Romae, Sumptibus Pontificii Instituti Biblici 1918 iv + 60pp. + 3 facimiles, 27cm., in the series "Monumenta Biblica et Ecclesiastica" vol.2, softcover, few foxing, small stamp, G, [text in Greek, commentary in Latin], R74198
Turnhout, Brepols, 1985 Hardback, LXXV+220 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503035819.
Languages: Latin.
Guilford and London, United society for Christian Literature, 1977, lg. in-4to, 1090 p., 3 col. + 93 p. 6 col. index + 23 p. 2 col. Scripture proper names, clothbound, jackett.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Les éditions du Cerf Paris, Cerf 2002. In-8 broché de 341 pages. Quelques Annotations au crayon de papier sinon Bon état
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
Un ouvrage de 345 pages, format 145 x 225 mm, broché, publié en 1957, Editions du Cerf, collection "Lectio Divina", bon état
2e édition corrigée
Phone number : 04 74 33 45 19
Zadoc Khan (Traduit du texte original par les membres du rabbinat français sous la direction du grand-rabbin).
Reference : DZN-1439
Tel-Aviv 1994, in-8, (2)-1590 pages-(3). Basane brune éditeur ornée à froid, tranches dorées,sous étui cartonné. Très bon état, jamais utilisée.(1400gr.)-(LXX).
Texte sur 2 colonne avec traduction justalinéaire.Texte hébraïque d'après la version massorétique. Nouvelle édition, 1994 avec traduction révisée.
Paris geuthner 1980. In-8 broché couverture illustrée XIX 440pp. Quelques illustrations dans le texte et à pleine page.
3e partie, complète en elle-même d'une étude qui en compte 4 sur la vie intellectuelle juive au Maroc. On trouvera entre autres chapitres: les langues juives au Maroc, les traductions judéo-arabes de la Bible, modèles arabes de la création poétique et musicale juive dans l'Occident musulman. (850)
Venetiis Apud Simonem Occhi 1753 ( E. O. ) in-4 ( 23 x 17,5 cm ) T. , (3) ff. n. ch. , 227 , (1) pp. . En latin avec citations en hébreu . Contient : Antonio Arrighio ... Antonius Zanolini S. P. D. ; Index capitum Disputationis primae ; Index capitum Disputationis secundae ; Index adnotationum Disputationis primae ; Index adnotationum Disputationis secundae ; Disputatio I De festis Judaeorum ; Disputatio II De sectis Judaeorum ; Adnotationes ad sabbati festum spectantes ; Adnotationes ad Judaeorum sectas spectantes ; Noi riformatori dello studio di Padova . Fig. au titre , lettrines , cul-de-lampe . Plein vélin de l' époque . Dos lisse , titre manucrit à l' encre . Très petits manques de vélin aux coupes et coins sup. . Qqs petits trous de vers au vélin . Travail de vers et tache marginale claire au début et à la fin . Restauration marginale ancienne aux 7 derniers ff. . ( Collat. complet )
" Un' opera , che meriterebbe un lungo estrato ..... Non è questa la prima opera , con cui il Signore Zanolini siasi fatto benemerito del pubblico " ( Storia letteraria d' Italia , in Modena , 1755 , vol. VIII , p. 237 ) . E. O. de ce rare ouvrage très érudit de l' abbé Antonio ZANOLINI ( 1693 - 1762 ) , orientaliste et professeur de langues hébraïque et syriaque à l' Université de Padoue , auteur d' un Lexicon hebraicum , d' un Lexicon syriacum et d' un Lexicon Chaldaico-Rabbinicum cum Rabbinorum abbreviaturis .
Phone number : 05 53 48 62 96
Henry Kündig - Félix Alcan. 1904. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. 158 pages. Etiquette de code sur le dos. Tampons et annotation de bibliothèque en page de titre.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Trad. de l'allemand par P. Meyer-Boggio de Stadelhofen. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Desclée de Brouwer Desclée de Brouwer 1967, In-8 cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette, 191 pages. Jaquette brunie sans gravité. Bon exemplaire
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
Romae, Pontificio Instituto Biblico 1949 xi + 119pp., 2nd enlarged and corrected edition, bound in a solid hardcover, text is clean and bright, good condition, R117565
Romae, Pontificio Instituto Biblico 1966 xviii + 193pp., 25cm., 5th ed., in the series "Scripta Pontificii Instituti Biblici", text in Latin, softcover, few annotations, ex.libr., stamp, G; R68685
Paris, Desclée & Cie. 1967 191pp., couv.cart., estampe, peu de soulignements sinon en bon état
Turnhout, Brepols, 2001 Hardback, CCLXXXVIII+350 p., + ill., 210 x 297 mm. ISBN 9782503506494.
This book is a comprehensive, descriptive catalogue of positively identified Manichaean artifacts housed in Berlin. The world's richest source of Manichaean texts and works of art is the Turfan region in East Central Asia, and the largest collection of such artifacts is found in Berlin. The Berlin Turfan collections resulted from four German expeditions that took place between 1902 and 1914. The commencement of the philological study of the thousands of manuscript fragments from Turfan led to the recognition of the first known, original Manichaean writings. Among these primary sources, Manichaean works of art were found as well. A sample of them, the best preserved items, appeared in two studies by Albert von Le Coq and a few pieces are frequently exhibited internationally and appear in catalogues published by the Berlin Museum of Indian Art. Besides these efforts, Turfan Manichaean art has enjoyed little art historical attention. A Manichaean artistic corpus has never been systematically identified among the Turfan remains. Artifacts belonging to this corpus have not been catalogued or examined by art historians as a whole. This book is a comprehensive, descriptive catalogue of positively identified Manichaean artifacts housed in Berlin. The majority of them belong to the State Museums of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, housed in the Museum for Indian Art, Berlin. In addition numerous illuminated book fragments are found within a manuscript collection belonging to the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and is deposited in the Berlin State Library of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. From the two Turfan collections, 93 item-groups have been selected according to a specific set of criteria. The main entries of this catalogue are organized according to media and are presented as illuminated book fragments, remnants of leather book covers, painted and embroidered textiles and fragments of wall paintings. The largest group, paper fragments, includes 68 pieces and is sub-divided by book-format - codex, scroll and pustake (palm leaf format). Languages: English.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1972 xii + 255pp., 24cm., hardcover (editor's blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine), in the series "Society for New Testament Studies. Monograph Series" volume 20, Good condition, R78533
Köln-Bonn, Peter Hanstein 1977 xix + 236 + [6]pp., 25cm., in the series "Bonner Biblische Beiträge" vol.47, cloth, 2 stamps, else VG, R70292
Zum Besten der Diaconissen-Anstalt zu Kaiserswerth a/Rhein - Lith. v Arnz & Cie in Düsseldorf, o.J., um 1830, in-Folio, 30 Tafeln, Wasserfleck am Rand u. in der unteren Ecke, Original H.-Lederband.
Der Tafel ‘Der barmherzige Samariter’ nennt als Zeichner ‘ZIMMERMANN Inv.’ und Stecher ‘STEIFENSAND sc.’ und ‘Zum Besten der Diaconissen-Anstalt zu Kaiserswerth und der damit verbundenen Krankenhauses für alle Confessionen’. Das letzte Blatt tragt ein Initial ‘C.D.’ Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
2004. Paris. Bayard. In-8. Br. 248 p. Etat neuf.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1994 Hardcover. 292 p., 165 x 245 mm, Languages: English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9780888443700.
The so-called Evangelium Nicodmi (EN), a fifth-century apocryphal passion narrative, showed remarkable vitality throughout the Middle Ages and by the close of the period established itself as one of the most influential religious texts, its authority approaching - though not often attaining - that of the canonical gospels. The importance of the EN for the religious culture of the Middle Ages has long been recognized, yet its scope and vicissitudes, its gradual evolution and transmission, have occasioned but a few tentative explorations. The reason for this paucity of detailed studies and for the continued absence of a comprehensive edition of the EN lies in the circumstances that make them all the more desirable - the apocryphon's enormous popularity in the Middle Ages and, as a natural corollary, the daunting abundance of extant manuscripts. Manuscripts of the Evangelium Nicodemi offers the first comprehensive listing of all known Latin manuscripts of the apocryphon. Descriptions of individual manuscripts provide information about the coodices (writing material, number of folios, size, date, place of origin, scribes, owners, contents) and about the texts those codices contain (incipits and explicit of the texts that make up the Evangelium). A series of five analytical and interpretative indexes serves as a guide to the composition of the Evangelium and its satellites, to the chronology of the manuscripts, to their contents, and to persons and places connected with them. The information gathered in this volume may be of assistance in studying the sources of vernacular translations of the Evangelium, patterns of its ownership and readership, medieval attitudes towards it, and the dynamics of its textual evolution; in investigating scribal practices of selection and compilation; and in identifying manuscripts of other apocrypha.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Hardback, 440 p., 7 colour ill., 230 x 315 mm. ISBN 9782503526089.
This volume presents two related texts of the Gospel of Nicodemus from the little known Central European tradition: a late medieval Polish translation of the apocryphon from the codex of Laurentius of Lask and its Latin model as preserved in Krakow, Biblioteka Jagiellonska MS 1509. Both Latin and Polish versions are remarkable as they retain several archaic features attested in the earliest witnesses of the apocryphon but lost in the mainstream medieval traditions. The book begins with and introduction presenting the Latin and Polish traditions as well as the characteristics of the manuscripts edited in the volume. The edition itself is in fact a four-column synopsis displaying side by side the transliteration, the translation, and the transcription of the Polish Ewangelia Nikodema and the edition of the Latin Evangelium Nicodemi. For each text a concordance as well as lists of forms and frequencies have been added. Polish-Latin and Latin Polish glossaries of all words and expressions used in the text complete this second Instrumenta volume. Ce volume presente deux textes de l'Evangile de Nicodeme appartenant a la tradition peu connue qui s'etait repandue en Europe centrale : une traduction polonaise medievale de l'ecrit apocryphe conservee dans le codex de Laurence de Lask ainsi que son modele latin tel qu'il est conserve dans le manuscrit 1509 de la Biblioteka Jagiellonska a Cracovie. Les deux versions se distinguent par le fait qu'elles preservent des caracteristiques presentes dans les plus anciens temoins du texte apocryphe, mais qui se sont perdu dans la tradition manuscrite majoritaire du moyen age. L'introduction qui presente les traditions latine et polonaise de l'apocryphe ainsi que les temoins etudies ici est suivi d'une synopse des deux versions sur quatre colonnes (translitteration, traduction en anglais et transcription de l'Ewangelia Nikodema et edition de l'Evangile de Nicodeme latin) qui permet une comparaison minutieuse des deux versions. Pour chaque texte, une concordance et des listes de frequences des termes et formes employes ont ete constituees. Enfin, un glossaire Polonais-Latin et un autre Latin-Polonais des mots et expressions utilises completent ce deuxieme volume des Instrumenta. Le volume s'adresse donc a la fois aux etudiants du polonais et du latin et aux medievistes curieux du sort de l'Evangile de Nicodeme en Europe centrale. Languages: English, Latin, Slavonic.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1977 Hardback, LXXXVI+301 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503034010.
Languages: Latin.
Bonn, Peter Hanstein 1978 449pp., 25cm., in the series "Bonner Biblische Beiträge" vol.52, cart.cover, 2 stamps, else VG, R70315
Bonn, Peter Hanstein Verlag 1972 xxxii + 591pp., 22cm., hardcover (editor's blue cloth with gilt lettering), in the series "Bonner Biblische Beiträge" volume 40, good condition, R78479
Stuttgart, Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk 1986 245pp., 23cm., cart.cover, 3 stamps (of which a small one at lower edges), else VG, R70117
Berlin, Walter de Gruyter 1992 ix + 267pp., in the series "Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentische Wissenschaft" volume 199, 24cm., publisher's hardcover in grey cloth, first blanco endpaper missing, else very good, R99577