Vatican, Tipografia Vaticana 2001 xxiv + 363pp.with 147 illustrations + 10 folding plates out of text, 26cm., softcover, very good condition, text in Italian, G79302
Vatican, Tipografia Vaticana 2002 xxiv + 351pp.with 112 illustrations and 3 folding plates out of text, 26cm., softcover, very good condition, text in Italian, G79307
Vatican, Tipografia Vaticana 2002 xxiv + 341pp.with illustrations and some folding plates out of text, 26cm., softcover, very good condition, text in Italian, G79308
Vatican, Tipografia Vaticana 2004 xxxvii + 580pp.with many illustrations and some folding plates out of text, 26cm., softcover, very good condition, text in Italian, G79305
Vatican, Tipografia Vaticana 2005 xxviii + 472pp.with many illustrations and some folding plates out of text, 26cm., softcover, very good condition, text in Italian, G79306
Romae [Rome], 1902-1923 1 physical volume, dealing with the process of beatification and canonization of Lorenzo Maria of Saint Francis Xavier, born Lorenzo Salvi, priest and Passionist, Rome 1782 - Capranica 1856, He was beatified in 1989 // 29cm., hardcover, few stamps, good condition, [Content: 1: Epistolae Postulatoriae (24pp.), 2: Summarium ex officio (11pp.), 3: Animadversiones r.p.d. Promotoris Genralis Fidei super dubio.. (52pp.), 4: Summarium additionale super dubio.. (125pp.), 5: Positio super non cultu 6pp.), 6: Summarium super dubio (33pp.), 7: Animadversiones r.p. promotoris genralis fidei super dubio.. (5pp.), 8: Positio super introductione causae (LIII + 323pp.)], weight: 1.4kg., H108567
Romae, Ex typis Pauli Vespasiani 1902 1 physical volume dealing with the process of beatification and canonization of Lorenzo Maria of Saint Francis Xavier, born Lorenzo Salvi, priest and Passionist, Rome 1782 - Capranica 1856, He was beatified in 1989 // 28cm., hardcover, small stamp, good condition, [Content: I: Positio Super Introductione Causae (1902, LIII + 323pp.), II: Summarium additionale super dubio an sit signanda commissio Introductionis Causae in casu et ad effectum de quo agitur? (125pp.), III: loosely added: Positio super non cultu (1923, 6 + 33 + 3 + 5pp.)], weight: 1.1kg., H108568
Citta del Vaticano, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana 1969 323 + [1] pp., with bl/w illustrations in text, 27cm., softcover, in the series "Studi di antichita cristiana" volume XXVIII (28), good condition, R118627
Venezia, Fondazione Giorgio Cini / Istituto di Storia dell'Arte 2008 356pp.with ills., 31cm., cart.cover, dustwrapper, fine condition [texts in Italian]
Trieste, 2005 511pp.wityh illustrations in text + 1 large folding plan of Aquileia ("pianta archeologica"), 24cm., softcover, dustwrapper, very good condition, G85756
Roma, Bardi 1975 518pp. + 4 folding mas and 65 bl/w illustrations out of text, 26cm., in the series "Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae" vol.V, softcover (with fewx foxing), text and intrior are clean and bright, good condition, weight: 1.2kg., G116945
Sassari, Gallizzi 1973 796pp.with and out-of-text, softcover, 25cm., in the series "Università degli studi di Cagliari. Instituto per gli studi Sardi" vol. 22 (1971-1972), VG
Bologna, Istituto per la Storia di Bologna 1970 431pp.illustrated with figures and plans + 55 bl/w plates out-of-text, 27cm., editor's hardcover (corners bit bumped), in the series "Convegni e colloqui" vol.I, some foxing on upper edges, good condition, G86486
Roma, Jouvence 1991 391pp. with some facsimiles + 22 bl/w illustrations out of text, 23cm., editor's softcover, text in Italian, in the series "Pubblicazioni del dipartimento di medievistica dell'Universita di Pisa" volume 2, good condition, H93345
Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra 2009 182pp. with bl/w illustrations, 25cm., softcover in stiff paper, dustwrapper (few stains), interior and text in fine condition, G94440
Romae [Rome], Typis Guerra & Mirri 1927-1931 2 physical volumes, regarding the process of beatification and canonization of J.B. Danei, 31cm., uniform hardcovers, stamp, good condition, [Content: I: Positio super Introductione Causae: Informatio super dubio.. (91pp.), Summarium super dubio.. (557pp), Litterae postulatoriae pro signatura commissionis introductionis causae (37pp.), Animadversiones R.P.D. Promotoris Genralis Fidei super Dubio (37pp.), Summarium ex officio (7pp.), Responsio ad animadversiones.. (49pp.) // II: Positio super non cultu (37pp.), Animadversiones R.P.D. Promotoris Generalis Fidei super Dubio.. (3pp.), Ad animadversiones responsio.. (2pp.)], [John Baptist (Danei) of Saint Michael Archangel, 1695-1765, Passionist, was the brother and livelong companion of St. Paul of the Cross, founder of the Passionist Congregation. He was declared venerable in 1940], weight: 2.2kg., H108569
Roma, Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini 2006 xxiv + 750pp. + numerous plates out of text, 25cm., publisher's illustrated hardcover, very good condition, weight: 2.3 kg., R118939
Roma, Tip. Guerra e Belli 1957 1 physical volume, 30cm., hardcover, small stamp, good condition, regarding the process of beatification (and canonization) of Joannes a Spiritu Sancto (born Giovanni Bruni, 1882 San Benedetto del Tronto - Moricone 1905), an Italian Passionist who was declared venerable in 1983 bij pope John Paul II // [Content: Positio super validitate Processuum (16pp.), Summarium super dubio.. (138pp.), Animadversiones r.p.d. Promotoris Genrralis Fidei super dubio.. (11pp.), Responsio ad animadversiones r.p.d. Promotoris Fidei super dubio.. (10pp.)], R108570
Romae [Rome], Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1920 33pp., 29cm., original softcover, text in Latin, stamp, few foxing, H108452
Romae [Rome], Ex typographia iuvenum officum a S. Joseph 1906 6 parts in 1 volume, 26cm., modern hardcover binding, stamp on title page, text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, [CONTENT: I) Positio super miraculis (111pp.) // II) Summarium super dubio An et de quibus miraculis constet in casu et ad effectum de quo agitur? (284pp.) // Iudicia medico-clinico-legalia ad opportunitatem. Doctoris Equitis Alexii Murino in Pontificia studiorum Universitate Physiologiae atque Isthologiae Professoris emiriti. Super duobus primis Miraculis (183pp.) // IV) Iudicium Medicum quod ad opportunitatem edebat doctor Orestes Neri super asserto Miraculo III (30pp.) / V) Animadversiones r.p. Promotoris Fidei Super dubio An et de quibus miraculis constet in casu et ad effectum, de quo agitur? (63pp.) // VI) Responsio ad animadversiones r.p. promotoris fidei super dubio etc. (209pp.)], [Official reports from the "Congregatio Sacrorum Rituum" regarding the canonization of the Passionist Gabriel dell'Adolorata (Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, born Francesco Possenti, 1838-1862), who died from tuberculosis at the age of 23 in Isola del Gran Sasso. He was canonized by pope Benedict XV in 1920], weight: 1.9kg., H108448
Romae [Rome], Ex typ. Pontificia in Instituto Pii IX 1917 5 parts in 1 volume, 30cm., hardcover, stamp on frontcover, good condition, [Content: I) Novae animadversiones (43pp.) // II) Iudicium medicum ex officio Doctoris Mariani Tacchi-Venturi, etc., super miraculo I (45pp.) // III) Iudicium medicum quod pro veritate ferebat Ex.mus D.nus Andreas Amici Medicus, super miraculo I (20pp.) // IV) Responsio ad novas animadversiones etc. (69pp.) // V) Summarium additionale, ex actis spuppletoriae inquisitionis in Curia Pontiscurvi adornatae (23pp.)], [Official reports from the "Congregatio Sacrorum Rituum" regarding the canonization of the Passionist Gabriel dell'Adolorata (Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, born Francesco Possenti, 1838-1862), who died from tuberculosis at the age of 23 in Isola del Gran Sasso. He was canonized by pope Benedict XV in 1920], H108449
Romae [Rome], Ex typ. Pontificia in Instituto Pii IX 1918 in 1 volume, 30cm., hardcover, good condition, [Content: I) Novissimae animadversiones (19pp.) // II) Responsio ad novissimas animadversiones (56pp.)], [Official reports from the "Congregatio Sacrorum Rituum" regarding the canonization of the Passionist Gabriel dell'Adolorata (Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, born Francesco Possenti, 1838-1862), who died from tuberculosis at the age of 23 in Isola del Gran Sasso. He was canonized by pope Benedict XV in 1920], H108450
Romae [Rome], Ex typ. Pontificia in Instituto Pii IX 1908 13pp., 31cm., contemporary softcover, text in Latin, stamp on title page, good, H108451
Romae [Rome], Ex typ. Pontificia in Instituto Pii IX 1918 3 + 4 + 4pp., 29cm., cart., text in Latin, stamp, good, H108453
Romae [Rome], 1920 1 physical volume, 30cm., hardcover, stamp, text is clean and bright, weight: 2.1kg., [CONTENT: Positio super introductione causae (1920, 127pp.), Summarium super Dubio.. (507pp.), Epistolae postulatoriae (67pp.), Summarium ex officio.. (4pp.), Animadversiones r.p.d. Promotoris Generalis Fidei super dubio.. (42pp.), Responsio ad animadversiones (154pp.)], H108572