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Reference : R200072739



‎FRANCE LOISIRS / ANDROMEDA. 1994. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. pages. Nombreuses photos et/ou illustrations en couleurs, dans et/ou hors texte. Jaquette en très bon état.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎LA NOUVELLE ENCYCLOPEDIE DES SCIENCES. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )

‎CLAUDE Georges‎

Reference : 132422



‎Préface de D'Arsonval. Dunod et Pinat, Paris, 1909. In-8 gr., mz. pergam. con ang., tit. ms. al dorso, pp. (4),399, con 149 illustrazioni (foto e disegni) in bianco e nero nel testo. La liquéfacion des gaz - liquéfacion industrielle de l'air - conservation et propriétés de l'air liquide - la séparation de l'air en ses éléments. Ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎CLAUDE Georges ‎

Reference : 28580

‎CAUSERIE SUR LE RADIUM et les Nouvelles Radiations ‎

‎Paris Vve Ch. Dunod, Editeur 1905 in 8 (25,5x16,5) 1 volume broché, couverture imprimée, 130 pages, avec 44 figures dans le texte, rousseurs éparses . Georges Claude, ancien élève de l'école de physique et de chimie industrielles de Paris, Lauréat de l'Institut. Bon exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request ) ‎

‎Bon Broché ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎CLAUDE Georges ‎

Reference : 28577

‎L'ELECTRICITÉ A LA PORTÉE DE TOUT LE MONDE, courant continu, courants variables, courants alternatifs simples et polyphasés, le radium et les nouvelles radiatons. - LE RADIUM ‎

‎Paris Vve Ch. Dunod, Editeur 1905 in 8 (24,5x16,5) 1 volume reliure percaline verte de l'éditeur, dos et plat supérieur titrés en lettres dorées, 479 pages, avec 232 figures dans le texte. Georges Claude, ancien élève de l'école de physique et de chimie industrielles de Paris. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request ) ‎

‎Très bon Couverture rigide ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )


Reference : RO80062890


‎Formules, Tables et Renseignements Usuels. En 2 TOMES‎

‎DUNOD. 9ème édition. 1877. In-8. Relié demi-cuir. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos à nerfs, Intérieur acceptable. 1857 pages pour l'ensemble des 2 volumes. 3 planches dépliantes illustrées en noir et blanc, en fin de Tome II. Quelques croquis, dessins et figures en noir et blanc, dans le texte. Titre, filets et tomaison dorés sur le dos cuir bleu nuit, à 5 nerfs.. . . . Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎

‎Aide-Mémoire des Ingénieurs, des Architectes. Partie Pratique. Classification Dewey : 530-Physique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR79.00 (€79.00 )


Reference : 192


‎Science de l'Ingénieur, Aide-Mémoire des Ingénieur, des Architectes, etc... PARTIE THEORIQUE.‎

‎Paris Dunod 1863 in-8 - 13,5x21cm Reliure d'époque en demi-chagrin brun, dos à 4 nerfs orné de filets à froid, titre doré, tranches mouchetées. 903pp. ‎

‎Des rousseurs éparses, sinon bel exemplaire. Troisième édition revue et considérablement augmentée.Ouvrage orné de 548 figures in-texte. Clients Livre Rare Book : Les frais postaux indiqués sont ceux pour la France métropolitaine et la Corse, pour les autres destinations, merci de contacter la librairie pour connaître le montant des frais d'expédition, merci de votre compréhension. Livre Rare Book Customers : The shipping fees indicated are only for France, if you want international shipping please contact us before placing your order, thank you for your understanding. ‎


Phone number : +33 6 18 71 03 67

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )
Shipping price: €9.50


Reference : 1263

‎De la fonction potentielle et du potentiel. Traduit de l'allemand par F. Folie ---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE‎

‎P., Gauthier-Villars 1870, un volume in 8 relié en demi-chagrin marron, dos orné de fers dorés (reliure de l'époque), (petit accroc à une coiffe, quelques rousseurs), 14pp., 141pp.‎

‎---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- "CLAUSIUS, (1822/1888), german physicist, is one of the founders of the science of thermodynamics. In 1850 he enunciated its second law : heat cannot pass from a colder to a hotter body. According to Clausius, there are two types of entropy : the conversion of heat into work, and the transfer of heat from high to low temperature. He concluded that entropy must inevitably increase in the universe. He also improved the mathematical treatment of the first law of thermodynamics and studied the relationship between thermodynamics and kinetic theory. From 1857 onwards, he did important work on the kinetic theory of gases as well as on the theory of electrolysis". (Hutchinson) ---- DSB III pp. 303/310 ** (1263-M2)‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR110.00 (€110.00 )


Reference : 39713


‎Die Potentialfunction und das Potential. Ein Beitrag zur Mathematischen Physik. Dritte vermehrte Auflage.‎

‎Leipzig, J.A. Barth, 1877. Bound in a recent modest hcloth. X,178 pp. Internally fine and clean.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK750.00 (€100.59 )


Reference : 1262

‎Sur la puissance motrice de la chaleur - Note sur la fusion de la glace ; in Annales de chimie et de physique, 3ème série, tome 35, pp.482/504‎

‎P., Masson, 1852, un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée, pp. 482/504, (quelques rousseurs). ‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- Le mémoire de CLAUSIUS occupe les pages 482 à 504**1262/L5AR‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR110.00 (€110.00 )


Reference : 5710

‎Théorie mécanique de la chaleur traduite de l'allemand par F. Folie -- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE -- 2 VOLUMES (COMPLETE SET)‎

‎P., Lacroix, 1868/1869; 2 volumes in 8, pleine toile verte de l'éditeur, (quelques rousseurs), T.1 : 24pp., 441pp., T.2 : (2), 6pp., 306pp., (1)‎

‎---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- RARE ---- REUNION EN DEUX VOLUMES DE TOUS LES ARTICLES que Clausius a publié sur la THERMODYNAMIQUE, la THEORIE CINETIQUE et L'ELECTRICITE ---- "Clausius, (1822/1888), is one of the founders of the science of thermodynamics. In 1850 he enunciated its second law : heat cannot pass from a colder to a hotter body. According to Clausius, there are two types of entropy : the conversion of heat into work, and the transfer of heat from high to low temperature. He concluded that entropy must inevitably increase in the universe. He also improved the mathematical treatment of the first law of thermodynamics and studied the relationship between thermodynamics and kinetic theory. From 1857 onwards, he did important work on the kinetic theory of gases as well as on the theory of electrolysis". (Hutchinson) ---- DSB III pp. 303/310**5710/ARM2D+7474/M2‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR950.00 (€950.00 )


Reference : 7474

‎Théorie mécanique de la chaleur traduite de l'allemand par F. Folie -- 2 VOLUMES (COMPLETE SET)‎

‎P., Lacroix, 1874, 2 volumes in 8 reliés en pleine toile de l'éditeur, T.1 : 24pp., 441pp., T.2 : (2), 6pp., 306pp., (1pp.)‎

‎---- Seconde édition ---- Réunion en deux volumes de tous les articles que Clausius a publié sur la thermodynamique, la théorie cinétique et l'électricité ---- "Clausius, (1822/1888), is one of the founders of the science of thermodynamics. In 1850 he enunciated its second law : heat cannot pass from a colder to a hotter body. According to Clausius, there are two types of entropy : the conversion of heat into work, and the transfer of heat from high to low temperature. He concluded that entropy must inevitably increase in the universe. He also improved the mathematical treatment of the first law of thermodynamics and studied the relationship between thermodynamics and kinetic theory. From 1857 onwards, he did important work on the kinetic theory of gases as well as on the theory of electrolysis". (Hutchinson) ---- DSB III pp. 303/310**7474/m2-5710/arm2d‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )


Reference : 45080


‎Ueber die Anordnung der Elektricität auf einer einzelnen sehr dünnen Platte und auf den beiden Belegungen einer Franklin'schen Tafel.‎

‎Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1852. Without wrappers. In ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", Bd. 86, No 6. Pp. 161-336 a. 1 plate. Clausius' paper: pp. 161-205. With titlepage to volume 86.‎

‎An early paper on electrodynamics in which Clausius determines the ""Potentialfunktion"", introduced by George Green in 1828 . The issue contains also Plúcker un Geissler's importent paper ""Studien über Thermometrie und verwandte Gegenstände"", pp. 238-279.""The first account of Geissler’s activity dates from 1852, when, with Julius Plücker, at Bonn, he constructed his famous standard thermometers. They differed from the thermometers then in use by their thin glass, by the application of capillarity, and by their high precision. For calibrating he used his new glass balance that had a sensitivity of 0.1 mg. of mercury.""(DSB).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 45073


‎Ueber einen neuen mechanischen Satz in Bezug auf stationäre Bewegungen. (Vorgetragen in der Niederrheinischen Gesellschaft für Natur-und Heilkunde am 16. Juni 1873" mitgetheilt vom Hrn. Vefasser).‎

‎Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1873. Without wrappers. In ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", Bd. 150, No.9. Pp. 1-176 a. 2 plates. (Entire issue offered). Clausius' paper: pp. 106-130. With titlepage to volume 150.‎

‎First apperance of an importent paper in which Clausius explains the concepts of 'disgregation' and 'ergon' in terms of Hamilton's Principle of Least Action.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 43056


‎Ueber die mittlere Länge der Wege, welche bei der Molecularbewegung gasförmiger Körper von den einzelnen Molecülen zurückgelegt werden" nebst einigen anderen Bemerkungen über die mechanische Wärmetheorie.‎

‎Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1858. Contemp. hcalf. 5 raised bands, gilt spine and gilt lettering to spine. A few scratches to spine. Small stamp on verso of first -and general- titlepage. In: ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", Vierte Reihe Bd. 15, (=Poggendorff Bd. 105). X,636 pp. and 4 folded lithographed plates. Clausius's paper: pp. 239-258. The entire volume offered. Fine and clean.‎

‎First printing of this main paper in the working out of the Kinetic Theory of Gases in which Clausius announced his determination of the equation governing the mean free path lenght of a molecule moving freely in gases. By this he inscribed his name as one of the founders of the Kinetic Theory of Gases.""Clausius was one of the founders of the kinetic theory of gases and of the science of thermodynamics. He and Lord Kelvin at about the same time and independently announced the Second Law of thermodynamics. Clausius particularly developed the theory of thermodynamics by applying it to the study of gases and vapors.""(Magie in ""A Source Book in Physics"", p. 228).""In order to analyze the process (of molecular collisions), Clausius adopted a simplified model for his admittedly complicated molecule. He assumed that whatever the actual patterns on intermolecular forces, one could suppose that there is some advantage distance between the centers of molecules which would represent a general boundary between attractive and repulsive forces. If two molecules were to approach each other within that boundary, repulsion would generally occur. Thus the very complex problem of intermolecular action was reduced to a ""billiard ball"" model."" (DSB III, p. 307-06). - Parkinson, Breakthroughs, C/P 1858.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,500.00 (€737.67 )


Reference : 45071


‎Ueber die Anwendung des Satzes von der Aequivalenz der Verwandlungen auf die innere Arbeit. (Vorgelen in der Züricher naturforschenden Gesellschaft am 27. Januar 1862).‎

‎Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1862. Without wrappers. In ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", Bd. 116, No. 5. Pp. 1-192 a. 1 folded lithographed plate. (Entire issue offered). Clausius' paper: pp. 73-112. With titlepage to volume 116.‎

‎First appearance of the paper in which Clausius makes importent contributions to the generalization and understanding of the Second Law of Thermodynamics by introducing the concept of disgregation and proving the equivalence of the transformation of heat.""Clausius began that search for understanding in 1862 by introducing the concept of disgregation, a concept that, he said, was based on an idea he had long held: that the force of heat for performing mechanical work (both internal and external together) was proportional to the absolute temperature.13 Clausius had never stated this idea explicitly before, although he had argued in 1853, by adopting an analogy between a reversible steam engine and a thermocouple, that the potential difference at a thermocouple junction should be proportional to the absolute temperature. In any event, he now wished to assert that the work which can be done by heat in any change of the arrangement of a body is proportional to the absolute temperature multiplied by a function of molecular arrangement, the disgregation Z. Given this assumption and his postulate that the heat in a body H was only a function of temperature, he was able (1) to prove his theorem of the equivalence of transformations and (2) to separate the equivalence function (entropy) into a temperature-dependent term and a configurational-dependent term...""(DSB).The issue contains other notable papers, Plücker ""Ueber recurrente Ströme und ihre Anwendung zur Darstellung von Gasspectra"", pp. 27-54, Tyndall ""Ueber Strahlung und Absorption der Wärme durch gasförmige Materie"", pp. 1-27.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 59924


‎Ueber das Wesen der Wärme, vergleichen mit Licht und Schall. Ein populäret Vortrag gehalten zu Zürich den 12. Februar 1857.‎

‎Zürich, Meyer & Zeller, 1857. Uncut in orig. printed wrappers. Some browning to upper wrapper. S tamp on title-page. 31 pp. Scattered brownspots. From the library of Max v. Laue, having his stamp on top of upper wrapper ""M. Laue"".‎

‎First edition of Clausius' popular account of his dynamical theory of heat (the second law of thermodynamics).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 49326


‎Mémoire sur la nature du mouvement appelé CHALEUR. (Extraits par M. Adolphe Wurtz).‎

‎Paris, Victor Masson, 1857. 8vo. Contemp. hcalf. Raised bands, gilt spine. A bit rubbed along edges. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 3ieme Serie, Tome 50. 512 pp. a. 1 folded engraved plate. (Entire volume offered). Clausius' paper: pp. 497-507. Stamp to verso of titlepage. Internally clean.‎

‎First French version of this milestone paper on the Kinetic Theory of Gases - ""Ueber die Art der Bewegung, welche wir Wärme nennen"", 1857 - in which Clausius gives the physical explanation for the evaporation of a liquid and presents the first physical argument in support of Avogadro's hypothesis that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules.""In the paper ""Ueber die Art der Bewegung, welche wir Wärme nennen."", Rudolf Clausius (1822-1888) established mathematically that the heat in a gas cannot be accounted for exclusively by translational motion of the molecules and asserts that molecules have rotational and vibratiional motion as well as translational motion. He consequently rejects the contentions the the translational kinetic energy is conserved during molecular collisions and that all molecules have equal, constant velocities. His allowancee for differing molecule velocities enables him to offer a new explanation of evaporation, asserting that he molecules able to overcome the attractive forces of the liquid and ""escape"" to the gaseous state are those with high velocities (and hence high kinetic energies). hence evaporation produces a loss of energy in the liquid and a decreasein temperature.""(Parkinson in ""Breakthroughs"", 1857 C/P).""This 1857 paper (the paper offered) also marked another importent beginning in physical theory, for it presented the first physical argument in support of Avogadro's hypothesis that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules. Clausius argued that if it were assumed that all types of molecules possess the same translational energy at equal temperatures, then, since all gases have the same relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature, they would necessartly contain equal numbers of molecules in equal volumes at the same temperatur and pressure. Avogadro's hypothesis, therefore, found support in the mechanical theory of heat, independently of the usual chemical arguments.""(DSB III, p. 307).The volume contains JOULE'S famous paper ""Remarques sur la nature de la chaleur et la constitution des fluides élastiques"" (Extraits par M. Verdet). Originally published (1848) 1851. First French version. pp. 381-83.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 43059


‎Ueber verschiedene für die Anwendung bequeme Formen der Hauptgleichungen der mechanischen Wärmetheorie. (Vorgetragen in der naturfor. Gesellsch. zu Zürich den 24. April 1865).‎

‎(Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1865). Without wrappers in ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", Fünfte Reihe Bd.5, Stück 3 (= Poggendorff Bd. 125, No. 9). Pp. 353-512 a. 2 plates (the entire ""Heft"" (Stück) 3 offered). Clausius's paper: pp. 353-400. Clean and fine.‎

‎First printing of this classic paper on the thermodynamical laws in which Clausius coined the word ENTROPY as the short term for his formulation of the second law of thermodynamics. At the end of the paper he concluded in his famous couplet for the two laws of thermodynamics that 1. The energy of the universe is constant. 2. The entropy of the universe tends toward a maximum (""1) Die Energie der Welt ist constant. 2) Die Entropie der Welt strebt einem Maximum zu.""(p. 400 in the paper offered). The paper treats the connection between the first and secon law, and deals with the application of entropy to the universe. ""The function which was introduced into thermodynamics by Clausius under the name of entropy had already been used and some of its properties studied by Rankin and Lord Kelvin, but owing to his giving it its name and to his development of its properties it is commonly ascribed to him.""(Magie in ""A Source Book of Physics"", p. 234).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,000.00 (€670.61 )


Reference : 43529


‎Ueber die Anwendung der mechanischen Wärmetheorie auf die Dampfmaschine.‎

‎Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1856. Conemp. hcalf. 5 raised bands, gilt spine and gilt lettering to spine. A few scratches to spine. Small stamp on verso of first -and general- titlepage and small stamps to verso of plates. In: ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", Vierte Reihe Bd. 7, (=Poggendorff Bd. 97). (2),X,644 pp. a. 5 folded engraved plates. (Entire volume offered). Internally clean and fine. Clausius paper (in 2 parts): pp. 441-476 a. pp. 513-558. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of this groundbreaking paper in which Clausius applied the second law of thermodynamics to the working of the steem-engine and stated, what he called the ""second fundamental theorem in the mechanical theory of heat"", the concept of ""equivalent-value"", which is the precursory formulation of the concept of ""entropy"". He showed especially that the heat of the steem could be negative as well as positive, thereby laying the foundation of modern technological thermodynamics. The volume contains other notable papers:THOMSON, W. (Lord Kelvin) & J.P. JOULE: ""Ueber die Wärmewirkung bewegter Flüssigkeiten"" (On the Thermal Effects of Fluids in Motion"" (1853). Pp. 576-414.This is the first German edition of a classic paper on thermodynamics, in which Thomson and Joule announced the so-called JOULE-THOMSON EFFECT (or Joule-Kelvin Effect), describing the increase or decrease in temperature of a real gas or liquid when allowed to expand freely through a valve or other throtting device while kept insulated so that heat is transferred to or from the fluid, and no external mechanical work is extracted from the fluid.R. KOHLRAUSCH: ""Ueber die elektrischen Vorgänge bei der Elektrolyse."" Pp. 397-414 a. 559-575 (in 2 parts).Frst printing of this importent paper, stating the fundamental facts of electrolyses and describing the theory of the ""TANGENT GALVANOMETER"", which Kohlrausch and Weber used to determine the electromagnetic value of the discharge current when a Leyden jar is discharged through the galvanometer. The ratio of the measured speed and the speed of light, led Kirchhoff to state in 1857 that an electric disturbance was propagated along a perfectly conducting wire at the velocity of light.Wheeler Gift No. 3002.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,500.00 (€1,140.04 )


Reference : 43449


‎Ueber einige Stellen der Schrift von Helmholtz ""über die Erhaltung der Kraft""" (and Helmholtz:) Erwiederung auf die Bemerkungen von Hrn. Clausius" (and Clausius:) Ueber einige Stellen der Schrift von Helmholtz ""über die Erhaltung der Kraft"", zweite No...‎

‎Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1853-54. No wrappers. ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", Vol. 89, No 8 and vol. 91 No 2 a. 4. Pp. 497-628, pp. 161-320 a. pp. 497-628 a. 1 folded plate. (3 entire issues offered). Clausius's papers pp. 568-579 (vol. 89, ""Heft"" 8) a. pp. 601-604 (vol. 91,""Heft"" 4). Helmholtz paper: pp. 241-260 (vol. 91, ""Heft"" 4). With titlepages to both volumes 89 a. 91. All three issues clean and fine.‎

‎First printing of the 3 main papers in the famous Helmholtz-Clausius controversy about the principle of the ""Conservation of Energy"". His reply to Clausius contains very importent additons to his conservation law, as it clarifies his use of the concepts of ""energy"", ""vis viva"", ""electrical tension"" , ""potentials"" etc.Helmholtz famous work Über die Erhaltung der Kraft"" from 1847 gave the first comprehensive statement of the first law of thermodynamics: All modes of energy, heat, light, electricity, and all chemical phenomena, are capable of transformation from one to the other but are indestructible and cannot be created. Clausius (in the papers offere) critized helmholtz on his theory of heat over the consistency of the physical interpretation and of the use mathematics. He argued that Helmholtz's demonstration of his conservation law was valid only for Helmholtz's particulat model of matter, and that he had not understood the notion of the potential. This criticism lead Helmholtz expand and clarify the central concepts of physics, importent steps in the history of theoretical physics.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,000.00 (€670.61 )


Reference : 43530


‎Ueber die Wärmeleitung gasförmiger Körper.‎

‎Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1862. Without wrappers as issued in ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", 115. Bd., 1. issue (""Heft"" No 1, 1862). Titlepage to vol. 115. Pp. 1-176 a. 1 folded engraved plate. (The entire issue offereed (""Heft"" 1)). Clausius' paper: pp. 1-56. Some brownspots to right marginon some leaves.‎

‎First printing of this importent paper, the seciond of C's papers in the working out of the Kinetic Theory of Gases. In the paper he states that he found an error in Maxwell's theory of gases, an error Maxwell was to admit as far more serious. ""In his initial approach to the conduction of heat in gases, Maxwell drew a brilliant analogy between diffusion (a transfer of mass) and conduction (a transfer of kinetic energy), thereby making it possible to use the form of his diffusion equation to represent conduction, simply replacing the mass of a molecule with its kinetic energy. Clausius critized this adoption of the diffusion equation, because, given the assumptions, mass transfer would accompany the heat conduction and the process would not be one of energy transfer alone. He then offered a revised theory of conduction. ""(DSB III, p. 308).""Clausius was one of the founders of the kinetic theory of gases and of the science of thermodynamics. He and Lord Kelvin at about the same time and independently announced the Second Law of thermodynamics. Clausius particularly developed the theory of thermodynamics by applying it to the study of gases and vapors.""(Magie in ""A Source Book in Physics"", p. 228).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 57607


‎Über den Zweiten Hauptsatz de mechanischen Wärmetheorie. Ein Vortrag, gehalten in einder allgemeinen Sitzung der 41. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Frankfurt a. M. am 23. September 1867.‎

‎Braunschweig, Vieweg und Sohn, 1867. Uncut in original printed wrappers. Wrappers a bit soiled. (4),17 pp. With some faint marginal dampstains. On top of htitle the signature of ""Max Laue/ 22.1.1897"" in pencil.‎

‎First edition. Clausius established the second law of thermodynamics in papers fra 1850 and 1854, and coined the concept of ""entropy"" in 1865. In this paper he explains the consequences of entropy - ""Die Entropie der Welt strebt einem Maximum zu"" (p. 17).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 43744


‎Ueber das mechanische Aequivalent einer elektrischen Entladung und die dabei stattfindende Erwärmung des Leitungsdrahtes.‎

‎Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1852. Without wrappers as issued in ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", 86. Bd., Drittes Stúck (""Heft"" No 7, 1852). Entire issue offered. Pp. 337-500. Clausius' paper: pp. 337-375. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of one of Clausius' early papers on the first and second Law of Thermodynamics, marking his rejection of the caloric theory of heat, providing a new mechanical explanation of the concepts of free and latent heat.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 43856


‎Ueber den Satz vom mittleren Ergal und seine Anwendungen auf die Molecularbewegungen der Gase. (Vertragen in der Niederrheinischen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde am 9. November 1874).‎

‎(Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1876) Without wrappers. In ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", Ergänzungsband VII, Stück 2. Pp. 177-336 a. 1 folded engraved plate. (Entire issue offered). Clausius's paper: pp. 215-280. Clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of an importent contribution to the second law of thermodynamics.""Ckausius..devoted several years to the elaboration of what he thought represented a new and unique contribution to theoretical mechanics, his idea of a variation in the force function itself. He ignored the new directions in Boltzmann's yhought and, surprisingly, never once thought to find a mechanical explanation for the irreversible increase in entropy. In fact in his final attempt (the paper offered), he even adopted a model in which he reduced the admittedly disordered collissions of molecules to a case of noncolliding mass points in ordered motion.""(DSB III, p. 309).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )

‎Clausius (Rudolph)‎

Reference : 101066


‎Théorie mécanique de la chaleur traduit de l'allemand par F. Folie - Tome 1 seul‎

‎Librairie Scientifique, Industrielle et Agricole Eugène Lacroix, éditeur à Paris Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1868 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur grise, sans le plat inférieur In-8 1 vol. - 465 pages‎

‎Quelques figures dans le texte en noir 1ere édition, édition originale en français, 1868 "Contents, Chapitres : Préface du traducteur, préface de l'auteur, xxiv, Texte, 441 pages, catalogue Lacroix, 36 pages - - Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius (Köslin, Poméranie, 2 janvier 1822 Bonn, 24 août 1888) est un physicien allemand connu pour ses contributions majeures à la thermodynamique. Découvrant au hasard de ses recherches l'ouvrage oublié ""Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu"" de Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, il en comprit immédiatement la portée et en assura la promotion auprès des physiciens de son époque. Il complète l'énoncé de la deuxième loi de la thermodynamique (1850), et inventa le concept d'entropie en 1865. Il est reconnu sur le plan international comme le véritable énonciateur du second principe de la thermodynamique puisque ayant introduit la notion d'entropie toujours utilisée aujourd'hui. Clausius justifie son choix dans Sur diverses formes des équations fondamentales de la théorie mécanique de la chaleur (1865) : « Je préfère emprunter aux langues anciennes les noms des quantités scientifiques importantes, afin qu'ils puissent rester les mêmes dans toutes les langues vivantes ; je proposerai donc d'appeler la quantité S l'entropie du corps, d'après le mot grec (...) une transformation. C'est à dessein que j'ai formé ce mot entropie, de manière qu'il se rapproche autant que possible du mot énergie ; car ces deux quantités ont une telle analogie dans leur signification physique qu'une analogie de dénomination m'a paru utile ». (cité dans Dictionnaire d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences de Dominique Lecourt, PUF, 1999). Ses travaux sur la thermodynamique lui valurent la médaille Copley en 1879. (source : Wikipedia)" couverture à peine jaunie avec une très légère trace de pliure au coin inférieur droit du plat supérieur, sinon bon exemplaire, intérieur frais et propre de ce texte fondamental dans l'histoire de la thermodynamique - Tome 1 seul de cette série en deux volumes, complet en lui-même‎

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