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Reference : 2510



Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK200.00 (€26.82 )


Reference : 93835


‎Cours élémentaire de physique 4e et 5e années. Accoustique, optique, magnétisme. Enseignement secondaire des jeunes filles.‎

‎Couverture rigide. Cartonné. 275 pages. Couverture défraîchie. Mouillure au premier plat.‎

‎Livre. Librairie classique Eugène Belin, 1923.‎

Librairie et Cætera - Belin-Beliet

Phone number : +33 (0) 5 56 88 08 45

EUR16.20 (€16.20 )


Reference : RO60021388



‎Librairie Classique Eugène Belin. 1919. In-12. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos abîmé, Papier jauni. 279 pages. Illustré de nombreuses gravures en noir et blanc dans le texte. Annotations au dos des plats.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎2e édition. Orné de 204 gravures dans le texte. Pesanteur. Chaleur. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : 44350


‎Über Zusammenstösse zwischen Atomen und freien Elektronen (Klein & Rosseland) (+) Über die verschiedenen Arten des radioaktiven Zerfalls und die Möglichkeit ihrer Deutung aus der Kernstruktur (Meitner) (+) Präzisionsmessungen in der L-Serie der schwer... - [THE DISCOVERY OF COLLISIONS OF THE SECOND KIND]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1921. 8vo. Entire volume 4 of ""Zeitschrift für Physik"" bound in contemporary black half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Library stamp to title-page and traces of paper label pasted on to lower part of spine. Minor wear to extremities. A nice and clean copy. [Klein & Rosseland:] Pp. 46-51" [Meitner:] Pp. 146-56 [Coster:] Pp. 178-88" [Schrödinger:] Pp. 347-354. [Ladenburg:] Pp. 451-468. [Entire volume: IV, 476 pp.].‎

‎First printing of this collection of influential papers within 20th century physics. Klein and Rosseland's paper (ÜBER ZUSAMMENSTÖSE ZWISCHEN ATOMEN UND FREIEN ELEKTRONEN) created an entire new field of physics: Collisions of the second kind. Klein and Rosseland discovered that and electron in an excited state could jump to a lower state without radiation with the released energy being transferred to a free electron as kinetic energy. ""Franck and Hertz had shown how collisions between atoms and free electrons could cause excitation of the atoms, involving the transition of an electron from one stationary state to another of higher energy, the difference being equal to the loss of energy of the free electron. Klein and Rosseland considered the equation as how this would influence the thermal equilibrium between the atomic systems and free electron when Einstein's considerations of 1917 on the statistical equilibrium between blackbody radiation and atoms were used."" (Thorsen. The Penetration of Charged Particles Through Matter. P. 27.)Niels Bohr took a great interest in the paper and his correspondences reveal that he had great expectations regarding the utility of the concept of collisions of the second kind. Ladenburg's paper (DIE QUANTENTHEORETISCHE DEUTUNG DER ZAHL DER DISPERSIONSELEKTRONEN) is the first printing of the first step towards the formulation of a quantum-theoretic interpretation of dispersion (the Ladenburg-Equation). Ladenburg's results were later (1924) generalized by Kramers in his ""The Law of dispersion and Bohr's Theory of Spectra."".‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,600.00 (€348.72 )


Reference : 49087


‎Über die Streuung von Strahlung durch freie Elektronen nach der neuen relativistischen Quantendynamik von Dirac. - [KLEIN-NISHINA FORMULA]‎

‎Berlin, Springer, 1929. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering, In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Band 52, 1929. Entire issue offered. Two stamps to title page, otherwise fine. Pp. 853-68. [Entire volume: VIII, 894 pp].‎

‎First appearance of the important paper which constitutes one of the first results obtained from the study of quantum electrodynamics and ""played an important role in discussions of the applicable limits of quantum mechanics to studies of cosmic rays and nuclear physics."" (DSB).""In early 1928 Nishina returned to Copenhagen and worked with Oskar Klein. As a result of their cooperation, the Klein-Nishina formula was completed in October of the same year, before Nishina's return to Japan. In 1923 the quantum (particle) nature of X rays was discovered by Arthur Compton. Nishina had once made an experimental approach to this phenomena at the Cavendish Laboratory. The relation among the increased wavelength of the scattered X rays, the energy of recoiled electrons, and the scattering angle was accounted for by the quantum nature. In 1928 Nishina and Klein calculated the cross section and intensity of the Compton scattered radiation by the use of Dirac's new relativistic quantum mechanics of electrons. They succeeded in a complicated calculation by doing this separately and checking it together. (Nishina also brought this method of calculation with a team back to Japan.)Nishina and Klein searched for the solution of Dirac's wave equation in the case of a free electron (initially at rest) in the field of a plane electromagnetic wave."" (DSB).The Klein-Nishina was one of the first results obtained from the study of quantum electrodynamics. Consideration of relativistic and quantum mechanical effects allowed the development of an accurate equation for the scattering of radiation from a target electron. Before this derivation, the electron cross section had been classically derived by the British physicist and discoverer of the electron, J.J. Thomson. However, scattering experiments showed significant deviations from the results predicted by the Thomson cross section. Further scattering experiments agreed perfectly with the predictions of the Klein-Nishina formula.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,800.00 (€643.79 )


Reference : 49255


‎Über die Streuung von Strahlung durch freie Elektronen nach der neuen relativistischen Quantendynamik von Dirac. - [KLEIN-NISHINA FORMULA]‎

‎Berlin, Springer, 1929. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering, In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Band 52, 1929. Entire volume offered. Two stamps to title page, otherwise fine. Pp. 853-68. [Entire volume: VIII, 894 pp].‎

‎First appearance of the important paper which constitutes one of the first results obtained from the study of quantum electrodynamics and ""played an important role in discussions of the applicable limits of quantum mechanics to studies of cosmic rays and nuclear physics."" (DSB).""In early 1928 Nishina returned to Copenhagen and worked with Oskar Klein. As a result of their cooperation, the Klein-Nishina formula was completed in October of the same year, before Nishina's return to Japan. In 1923 the quantum (particle) nature of X rays was discovered by Arthur Compton. Nishina had once made an experimental approach to this phenomena at the Cavendish Laboratory. The relation among the increased wavelength of the scattered X rays, the energy of recoiled electrons, and the scattering angle was accounted for by the quantum nature. In 1928 Nishina and Klein calculated the cross section and intensity of the Compton scattered radiation by the use of Dirac's new relativistic quantum mechanics of electrons. They succeeded in a complicated calculation by doing this separately and checking it together. (Nishina also brought this method of calculation with a team back to Japan.)Nishina and Klein searched for the solution of Dirac's wave equation in the case of a free electron (initially at rest) in the field of a plane electromagnetic wave."" (DSB).The Klein-Nishina was one of the first results obtained from the study of quantum electrodynamics. Consideration of relativistic and quantum mechanical effects allowed the development of an accurate equation for the scattering of radiation from a target electron. Before this derivation, the electron cross section had been classically derived by the British physicist and discoverer of the electron, J.J. Thomson. However, scattering experiments showed significant deviations from the results predicted by the Thomson cross section. Further scattering experiments agreed perfectly with the predictions of the Klein-Nishina formula.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,800.00 (€643.79 )


Reference : Klein-Anagramme1-1



‎Broché, 19x12, 112 pages, Flammarion. Paris. Très bon état.‎

‎ Ce livre est d'occasion. Hors frais d'envoi.‎

Phone number : 0983795509

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )


Reference : R160198766



‎LES EDITIONS DU JOUR. 1961. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 207 pages - Nombreuses illustrations et quelques photographies en noir et blanc, dans le texte et hors le texte - Annotations à l'encre sur la page de titre. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : 51310


‎Manifestly Crossing-Invariant Parametrization of n-Meson Amplitude.‎

‎Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing, 1969. 8vo. In the original stapled wrappers. Offprint from ""Nuclear Physics"" A12, 1969. Very fine and clean. Pp. 517-536.‎

‎Offprint of Koba and Nielsen's paper in which they construct a method so that all the external mesons appear on an equal footing.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK750.00 (€100.59 )

‎KOBLER, Johann.‎

Reference : 59209

‎Beiträge zur anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Markes einiger Dicotylen. Mitteilungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Freiburg. Mémoires de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles. Botanique. Vol. III: Heft 1.‎

‎ Fribourg, Fragnière 1908, 240x160mm, 68Seiten, broschiert. ‎

‎ Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎KOCK (Winston E.).-‎

Reference : 53475

‎Ondes sonores et ondes lumineuses. Notions fondamentales sur les ondes.‎

‎ P., Dunod (Collection "Science poche"), 1971, petit in 12 broché, 156 pages ; figures ; traces d'adhésif sur les gardes. ‎

‎PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎


Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69

EUR17.00 (€17.00 )


Reference : B65911


‎Observations magnétiques faites à Manhay (Belgique) pendant l'année internationale polaire‎

‎Bruxelles, Palais des académies 1937 99pp.avec tables et 3 planches, 29cm., dans la série "Académie royale de Belgique, classe des sciences, mémoires, collection in-4o, deuxième série" tome XI fascicule 4, br.orig., quelques cachets, bon état, B65911‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎KOESTLER, Arthur.‎

Reference : 32196

‎Les Racines du hasard.‎

‎Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1972. in-8°,192 pp., broché, couverture plastifiée. Edition originale de la traduction.‎

‎Tres bel exemplaire. [TX-2] ‎

Phone number : 07 80 01 72 79

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : 51371


‎Theoretical Angular Correlations in Allowed Beta Transistions.‎

‎København, Ejnar Munksgaard, 1954. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. Offprint from ""Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab"", Matematisk-fysiske meddelelser, bind 28, no. 8. Very fine and clean. 19 pp.‎

‎Offprint of Kofoed-Hansen's paper on angular correlations in allowed beta transistions.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK700.00 (€93.89 )


Reference : 51370


‎Construction of a Spectrometer for Neutrino Recoils: Investigation of the Decay of A37. - [THE NEUTRINO RECOIL SPECTROMETER]‎

‎København, Ejnar Kunksgaard, 1955. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. Offprint from ""Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab"", Matematisk-fysiske meddelelser, bind 29, no. 15. Very fine and clean. 60 pp.‎

‎Offprint of Kofoed-hansen and Nielsen's paper on how to construc a neutrino recoil spectrometer.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK800.00 (€107.30 )


Reference : 2931

‎Leitfaden der praktischen physik mit einem anhange das elektrische und magnetische absolute mass-system‎

‎Leipzig, Teubner, 1884, un volume in 8, broché, (dos cassé), 15pp., 360pp.‎

‎---- Cinquième édition AUGMENTEE ---- "Kohlrausch's contributions to physical science were characterized by a high degree of precision. They included research on the electrical conductivity of electrolytes, on elasticity, on magnetic measurements and on the determination of the electrochemical equivalent of silver with his brother Wilhelm. Kohlrausch was also one of the first teachers to prepare an instructive work on physical laboratory methods, Leitfaden der praktischen physik. It was widely used". (DSB VII p. 449)**2931/L7AR‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : R200076197



‎MASSON ET CIE. 1964. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 466 pages. Quelques schémas et tableaux en noir et blanc, dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎Préface de M. Haïssinsky. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎Kopaczewki W.‎

Reference : RO30337894


‎Les ions d'hydrogène- Signification, mesure, applications, données numériques‎

‎Gauthier-Villars et cie. 1926. In-8. Broché. A relier, Livré sans Couverture, Dos abîmé, Papier jauni. 321 pages. Quelques rousseurs. 100 figures en noir et blanc, in texte. Plats et dos manquants. Partiellement désolidarisé.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR149.00 (€149.00 )


Reference : 8981



Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK200.00 (€26.82 )

‎KORSELT, Johannes:‎

Reference : 67309aaf

‎Die variablen Absättigungselemente der Atome. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der elektrischen und magnetischen Vorgänge.‎

‎Zittau, Vereinigte Druckereien (Paul Gutte), 1919, in-4to, 274 S., Original-Broschüre. (Seltene Original-Ausgabe).‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF50.00 (€53.59 )


Reference : 47026


‎On the Change of Form of Long Waves advancing in a Rectangular Canal, and on a New Type of Long Stationary Waves.‎

‎London,Taylor and Francis, 1895. 8vo. Contemp. hcalf. Gilt lettering to spine. A stamp at foot of titlepage. In: No wrappers. In: ""The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science"", Vol. XXXIX, Fifth Series. VI,(1),552 pp. a. 7 plates. The paper: pp. 422-443. Internally clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of the paper in which the authors set forth the equation which bears their name.The equation is named for Diederik Korteweg and Gustav de Vries who studied it, though the equation first appears in Boussinesqs work, 1877.""In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a self-reinforcing solitary wave (a wave packet or pulse) that maintains its shape while it travels at constant speed. Solitons are caused by a cancellation of nonlinear and dispersive effects in the medium.... Solitons arise as the solutions of a widespread class of weakly nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations describing physical systems. The soliton phenomenon was first described by John Scott Russell (1808-1882) who observed a solitary wave in the Union Canal in Scotland. He reproduced the phenomenon in a wave tank and named it the ""Wave of Translation"".Scott Russell's experimental work seemed at odds with Isaac Newton's and Daniel Bernoulli's theories of hydrodynamics. George Biddell Airy and George Gabriel Stokes had difficulty accepting Scott Russell's experimental observations because they could not be explained by the existing water wave theories. Their contemporaries spent some time attempting to extend the theory but it would take until the 1870s before Joseph Boussinesq and Lord Rayleigh published a theoretical treatment and solutions. In 1895 Diederik Korteweg and Gustav de Vries provided what is now known as the Korteweg-de Vries equation, including solitary wave and periodic cnoidal wave solutions."" (Wikipedia).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )

‎KOSSEL (W.).-‎

Reference : 65853

‎Les Forces de Valence et les Spectres de röntgen. deux Mémoires sur la Structure Electronique de l'Atome. Traduit par M. Golay.‎

‎ P., Albert Blanchard, 1922, in 8° relié demi-toile noire moderne à la bradel, dos lisse avec titre doré, 70 pages ; figures ; coins légèrement émoussés. ‎

‎PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎


Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎KOSS, Karl / TRIULZI, Anton Edlen von: ‎

Reference : 49270aaf

‎Tiefseeforschung. Expedition S.M. Schiff "Pola" in das Rothe Meer nördliche Hälfte. Tle. 1-2 u. Südliche Hälfte. Tle. 10-12 in zus. 5 Bdn. ‎

‎Wien, Kaiserlich-Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1898-99, gr. in-4°, Mit zus. 9 dplblgr. Taf. u. 4 mehrf. gefalt Ktn. Läd. OU. (Deckel tls. lose u. randrissig). ‎

‎(= Berichte der Commission für oceanographische Forschungen). Einzige Ausgabe. - Enthält die Reisebeschreibung der Österreichischen Tiefseeforschungs-Expedition ins Rote Meer. - Nachdem im Jahr 1894 eine Serie von fünf Tiefseeforschungen im östlichen Mittelmeer mit reichen Ergebnissen zum Abschluß kam, wurde der Entschluß gefasst, eine weitere ozeanische Tiefseeuntersuchung im Roten Meer zu unternehmen. Image disp.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF50.00 (€53.59 )


Reference : 46855

‎Le monde des ultrasons. Traduit par Paul Kolodkine.‎

‎ P., Editeurs Français Réunis, 1955, in 12 broché, 145 pages ; figures dans le texte. ‎

‎ ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎


Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )

‎Kourganoff V.‎

Reference : R260270461


‎Introduction à la physique des intérieurs stellaires Collection Monographies Dunod‎

‎Dunod. 1970. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 207 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎Etiquette sur coiffe en pied. Tampon bibliothèque. Collection Monographies Dunod. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR24.90 (€24.90 )
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