KNABENBAUER Iosephus S.J. (& HAGEN Martinus S.J., editiuonem alteram recognovit et complevit)
Reference : R42900
Parisiis, Lethielleux 1924-1923 2 parts: viii,606 + xiv,593 pp., text in latin, small stamp, 2 parts bound together in half-cloth, 25cm., VG, in the series "Cursus Scripturae Sacrae, auctoribus R.Cornely, I.Knabenbauer, Fr. de Hummelauer aliisque Soc. Iesu presbyteris" Sectio altera: Commentarii in Vetus Testamentum, Vol.24-25 (Prophetae minores)
Parisiis [Paris], Lethielleux 1891 524pp., attractive hardcover binding, spine in black leather with gilt lettering, in the series "Cursus scripturae sacrae - commentatorium in V.T. Pars III. In libros propheticos" volume IV (Daniel propheta lamentationes et Baruch), few stamps, text in Latin, text clean, good condition, R16063
Parisiis, Lethielleux 1907 [viii] + 440 pp., text in latin, small stamp, half-cloth binding, 25cm., in the series "Cursus Scripturae Sacrae, auctoribus R.Cornely, I.Knabenbauer, Fr. de Hummelauer aliisque Soc. Iesu presbyteris" ; Commentariorum in Vet. Test. Pars I in Libros Historicos" vol.XI (Duo libri Machabaeorum), good condition, R42888
Parisiis [Paris], Lethielleux 1902 [vi] 476, LXXXIII pp., text in latin, hardcover binding with leather spine and gilt lettering, 25cm., in the series "Cursus Scripturae Sacrae, auctoribus R.Cornely, I.Knabenbauer, Fr. de Hummelauer aliisque Soc. Iesu presbyteris. Commentariorum in V.T. Pars II. in Libros Didacticos" volume VI (Ecclesiasticus), stamp, text clean and bright, good condition, R42895
Parisiis [Paris], Letthielleux 1890 [vi +] 543pp., in the series "Cursus scripturae sacrae - Commentatorium in V.T. Pars III. In libros prophetos" volume III (Ezechiel propheta), 25cm., text in Latin, atteactive hardcover binding, spine in black leather with gilt lettering, text clean with only few foxing, good condition, R16062
Parisiis, Lethielleux 1912 [viii] 492 pp., text in latin, few small stamps, half-cloth, 25cm., VG, in the series "Cursus Scripturae Sacrae, auctoribus R.Cornely, I.Knabenbauer, Fr. de Hummelauer aliisque Soc. Iesu presbyteris" ; Commentariorum in Vet.Test. Pars II. in Libros Didacticos" vol.II (Liber Psalmorum)
Parisiis, Lethielleux 1910 [viii] + 271 pp., text in latin, hardcover (marbled plates, spine in leather), 25cm., few stamps, in the series "Cursus Scripturae Sacrae, auctoribus R.Cornely, I.Knabenbauer, Fr. de Hummelauer aliisque Soc. Iesu presbyteris" ; Commentariorum in Vet. Test. Pars II. In Libros Didacticos" vol.III (Liber proverbiorum), good condition, R42897
Sheed & Ward. 1945. In-12. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 573 pp., titre doré. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
of our lord and saviour Jesus-Christ. a new translation. ouvrage en anglais. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Paris, Desclée De Brouwer, 1953. 13 x 20, 187 pp., broché, bon état (cachets du collège jésuite Saint Stanislas à Mons).
Giessen, Alfred Töpelmann 1930 xii + 188pp., 24cm., softcover, in the series "Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft" volume 11, pages still uncut, Good condition, R78606
Leuven, University Press/ Peeters 1989 198pp., 24cm., softcover, in the series "Studiorum Novi Testamenti Auxilia" volume 14, text in English, with summary in Dutch, very good condition, R93189
Fleurus. 1978. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 119 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
En 10 textes les auteurs proposent de découvrir les nervures principales de l'Evangile de Marc. Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Complexe, coll. « Textes » 1986 In-8 broché 23 cm sur 15,4. 125 pages. Couverture défraîchie, intérieur frais. État correct d’occasion.
Etat correct d’occasion
Leiden, Brill 1959 xii + 479pp., 25cm., in the series "Studia post-biblica" vol.1, cloth, 2 stamps, else VG, R69636
Cairo, Nubar Press 1944 12 + 822pp. + 1 portrait out of text, text in Armenian, original softcover, 22cm., in the series "Hratarakouthiun Haj Azgajin Himnadrami matenasar" volume 1, text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, X116749
Neukirchen, Neukirchener Verlag 1983 viii + 591pp., 22cm., softcover, 3 stamps (of which one at lower edges), else VG, R70165
Augspurg, (Augsburg) Kraussen, Anno M.DCC., 1700, in-4to, (33.5x22 cm, 1) 2 Tafeln (gest. Frontispiz + Titel) + 22 Tafeln / 2) 2 Tafeln + 23 bis 44 / 3) 2 Tafeln + 45 bis 76 / 4) 2 Tafeln + 77 bis 112 (ohne die Tafeln 94 - 99 - 104) / 5) 2 Tafeln + Tafel 113 bis 135 (ohne die Tafel 136) Alle Tafeln mit je 2 Kupfern, Pergament der Zeit, Rückentitel.
Mit 5 gest. Frontispiz Kupfertafeln + 5 gest. Titeln (mit Schnörkeln) + 132 (von 136) gest. Tafeln mit je 2 Kupferillustrationen. Frühe Ausgabe. Einige Blätter mit ausgebesserten Eckabrissen und kl. Einrissen. Etwas fingerfleckig. Krauss „Historische Bilder-Bibel“ gilt als ein Höhepunkt der Augsburger Kupferstecherkunst. Alltogether 142 copperplates (of 146). Missing 4 plates: 94 - 99 - 104 & 136.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Academic Press Fribourg Vandenhoeck Ruprecht Orbis Bilicus et Orientalis 2009 Academic Press, Fribourg, Suisse / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 2009 (copyright), 307 p., cartonnage éditeur, environ 23x16cm, bon état.
Des articles en français et d'autres en allemand. Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.
Erlenbach-Zürich, München, Rotapfel-Verlag, (1924). Folio. (10) S. Mit 12 mont. farb. Illustr. von Ernst Kreidolf auf Tafeln. Illustr. Orig.-Halbleinenmappe.
Huggler 194. – Einzige Ausgabe, mit religiösen Darstellungen aus dem Spätwerk von Ernst Kreidolf (1863–1956), der sich bereits ab 1900 einem spätromantischen Naturlyrismus u. religiösen Themen zuwandte. – Mappe kaum berieben. - In sehr gutem Zustand.
Bielefeld, 1805 xvi + 727pp., 19cm., German text in Gothic script, contemporary hardcover (spine in leather, some traces of use), some slight browning of paper, good condition, R101491
Dresden, Verlag von Gustav Dietze, 1870. in-8 (145 x 105 mm.), 331 pp., reliure percaline, décors à froid sur les plats, dos lisse orné de caissons doré, dos insolé, mors frotté, défaut à la coiffe sup. et petit manque en pied du dos, défaut à la charnière, 1 tache sur la page de titre, assez bon exemplaire.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1993 hardback, LVI+274 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503041810.
Written in 1159, the full text of Policraticus survives in over 60 manuscripts. This new critical edition is the first to examine all the surviving twelfth and thirteenth century manuscripts, as well as some later ones. The text is based on 11 manuscripts, ranging in date from c. 1160 to 1406. The detailed examination of the manuscripts and the manuscript tradition in the Introduction isolates two authorial versions of the text. Both versions were recorded in London BL Royal 13 D IV, the earliest and most authoritative of the extants manuscripts. This manuscript was used by the last editor, C.C.J. Webb, for his 1909 edition, but his preference for MS Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 48 meant that in effect he printed the earlier version of the text. The evidence of Royal 13 D IV suggests that Salisbury revised the text to produce his second version before he went into exile in 1166. The evidence of two later manuscripts indicates that a major revision of the text, constituting a non-authorial third version, originated in Italian jurist circles in the mid-fourteenth century. The manuscript tradition bears comparison with that of Salisbury's other major work, Metalogicon (the subject of a recent exhaustive study by Dr Keats-Rohan), which has been revealed as the key to Policraticus by P. von Moos and others. The readings of the four previous editions have been added to those of the MSS in the apparatus criticus, in order to produce a full account of the textual transmission of the work. The new edition adopts C.C.J. Webb's acclaimed apparatus fontium in extenso, though the opportunity has been taken to revise and to augment it, based on the publications of recent years as well as archive work. In addition, quite apart from reference to John's sources, Webb's app. font. contains much information about the way that Policraticus was used by later writers. Languages: Latin.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Hardback, 408 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503050799.
Die geestelike brulocht is the Middle Dutch opus magnum of Jan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381), the Flemish mystic who lived in Brussels as priest at St.-Gudule church before retreating into the Foret de Soignes to become the first prior of the regular canon priory of Groenendaal. In the Brulocht Ruusbroec describes from experience the three stages of the mystical life, culminating in the contemplative life. First known in and around Brussels, and later throughout the Low Countries, Ruusbroec soon became renowned up to the foot of the Alps. The dissemination of Ruusbroec's texts was greatly enhanced by three early Latin translations of Willem Jordaens (? - 1372), a confrere at Groenendaal. His translation of Die geestelike brulocht in particular, as stylistically exuberant as it was accurate with regard to its mystical-theological content, gave Ruusbroec an immense stature. Willem Jordaens's De ornatu spiritualium nuptiarum was soon disseminated in Brabant, France, England and Italy, even reaching present-day Poland. This early distribution was, it seems, brought to a halt by repeated condemnations from c. 1400 on by the Paris chancellor Jean Gerson (1363-1429), the irony being that it was De ornatu that brought Ruusbroec's Geestelike brulocht to Gerson's attention. The value of the text was rediscovered by Jacques Lefevre d'Etaples, who, through the 1512 Paris edition of De ornatu by Henri Estienne, used it in the spread of Christian humanism in sixteenth-century France. Languages: Latin, English.
EMMAUS. 1998. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 293 pages - tampon sur la page de garde.. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
MICHEL LEVY FRERES. 1866-1879. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Mors fendus, Intérieur frais. xxiv+602+iii+672 pages - couverture conservée - tampons annotations à l'encre et étiquettes (dos) de bibliothèque - contreplats jaspés - tranches en tête rouges - 3 PHOTOS DISPONIBLES. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
traduite par M.A. Pierson avec une préface de M. Arnest Renan Classification Dewey : 220-Bible