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Reference : 35749


‎On the Association of Attributes in Statistics: with Illustrations from the Material of the Childhood Society, &c. (Offprint from: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Vol. 194, pp.257-319).‎

‎London, The Royal Society, 1900. Large 4to. Original printed wrappers. Some fraying to extremeties. Back wrapper loose. Vertical folding mark.‎

‎First edition, offprint issue of this important paper. ""Yule's studies of the correlation of continuous variables led him, in 1900 [offered paper], to study measures of association for discrete variables, in particular the cross-ration c ('odds ration') in 2 x 2 contingency table and its transform Q=(1-c)/(1+c), now known as 'Yule's coefficient'. This led to an altercation with Pearson in which Pearson's capacity for acrimonious and illdirected criticism was displayed, in marked contrast to Yule's gentler mode of expression. Even Fisher, who as a young man had felt the sharpness of Pearson's pen, was later moved to remark 'Pearson' attacked Yule's work at one time much more violently than ever he did mine'."" - Heyde: Statisticians of the Centuries, p.293.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,000.00 (€536.49 )

‎Yves Bertholet, Jean-Luc Dianoux, Muriel Dorembus‎

Reference : RO20252776


ISBN : 2091618926

‎Mathématiques - 1re STMG - programme 2012 - collection intervalle‎

‎NATHAN TECHNIQUE. 2012. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 216 pages illustrées en couleur - tampon en page de faux titre - plats avec rabats illustrés de tableaux/graphiques. . . . Classification Dewey : 372.7-Livre scolaire : mathématiques‎

‎Yves Bertholet, Jean-Luc Dianoux, Muriel Dorembus, Albert Hugon Classification Dewey : 372.7-Livre scolaire : mathématiques‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )


Reference : RO30003617



‎Vuibert. 1966. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 423 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 372.7-Livre scolaire : mathématiques‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 372.7-Livre scolaire : mathématiques‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )

‎Yves Le Hir‎

Reference : 100077609


‎Analyses stylistiques - 3e édition‎

‎Armand colin 1970 in12. 1970. Broché.‎

‎Etat correct couverture salie intérieur propre‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Zamansky Marc‎

Reference : R300280205


‎"Introduction à l'algèbre et l'analyse modernes - Collection ""Universitaire de mathématiques"" 2e édition"‎

‎Dunod. 1963. In-8. Relié toilé. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. XVI + 435 pages. Dos très légèrement frotté en coiffe de tête.. . . . Classification Dewey : 510-Mathématiques‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 510-Mathématiques‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )


Reference : 50594


‎Applications of number theory to numerical analysis. Applications de la Théorie des Nombres à l'Analyse Numérique.‎

‎New York & London, Academic Press, 1972. 8vo. In the original full cloth binding. Very fine and clean. 489 pp.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK300.00 (€40.24 )


Reference : 4581

‎MATHEMATIQUES DES ASTRES. Traité d'astrologie sphérique.‎

‎Paris, Leymarie, 1929. In-8, broché.‎



Phone number : 33 01 43 47 01 20

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )


Reference : 45904


‎Kalender-Formeln. - [ZELLER'S CONGRUENCE]‎

‎Berlin, Stockholm, Paris, Beijer, 1886. 4to. With the original wrappers in ""Acta Mathematica, 9:2. Band]. No backstrip. Fine and clean. Pp. 131-36. [Entire issue: Pp. 105-184].‎

‎First printing of Zeller's paper important paper in which Zeller's congruence is presented It is an algorithm to calculate the day of the week for any Julian or Gregorian calendar date.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 40591


‎Beweis, dass jede Menge wohlgeordnet werden kann. (Aus einem an Herrn Hilbert gerichteten Briefe). - [INTRODUCING BOTH ""THE AXIOM OF CHOICE"" AND ""THE WELL-ORDERING THEOREM""]‎

‎Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1904. With orig. printed wrappers (no backstrip) to 4. Heft, 59. Bd. of ""Mathematische Annalen"". The issue: pp. 449-572. Zermelo's paper: pp. 514-516.‎

‎First appearence of this fundamental paper in metamathematics and mathematical logic. By this paper Zermelo contributed decisively to the development of set-theory. Zermelo took up the problem, left over by Cantor, of what to do about the comparison of sets that are not well-ordered. ""In 1904 (the paper offered) he proved....that every set can be well-ordered. To make the proof he had to use what is now known as the axiom of choice (Zermelo's axiom), which states that given any collection of nonempty, disjoined sets, it is possible to choose one member from each set and so make up a new set. The axiom of choce, the well-ordering theorem, and the fact that any two sets may be compared as to size, are equivalent principles.""(Morris Kline). A controversy arose around ""The axiom of Choice"", from Bertrand Russell, Tarski, Frege, Hilbert, Brouwer and others, mainly, and of course importent, over how to interpret the words ""choose"" and ""exists"".‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,500.00 (€469.43 )


Reference : 44952


‎Beweis, dass jede Menge wohlgeordnet werden kann. (Aus einem an Herrn Hilbert gerichteten Briefe). - [INTRODUCING BOTH ""THE AXIOM OF CHOICE"" AND ""THE WELL-ORDERING THEOREM""]‎

‎Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1904. 8vo. Bound in half cloth with five raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. In ""Mathematische Annalen. Begründet 1868 durch von A. Clebsch und C. Neumann. 59. Band."" Small bar-code pasted on to top left corner of front wrapper. Two library labels pasted on to pasted down front free end-paper and a small stamp to verso of title page. Pp. 514-16.‎

‎First appearence of this fundamental paper in metamathematics and mathematical logic in which he introduced both ""The Axiom of Choice"" and ""his sensational proof of the well-ordering theorem"" (DSB). By this paper Zermelo contributed decisively to the development of set-theory. Zermelo took up the problem, left over by Cantor, of what to do about the comparison of sets that are not well-ordered. ""In 1904 (the paper offered) he proved....that every set can be well-ordered. To make the proof he had to use what is now known as the axiom of choice (Zermelo's axiom), which states that given any collection of nonempty, disjoined sets, it is possible to choose one member from each set and so make up a new set. The axiom of choce, the well-ordering theorem, and the fact that any two sets may be compared as to size, are equivalent principles.""(Morris Kline). A controversy arose around ""The axiom of Choice"", from Bertrand Russell, Tarski, Frege, Hilbert, Brouwer and others, mainly, and of course importent, over how to interpret the words ""choose"" and ""exists"".The issue also contain the following papers of interest:David Hilbert. Über das dirichletsche prinzip. Pp. 161-186.Lie, Sophus. Drei Kapitel aus dem unvollendeten zweiten Bande der Geometrie der Berührungstransformationen. Pp. 193-313.Schoenflies, A. Beitrage zur Theorie der Punktmengen II, Pp. 129-160.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 47121


‎Neuer Beweis für die Möglichkeit einer Wohlordnung (+) Untersuchungen übe die Grundlagen der Mengenlehre I. - [THE BASIS OF MODERN SET-THEORY]‎

‎Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1908. 8vo. Bound in recent full black cloth with gilt lettering to spine. In ""Mathematische Annalen"", Volume 65., 1908. Library label pasted on to pasted down front free end-paper. Small library stamp to lower part of verso of title page. Very fine and clean. Pp. 107-128"" Pp. 261-181. [Entire volume: Pp. IV, 575, (1).]‎

‎First publication of these landmark paper's which ""has proved of tremendous importance for the development of mathematics"", (DSB) as they constitute the first formulation of the axiomatization of ""Set-theory"".In the first paper offered here (1907/1908) he gave a new proof of the well-ordering theorem (the first in his paper from 1904) as a reply to the attacks on his 1904-paper and he shows then that a limited number of specific principles, including a version of choice, is sufficient to deduce the well-ordering theorem. The two papers here offered, are closely connected, and in the second paper he formulated the FIRST AXIOMATIZATION OF SET-THEORY, avoiding the known antinomies, and thus was to become the basis of moder set.theory.The axioms here set up for Cantor's theory of sets, in all 7 axioms, was to ""save the theory from paradoxes. regarding this theory (Russel's theory of types), still as the most fundamental part of mathematics, he suggests that it should be rebuild by the laying down of principles which are sufficient to support the generally accepted doctrine but so chosen that they do not give rise to contradictions. He admits that he cannot prove the consistency of his axioms, but he claims that he has at least excluded antinomies discovered in recent years. The essential feature of his method is that he no longer talks of sets with the freedom of Cantor, but admits in his theory only those sets whose existence is guranteed by his axioms."" (W. a. M. Kneale in ""The Development of Logic).""The historian Gregory Moore has argued that it was not the discovery of the paradoxes, nor Russell's proposals (in his 1906) of three ways to avoid them, that impelled Zermelo to axiomatize set theory, but rather his determination to secure the acceptance of his well-ordering theorem. In support of that contention he points out that Zermelo had independently discovered ""Russell's"" paradox himself but had not found it troubling enough to publish, and he remarks that in his paper (i.e. the first paper offered) Zermelo employed the paradoxes ""merely as a club with which to bludgeon (his) critics"" (Moore 1982, pp. 158-159).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )

‎Zerrik El Hassan & El Jai Abdelhaq‎

Reference : R100067074


ISBN : 2354122314

‎Stabilité des systèmes dynamiques - Collection Etudes.‎

‎Presses Universitaires de Perpignan. 2014. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 289 pages - couverture contrepliée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 510-Mathématiques‎

‎Collection Etudes. Classification Dewey : 510-Mathématiques‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )


Reference : 31817


‎Forelæsninger over Mathematikens Historie. 2 Bd. (1. Oldtid og Middelalder. 2. 16de og 17de Aarhundrede).‎

‎København, 1893-1903. Indbundet i 2 ensartede samt. hldrbd. Rygge lidt falmet. (10),292VIII,612 pp. Enkelte blyantsindtregninger.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 52634


‎Keglesnitlæren i Oldtiden.‎

‎København, 1885. 4to. Uden omslag. 316,(4) pp. Tekstfigurer. Udkom i Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, 6. Rk. nat.-math. Afd. III,1.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK550.00 (€73.77 )


Reference : 4912


‎Thèses de mathématiques.‎

‎qui seront démontrées dans la salle de l'académie des arts sous les auspices de MM. les magistrats de la ville de Lille, par le Sr. Guy-Joseph Zevort, natif de Lille, élève de l'école de mathématiques, le samedi 17 octobre 1789, depuis 10 heures du matin jusqu'à douze. M. Saladin, médecin, correspondant de la Société Royale de Médecine, & professeur de la classe de mathématiques, présidera aux thèses.Lille, de l'imprimerie de MM. du magistrat, 1789. 11 pages.Broché. Cahier cousu. Mouillure sur le bas des pages. Format in-4° (25x20).‎

Phone number : 09 67 04 07 48

EUR48.00 (€48.00 )

‎Ziegler Zvi‎

Reference : gm2761


‎Approximation Theory and Applications‎

‎Academic Press Cartonné 1981 In-8 (15,8 x 23,4 cm), cartonné, 358 pages, texte en anglais ; dos de biais, ex-libris, par ailleurs très bon état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.‎

Abraxas-Libris - Bécherel

Phone number : 33 02 99 66 78 68

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )


Reference : RO80184296


ISBN : 2091033510


‎NATHAN. 1988. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 47 Pages. Nombreuses illustrations en couleur et en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 372.7-Livre scolaire : mathématiques‎

‎Illustrations de Marie-Dominique Faccon Classification Dewey : 372.7-Livre scolaire : mathématiques‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )


Reference : W89950


‎Rechentafel nebst Sammlung haufig gebrauchter Zahlenwerthe‎

‎Berlin, Wilh. Ernst & Sohn 1899 xxxiv + 204pp., 25cm., editor's hardcover in grey cloth with gilt lettering, good condition, W89950‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Zizi (Jacqueline)‎

Reference : Cyb-2045


‎Mathematica pour classes préparatoires et DEUG scienfifiques - Tome 1. Programme commun aux 1eres et 2emes années des classes de PMSI, PCSI, PTSI, etc‎

‎Springer Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1997 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture illustrée grand In-8 1 vol. - 477 pages‎

‎ 1ere édition Contents, Chapitres : Variables, table, xvi, texte, 461 pages - Les incontournables - 1. Regard informatique, sous-ensemble du langage à connaître : Fonctions - Variables - Opérateurs, comparaison et logique - Structures de contrôle - 2. Regard mathématique, fonctionnalités : Graphiques - Calculs usuels - Manipulations algébriques, polynomes et fractions rationnelles - Trigonométrie - Dérivées - Développements limités et asymptotiques - Calculs de limites - Suites et séries - Calcul matriciel élémentaire - Systèmes d'équations - Intégration des fonctions - Systèmes différentiels - Outils vectoriels - Bibliographie et index la disquette allant avec le livre est jointe‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : 74305

‎One-dimensional Stable Distributions. Translations of Mathematical Monographs, volume 65.‎

‎ Providence, American Mathematical Society 1986, 235x160mm, IX - 284pages, editor's binding. Book in good condition.‎

‎ Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF65.00 (€69.67 )


Reference : 45900


‎Über biegungsinvarianten eine anwendung der Lie'schen gruppentheorie.‎

‎Berlin, Stockholm, Paris, F. & G. Beijer, 1892-93. 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Acta Mathematica. Hrdg. von G. Mittag-Leffler."", Bd. 16. Including the title page. Fine and clean. (6), 64 Pp.‎

‎First printing of Zorawski's important paper which is one of the very first responses to Sophus Lie's group theory. ""One of the first mathematicians who reacted to Lie's newly introduced concept was Kasimir Zorawaski, a polish scientist who worked in Warsaw. As examples of differential invariants, Zorawski mentioned Gauss curvature, Beltrami operators, and Minding's geodesic curvature. Similar to Lie, he asked for the number of invariants of different orders. From then on, two concepts played a major role within the theory of differential calculus, initiated by Ricci, and the group concept that was introduced by Lie and improved by Zorawski."" (Earman, The Attraction of gravitation: new studies in the history of general relativity, P. 229)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,200.00 (€160.95 )


Reference : 49651


‎Über biegungsinvarianten eine anwendung der Lie'schen gruppentheorie.‎

‎[Berlin, Stockholm, Paris, F. & G. Beijer, 1892-93.] 4to. Without wrappers as extracted from ""Acta Mathematica. Hrdg. von G. Mittag-Leffler."", Bd. 16, With half title and title page of volume 16, including the frontiespiece. Pp. 153-215.‎

‎First printing of Zorawski's important paper which is one of the very first responses to Sophus Lie's group theory. ""One of the first mathematicians who reacted to Lie's newly introduced concept was Kasimir Zorawaski, a polish scientist who worked in Warsaw. As examples of differential invariants, Zorawski mentioned Gauss curvature, Beltrami operators, and Minding's geodesic curvature. Similar to Lie, he asked for the number of invariants of different orders. From then on, two concepts played a major role within the theory of differential calculus, initiated by Ricci, and the group concept that was introduced by Lie and improved by Zorawski."" (Earman, The Attraction of gravitation: new studies in the history of general relativity, P. 229)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : R320036754


‎PAULIN HENRY ET CIE. NON DATE. In-12. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. II + 464 pages augmentés de quelque figures en noir in texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 372.7-Livre scolaire : mathématiques‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 372.7-Livre scolaire : mathématiques‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR24.90 (€24.90 )


Reference : RO40142878



‎Gauthier-Villars & Cie. 1925. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Plats abîmés, Dos fané, Intérieur acceptable. 788 pages. Etiquette de code sur le dos. Tampons et annotations de bibliothèque sur le 1er plat et en page de titre. Petit manque sur le coin supérieur du 1er plat. Pages légèrement jaunies. Nombreuses pages non coupées.. . . . Classification Dewey : 510-Mathématiques‎

‎2e édition revue. Avec une Préface de P. Appell. Géométrie et géométrie analytique. Algèbre, Théorie des fonctions, dérivées et applications... Classification Dewey : 510-Mathématiques‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )


Reference : 83339

‎Leçons de mathématiques générales.‎

‎Paris, Gauthier-Villars, s.d. (ca 1915). 14 x 22, 788 pp., 235 figures, reliure pleine toile, bon état.‎

‎Préface de P. Appell.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )
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