Lyon Rouillé 1568 Une gravure de l'Edition Originale au burin sur papier vergé, Format à la cuvette : 27 centimètres de haut par 17,5 centimètres de large. Format total : 35 centimètres de haut par 24 centimètres de large, colorée d'époque à la main (couleurs trés fraîches) gravées par L. Danet, 1568 Lyon : G. Rovillé Editeur,
Références : Brunet tome IV coll. 67" recherché pour les figures qui passent pour donner d'une manière exacte les costumes orientaux ..........CETTE GRAVURE DE NICOLAY DE 1568 EST TRÉS RARE....ET LE FAIT QU'ELLE SOIT COLORÉE D'ÉPOQUE EST ENCORE PLUS RARE ......... en trés bon état (very good condition). trés bon état
Première édition italienne illustrée de 67 planches gravées sur cuivre à pleine page représentant des costumes de la Turquie, de l’Arabie et de la Grèce dont sept paraissent ici pour la première fois. Venise, Francesco Ziletti, 1580. In-folio de (8) ff., (4) ff., 192 pp. ornées de 67 planches gravées sur cuivre à pleine page. Petit cachet humide partiellement effacé sur le titre, infime déchirure en marge du titre, déchirure restaurée au coin des pp. 53, 137, 139, 185 et en marge de la p. 183, pte tache d’encre p. 110. Veau rouge, double filet à froid encadrant les plats, dos à nerfs, titre doré, roulette intérieure dorée. Reliure moderne. 303 x 202 mm.
Première édition italienne au format in-folio, en partie originale, contenant sept gravures de costumes orientaux à pleine page de plus que les éditions précédentes. Pour ce motif et pour son format, cette édition, devenue rare, est l’une des plus recherchées. Il s’agit en outre de la première édition à contenir des gravures sur cuivre pour illustrer le texte, beaucoup plus fines et détaillées que les gravures sur bois employées dans les éditions précédentes. Brunet, IV, 67; Adams n°253 ; Cicognara 1731 ; Colas 2204; Mortimer, II, 319. Rare édition vénitienne en partie originale «renfermant 7 planches de plus que l’édition française de 1568». La première édition parut à Lyon en 1567. Cette édition vénitienne présente 67 planches gravées sur cuivre tirées à pleine page, soit 7 planches de plus que l’édition française de 1568. Ces superbes gravures sont une source inestimable de renseignements sur les peuples de l’Empire ottoman du XVIe siècle. «Voici la liste de ces gravures supplémentaires: 1 planche paginée 154 sans légende représentant 3 personnages. 1 planche paginée 182: Capitano d’Arabie. 1 planche paginée 184: Donna turca standi in casa 1 planche paginée 186: Sposa di Constantinopoli 1 planche paginée 188: Patriarca di Costantinopoli 1 planche paginée 190: Calidesquer a piedi 1 planche paginée 192 sans légende portant 4 costumes de femmes.» (Colas, 2204) Nicolas de Nicolay est né à La Grave d’Oisans (Isère) en 1517 et mort à Paris en 1583. Après avoir pris part au siège de Perpignan (1542), il parcourut la plus grande partie de l’Europe, servant dans les armées de la plupart des pays qu’il visitait, étudiant les langues qu’il entendait parler et prenant des croquis, dont il forma une collection. De retour en France au bout de seize ans, il devint valet de chambre et géographe de Henri II. En 1551, il accompagna à Constantinople l’ambassadeur d’Aramon, puis visita l’archipel grec, les côtes septentrionales de l’Afrique et devint commissaire d’artillerie. A propos de l’édition de 1567, Colas écrit: «Ces gravures représentent des costumes masculins et féminins de la Turquie, de l’Arabie et de la Grèce; c’est la première série de documents sérieux sur les habillements du proche Orient, aussi a-t-elle été copiée par la plupart des dessinateurs d’habits du XVIe siècle; ces gravures sont attribuées à Louis Danet par la plupart des bibliographes, 42 portent le monogramme L. D. Cependant l’exemplaire du Cabinet des estampes porte en note manuscrite que ces planches sont gravées par Léonard Thiry dit Léonard Daven et le catalogue de la vente Destailleur (1893, n° 1325) confirme cette dernière attribution. Ni Bartsch, ni Passavant ne mentionnent cette suite dans l’œuvre de Thiry ». Après avoir décrit les mœurs d’Alger, de Tripoli, de Barbarie et de Scio, où il aborda en allant à Constantinople, Nicolay (1517-1583), voyageur dauphinois, s’arrête plus longtemps à ce qui concerne les Turcs, les Grecs et les autres habitants de l’empire ottoman. Ses remarques sont instructives pour le temps où elles ont paru et offrent même encore des détails curieux. Mais Nicolay interrompt tout à coup sa relation à la fin du troisième livre; il parle des habitants de la Perse et de l’Arabie, pays qu’il n’a pas visités, et a recours pour remplir son texte, ainsi que ce qui regarde les Grecs, les Arméniens et les Juifs, aux auteurs anciens et modernes qui ont écrit sur ces peuples et sur les pays qu’ils habitent. Exemplaire à bonnes marges portant l’ex-libris «Gonnelli Firenze 1875».
STOCK. 1986. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement pliée, Dos plié, Intérieur frais. 254 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs.. . . . Classification Dewey : 910-Géographie générale. Voyages
Classification Dewey : 910-Géographie générale. Voyages
Bienne, Editions du Chandelier, 1944. In-8°, 231p. Broché, couverture illustrée.
Illustré de quelques photographies hors texte. A l'état de neuf, non coupé.
Bienne, Editions Pierre Boillat 1953, 210x150mm, 222pages, broché. Bon état.
photos n/b, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
HACHETTE / CLUB MEDITERRANE. 1980. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 252 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Couverture rempliée. Nombreuses photos en couleurs et cartes en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 910.4-Voyages
Classification Dewey : 910.4-Voyages
, GALLIMARD, 1997 Paperback, 423 pages, Texte en Francais, 260 x 260 mm, bon condition, . ISBN 9782742404216.
LE GUIDE VOYAGE CONSEIL. 1984. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 127 fiches illustrées en couleur.. . . . Classification Dewey : 910-Géographie générale. Voyages
Classification Dewey : 910-Géographie générale. Voyages
LES GUIDES VOYAGE CONSEIL. 1984. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 127 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 910-Géographie générale. Voyages
Classification Dewey : 910-Géographie générale. Voyages
Time-Life. Non daté. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 184 pages augmentées de nombreuses photos et quelques illustrtations en noir et blanc et couleurs dans et hors texte. Jaquette en bon état. Contre-plats illustrés en couleurs.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 910.4-Voyages
"Collection : ""Les Grandes Etendues Sauvages"". Classification Dewey : 910.4-Voyages"
TIME-LIFE. 1975. In-4. Cartonné. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 179 pages. Nombreuses photos en couleurs dans le texte et hors texte. Ouvrage de bibliothèque avec une couverture plastique transparente sur la couverture originale.Tampons de bibliothèque sur la page de titre. Une étiquette de code en pied du dos. Légères mouillures sans taches en têtes des pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 910-Géographie générale. Voyages
Classification Dewey : 910-Géographie générale. Voyages
Payot, "Bibliothèque scientifique", 1943, in/8 broché, 168 pages. Avec 34 illustrations dont 31 hors texte. Préface du professeur Pittard.
Le mystère du créateur, le royaume des morts, le monde des fétiches, les sorciers, transformations et alliances occultes, offenses et expiation, les sociétés secrètes, lieux sacrés, les funérailles...
Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1772. 4to. Bound in a very fine contemp. Danish full calf binding, blindtooled covers and a gilt border on covers (spejlbind - Cambridge binding style) with 5 raised bands and richly gilt compartments. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. Engraved titlevignette. XLVII,(1),431,(1) pp., 1 large folded map, handcoloured in outline (Terræ Yemen) and 24 engraved plates (of which 6 are charts, 2 handcoloured, many large folded). One folded plate repaired in outer margin, outside image and a small close tear with repairs on verso. A bit of browning to a few foldings. A fine copy on good paper with broad margins.
First edition of Niebuhr's famous classical account of his Arabian travel, being the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix. Having the famous map of Yemen (35x55 cm.) in outline colouring and the large folded map of the Arab Gulf (Mare Rubrum seu Sinus Arabicus), which is the first map at all to mention Kuwait.""Niebuhr was one of the best scientific travellers that ever lived... His works have long been classical, and even noW must be consulted by any who desires to have the most trustworthy accounts,.."" (Enc. Brit. 9th ed.).
Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1772. 4to. Later halcalf (around 1850). Gilt spine. Gilt lettering. Engraved titlevignette. XLVII,(1),431,(1) pp., 1 large folded map, handcoloured in outline (Terræ Yemen) and 24 engraved plates (of which 6 are charts, 2 handcoloured, many large folded). Printed on good paper. A few minor marginal brownspots. The folded map with faint dampstain in top of the map.
First edition of Niebuhr's famous classical account of his Arabian travel, being the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix. Having the famous map of Yemen (35x55 cm.) in outline colouring and the large folded map of the Arab Gulf (Mare Rubrum seu Sinus Arabicus), which is the first map at all to mention Kuwait.""Niebuhr was one of the best scientific travellers that ever lived... His works have long been classical, and even noW must be consulted by any who desires to have the most trustworthy accounts,.."" (Enc. Brit. 9th ed.).
Copenhague, Nicolas Möller, 1778. 4to. Bound in a fine (20th Century) full calf. Raised bands. Gilt lineborders on spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. Engraved title-vignette. XLIII,(3),372 pp., folded table, 1 large folded map (Terræ Yemen) and 24 engraved plates (of which 6 are charts, many large folding). The large map with some browning and foxing. Otherwise clean and fine, wide-margined, printed on good paper.
First French edition of Niebuhr's famous classical account of his Arabian travel, being the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix. With the famous map of Yemen (35x55 cm.) and the large folded map of the Arab Gulf (Mare Rubrum seu Sinus Arabicus), which is the first map at all to mention Kuwait.""Niebuhr was one of the best scientific travellers that ever lived... His works have long been classical, and even now must be consulted by any who desires to have the most trustworthy accounts,.."" (Enc. Brit. 9th ed.).
Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774-78. 4to. Bound in 2 contemp. hcalf. Gilt spines. Title-and tome-labels with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on upper part of spines. Slightly rubbed. Stamps on title-pages. 2 engraved titlevignettes. Halftitles. XVI,(6),505,(1)"(16),479 pp. 1 large folded map, outlinecoloured ""Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763."" and 124 engraved maps and plates (complete). A dampstain on lower part of leaves in volume 2, increasing towards end. Printed on good paper. A few scattered brownspots.
Scarce first edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia. Like his ""Beschribung von Arabien"", his ""Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"" ""provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of Bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""(Josef Wiesehöfer).
Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774. 4to. Near contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine. Gilt lettering. Mild cracking along front joint, but holding (inner joints strenghtened). Engraved titlevignette. XVI,504,(1) pp.,1 large folded map, outlinecoloured ""Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763."" and 72 engraved maps, plans, plates, several folding. (Plate LXXI is inserted between pp.304 and 305). 5 leaves in the middle with a faint dampstain in right margin. A few marginal brownspots. Internally clean, printed on good paper.
The first volume of the scarce first edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia. Like his ""Beschribung von Arabien"", his ""Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"" ""provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""
Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774-78. 4to. Bound in 2 contemp. full mottled calf. Gilt spines. Title-and tome-labels with gilt lettering. Wear to top of spine on vol. I. Fronthinge on vol. II cracked and loosening. 2 engraved titlevignettes. Halftitles. XVI,(6),505,(1)"(16),479 pp. 1 large folded map, outlinecoloured ""Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763."" and 124 engraved maps and plates (complete). Internally fine and clean, a few marginal brownspots. Printed on good paper.
Scarce first edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia. Like his ""Beschribung von Arabien"", his ""Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"" ""provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of Bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""(Josef Wiesehöfer).
Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774-78. 4to. Bound in two contemporary full sprinkled calf bindings with five raised bands and richly gilt spines. Extremities with light wear. Spine on vol. 1 with wear with most of gilting worn off. Internally fine and clean. 2 engraved titlevignettes. Halftitles. XVI, (6), 505, (1)" (16), 479 pp. 1 large folded map, ""Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763."" and 124 engraved maps and plates (complete).
Scarce first edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia. Like his ""Beschribung von Arabien"", his ""Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"" ""provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of Bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""(Josef Wiesehöfer).
Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774-78. 4to. Bound in 2 contemporary similar but not uniform half calf bindings. Vol. 2 with gilt lettering to spine and having slightly wider margins compared to vol. 1. Wear to extremities of both volumes and hindges weak. Stamp and previous owners names to half titles. Stamp to verso of plates. Vol. 1 split in innner margin in a few places. A few occassional brownspots and first few leaves in both volumes with light dampstaining, but generally internally fine. XVI, (6), 501, (1)"(16),479 pp. 1 large folded map, ""Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763."" and 124 engraved maps and plates (complete).
First edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia being a testament to one of the most significant and captivating exploratory journeys of the 18th century. Through meticulous mapping, cultural documentation, and scientific observations, Niebuhr's travelogue provided invaluable insights into Arabia, expanding geographic knowledge and influencing the field of Orientalism.Like his ""Beschribung von Arabien"", his ""Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"" ""provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of Bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""(Josef Wiesehöfer).
Amsterdam, 1776-1780. 4to. Bound in two contemporary uniform brown half calf bindings with gilt lines and gilt title-labels to spines. Spines with some wear and tear and vol. 2 with a couple of glue-repairs to upper capital. A small marginal damp stain to first quire of vol. 2 and (mostly very faint) marginal damp stain later on as well, otherwise internally very nice and clean. Tt2 with a tear to top margin, no loss. Beautiful allegorical vignettes to title-pages. VIII, (6), 484, (1, -errata) + 71 engraved plates (out of 72) + engraved folded map" (16), 455, (1) pp. + 52 engraved plates. In all with 123 splendid engraved plates, many of them folded, out of 124 - missing plate 29 in vol. 1. + the famous map of Yemen.
First Dutch edition of Nieburh's great travel account of Arabia, originally published in Copenhagen, 1774-78, in German under the title ""Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"". This splendid and extremely important work on the Middle East, Egypt, Persia and India ""provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years."" (Josef Wiesehöfer).
Lausanne, éditions Rencontre, “L’atlas des voyages”, 15 octobre 1962. In-4°, cartonnage illustré.
Comme neuf. [15199]
Le Cercle du Nouveau Livre d'Histoire 1966, IN/8, reliure éditeur en pleine toile orange, 230 pages. Cartes et photographies en noir. Exemplaire numéroté.
"A la fois récit impartial et sévère réquisitoire, il a la valeur d’un document : il éclaire d’une lumière crue un événement que le rôle joué aujourd’hui encore par la force dans le domaine internationale a rendu possible, mais qu’une grande partie de l’opinion publique dans le monde a condamné. On y voit une grande puissance — la plus forte de toutes — intervenir brusquement dans les affaires intérieures d’un petit pays, simplement parce que ses services de renseignements prétendent avoir décelé dans le camp révolutionnaire qui réclame le rétablissement de la Constitution une cinquantaine de communistes prêts à se saisir du pouvoir. Mais ce n’est là qu’un prétexte, tout comme l’intention affirmée de sauvegarder la sécurité des résidents américains ; en réalité l’intervention avait été décidée parce que les Etats-Unis considéraient que leurs intérêts étaient liés à la droite et à l’extrême-droite en République Dominicaine, et en premier lieu à ceux des militaires qui étaient pour le maintien des traditions dictatoriales et policières du régime de Trujillo."