibration with Applications (Fourth Edition Reprinted, 1997)‎

‎Chapman and Hall Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1997 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's blue wrappers, illustrated by a figure with a red bridge and wave In-4 1 vol. - 558 pages‎

‎many black and white illustrations, mainly figures, few photographies Fourth edition, reprinted, 1997 Contents, Chapitres : Table, preface, units, xii, Text, 546 pages - Oscillatory motion - Free vibration - Harmonically excited vibration - Transient vibration - Systems with two or more degrees of freedom - Properties of vibrating systems - Lagrange's equation - Computational methods - Vibration of continuous systems - Introduction to the finite element method - Mode-summation procedures for continuous systems - Classical methods - Random vibrations - Nonlinear vibrations - Appendices - Answers to problems - Index very few folding tracks on the wrappers which remains near fine, else near fine copy, no markings, inside is fine‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR12.00 (€12.00 )


Reference : 74258

‎Problems & Solutions in Group Theory for Physicists.‎

‎ World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc. 2004, 225x150mm, X - 464Seiten, broschiert. Schönes Exemplar.‎

‎ Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF30.00 (€32.16 )


Reference : R150217572


ISBN : 2082112217


‎FLAMMARION. 1996. In-8. Broché. Etat passable, Couv. légèrement pliée, Dos satisfaisant, Mouillures. 654 pages- nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc dans et hors texte- quelques légères trâces de moisissures et salissures n'altérant pas réellement la lecture. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎



Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )

‎Thorne Kip S.‎

Reference : R100067370


ISBN : 2082112217

‎Trous noirs et distorsions du temps - l'héritage sulfureux d'Einstein - Collection nouvelle bibliothèque scientifique.‎

‎Flammarion. 1996. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Dos plié, Intérieur frais. 654 pages - nombreuses figures et photos en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎Collection nouvelle bibliothèque scientifique - Préface de Stephen Hawking - traduit de l'anglais par Alain Bouquet et Jean Kaplan. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )

‎Tibaud J.‎

Reference : R260269976


‎Les rayons X Collection Armand Colin‎

‎Armand Colin. 1930. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Plats abîmés, Dos abîmé, Intérieur frais. 216 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎Collection Armand Colin. Etiquette sur coiffe en pied. Tampon bibliothèque. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎Tickell (Joshua)‎

Reference : 76615


‎From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank - The Complete Guide to Using Vegetable Oil as an Alternative Fuel (Huile végétale comme carburant alternatif, texte en anglais) - Third Edition‎

‎Joshua Tickell Media Productions, New Orleans Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 2003 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's blue wrappers illustrated by a color photography In-4 1 vol. - 167 pages‎

‎many text illustrations in black and white 3rd edition Contents, Chapitres : Acknowledgments, v, Text, 162 pages - Preface and introduction - 1. Why vegetable oil ? - The problem : Fossil fuels - The solution : Renewable fuels - Diesel engines - Biodiesel engines - Grow your fuel - 2. Do-it-yourself experiments : How to make biodiesel - How to build a biodiesel processor - How to run a diesel on vegetable oil and kerosene - How to turn a diesel on straight vegetable oil - Trouble shooting and success stories - Notes - Appendix - Index private collection filigrane stamp on title-page, else fine copy, no markings‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎TIERCY, Georges:‎

Reference : 129647aaf

‎Déplacements dans l’espace à n dimensions. Thèse.‎

‎Genève, Imprimerie Albert Kundig, 1915, in-8vo, 100 p., brochure originale.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF40.00 (€42.87 )


Reference : 39878



Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK650.00 (€87.18 )

‎[De l'Imprimerie Royale] - ‎ ‎TILLET, Mathieu‎

Reference : 52430


‎Recherches sur les Méthodes dont les Essayeurs font usage pour établir le titre des matières d'Or, & déterminer en même temps la quantité d'Argent qu'elles peuvent contenir [ Avec : ] Mémoire sur le Procédé qu'on emploie aux Affinages de la Monnoie de Paris, pour la fonte de la Chaux de Cuvre qu'on y retire des Eaux Fortes après l'opération du Départ [ Avec : ] Bulletin des Lois n°265 Loi relative aux pièces d'or et d'argent rognées ou altérées [ Avec : ] Tarifs des Monnaies d'Or et d'Argent en exécution de la Loi du 7 Germinal an XI 1730 bis [ Avec : ] Arrêté Relatif à l'échange des Ecus de trois livres et des pièces de vingt-quatre sous, douze et six sous, qui n'ont conservé aucune trace de leur empreinte du 6 Fructidor an XI [ Avec : ] Mémoire sur les Essais des Matières d'Or et d'Argent par M. Tillet [ Avec : ] Mémoire sur les Essais des Matières d'Argent [ mémoire sur la nécessité qu'il y a, dans les Essais ordinaires des matières d'Argent, d'extraire des coupelles la particule d'Argent fin qu'elles retiennent toujours pour écarter les variations auxquelles cette opération est sujette, & connoître sûrement le titre intrinsèque de ces matières ]‎

‎1 vol. in-4 reliure fin XIXe demi-basane marron, dos à 5 nerfs, Recherches sur les Méthodes dont les Essayeurs font usage pour établir le titre des matières d'Or, & déterminer en même temps la quantité d'Argent qu'elles peuvent contenir, De l'Imprimerie Royale, Paris, 1779, 1 f., 54 pp. avec 3 planches dépliantes dessinées par Fossier [ Avec : ] Mémoire sur le Procédé qu'on emploie aux Affinages de la Monnoie de Paris, pour la fonte de la Chaux de Cuivre qu'on y retire des Eaux Fortes après l'opération du Départ, 1 f., 24 pp. et 2 planches dépliantes dessinées par Fossier [ Avec : ] Bulletin des Lois n°265 Loi relative aux pièces d'or et d'argent rognées ou altérées, 2 pp. [ Avec : ] Tarifs des Monnaies d'Or et d'Argent en exécution de la Loi du 7 Germinal an XI 1730 bis, 2 pp. [ Avec : ] Arrêté Relatif à l'échange des Ecus de trois livres et des pièces de vingt-quatre sous, douze et six sous, qui n'ont conservé aucune trace de leur empreinte du 6 Fructidor an XI, 4 pp. avec 2 ff. blancs intercalés, De l'Imprimerie du Dépôt des Lois [ Avec : ] Mémoire sur les Essais des Matières d'Or et d'Argent par M. Tillet, 19 pp. et 6 figures sur une planche dépliante [ Avec : ] Mémoire sur les Essais des Matières d'Argent [ mémoire sur la nécessité qu'il y a, dans les Essais ordinaires des matières d'Argent, d'extraire des coupelles la particule d'Argent fin qu'elles retiennent toujours pour écarter les variations auxquelles cette opération est sujette, & connoître sûrement le titre intrinsèque de ces matières ], 1769, 36 pp.‎

‎Botaniste et métallurgiste né à Bordeaux, Mathieu Tillet (1714-1791). Fils d'un orfèvre, il fut nommé directeur de la Monnaie à Troyes dès 1740, membre de l'Académie des Sciences à partir de 1758 et deviendra inspecteur général de la Monnaie en 1767. Beau recueil d'articles relatifs aux monnaies (rel. lég. frottée)‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR590.00 (€590.00 )


Reference : 66053

‎Essai d'un traité élémentaire de Physique selon les théories modernes avec 698 figures, 8 planches hors-texte et 7 planches en couleurs. 2e édition entièrement refondue et mise à jour.‎

‎ P., Liège, Beranger, 1921, fort in 8° relié demi basane brune, XII-793 pages. ‎

‎ ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎


Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )


Reference : 83438

‎Leçons élémentaires de physique expérimentale selon les théories modernes.‎

‎Paris/Liège, Librairie Polytechnique Ch. Béranger, 1954. 16 x 25, 595 pp., 625 figures, 17 planches en couleurs, broché, bon état (couverture défraîchie).‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )
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