Roma, Pontificio Instituto Biblico 1998 x + 600pp., 24cm., stamp on lower edges and title page, cloth
s.l., Echter Verlag 1974 xx + 386pp., 21cm., 2nd ed., softcover (some use), 2 stamps, interior VG, R70132
Leiden, Brill 1963 341pp., 25cm., in the series "Supplements to Vetus Testamentum" vol.9, cloth with gilt lettering on spine, 2 libr.stamps, else VG, R69608
Leiden, Brill 1969 244pp. + 2 plates out-of-text, 25cm., in the series "Supplements to Vetus Testamentum" vol.17, cloth with gilt lettering on spine, 2 libr.stamps, else VG, R69616
Leiden, Brill 1972 viii + 293pp., 25cm., in the series "Supplements to Vetus Testamentum" vol.22, cloth with gilt lettering on spine, 2 libr.stamps, else VG, R69624
Leiden, Brill 1986 149pp., contains 8 papers (in English) read at the joint British-Dutch Old Testament Conference held at Cambridge UK 1985, 25cm., publisher's hardcover in full cloth with gilt lettering, in the series "Oudtestamentische Studiën" volume XXIV, very good condition, R96094
Leuven, University Press / Peeters 1985 xi + 382pp., 25cm., in the series "Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium" vol.68, softcover, 2 stamps (of which a small one at lower edges), G, R69928
Münster, Aschendorff 1996 viii + 447pp., 24cm., in the series "Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen. Neue Folge" vol.31, cloth, 3 stamps (of which a small one at lower edges), else VG, R70086
Stuttgart, Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk 1975 189pp., 23cm., in the series "Stuttgarter Biblische Beiträge", softcover (some use), 2 stamps, interior VG, R70105
Leiden, Brill 1967 viii + 429pp. + portrait, 25cm., in the series "Supplements to Vetus Testamentum" vol.16, cloth with gilt lettering on spine, 2 libr.stamps, else VG, R69612
Leiden, Brill 1977 129pp., contains 6 papers in English read at the joint British-Dutch Old Testament conference held at Louvain 1976, text in English, 25cm., publisher's hardcover in full cloth with gilt lettering, in the series "Oudtestamentische Studiën" volume XX, very good condition, R96092
Leuven, Peeters 2023 xcii + 387pp., 25cm., in the series "Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensum" volume 333, softcover, dustwrapper, New condition, ISBN 978-90-429-5048-1, R116393
Leiden, Brill 1974 150pp., contains 7 papers (in English) read at the joint British-Dutch Old Testament conference held at London 1973, 25cm., publisher's hardcover in full cloth with gilt lettering, in the series "Oudtestamentische Studiën" volume XIX, very good condition, R96093
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998 628pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68370
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1997 625pp.with ills., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68371
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1996 631pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68372
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1995 635pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68373
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1994 633pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68374
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1993 635pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68375
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1992 635pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68376
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1991 634pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68377
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1990 635pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68378
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1985 633pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68379
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1984 635pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68380
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1983 583pp., 25cm., cloth, few stamps, VG, R68381