Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1979 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 211 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Introduction and Bibliographical Sources - Classified Bibliography : A. History of Science : General References and Tools - B. Science and its History from Special Points of View - C. Histories of the Special Sciences - D. Chronological Classification
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1987 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 274 pages
Revue Isis - A. Mark Smith - Ann Hibner Koblitz - Li Peishan - Emilie Savage-Smith - Stephen Jay Gould
Reference : 27829
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1988 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 172 pages
few figures Contents, Chapitres : A. Mark Smith : The psychology of visual perception in Ptolemy's optics - Ann Hibner Koblitz : Science, women, and the Russian Intelligentsia, the generation of the 1860s - Li Peishan : Genetics in China : the Qingdao Symposium of 1956 - Islamic science : Emilie Savage-Smith : Gleanings from an Arabist's Workshop, current trends in the study of Medieval science and technolgy, survey of 43 books, catalogue, articles - History of biology : Stephen Jay Gould on William Provine 's Sewall Wright and evolutionary biology - Mark B. Adams on I.I. Schmalhausen : Factors of evolution, the theory of stabilizing selection, ed. by Theodosius Dobzhansky - other essay reviews very few annotations in the margins
Revue Isis - Anthony Stranges - G. N. Cantor - Douglas R. Weiner
Reference : 32452
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1984 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 173 pages
few figures "Contents, Chapitres : Articles : Anthony Stranges : Friedrich Bergius and the Rise of the German Synthetic Fuel Industry - G. N. Cantor : Berkeley's The Analyst Revisited - Douglas R. Weiner : Community Ecology in Stalin's Russia : ""Socialist"" and Bourgeois"" Science. - Critiques and Contentions : Mary Jo Nye : Scientific Decline : Is Quantitative Evaluation Enough?- News of the Profession : Eloge : M. T. D'Alverny : Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli, 11 Nov. 1917-18 Dec. 1981. - Essay Reviews : Henrika Kuklick. on James Clifford's Person and Myth : Maurice Leenhardt in the Melanesian World - Sir Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard's History of Anthropological Thought, edited by Andre Singer. - Ian Langham's The Building of British Anthropology : W. H. R. Rivers and his Cambridge Disciples in the Development of Kinship Studies 1898-1931 - Lorraine Daston on Philip Kitcher's The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge. - Book reviews, 57 reviews, and a special section ""History of Technology"", 22 reviews - Notes on Contributors - Index to volume 75." working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations at ink on cover and on page 740, otherwise fine copy
Revue Isis - Charles E. Rosenberg - I. B. Cohen - Th. Gieryn - Steven Shapin - Robert K. Merton - R. L. Numbers - D. K. Hill
Reference : 32441
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1988 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 209 pages
few figures "Contents, Chapitres : Editorial : Charles E. Rosenberg : Woods or Trees : Ideas and Actors in the History of Science - Symposium on the 50th Anniversary of Science, Technology and Society : I. B. Cohen : The Publication of the Review : Circumstances and Consequences. - Th. Gieryn : Distancing Science from Religion in 17th-century England - Steven Shapin : Understanding the Merton Thesis - Articles : Robert K. Merton : The Matthew Effect in Science, II : Cumulative advantage and the Symbolism of Intellectual Property. - R. L. Numbers : G. F. Wright : From Christian Darwinist to Fundamentalist - D. K. Hill : Galileo's Experiments on Projectile motion and the Law of Fall - News of the Profession : F. Lox ; F Vandamme : Laudatio of Robert K. Merton. - Essay Reviews : J. W. Konwitz on J. B. Hatrley & D. Woodward's History of Cartography, vol.I : Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean - R. R. John Jr on J. R. Beniger's The Control Revolution : Origins of the Information Society. - Book reviews, 62 reviews, Notes on Contributors - Index." working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations at ink on cover and on 11 pages, otherwise fine copy
Revue Isis - Edward Grant - Londa L. Schiebinger - Annie Petit
Reference : 32455
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1987 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 183 pages
few figures Contents, Chapitres : Articles : Edward Grant : Celestial Orbs in the Latin Middle Ages - Londa L. Schiebinger : Maria Winkelmann at the Berlin Academy : A turning point for Women in Science - Annie Petit : Claude Bernard on the History of Science. - History of Science Society Lecture : Frederic L. Holmes : Scientific Writing and Scientific Discovery - News of the Profession : Annual Meeting - 1986 Sarton Medal Citation - - Essay Reviews : Jed Z. Buchwald on Christa Jungnickel and Russel McCormach's Intellectual Mastery of Nature : Theoretical Physics from Ohm to Einstein, vol. I : The Torch of Mathematics, 1800-1870 - and William Montgomery on David Kohn's The Darwinian Heritage and the state of the Darwin industry. - Book reviews, 76 reviews
Revue Isis - Evelleen Richards - Pedro M. Pruna - Michael Aaron Dennis - Heinrich A. Medicus - Erna Hilfstein and William H. Donahue - C. Stewart Gillmor
Reference : 70105
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1994 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's green illustrated wrappers grand In-8 1 vol. - 194 pages
few figures in black and white Contents, Chapitres : Pages 377 to 571 - 1. Articles : Evelleen Richards : A political anatomy of monsters, hopeful and otherwise : Teratogeny, Transcendentalism and Evolutionary theorizing - Pedro M. Pruna : National science in a colonial context : The Royal Academy of Sciences of Havana, 1861-1898 - Michael Aaron Dennis : Our first line of defense : Two University Laboratories in the Postwar American State - 2. Notes and documents : Heinrich A. Medicus : The friendship among three singular men : Einstein and his Swiss friends Besso and Zangger - 3. Letters to the editor : Erna Hilfstein and William H. Donahue - 4. Essay reviews : C. Stewart Gillmor : Science and travel in extreme latitudes - 5. Book reviews near fine copy, no markings
Revue Isis - Frederick B. Churchill - Lynn Nyhart - Jonathan Harwood
Reference : 32445
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1987 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 169 pages
few figures Contents, Chapitres : pages 337 to 505 - The Life Sciences in Germany : Frederick B. Churchill : From heredity theory to Vererbung : the transmission problem, 1850-1855 - Lynn Nyhart : The institutional geography of German morphology, 1870-1900 - Jonathan Harwood : National styles in science : genetics in Germany and the United States between the World Wars - News of the profession : Eloge, Joseph Ewans : Frans Verdoorn - 1906-1984 - Essay reviews : Steven Shapin on Henry Oldenburg's Correspondence, vols. I-XIII, edited by Marie Boas Hall and A. Rupert Hall - Andy Pickering on Robert Crease and Charles Mann's The second creation, makers of the revolution in Twentieth-Century physics - Abraham Pais's Inward bound, of matter and forces in the physical world and Peter Watkins' s The Story of the W and Z - Erich H. Robinson on Brooke Hindle and Steven Lubar's Engines of change, the American Industrial Revolution, 1790-1860 - Books reviews, 69 reviews working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations at ink on about 15 pages, otherwise fine copy
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1982 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 129 pages
few figures Contents, Chapitres : Joan Mark : Francis La Flesche : the American Indian as anthropologist - B.J.T. Dobbs : Newton 's Alchemy and his theory of matter - Jonathan Porter : The scientific community in Early Modern China - notes and correspondence : C.E. Perrin : A lost identity : Philippe Frédéric, baron de Dietrich, 1748-1793 - Nathan Reingold : letter to the editor - Eloge : Tore Frängsmyr : Sten Lindroth , 1914-1981 - essay reviews : Frank Miller Turner on The parliament of science, the British association for the advancement of science, edited by Roy Macleod and Peter Collins - Gentlemen of science : early years of the British association for the advancement of science, by Jack Morrell and Arnold Thackray - Roy Macleod on A guide to the culture of science, technology,.. Edited by Paul T. Durbin few words handwritten on the cover
Revue Isis - Joseph O'Rourke - Victor L. Hilts - Howard Plotkin - Deborah Jean Warner - Denis Corish
Reference : 33245
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1978 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 158 pages
few figures Contents, Chapitres : Articles : Joseph O'Rourke : A comparison of James Hutton 's Principles of knowledge and Theory of the Earth - Victor L. Hilts : Aliis exterendum - or the origins of the Statistical Society of London - Howard Plotkin : Edward C. Pickering and the endowment of scientific research in America, 1877-1918 - Deborah Jean Warner : Science education for women in Antebellum America - Denis Corish : Aristotle on Temporal order : now, before and after - Eloge - Joe D. Burchfield and Paul L. Farber, Richard Westfall : Joseph Schiller - 1906-1977 - Notes and correspondence : Henry Frankel : The importance of Galileo 's nontelescopic observations concerning the size of the fixed stars - Peter W. van der Pas : The Latin translation of Benjamin Franklin 's letters on electricity - Roger H. Stuewer : Annual meeting, 1977 - Richard S. Westfall : Award of the 1977 Sarton medal to D.T. Whiteside - Book reviews very few annotations on the wrappers, and inside, otherwise fine copy
Revue Isis - Lissa Roberts - Simon Baatz - Frank J. Sulloway
Reference : 21541
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1991 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 234 pages
few figures Contents, Chapitres : Lissa Roberts: A Word and the World, the Significance of Naming the Calorimeter (25 pp. - 2 fig.) - Simon Baatz: Squinting at Silliman, Scientific Periodicals in the Early American Republic, 1810-1833 (22 pp. - 2 fig.) - Frank J. Sulloway : Reassessing Freud's Case Histories, the Social Construction of Psychoanalysis (31 pp. and 4 fig.) - new on the profession - reviews of journals - Abir-Am on Lives of Nobel Laureatesn essay review, Lives of molecular biologists (18 pp.) - books review, 90 pp.
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1991 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 233 pages
few figures Contents, Chapitres : Lissa Roberts : A word and the World : the significance of naming the calorimeter - Simon Baatz : Squinting at Silliman : scientific periodicals in the Early American Republic - Frank Sulloway : Reassessing Freud 's case histories : The social contruction of psychoanalysis - special review section on Journals : reviews of Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences,Clio, Medica, History and Philosophy of the sciences of life - essay review : Pnina Abir-Am : Nobelesse oblige : biographical writings on Nobelists - book reviews (78) few words handwritten on the cover
Revue Isis - Paolo Rossi - J.G. Morawski - Robert S. Leventhal
Reference : 27824
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1986 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 183 pages
few figures Contents, Chapitres : guest editorial : Paolo Rossi : History of science in Italy - J.G. Morawski : Organizing knowledge and behaviour at Yale 's Institute of Human relations - Robert S. Leventhal : The emergence of philological discourse in the German States, 1770-1810 - Critiques and contentions : Nancy Leys Stepan : Race and gender : the role of analogy in science - Documents and translations : Milton Kerker : The Svedberg and molecular reality, an autobiographical postscript - Notes and correspondence : David K. Hill : Galileo 's work on 116v : a new analysis - George E. Webb : The origins of Dendrochronology - review symposium : Robert Olby and R.C. Levontin on In the name of eugenics, by David J. Kevles - Essay review : Simon Schaffer on The dark abyss of time, by Paolo Rossi - reviews few annotations
Revue Isis - Robert Kargon and Elizabeth Hodes - John M. Riddle - Elizabeth A. Williams - J.E. McGuire and Martin Tamny
Reference : 27818
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1985 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 157 pages
few figures Contents, Chapitres : Robert Kargon and Elizabeth Hodes : Karl Compton , Isaiah Bowman , and the politics of science in the Great Depression - John M. Riddle : Ancient and Medieval Chemotherapy for Cancer - Elizabeth A. Williams : Anthropological institutions in Nineteenth-Century France (cf : Broca et Quatrefages ) - J.E. McGuire and Martin Tamny : Newton 's Astronomical Apprenticeship : notes of 1664 - 1665 - Notes and correspondence : Li Peishan : History of modern science and technology in the People's Republic of China - Eloge : Donald DeB. Beaver : Derek John de Solla Price , 1922-1983 - Science and Religion : Ronald L. Numbers on David B. Wilson 's Did the Evil make Darwin do it ? - Ashely Montagu : Science and Creationism - Roland Mushat Frye 's Is God a Creationist ? - Henry M. Morris : A history of modern Creationism - essays reviews, books reviews working copy from Pierre Thuillier, annotations at ink on the cover and few inside
Revue Isis - W.R. Laird - Lesley B. Cormack - Philip J. Pauly
Reference : 24532
Isis , History of Science Society Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1991 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 196 pages
few figures "Contents, Chapitres : articles: W.R. Laird: Archimedes among the Humanists - Lesley B. Cormack: ""Good fences make good neighbors"", Geography as self-definition in Early Modern England - Philip J. Pauly: the development of high school biology, New York city, 1900-1925 - news of the profession, eloges from: Eric John Aiton (1920-1991), Jacques Roger (1920-1990), Victor E. Thoren (1935-1991) - letters to the editor - essay review: Garland E. Allen on David L. Hull's Science as a process; an evolutionary account of the social and conceptual development of science and the metaphysics of evolution - essay reviews, 85 reviews"
Centre national du livre 2003 In-8 broché 23,8 cm sur 15,8. Bon état d’occasion.
paginé de 338 à 448 Bon état d’occasion
[REVUE] Italo Calvino, Marc Guillaume, Jean Baudrillard, Edmond Couchot, Georges Didi-Huberman, Henri-Pierre Jeudy, Georges Vigarello, Annick Le Guérer, Jacques-Louis Binet, Jean-Noël Biraben, Monique Canto, Anne Cauquelin, Denis Richard.
Reference : 17037
Traverses, n° 32, Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou, Paris, septembre 1984. Un fascicule in-8° carré, broché, illustrations.
Paris, Numéro Spécial Hors Série de ITINERAIRES, Novembre 1980, in 8° broché, 215 pages.
L'affaire chilienne - La preuve par Londres - Le cas afghan. Bel exemplaire. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
[REVUE] I. William Zartman, Yadh Ben Achour, Maxime Rodinson, Olivier Carré, Paul Nwyia, Jean-François Rycx et Gilles Blanchi, Pierre Rondot, Vincent Monteil, M.A. Sinaceur, Henri Sanson, Alain Chenal, Adbeljebbar Brahim, Patrick Goudy, Pascal Moussy, Ghassane Salamé, Hervé Bleuchot et Taoufik Monastiri, Louis Bazin, Guy Nicolas, Denys Lombard, Joël-Yves Plouvin, Jacques Leruez, Jean-Luc Parodi, Pierre Avril et Jean Gicquel.
Reference : 13216
Pouvoirs, revue française d’études constitutionnelles et politiques, N°12, Paris, PUF, 1980. In-8°, broché.
Bruxelles Directeur Théodore Koenig 1969 In-8 agrafé, couverture illustrée Edition originale
16e année, mai 1969. Poèmes de François Jacqmin. Illustrations d'Armand Silvestre Très bon exemplaire 0
[REVUE] Jacqueline Pauthe, Tibor Mende, Jean Cayrol, Michel rançois, Jacques Evens, François Fejtö, Lucien Martin, Jean Bazaine, Elena de la Souchère.
Reference : 10240
Esprit, n° 5, mai 1954. In-8, broché.
[REVUE] Jacques Allier, Madame de Staël, Pierre Grosclaude, Louis-Philippe, Auguste-Simon Bérard, Alice Chevalier, Jean de Neercassel, Louis-Paul du Vaucel, Bruno Neveu, J.-F. Poulet, Christian Wolff, Marcel Cauvin, G.E. de Falguerolles, Pierre Dez, Jean Rivierre, Daniel Robert, François Bureau.
Reference : 8665
BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE DE L'HISTOIRE DU PROTESTANTISME FRANÇAIS, tome CXIII année, Paris, janvier-mars 1967. In-8, broché.
[REVUE] Jacques Allières, André Castagna, Gisèle Ducos, Elisabeth Freige, Paul L. Garvin, Jean-Pierre Goudailler, Jean Haudry, Anne-Marie Houdebine, Fernande Krier, Jean-Luc Nespoulous, André Borell, Georges Mounin, Jack Feuillet, Colette Feuillard, Fernand Bentolina, Simone Elboz, Christos Clairis, Françoise Rivière.
Reference : 10055
La linguistique, n° 15, 1979. In-8, broché.