Turnhout, Brepols, 1999 Hardback, 970 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503508474.
Languages: English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1999 Hardback, 970 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503508450.
During his short lifetime (c. 330 - 1 January 379), Basil of Caesarea's advice was sought by government officials, ecclesiastics, monks, military and ordinary people, the rich and dispossessed, even by those who did not belong to the Christian church. The appeal to him continued after his death. Councils, oecoumenical and regional, theologians, chroniclers, historians, compilers of the numerous biblical catenae and florilegia-makers, artists and painters found in his works continuous inspiration. Volume Four collects for the first time the largest number of testimonials and references to him in Greek, Latin, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Georgian, Old Slavonic, Syriac and many a modern language. It draws primarily from the many unpublished sources - some 8.000 manuscripts - but also from post-medieval and current critical editions. The volume provides a comprehensive coverage of the various liturgies and prayers attributed to Basil, with an accurate identification of all their various components, making this an indispensable tool for any researcher interested in studying these public and private expressions of Christian faith over the last two millenia. In addition Volume Four gives the most detailed account of all the largest canonical collections in which Basil, from their inception, always occupied a preeminent place. The appeal to the great Capadocian was not confined to verbal expressions alone, but extended into imagery, making him one of the favourites of the manuscript illuminators, engravers, painters of icons and churches and even sculptors. Volume Four provides a comprehensive and reliable coverage of all and each one of these aspects of Basil's "Nachleben", while at the same time it aims at charting new avenues of research. Languages: English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1997 Hardback, 858 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503505909.
The remaining treatises of Basil - ascetic, dogmatic and exegetic - are given full coverage in the manner and style of the previous volumes. The bulk is taken up by the Ascetica. Twelve recensions of the Great Asketikon are identified, seven in Greek and five more in one of the nine languages of some of which the Greek original is no longer extant. Studied are also the versions into Armenian, Arabic, Coptic, Georgian, Latin, Old Slavonic and Syriac. Reconstituted for the first time ever is the complete Asketikon of Basil or Asketikon B made up of 370 erotapokriseis. The reconstituted Asketikon attests to the existence of authentic pieces eventually discarded or replaced by Basil himself because of changed opinion (on his part) or changed circumstances (provinces of Pontos, instead of Cappadocia, or vice versa). In addition the three Books against Eunomios, the treatise on the Holy Spirit to Amphilochios and the remaining works ascribed to Basil are treated. Languages: English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1996 Hardback, 510 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503505213.
Languages: English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1996 Hardback, 818 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503505190.
The second volume of the Bibliotheca Basiliana Vniversalis covers all the extant mss, translations and editions of Basil of Caesarea's Homiliae morales, and more than 300 homiletic type adaptations. In addition, it provides descriptions of a number of the mss and editions of the letters that were left out volume one, and of all the editions and translations both of the homilies and the letters from ca.1470 to the present. Besides the native tongue of Basil, some twenty other languages are represented. Throughout an attempt has been made at correcting some of the descriptions of the sixteenth- century composite editions which the homilies share with the letters and the ascetica. Also in this volume have been included many mss, editions and translations of the Vita s. Basilii of Ps.-Amphilochius (CPG 3253), the Laudatio of Ps.Ephraem (BHG 246) and the Laudatio of Ioannes XIII Glykys, Patriarch of Constantinople (1315-1319; BHG 262h) even when they were found in mss containing no works of Basil. The method employed in this volume is very similar to that adopted in the first volume. In the first three chapters all the corpora of the Homiliae and the Hexaemeron are described, in Greek and in eight ancient languages into which Basil has been translated, namely Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopic, Georgian, Latin, Old Slavonic and Syriac. Chapters Four to Ten are home to some 6000 mss written both in Greek (Classical en Demotic) and the eight languages. The mss are housed in some 400 libraries whose locations span from the Atlantic Ocean to the Volga River. Chapters eleven and twelve provide extensive coverage of all the editions from ca.1470 to the present. Languages: English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2010 Hardback, 797 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503503011.
Languages: English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Hardback, VIII+976 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503516677.
The whole concept and dynamic of the five-volume Bibliotheca Basiliana Vniuersalis (1993-2004) can be seen in the form of an interlocking structure. There is no proper start nor finish in such a picture, but a wavelike motion leading from one block/particle to another, a very much quantum entity like anything else. Since nothing better illustrates the quantum reality than a picture of a ladder with jumps from rung to rung, so is the BBV. Hence one could say that a ladder-like project, such as the BBV, has reached with this volume in a spacetime continuum warp the final rung in accordance with a pre-planned design. All a matter of convention and convenience rather than intrinsic necessity. After dealing directly with the manuscripts, editions, translations, my project wraps up with the complete records of the names of those who since the second half of the fifteenth century have published their works and whose records have survived the ravages of time. Cross-listed are here also all the printed editions and translations quoted fully in BBV i-iv. BBV v incorporates further more than just works specifically or exclusively dealing with Basil, ?his life, teaching, Nachleben,?, as it covers also many of the studies dealing with the historical period and geographical setting he lived in and which have a bearing on a better and more accurate understanding of his thought and significance. Unlike any other author, for instance Origen, John Chrysostom or Augustine of Hippo, Basil by himself encompasses the vast areas of spirituality, theology, philosophy, linguistics, kanon law, liturgy, florilegia, catenae, painting, gender issues, and in most instances not just implicitely but explicitely. To be sure, if one were to leave out works dealing with the environment, demography, literary genres, gender issues, imperial administration, geography, numismatics, archaeology, palaeography, diplomatics?much would be missing from the true picture of his achievements or shortcomings, in other words, from a correct understanding of his role in history conceived as the carrying out of one's life in a world open to the widest spectrum of lived possibilities. Languages: English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1987 Hardback, XXIII+391 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503009179.
Languages: Latin, .
Paris/ Lyon, Périsse frères 1842 viii + 408pp., tranches dorés, reliure cart.avec dos en cuir (titre et décorations dorées au dos, charnières peu fatiguées), bon état
Paris, Giraud 1865 2 tomes en 1 volume: xi,370 + 377pp., 2e édition revue et considérablement augmentée, reliure cart. (dos en cuir avec titree doré), 23cm., qqs. cachets et rousseurs, bon état, R51723
Giraud Louis, Nimes. 1865. In-8. Relié plein cuir. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos à nerfs, Quelques rousseurs. 375p le tome 1 et 399 p le tome 2,dos décoré de caissons dorés, titre et tomaison dorés, plats décorés d'empreinte et de lauriers dorés tranche dorée.Institution de St Stanislas à Nimes, Prix d'honneur.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
2 ème édition revue et considérablement augmentée. Tome 1 : Etat de critique et avantages d'un cours de littérature bilbique, étude sur la langue hébraïque, étude sur la métrique des Hébreux, Moïse, Job, David, Salomon, Isae, tome 2 : mélanges, les Patriarches. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Paris, Louis Giraud, 1865 15 x 23, 2 volumes, 375 + 403 pp., reliures dos cuir, bon état (quelques rousseurs peu gênantes, cachets du Collège jésuite Saint Stanislas à Mons)
Librairie Ch. Poussièlgue, Paris. 1902. In-12. Broché. Etat passable, Plats abîmés, Dos abîmé, Non coupé. 407 pages. Etiquette de code sur la couverture. Quelques tampons de bibliothèque. Manques sur le dos et les bords du 2e plat. 1er plat manquant. 1ers cahiers se détachant.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Récits des Synoptiques et de saint Jean. Quelques Paraboles. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Librairie Ch. Poussièlgue, Paris. 1902. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Plats abîmés, Dos fané, Intérieur acceptable. 504 pages. Papier muet encollé sur le dos, le consolidant. Etiquette de code sur la couverture. Quelques tampons de bibliothèque. Manques sur le bord su 1e plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
3e édition. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Librairie Ch. Poussielgue. 1902. In-12. Relié toilé. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 407 pages. 3e édition. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Turnhout, Brepols, 1982 Hardback, CCCXLI+278 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503007915.
Languages: Latin.
[Ricardus Watts Richard Watts] - PLATT, Thomas Pell ; [ ABU RUMI ; ASSELIN DE CHERVILLE ]
Reference : 37035
Edidit Thomas Pell Platt A.M., 1 vol. petit in-4 reliure de l'époque pleine basane marron estampée à froid, impression en deux couleurs, Impensis Societatis Ad Biblia sacra in Britannia et apud exteras gentes evulganda Institutae, Impressit Ricardus Watts [Richard Watts ], Londini [ Londres, London ], 1829, [-]2, B-Z4 2A-2Q4, 2R2, B*-Z*4, AA*-ZZ*4, AAA*-DDD*4, DDD**4.
Très rare exemplaire de la première traduction du Nouveau Testament en Amharique. Le consul français au Caire, Jean Louis Asselin de Cherville, avait élaboré durant 10 années cette traduction avec le secours d'Abu Rumi (l'ancien traducteur de l'explorateur James Bruce). Il n'existait auparavant que des traductions partielles en amharique, et la bible éthiopienne existait seulement en langue Ge'ez. Le manuscrit en fut acquis par William Jowett au bénéfice de la British and Foreign Bible Society. Le présent exemplaire est parfaitement conforme à la collation indiquée par Fumagalli dans sa Bibliografia Etiopica, 1384 : "Questo Nuovo Testamento si compono dei Vangeli del 1824 e degli altri liberi stampati nel 1829. Il volume ha il seguente registro : da B a 2R (fine dei Vangeli), da B* a DDD*, piu la segn. DDD*** e i due frontesp. latino ed amarico. Il quad. 2R non ha che due carte". La reliure d'origine est conservée, mais a été renforcée à l'adhésif. Hormis un très petit travail de vers marginal en début d'ouvrage, le texte est d'une fraîcheur remarquable. The first complete New Testament published in Amharic. The translator, Abu Rumi, was an Abyssinian monk. He was helped by M. Asselin de Cherville, French consul in Cairo. The editor was P. T. Platt, (1798-1852), librarian of the British and Foreign Bible Society, assisted by Samuel Lee, professor of Arabic at Cambridge. They bought the manuscript of the Bible for 1250.00 £. Darlow-Moule 1558.
Bouasse-Jeune et Cie. 1903. In-12. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos frotté, Intérieur bon état. 186 pages, annotations dans le texte, mors frottés.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Turnhout, Brepols, 1976 Hardback, XXXVI+322 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503034614.
Languages: Latin.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1984 Hardback, XIII+360 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503034638.
Languages: Latin.
Letouzey & Ané. 1912. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 119 pages. Ruban adhésif gris encollé sur le dos, le consolidant. Etiquette de code sur la couverture. Quelques tampons de bibliothèque. Cahiers se détachant légèrement.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Thèse pour le Doctorat prés. à la Faculté de Théologie d'Angers. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Turnhout, Brepols, 2010 Hardback, XCIV+105 p., 1 b/w ill. + 3 colour ill., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503529103.
Il Contra Amaurianos di Garnerio di Rochefort costituisce la piu ampia testimonianza e la piu compiuta confutazione della eresia di Amalrico di Bene e dei suoi discepoli, che fu condannata nel 1210 nel Sinodo provinciale di Sens, svoltosi a Parigi, insieme ai libri naturales di Aristotele, ai Quaternuli di David di Dinant e ai libri di teologia in volgare. Scritto nel 1210, probabilmente poco tempo prima del verdetto ecclesiastico, elenca i diversi punti dottrinali dell'eresia e li confuta uno ad uno. Insieme al Contra Amaurianos sono editi gli altri documenti del XIII secolo relativi ad Amalrico e ai suoi seguaci: atti del processo, censure ufficiali, sermoni, cronache storiche, testi teologici e canonici. Un'ampia introduzione affronta i problemi della attribuzione e datazione del testo, ne esamina le fonti, e perviene a ricostruire - con esiti molto diversi dalla storiografia tradizionale - il pensiero degli eretici. Sulla base di una nuova classificazione e valutazione dei testi, la dottrina amalriciana non e piu posta in rapporto all'universo speculativo del Periphyseon di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena, ma si configura come un sistema ispirato a un radicale rifiuto di Dio e della trascendenza, lontano dalla tradizione cristiana e isolato nello scenario dei movimenti ereticali. Languages: Latin, Italian.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2006 Hardback, 229 p., 155 x 245 mm. Corpus Christianorum CXLII ISBN 9782503044217.
The De sex rerum principiis is a twelfth-century (c. 1155) pseudonymous philosophical cosmology attributed to Hermes Mercurius Triplex, which has been read and cited frequently in the Middle Ages. Solidly placed within the Hermetic tradition by authors writing as early as the late twelfth-century, the text is unique in the medieval Hermetic tradition as quoting at length well-known authors of its own time such as William of Conches, Bernardus Silvestris, Adelard of Bath, and Hugh of St. Victor. Also unique is the amount of material quoted verbatim from Latin translations of Arabic astrological texts composed by al-Qabisi, Saul ben Bishr, and Masha' allah, and from the best known astrologer of late antiquity, Firmicus Maternus. While these sources provide the author with a wealth of cosmological data, Ps. Hermes himself provides the philosophical framework of cosmic principles which govern discrete regions of the cosmos. Consequently, apart from being an important witness to the new integration of Arabic astrological texts into the Latin intellectual climate of the twelfth century, the text is especially interesting as an example of philosophical cosmology seeking to account for all the dynamics of the universe by means of a particular set of divine principles. Like William of Conches, whom he quotes at length, Ps. Hermes sees the motions of the cosmos as fundamentally immanent motions of divine power, although unlike the Chartrian author, who grounds the dynamics of the material cosmos in the transcendental motions of the Trinity, especially the Holy Spirit, the author of the De sex rerum principiis makes no mention of Christian themes, preferring, perhaps under the cover of his ancient pseudonym, to characterize his principles by a hierarchy of traditional Western philosophical terms: causa, ratio, natura, mundus, machina mundi, and tempus/temporalia. Furthermore, as a result of its unique characterization of the action of divine immanence as the qualitative motion itself of the cosmos, the De sex rerum principiis must be seen as one of the most important witnesses to the continuing allure of Stoic physics in the Middle Ages. Finally, the De sex rerum principiis is an important witness to twelfth-century conventions of reading and composition: while unattributed verbatim quotations of sources are placed strategically throughout the text, upon closer inspection one finds that the pseudonymous author has made subtle changes to virtually all of them in a way that provides the reader with a subtextual narrative that reveals important clues to his underlying philosophical agenda, as well as to the literary unity of the work itself. Languages: Latin, Italian, English.
1776 in-12, XXXVI, 551pp., rel. époque. P. Estienne 1776,
Par l'auteur du "Spectacle de la Nature".
Phone number : 33 (0)6 77 77 12 33
Paris Chez les Frères Estienne 1764 in 12 (17x10) 1 volume reliure plein veau fauve de l'époque, dos lisse orné de caissons dorés, tranches teintées bleu, pièce de titre de maroquin rouge, XLII [9] et 468 pages. Noël Antoine Pluche. Edition originale. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Couverture rigide Ed. originale