Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi), Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1954 Volume 73 complete: 422pp., 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, [Fasc.VI (dec.1954) contains: Fasciculus specialis Beatae Mariae Virgini Immaculatae Reginae Universi uti Corona Anni Mariani floribus serta, pp.281-418], R50982
Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi), Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1955 Volume 74 complete: 328pp., 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gildt title), text in latin, VG, R50983
Ad Claras Aquas, Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1956-1957 2 volumes (75-76) complete: 292 + 370pp., 29cm., bound in 1 volume (cart.cover, spine in cloth, with gilt title), VG, R51018
Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi), Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1956 Volume 75 complete: 292pp., 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, R50984
Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi), Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1957 Volume 76 complete: 370pp., 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, R50985
Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi), Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1958-1959 2 volumes (77 & 78) complete: 356 + 408pp., 29cm., bound in 1 volume (cart.cover, spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, [vol.78 fasc.IV contains; Fasciculus specialis: ad 750 anniversarium diem ab ordine condito commemorandum necnon canonizationem caroli a setia celebrandam, pp.173-260], R50986
Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi), Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1960-1961 2 volumes (79 & 80) complete: 380 + 410pp., 29cm., bound in 1 volume (cart.cover, spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, R50987
Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi), Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1962 Volume 81 complete: 396pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, R50988
Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi), Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1963 Volume 82 complete: 359pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gildt title), text in latin, VG, R50989
Ad Claras Aquas, Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1964 Volume 83 complete: 596pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, [Fasc.II contains: Fasciculus specialis piam peregrinationem ss.d.n. Pauli pp. VI in Terram Sanctam commemorans, pp.73-236 with ills.], R50990
Ad Claras Aquas, Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1965 Volume 84 complete: 427pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, R50991
Ad Claras Aquas, Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1966 Volume 85 complete: 595pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, [Fasc.VI (nov.-dec.1966) contains; Fasciculus specialis Ven. Ioanni Duns Scoto septimo ab eius nativitate revoluto saeculo dicatus, pp.469-588], R50992
Ad Claras Aquas, Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1967 Volume 86 complete: 576pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, R50993
Ad Claras Aquas, Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1968 Volume 87 complete: 336pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, R50994
Ad Claras Aquas, Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1969 Volume 88 complete: 392pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, R50995
Ad Claras Aquas, Ex typographia Collegii S.Bonaventurae 1970 Volume 89 complete: 409pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, R50996
Roma, Curia Generalis Ordinis 1971-1973 3 volumes (90 to 92) complete: 370 + 299 + 463pp., 29cm., bound in 1 volume (cart.cover, spine in cloth, with engilded title), text in latin, few stamps, VG
Roma, Curia Generalis Ordinis 1971 Volume 90 complete: 370pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., cart.cover (spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, VG, R50997
Roma, Curia Generalis Ordinis 1974-1976 volumes 93-94 complete + vol.95 fasc.1-4 (Jan.-Aug.1976): 293 + 419 + 288pp., 29cm., bound in 1 volume (cart.cover, spine in cloth, with gilt title), text in latin, few stamps, some stains of humidity at side edges (not affecting text or pages), else VG, R50999
Roma, Curia Generalis Ordinis 1976 Volume 95 complete: 413pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., softcover, 4 issues together, text in latin, G, R51001
Roma, Curia Generalis Ordinis 1977-1978 2 volumes (96-97) complete: 362 + 390pp., 29cm., bound in 1 volume in cloth, text in latin, few stamps, VG, R51000
Roma, Curia Generalis Ordinis 1977 Volume 96 complete: 362pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., softcover, 6 5 issues together, G, [Fasc.VI contains: Fasciculus specialis sancto Patri Nostro Francisco 750e ab eius felice obitu anno recurrente dicatus, pp.287-362], R51006
Roma, Curia Generalis Ordinis 1978 Volume 97 complete: 390pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., softcover, 6 fascs. in 4 issues together, text in latin, G, R51002
Roma, Curia Generalis Ordinis 1979 Volume 98 complete: 522pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., softcover, 6 fascs. in 5 issues together, text in latin, G, R51003
Roma, Curia Generalis Ordinis 1980 Volume 99 complete: 366pp.+ some plates out-of-text, 29cm., softcover, 6 4 issues together, text in latin, G, R51004