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‎Steiner (Karl-Heinz)‎

Reference : 51536


‎Interactions between Electromagnetic Fields and Matter , edited by H. Stumpf‎

‎Vieweg and Pergamon Press , Vieweg Tracts in Pure and Applied Physics Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1973 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon hardcover grand In-8 1 vol. - 367 pages‎

‎ 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Symbols, Preface, Contents, xvi - Text, 351 pages - Matter as a conglomeration of charged mass points in the electromagnetic field - Microscopic models, characteristic curves, processes -The quantum-mechanical treatment of the interactions - Special processes : 1. Static and quasistic (off-resonance) interactions - 2. Dynamic processes, in particular resonance processes - Macroscopic structures fine copy‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : 159771


‎Les neuf couleurs de l'arc en ciel ‎

‎ Editions de Mir Editions de Mir, 1967. In-12 broché de 354 pages illustrées. Bon état‎

‎ Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo. ‎

Phone number : 05 65 42 95 21

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Stephen Hawking- chevalley catherine (traduction)‎

Reference : RO20259529


ISBN : 2081260719

‎Commencement du temps et fin de la physique ?‎

‎CHAMPS SCIENCES n°306. 2011. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 119 PAGES - quelques schemas en noir/blanc - quelques pages légèrement cornées. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎Stephen Hawking- chevalley catherine (traduction), bouquet alain (presentation) Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR10.95 (€10.95 )


Reference : 51349


‎The Third Revolution in 20th Century Physics.‎

‎[No place], 1964. 4to. Without wrappers (as issued). Offprint from ""Physics Today"", April 1964. very fine and clean. Pp. 42-45.‎

‎Offprint of Stern's paper in which he criticised the s-matrix theory: ""[S-matrix theory] is inconsistent with the existence of the electromagnetic field. Because the electromagnetic field is involved in our very means of measurement and observation, this is a serious shortcoming"". [From the present paper].‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK700.00 (€93.89 )


Reference : 55623

‎De Montibus.‎

‎Lipsiae, Typis Haered. Colerianorum, (1661). 16 pages. (18,5x15 Cm). Broché. Rare thèse de physique sur les montagnes, leur origine, leur composition, etc. Références à Agricola, etc. Traces de cachet. Signature manuscrite sur la page de titre. ‎

Ultimo Capitulo S.L. - Barcelona

Phone number : +33 973 037 007

EUR200.00 (€200.00 )

‎Sternberg Shlomo‎

Reference : R260270543


‎Celestial mechanics Part et II‎

‎Chez l'auteur. 1969. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 158 + 304 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎Etiquette sur coiffe en pied. Tampon bibliothèque. Texte écrit en anglais. 2 photos disponibles. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR199.00 (€199.00 )


Reference : 43611


‎Ein Weg zur experimentellen Prüfung der Richtungsquantelung im Magnetfeld [in: Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 7, 1921:] (+) Der experimentelle Nachweis des magnetischen Moments des Silberatoms [in Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 8, 1922] (+) Der experimentelle ... - [DISCOVERY OF SPATIAL QUANTIZATION - THE STERN-GERLACH EXPERIMENT]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1921 & 1922. 8vo. Entire volumes 7-9, 1921 and 1922, of ""Zeitschrift für Physik"" bound in three contemporary half cloth bindings over marbled boards, volumes 7 and 8 in uniform bindings, volume 9 slightly differing, with more gilding to spine. Tiny marginal dampstain to the first leaves of vol. 9, and large library-stamp to front free end-papers of volumes 7-8, otherwise, all three volumes fine, clean, and tight. All three title-pages with library-stamp. Pp. 249-53" 110-11 349-55. [Entire volumes: VI, 414 pp IV, 419 pp." IV, 412 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Stern and Gerlach's seminal papers in which the first spatial quantization, atomic magnetic moments, was first presented. With these papers, the first clear proof for the spin of the electron appeared, profoundly influencing the world of physics. The discovery of the deflection of particles is often used to illustrate basic principles of quantum mechanics and demonstrates that electrons and atoms have inherent quantum properties.Spatial quantization had been introduced merely as a theoretical concept by Sommerfeld in 1916, but no one before Stern had ever empirically demonstrated its existence, and some physicists even considered it to be nothing more than a mathematical tool. In his 1921-paper Stern proposed an empirical test:""The idea for the experiment proposed by Stern was simple enough. A beam of silver atoms is produced by letting silver evaporate in an oven with a small opening. The beam is collimated and travels in X direction until it falls on a glass plate. Between collimators and plate an inhomogeneous magnetic field is produced. It points in y direction and also changes its strength as a function of y. If the atoms possess a magnetic moment, the field pulls them away from the X axis. If the moments are oriented at random, there will be a broadening of the beam. But if spatial quantization exists with just two possible orientations, then the beam will be split in two. Half the atoms are pulled in the positive and half in the negative y direction. It should be treated as a spinning top with a magnetic needle in its axis."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).In November 1921, Stern and Gerlach observed a broadening of the beam, its size increased from 0.1 mm till 0.3 mm when the field was turned on. ""This result proved that silver atoms possess a magnetic moment. With a still better collimated beam in February 1922 where the splitting of the beam into two was observed. Spatial quantization was established."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).Only after the birth of quantum mechanics it became clear that the atoms themselves are not turned, but that their quantum mechanical wave function assumes one of its possible values in the apparatus. The discovery penetrated all aspects of physics"" it was documented that electrons are responsible for the hyperfine structure of the spectroscopic lines and more generally that the direct observation of the spin of the electron is the most clear evidence of quantization in quantum mechanics.The three volumes also contains the following papers of interest:1. Born, Max. Über elektrostatische Gitterpotentiale. Bd. 7. pp. 124-140.2. Born, Max. Zur Thermodynamik der Kristallgitter. Bd. 7. pp. 217-248.3. Geiger, H. Reichweitemessungen an alfa-Strahlen. Bd. 8. pp. 45-58.4. Brody, E. & Max Born. Bemerkungen zy unseren Abhandlungen ""Über die Schwingungen eines mechanischen Systems mit endlicher Amplitude und ihre Quantelung"" [...] . Bd. 8. Pp. 205-208.5. Heisenberg, Werner. Zur Quantentheorie der Linienstruktur und der anomalen Zeemaneffekte. Bd. 8. pp. 273-297.6. Bohr, Niels. Der Bau der Atome und die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Elemente. Bd. 9. pp. 1-67.And many others.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK7,000.00 (€938.85 )


Reference : 44872


‎Ein Weg zur experimentellen Prüfung der Richtungsquantelung im Magnetfeld [in: Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 7, 1921:] (+) Der experimentelle Nachweis des magnetischen Moments des Silberatoms [in Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 8, 1922] - [DISCOVERY OF SPATIAL QUANTIZATION - THE STERN-GERLACH EXPERIMENT]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1921 & 1922. 8vo. Entire volumes 7-8, 1921 and 1922, of ""Zeitschrift für Physik"" bound in two uniform contemporary half cloth bindings over marbled boards. Library-stamp to title-pages, otherwise, both volumes fine, clean, and tight. Pp. 249-53" Pp. 110-11. [Entire volumes: VI, 414 pp" IV, 419 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Stern and Gerlach's seminal papers in which the first spatial quantization, atomic magnetic moments, was first presented. With these papers, the first clear proof for the spin of the electron appeared, profoundly influencing the world of physics. The discovery of the deflection of particles is often used to illustrate basic principles of quantum mechanics and demonstrates that electrons and atoms have inherent quantum properties.Spatial quantization had been introduced merely as a theoretical concept by Sommerfeld in 1916, but no one before Stern had ever empirically demonstrated its existence, and some physicists even considered it to be nothing more than a mathematical tool. In his 1921-paper Stern proposed an empirical test:""The idea for the experiment proposed by Stern was simple enough. A beam of silver atoms is produced by letting silver evaporate in an oven with a small opening. The beam is collimated and travels in X direction until it falls on a glass plate. Between collimators and plate an inhomogeneous magnetic field is produced. It points in y direction and also changes its strength as a function of y. If the atoms possess a magnetic moment, the field pulls them away from the X axis. If the moments are oriented at random, there will be a broadening of the beam. But if spatial quantization exists with just two possible orientations, then the beam will be split in two. Half the atoms are pulled in the positive and half in the negative y direction. It should be treated as a spinning top with a magnetic needle in its axis."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).In November 1921, Stern and Gerlach observed a broadening of the beam, its size increased from 0.1 mm till 0.3 mm when the field was turned on. ""This result proved that silver atoms possess a magnetic moment. With a still better collimated beam in February 1922 where the splitting of the beam into two was observed. Spatial quantization was established."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).Only after the birth of quantum mechanics it became clear that the atoms themselves are not turned, but that their quantum mechanical wave function assumes one of its possible values in the apparatus. The discovery penetrated all aspects of physics"" it was documented that electrons are responsible for the hyperfine structure of the spectroscopic lines and more generally that the direct observation of the spin of the electron is the most clear evidence of quantization in quantum mechanics.The three volumes also contains the following papers of interest:1. Born, Max. Über elektrostatische Gitterpotentiale. Bd. 7. pp. 124-140.2. Born, Max. Zur Thermodynamik der Kristallgitter. Bd. 7. pp. 217-248.3. Geiger, H. Reichweitemessungen an alfa-Strahlen. Bd. 8. pp. 45-58.4. Brody, E. & Max Born. Bemerkungen zy unseren Abhandlungen ""Über die Schwingungen eines mechanischen Systems mit endlicher Amplitude und ihre Quantelung"" [...] . Bd. 8. Pp. 205-208.5. Heisenberg, Werner. Zur Quantentheorie der Linienstruktur und der anomalen Zeemaneffekte. Bd. 8. pp. 273-297.And many others.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,000.00 (€804.73 )


Reference : 49490


‎Ein Weg zur experimentellen Prüfung der Richtungsquantelung im Magnetfeld [in: Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 7, 1921:] (+) Der experimentelle Nachweis des magnetischen Moments des Silberatoms [in Zeitschr. für Physik vol. 8, 1922] - [DISCOVERY OF SPATIAL QUANTIZATION - THE STERN-GERLACH EXPERIMENT]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1921 & 1922. 8vo. Bound in two uniform contemporary. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Vol. 7, 8 & 9, 1922. All three volumes offered. Both with library stamp to title page and light wear to extremities. A fine set. Pp. 249-53" 110-11 349-55. [Entire volumes: VI, 414 pp IV, 419 pp." IV, 412 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Stern and Gerlach's seminal papers in which the first spatial quantization, atomic magnetic moments, was first presented. With these papers, the first clear proof for the spin of the electron appeared, profoundly influencing the world of physics. The discovery of the deflection of particles is often used to illustrate basic principles of quantum mechanics and demonstrates that electrons and atoms have inherent quantum properties.Spatial quantization had been introduced merely as a theoretical concept by Sommerfeld in 1916, but no one before Stern had ever empirically demonstrated its existence, and some physicists even considered it to be nothing more than a mathematical tool. In his 1921-paper Stern proposed an empirical test:""The idea for the experiment proposed by Stern was simple enough. A beam of silver atoms is produced by letting silver evaporate in an oven with a small opening. The beam is collimated and travels in X direction until it falls on a glass plate. Between collimators and plate an inhomogeneous magnetic field is produced. It points in y direction and also changes its strength as a function of y. If the atoms possess a magnetic moment, the field pulls them away from the X axis. If the moments are oriented at random, there will be a broadening of the beam. But if spatial quantization exists with just two possible orientations, then the beam will be split in two. Half the atoms are pulled in the positive and half in the negative y direction. It should be treated as a spinning top with a magnetic needle in its axis."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).In November 1921, Stern and Gerlach observed a broadening of the beam, its size increased from 0.1 mm till 0.3 mm when the field was turned on. ""This result proved that silver atoms possess a magnetic moment. With a still better collimated beam in February 1922 where the splitting of the beam into two was observed. Spatial quantization was established."" ( Brandt. The Harvest of a Century, p. 124).Only after the birth of quantum mechanics it became clear that the atoms themselves are not turned, but that their quantum mechanical wave function assumes one of its possible values in the apparatus. The discovery penetrated all aspects of physics"" it was documented that electrons are responsible for the hyperfine structure of the spectroscopic lines and more generally that the direct observation of the spin of the electron is the most clear evidence of quantization in quantum mechanics.The three volumes also contains the following papers of interest:1. Born, Max. Über elektrostatische Gitterpotentiale. Bd. 7. pp. 124-140.2. Born, Max. Zur Thermodynamik der Kristallgitter. Bd. 7. pp. 217-248.3. Geiger, H. Reichweitemessungen an alfa-Strahlen. Bd. 8. pp. 45-58.4. Brody, E. & Max Born. Bemerkungen zy unseren Abhandlungen ""Über die Schwingungen eines mechanischen Systems mit endlicher Amplitude und ihre Quantelung"" [...] . Bd. 8. Pp. 205-208.5. Heisenberg, Werner. Zur Quantentheorie der Linienstruktur und der anomalen Zeemaneffekte. Bd. 8. pp. 273-297.6. Bohr, Niels. Der Bau der Atome und die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Elemente. Bd. 9. pp. 1-67.And many others.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK7,000.00 (€938.85 )

‎"STERN, O. (+) R. FRISCH.‎

Reference : 49166


‎Über die magnetische Ablenkung von Wasserstoffmolekülen und das magnetische Moment des Protons. I. - [NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1943 - FIRST MEASUREMENT OF THE PROTON MAGNETIC MOMENT]‎

‎Berlin, Springer, 1933. 8vo. In contemporary halv cloth with gilt lettering to spine. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Bd. 85, 1933. Entire volume offered. Stamp to front free end-paper and titlepage, otherwise fine and clean. Pp. 4-16. [Entire volume: VIII, 811 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Stern and Frisch's seminal paper with the very first measurement of the proton magnetic moment constituting the earliest experimental evidence for the internal structure of the nucleon. ""It is this work that was specifically mentioned in Stern's Nobel Prize citation"" (DSB) in 1943 when he was awarded the prize ""for his contribution to the development of the molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton"".""Dirac had promulgated a theory according to which the ratio of the magnetic moment of the proton to that of the electron should have been the same as the inverse ratio of their masses. This theory was believed so generally that when Stern, O. R. Frisch, and this writer began the very difficult experiments, they were told more than once by eminent theoreticians that they were wasting their time and effort. But Stern's perseverance paid off. Measurements showed a proton magnetic moment two or three times larger than expected. While that result has since been reproduced with greater accuracy, a really satisfactory theoretical explanation is still outstanding. It is this work that was specifically mentioned in Stern's Nobel Prize citation."" (DSB)The magnetic moment of the proton, first measured in 1933 by Frisch and Stern, was the earliest experimental evidence for the internal structure of the nucleon. Although the theory of strong interactions, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), is over 20 years old, a quantitative description of the magnetic moments of the nucleons based on QCD remains an elusive goal. The phenomenal quantitative success of the standard electroweak theory now allows one to use the weak interaction to obtain additional information on the magnetic properties of the nucleon. In particular, the measurement of the strength of the magnetic interaction with the neutral weak boson Z0(when combined with the usual magnetic interaction with the photon) enables a decomposition of the nucleon magnetism into the contributions arising from the three relevant quark flavors (up, down, and strange). (American Physical Society)The present volume also contain Estermann and Stern paper: ""Über sie magnetische Ablenkung von Wasserstoffmolekülen und das magnetische Moment des Protons"" in which they demonstrated the existence of de Broglie Waves for Atom and molecules.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,500.00 (€737.67 )

‎"STERN, O. (+) R. FRISCH.‎

Reference : 49260


‎Über die magnetische Ablenkung von Wasserstoffmolekülen und das magnetische Moment des Protons. I.‎

‎Berlin, Springer, 1933. 8vo. In contemporary halv cloth with gilt lettering to spine. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Bd. 85, 1933. Entire volume offered. Stamp to front free end-paper and titlepage, otherwise fine and clean. Pp. 4-16. [Entire volume: VIII, 811 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Stern and Frisch's seminal paper with the very first measurement of the proton magnetic moment constituting the earliest experimental evidence for the internal structure of the nucleon. ""It is this work that was specifically mentioned in Stern's Nobel Prize citation"" (DSB) in 1943 when he was awarded the prize ""for his contribution to the development of the molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton"".""Dirac had promulgated a theory according to which the ratio of the magnetic moment of the proton to that of the electron should have been the same as the inverse ratio of their masses. This theory was believed so generally that when Stern, O. R. Frisch, and this writer began the very difficult experiments, they were told more than once by eminent theoreticians that they were wasting their time and effort. But Stern's perseverance paid off. Measurements showed a proton magnetic moment two or three times larger than expected. While that result has since been reproduced with greater accuracy, a really satisfactory theoretical explanation is still outstanding. It is this work that was specifically mentioned in Stern's Nobel Prize citation."" (DSB)The magnetic moment of the proton, first measured in 1933 by Frisch and Stern, was the earliest experimental evidence for the internal structure of the nucleon. Although the theory of strong interactions, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), is over 20 years old, a quantitative description of the magnetic moments of the nucleons based on QCD remains an elusive goal. The phenomenal quantitative success of the standard electroweak theory now allows one to use the weak interaction to obtain additional information on the magnetic properties of the nucleon. In particular, the measurement of the strength of the magnetic interaction with the neutral weak boson Z0(when combined with the usual magnetic interaction with the photon) enables a decomposition of the nucleon magnetism into the contributions arising from the three relevant quark flavors (up, down, and strange). (American Physical Society)The present volume also contain Estermann and Stern paper: ""Über sie magnetische Ablenkung von Wasserstoffmolekülen und das magnetische Moment des Protons"" in which they demonstrated the existence of de Broglie Waves for Atom and molecules.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,500.00 (€737.67 )


Reference : 47132


‎Zur Methode der Molekularstrahlen. I. (Untersuchungen zur Molekularstrahlmethode aus dem Institut für physikalische Chemie der Hamburgischen Universität. Nr. 1.) - [THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FIELD OF MOLECULAR BEAMS]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1926. 8vo. Offprint in the original printed wrappes, ""Sonderabdruck Band 39, Heft 10/11"" printed on the front wrapper. A very fine and clean copy, near mint. Pp. 751-763. From the library of Niels Bohr.‎

‎Scarce offprint of Stern's first publication of his famous and groundbreaking series of papers named Untersuchungen zur Molekularstrahlmethode (U.z.M.), which established the field of molecular beams. In the first of the U.z.M.-papers (the present), Stern explains the advantages and disadvantages of the method, discusses technical details, and then gives the program for future work. In this section he mentions 1, the measurement of magnetic moments of molecules, including those due to the electrons, to the nucleus, and those induced by diamagnetic action" 2, electric dipole moments, including the so-called permanent dipole moment as well as moments of higher order (quadrupoles) 3, the measurement of the field of force of molecules (molecular forces) 4, fundamental problems such as the recoil on emission of a quantum, the de Broglie waves of matter, and others. The execution of this immense program kept him busy and gave work to many assistants, students, postdoctoral fellows, and guests of his institute.This series reached 30 papers before it ended prematurely due to interruption by Nazi Germany.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )


Reference : 44353


‎Zur Methode der Molekularstrahlen. I. (Untersuchungen zur Molekularstrahlmethode aus dem Institut für physikalische Chemie der Hamburgischen Universität. Nr. 1.) (+) [Heisenberg:] Über die Spektra von Atomsystemen mit zwei Elektronen. - [THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FIELD OF MOLECULAR BEAMS]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1926. 8vo. Bound in a contemporary half cloth. Small Library label pasted on to pasted down front free end-paper. Library stamt to title-page. A nice and clean copy. [Heisenberg:] pp. 499-518. [Stern:] Pp. 751-763. [Entire volume: VIII, 948 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Stern's first publication of his famous and groundbreaking series of papers named UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR MOLEKULARSTRAHLMETHODE (U.z.M.), which established the field of molecular beams. In the first of the U.z.M.-papers (the present), Stern explains the advantages and disadvantages of the method, discusses technical details, and then gives the program for future work. In this section he mentions 1, the measurement of magnetic moments of molecules, including those due to the electrons, to the nucleus, and those induced by diamagnetic action 2, electric dipole moments, including the so-called permanent dipole moment as well as moments of higher order (quadrupoles) 3, the measurement of the field of force of molecules (molecular forces)" 4, fundamental problems such as the recoil on emission of a quantum, the de Broglie waves of matter, and others. The execution of this immense program kept him busy and gave work to many assistants, students, postdoctoral fellows, and guests of his institute.This series reached 30 papers before it ended prematurely due to interruption by Nazi Germany.ÜBER DIE SPEKTRA VON ATOMSYSTEMEN MIT ZWEI ELEKTRONEN. First edition of this important paper in which Heisenberg - after inventing Quantum Mechanics the year before (1925) - investigates some of the fundamental aspects of the new theory. Heisenberg recognizes the invariance of the wave equation with respect to various transformations. ""It is clear that such invariance exists with respect to an interchange of the coordinates of identical particles, e.g. of two electrons in an atom of two nuclei of the same kind in a molecule. As a consequence, the wave function of a non-degenerate stationary state must either remain unchanged or may only change sign when the transformation is applied to it....Indeed, in this way Pauli's exclusion principle for electrons found a formulation in terms of wave mechanics.""(K. Kronik in Memorial Volume to Wolfgang Pauli).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,500.00 (€469.43 )


Reference : 4891

‎La conservation de l'énergie suivie d'une étude sur la nature de la force par P. De Saint-Robert‎

‎P., Alcan, 1879, un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur, (2), 2pp., 216pp., figures dans le texte‎

‎---- Troisième édition ---- DSB XIII pp. 51/53 ---- "On doit à B. Stewart, physicien écossais (1828/1887), la découverte de la loi de proportionnalité entre les puissances d'absorption et de rayonnement ainsi que des recherches sur la physique solaire". Qu'est-ce-que l'énergie (définition du travail, rapport entre vitesse et énergie, la résistance et le mouvement de l'atmosphère ne doivent pas être pris en considération, l'énergie est indépendante de la direction du mouvement, forces autres que la pesanteur) - Energie mécanique, sa transformation en chaleur - Forces et énergies de la nature, loi de conservation - Transformation de l'énergie - Etude historique ; dissipation de l'énergie - Place de la vie dans l'univers - Etude de M. P. De Saint-Robert : Qu'est-ce que la force**4891/7097/M5DE-4890/CAV.F5-7098/CAV.F5(3)‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎STEWART, Balfour.‎

Reference : 39572

‎La conservation de l’énergie. Suivie d’une étude ssur la nature de la force par P. de Saint-Robert. Collection Bibliothèque scientifique internationale.‎

‎ Paris, Germer Baillière 1875, 215x135mm, II - 216pages, reliure d'éditeur. Percaline violette, titre au dos et sur le plat supérieur. ‎

‎ figures in texte, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF45.00 (€48.23 )


Reference : 78536

‎Dieu joue-t-il aux dés ? Les Mathématiques du chaos.‎

‎Paris, Flammarion, 1992. in-8, 441 pp., broche, couv. ill.-‎

‎Bon état. [109B-3] ‎

Phone number : 07 80 01 72 79

EUR9.88 (€9.88 )


Reference : R160222173


‎Théorie de l'élasticité.‎

‎Librairie polytechnique Ch.Béranger. 1936. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. XX + 446 pages - nombreuses figures en noir et blanc dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎Préface de F.Campus - traduit sur la première édition anglaise revue et corrigée par l'auteur par Riva Berni. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR79.00 (€79.00 )


Reference : R160222174


‎Théorie des vibrations à l'usage des ingénieurs.‎

‎Librairie polytechnique Ch.Béranger. 1939. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. XXI + 482 pages - nombreuses figures en noir et blanc dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎Préface de F.Campus - traduit de l'anglais d'après la deuxième édition par Riva-Berni. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR79.00 (€79.00 )

‎STOFFEL Jean-François (JAKI Stanley L., introd.)‎

Reference : W69833


‎Pierre Duhem et ses doctorands. Bibliographie de la littérature primaire et secondaire‎

‎Louvain-la-Neuve, Université catholique de Louvain - Centre interfacultaire d'étude en histoire des sciences 1996 326pp.,23 cm., dans la série "Réminisciences" vol.1, br., bel état, W69833‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : 43527


‎On the Long Spectrum of Electric Light. Received June 19, - Read June 19, 1862.‎

‎(London, Taylor and Francis, 1863). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1862 - Vol. 152 Part II. Pp. 599-619 textillustrations. Clean and fine.‎

‎Fisr printing of Stoke's paper in which he investigates the spark spectra of metals, spectra of the electric arc, form and effets of the electrodes.""By 1862 Stokes was using the spark from an induction coil to generate the spectra of various metals employed as electrodes. The invisible rays of the spectra were then examined and recorded systematically by means of flourencence, although Stokes knes that photography was already beginning to replace fluorescence as a tool for mapping out spectra.""(DSB XIII, p. 77).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK650.00 (€87.18 )


Reference : 42590


‎On the Change of Refrangibility of Light. (No. I). Received May 11, - Read May 27, 1852. (+) On the Change of Refrangibility of Light.- No. II. Received June 16, - Read June 26, 1853. (2 Papers).‎

‎(London, Richard Taylor and William Francis, 1852 and 1853). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1852 - Part II. Pp. 463-562 a. 1853 - Vol. 143. Part III. Pp. 385-396. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of two importent papers in the physical theories of light and the atomic structure.""Sir John Herschel first noticed that sulpahte of quinine shows a blue colour when light is incident on it under certain circumstances"" later it was found that many other substances, if placed in a dark room and exposed to invisible radiations beyond the viloet end of the visible spectrum, emit a bluish or greenish light. To this phenomenon the name 'flourencence' was given by Stoken in 1852 (the paper offered), in a famous paper disclosing its true nature.""(Whittaker in ""A History of the Theores of Aether and Electricity"" Vol. I.p. 262).""However, long before the discovery of the electron made the compositeness of atoms explicit, the clearest signals that structure was called for came from spectra. Already in 1852, Stokes, in the importent memoir ""On the Change of Refrangibility of Ligh"" (to which Kelvin referred) had written. ""In all probability...the molecular vibrations by which...light is produced are not vibrations i which the molecules move among one another, but vibrations aming the constituent parts of the molecules themselves, performed by virtue of the internal forces which hold the parts of molecules together"". Please that time, the term 'molecule' often meant what we call 'atom'.""(Pais in""Inward Bound"", p. 175).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

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‎Stone R., Dennien R.‎

Reference : RO20231821


ISBN : 2711733378

‎Energie (Collection : "Thmes Vuibert Physique")‎

‎Vuibert. 1975. In-8. Broch. Bon tat, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intrieur frais. 47 pages augmentes de nombreuses photos et illustrations en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Un tampon sur les contre-plat et la page de titre. Reli par deux agrafes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎Collection : "Thmes Vuibert Physique"‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : RO40239813


ISBN : 2711733378


‎Vuibert. 1975. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos abîmé, Intérieur frais. Plaquette de 47 pages illustrée de nombreux dessins et de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Annotation en page de titre.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎'Thèmes Vuibert Physique', dir. par R. Guillemard. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : 47277


‎The Distribution of Electrons among Atomic Levels.‎

‎London, Taylor & Francis, 1924. Full buckram. Spine with gilt lettering. Stamps on titlepage. Bookmark of ""Pomona College Library"" on inside frontcover. In: ""The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science"", Vol. XLVIII, Sixth Series. VIII,1144 pp., textillustr. and 27 plates. (Entire volume offered). Stoner's paper: pp. 719-736.‎

‎First apperance of Stoner's importent paper in which he formulated ""Stoner's Rule"", a paper which inspired Pauli to his Exclusion principle in 1925. ""The publication of his paper (the paper offered) brought Stoner rapid recognition. His theory, however, was subsequently overshadowed by the exclusion principle of Wolfgang Pauli, who, exploiting Stoner’s insight and applying it to individual electrons, transformed it into a general and powerful analytic tool."" (DSB).""In 1924 (in the paper offered) Stoner had proposed the following rule: ""The number of electrons in each completed shall is equal to double the sum of the inner quantum numbers"".... Stoner's rule says: a shell corresponds to a fixed n and the number of electrons in that shell, if completetely filled. equals twice N.... Why twice ?... Here Pauli takes over.""(Pais ""Inward Bound"", p. 273.).""Soon after Bohr developed his initial configuration, Arnold Sommerfeld in Munich realized the need to characterize the stationary states of the electron in the hydrogen atom by means of a second quantum number-the socalled angular-momentum quantum number. Bohr immediately applied this discovery to many-electron atoms and in 1922 produced a set of more detailed electronic configurations. In turn, Sommerfeld went on to discover the third, or inner, quantum number, thus enabling the British physicist Edmund Stoner to come up with an even more refined set of electronic configurations in 1924..... Stoner assumed that three quantum numbers could be specified in many electron atoms. In any case, Stoner’s scheme solved certain problems present in Bohr’s configurations. For example, Bohr had assigned phosphorus the configuration 2,4,4,4,1, but this failed to explain the fact that phosphorus shows valencies of three and five. Stoner’s configuration for phosphorus was 2,2,2,4,2,2,1, which easily explains the valencies, since it becomes plausible that either the two or the three outermost subshells of electrons form bonds."" (Eric R. Scerri. ""The Periodic Table and the Electron"").‎


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Reference : 13360



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