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‎WEYNS Jozef‎

Reference : B114756


‎Brieven uit.. mijn bakhuis‎

‎Beerzel, Eigen beheer (Huize "Ter Speelbergen") 1967 301pp., geïllustreerd door de auteur, 22cm., vollinnen uitgeversband, stofwikkel, mooie staat, B114756‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎WEYNS Jozef‎

Reference : B18259

‎Het huisraad in de Vlaamse volkskunde‎

‎, s.l., Kredietbank, 1974, 32pp.rijkelijk geïllustreerd, in-4, goede staat, B18259‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Weyns, Jozef; ‎

Reference : 40701

‎Openluchtmuseum te Bokrijk. Beknopte Gids voor de Bezoeker,‎

‎Beringen, Peeters, 1966 Paperback , 13 x 20.5, 28pp., illustratie z/w en kleur.‎

‎Tweede uitgave. Met 21 tekeningen en een plan.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR5.00 (€5.00 )


Reference : 37629


‎, Beerzel, eigen uitgave, , 1974 4 delen compleet, gebonden, halflederen banden, vergulde titel op voorplat en rug, goud op snee, 1730 pp. tekst en CCLXIV buitentekst platen met 366 afb. meestal in z/w., 18x27cm., 645 tekeningen in z/w. in de tekst, in zeer goede staat!‎

‎het standaardwerk! naam, vorm, geschiedenis, gebruik en volkskundig belang der huiselijke voorwerpen in het vlaamse land van de middeleeuwen tot de eerste wereldoorlog, dit is de eerste originele uitgave !‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎WEYNS Jozef‎

Reference : B58531


‎Volkshuisraad in Vlaanderen - Naam, vorm, geschiedenis, gebruik en volkskundig belang der huiselijke voorwerpen in het Vlaamse land van de middeleeuwen tot de eerste wereldoorlog [4 volumes]‎

‎Beersel, Uitgave in eigen beheer 1974 Volledig in 4 delen: samen 1735pp.rijkelijk geïllustreerd in de tekst en met 366 zw/w buitentekstills. & enige platen in kleur, met handgeschreven opdracht door weduwe Weyns aan pater-prelaat Boel & bijgevoegd: getypte brief gesigneerd door weduwe Paula Weyns aan diezelfde Boel, originele linnen banden, bovenste bladsneden verguld, eerste uitgave, 27cm., mooie staat, B58531‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR300.00 (€300.00 )

‎WEYNS Jozef‎

Reference : B61682


‎Volkshuisraad in Vlaanderen - Naam, vorm, geschiedenis, gebruik en volkskundig belang der huiselijke voorwerpen in het Vlaamse land van de middeleeuwen tot de eerste wereldoorlog [4 volumes]‎

‎Beersel, Uitgave in eigen beheer 1974 Volledig in 4 delen: samen 1735pp. rijkelijk geïllustreerd in de tekst en met 366 zw/w buitentekstills. & enige platen in kleur, originele linnen banden, bovenste bladsneden verguld, eerste uitgave, 27cm., mooie staat, B61682‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR240.00 (€240.00 )

‎WEYNS N.J. O.Praem.‎

Reference : R27283


‎Jean-Chrysostôme vander Sterre, abbé de Saint-Michel d'Anvers‎

‎Averbode, 1972 pp.94-123, extrait de "Analecta Praemonstratensia" vol.48, broché, bon état, R27283‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : 20118


‎Kapellen, Pelckmans, 1988 Gebrocheerd, geillustreerde kartonomslag in kleur, 170 x 240mm., 64pp., uitgebreide z/w foto-illustratie. ISBN 9028913742.‎

‎Algemene principes inzake monumentenzorg, de wetgeving en de rehabilitatie. Beschrijving van de pastorie voor de restauratie. Omschrijving van de nieuwe functie en aanpassingswerken aan de pastorie. Boek is in goede staat.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎WHALE Eugène‎

Reference : 102.998

ISBN : 2870220146

‎Liège dans la gravure, ancienne et moderne.‎

‎Liège, Librairie Halbart, 1974. 16 x 24, 71 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en N/B, broché, très bon état.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎WHEELOCK Arthur K. Jr., BARNES Susan J. & HELD Julius S. (eds.)‎

Reference : S85688


‎Anthony Van Dijck‎

‎Washington, National Gallery of Art 1990 383pp.with numerous illustrations in colour and in bl/w, 33cm., illustrated softcover, Exhibition catalogue (Wazshington, 11 November 1990 - 24 February 1991), very good, S85688‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎White, Christopher:‎

Reference : 64518

‎Anthony van Dyck: Thomas Howard, The Earl of Arundel‎

‎, GB Gardners Books , 1996 softcover, 84 pages, Illustrated. 23.5x19cm. good condition. ISBN 9780892363421.‎

‎Anthony van Dyck produced his portrait of Thomas Howard. It marked the beginning of van Dyck's brilliant international career. Thomas Howard, a prominent member of the court of James I, was to become one of the greatest and most enlightened collectors and patrons England has ever known. In this probing study, White provides a history both of Howard, and of van Dyck, whose canvases established the grand tradition of portraiture both in England and on the Continent. This volume in the Getty Museum Studies in Art series offers not only a complete study of a great painting but also a primer on how great collections are formed and great careers are launched. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎WHITING Charles‎

Reference : 81309

ISBN : 2875420283

‎"Le dernier assaut; une remise en question de la Bataille des Ardennes."‎

‎Liège, Luc Pire, 2011. 14 x 22, 303 pp., quelques illustrations en N/B, broché, très bon état.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR17.00 (€17.00 )

‎WICHELER Fernand‎

Reference : 42852

‎L'histoire du crocodile (comédie en trois actes). Collection littéraire belge.‎

‎Bruxelles, La Renaissance du Livre, 1925. 13 x 19, 211 pp., broché, bon état (papier légèrement jauni).‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : B108378


‎Antwerpen im Weltverkehr und Welthandel‎

‎Munchen, Bruckmann 1915 48pp., 24cm., text in German in Gotic script, softcover (spine repaired at ends), in the series "Deutsche und Österreichische Schriftenfolge" Deutsche Folge no.3, B108378‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : 3151


‎, Gent, Wiemeersch, 1973 Bound, with dusjacket, in-folio, 296pp.‎

‎text in nl-fr-e-de-sp. good condition.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR27.00 (€27.00 )

‎WIENER Sam (Maître)‎

Reference : 13553

‎L'ancienne plaidoirie en Brabant. Séance solennelle de rentrée du 17 novembre 1883.‎

‎Bruxelles, Alliance Typographique, 1883 15 x 23, 84 pp., broché, bon état (dos cassé, 1 découpe page de titre)‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR13.00 (€13.00 )

‎Wiertz (Antonie Joseph).‎

Reference : 40065


‎Exposition de 1851. La critique en matière de peinture est-elle possible ?‎

‎Bruxelles, Auguste Decq, 1851. In-16 carré de 72 pp., chagrin noir orné du titre doré sur le premier plat et du nom de l’auteur sur le second dans un encadrement rocaille (reliure éditeur). ‎

‎Édition originale rare. Réflexions sur « l'art d'apprécier le beau » publiées pour l'Exposition universelle de Londres 1851, par le peintre et sculpteur belge Antonie Joseph Wiertz (Dinant 1806 - Bruxelles 1865) connu pour ses tableaux de grandes dimensions mais aussi pour ses écrits théoriques rassemblés après sa mort sous le titre Oeuvres littéraires (Librairie Internationale, 1870).Bénézit : « Cet artiste tient une place tout à fait exceptionnelle dans la peinture belge de la première moitié du XIXe siècle. En 1832 ayant obtenu la pension pour Rome, il partit pour l'Italie et y séjourna plusieurs années. De retour à Bruxelles, il ne tarda pas à acquérir une réputation énorme : il fut un instant le peintre national. Un atelier fut édifié aux frais de l'État pour lui permettre l'exécution de ses ouvrages. A sa mort (Bruxelles 1865) on donna à la maison qu'il habitait l'aspect d'un temple en ruine et ses oeuvres y furent réunies. Le Musée Wiertz mérite d'être vu ». Le dos manque à la reliure, coupes frottées, rousseurs.Bénézit, VIII, 740. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 46 33 57 22

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )


Reference : S67487

‎Ecole flamande de peinture. Caractères constitutifs de son originalité‎

‎[Bruxelles], 41pp.avec ills. + [5] planches hors-texte en couleurs et bl./n., 30cm., br.muette moderne, tome 32 dans la série [mémoire couronné le 24 septembre 1863]‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎WIGGERS Joannes [Joannes] Diestensis‎

Reference : R100747


‎Commentaria de Virtutibus theologicis, Fide, Spe, et Charitate, cum annexis. De quibus tractat. D.Thomas i 2.2. à quaest. I usque ad quaest. XLVI // Commentaria de Jure et Justitia ceterisque Virtutibus Cardinalibus, cum annexis‎

‎Lovanii [Leuven], sumptibus Aegidii Denique 1689 2 parts in 1 physical volume: [4] + 368 pp & [12] + 767 + 28 pp., 4th edition ("Editio quarta ceteris accuratior"), text in Latin, 32cm., contemporary full leather binding (gilt decorations on spine, corners bit bumped, some use and upper ends of joints slightly broken), titlepages in red and black with engraved vignette, some ornamental initials, text and interior is clean and bright and in very good condition, weight: 3kg., [Joannes Wiggers, born in 1571 in Diest (Belgium), died in Leuven in 1639, was a theologian who became famous for his commentaries on Thomas Aquinas ; this volume contains his commentaries on the "pars secundam"], R100747‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎WIGGERS Joannes [Joannes] Diestensis‎

Reference : R100767


‎Commentaria de Virtutibus theologicis, Fide, Spe, Charitate cum annexis etc. & Commentaria de Jure et Justitia ceterisque virtutibus cardinalibus, cum annexis‎

‎Lovanii [Leuven], 1666-1689 Two works by Joannes Wiggers bound in 1 physical volume, 34cm., contemporary full leather binding (gilt title and decorations on spine faded, some use bit still good), printed in 2 columns, text in Latin, text clean and bright, weight: 3kg., good condition, [Detailed content; I: Commentaria de Virtutibus theologicis, Fide, Spe, Charitate cum annexis de quibus tractat D. Thomas in 2.2 a quaest. I. usque ad quaest. XLVI, Lovanii, typis Cypriani Coenestenii [Cypriaan Coenesteyn], 1666, [2bl.] + [8] + 368pp., with engraved printer's device on titlepage // II: Commentaria de jure et justitia ceterisque virtutibus cardinalibus, cum annexis & Martinus Steyaert: Appendix ad commentaria Joannis Wiggers de jure et justitia, Lovanii, sumptibus Aegidii Denique, 1689, [18] + 767 + 27 pp., 4th edition, titlepage in red and black and with engraved printer's device, with some ornamental initials, dedication to Joannes Baptista Christyn chancellor of the council of Brabant, few wormholes in margin of some pages (not affecting the text)], [Joannes Wiggers, born in 1571 in Diest (Belgium), died in Leuven in 1639, was a theologian who became famous for his commentaries on Thomas Aquinas], R100767‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎WIGGERS Joannes [Joannes] Diestensis‎

Reference : R100768


‎Commentaria de Virtutibus theologicis, Fide, Spe, Charitate, cum annexis etc. & Commentaria de Jure et Justitia ceterisque virtutibus cardinalibus cum annexis etc.‎

‎Lovanii [Leuven], typis Cypriani Coenestenii [Cypriaan Coensteyn] (& Georgij Lipsij) 1656-1661 Two works by Joannes Wiggers bound in 1 physical volume, 31cm., text in Latin, text clean and bright, contemporary typically Flemish full leather binding (gilt title and decorations on spine, blnd stamped decorations on both covers, corners rubbed, closing cords missing, thus some traces of use though still good), weigth: 3.5kg., good condition, [Detailed content; I: Commentaria de Virtutibus theologicis, Fide, Spe, Charitate, cum annexis de quibus tractat D. Thomas in 2.2 à quaest. I usque ad quaest. XLVI, Lovanii, typis Cypriani Coenestenii [Cypriaan Coensteyn], 1656, [8] + 368pp., with engraved printer's device on titlepage // II: Commentaria de Jure et Justitia ceterisque virtutibus cardinalibus cum annexis de quibus tractat D. Thomas in 2.2. a quaest. 47 usque ad quaest. 171, Lovanii, typis Cypriani Coenestenii & Georgij Lipisij, 1661, [16] + 868pp., with engraved printer's device on titlepage], [Joannes Wiggers, born in 1571 in Diest (Belgium), died in Leuven in 1639, was a theologian who became famous for his commentaries on Thomas Aquinas], R100768‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )

‎WIGGERS Joannes [Joannes] Diestensis‎

Reference : R100748


‎Commentaria in primam partem divi Thomae: De Deo trino et uno, de Angelis, et operibus sex dierum // Commentaria in primam secundae‎

‎Lovanii [Leuven], sumptibus Aegidii Denique 1689 2 parts in 1 physical volume: [2] + 437 + [22] pp. & [4] + 546 + [28] pp., 4th edition ("Editio quarta ceteris accuratior"), text in Latin, 32cm., contemporary full leather binding (gilt decorations on spine, corners rubbed, some use, ends of joints slightly damaged), titlepages in red and black with engraved vignette, some ornamental initials, text and interior is clean and bright except for some contemporary small underlinings, overall in good condition, [the last page of the first part contains the following colophon "Lovanii, apud Hieronymum Nempaeum typographum juratum anno M.DC.LXXXVI"], weight: 3kg., [Joannes Wiggers, born in 1571 in Diest (Belgium), died in Leuven in 1639, was a theologian who became famous for his commentaries on Thomas Aquinas ; this volume contains his commentaries on the "pars primam"], R100748‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR400.00 (€400.00 )

‎WIGGERS Joannes [Joannes] Diestensis‎

Reference : R100746


‎Commentaria in tertiam partem divi Thomae De Verbo Incarnato. A quaest.I usque ad quaest.XXVI // Commentaria in tertiam partem divi Thomae De Sacramentis, Censuris, Indulgentiis, et Purgatorio‎

‎Lovanii [Leuven], sumptibus Aegidii Denique 1689 2 parts in 1 physical volume: [4] + 270 + [2] pp. & [4] + 558 + [32] pp., 4th edition ("Editio quarta ceteris accuratior"), text in Latin, 32cm., contemporary full leather binding (gilt title and decorations on spine, corners bit bumped), titlepages in red and black with engraved vignette, some ornamental initials, text clean and bright, good condition, [the last page contains the following colophon "Lovanii, apud Cyprianum Coenestenium Typograph. iuratum sub aurea Lampade, anno M.DC.LXVIII"], weight: 2.5kg., [Joannes Wiggers, born in 1571 in Diest (Belgium), died in Leuven in 1639, was a theologian who became famous for his commentaries on Thomas Aquinas ; this volume contains his commentaries on the "pars tertiam"], R100746‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎WIJER, H.J., van& DRAYE, H.‎

Reference : 5138

‎ONOMA. Vol. XII (1966/67), 2-3.‎

‎, Leuven, International centre of Onomastics, 1966/67., Broche, couverture originale, 16x24cm, 367pp.‎

‎Good condotion. Bibliographical and information bulletin. Published with the assistance of the Belgian Government and the fondation universitaire.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎WIJN Egied‎

Reference : B89303


‎Losse bijdrage tot de volkenkunde, folklore, legenden, volksremedies, kinderspelen, gebruiken en stadsbeelden, en volkstypen‎

‎Kapellenbosch (Antwerpen), E. Wijn 1937 208pp., 22cm., gebroch., goede staat, B89303‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )
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