Paris Sage 3e trimestre 1949 (numéros 14, 15, 16) et 4e trimestre 1949 (numéros suivants). Ensemble de 13 fascicules in-12 de 6 feuillets non chiffrés chacun. Cartonnage éditeur dos toile grenat, plats cartonnés, titre illustré en couleurs sur le 1er plat, belle couverture illustrée, conservée pour chaque fascicule. Exemplaire en bon état et bien complet.
Album n°2 complet de cette célèbre bande dessinée d'aventures pour enfants qui paraissait chaque semaine. Bien dans le goût des western américains des années 1950. (4097)
1952 Paris, Fleuve Noir, 1952. Collection "Western". Aventures et Bagarres de Johny Sopper. Un volume broché de format in 8° de 192 pp., saisissante couverture de M. Gourdon.
Etiquette collée en pied, sinon bel état de fraîcheur. Peu commun.
USA 1997 United States Department of Agriculture Soft cover
Soil Survey of Box Elder County, Utah, Western Part soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 303 pages + 75 double pages sheets, together in a closed pouch with elastic binder, very good condition
USA 1981 United States Department of Agriculture Soft cover
Soil Survey of Cassia County, Idaho, Western Part soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 150 pages + 40 double pages sheets, very good condition
USA 1981 United States Department of Agriculture Soft cover
Soil Survey of Cassia County, Idaho, Western Part soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 150 pages + 40 double pages sheets, very good condition
Reference : 40770
New York.J.H.Fisher.1966.In-8 toilé avec jaquette illustrée.432 p.avec Index.En langue anglaise.BE.Jaquette un peu usagée.
Princeton University Press 1988 328 pages 16 256x2 54x23 622cm. 1988. Relié. 328 pages.
Très bon état - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état- expédié soigneusement depuis la France
Princeton University Press 1988 480 pages 3x25x16cm. 1988. Relié. 480 pages.
Très bon état - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état- expédié soigneusement depuis la France
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, xxiv + 431 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:73 b/w, 148 col., 6 tables b/w., 2 tables col., 4 maps color, Language(s):English, Italian. ISBN 9782503593951.
Summary Seasonality - the passage of time and the change in the environment across the course of a year - is universally recognized as having a major impact on the relationship between people and nature, yet it has rarely been examined as a topic of study in its own right. In the past, many areas of life were constrained and furthered by the cycle of the seasons, from the production of crops and grazing of animals in rural areas, to dress and diet, urban development, and religious activities. This volume offers an in-depth study of the impact of the seasons on the Graeco-Roman world, drawing on the archaeology of seasonality to open up new perspectives into the temporal dimension that underpins human activity, as well as offering fresh insights into space and spatial practices in the ancient world. The contributions draw on a wide range of archaeological evidence to explore the archaeology of the seasons from a number of different perspectives, including economic strategies, catastrophic events, religious activities, iconography, and the role of the individual. Together, they offer a pioneering new approach to classical archaeology that it is hoped will further our understanding of the temporal dimensions to archaeological evidence. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations List of Abbreviations Introduction. The Archaeology of Seasonality: Widening Archaeology's Interpretational Framework - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA I. Economic Strategies in a Seasonal Perspective Seasonality and Urban Economy: The Case of Gerasa in the Decapolis - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Seasonal Labour and Migratory Work in the Roman Empire - WERNER TIETZ Seasonal Diet in the Mediterranean - ERICA ROWAN Seasonality and the Sea - STEFAN FEUSER The Seasonality of Building Works in the Athenian Epigraphic Evidence - CRISTINA CARUSI Flowers and Faeces: Seasonal Signals from Shivta's Early Islamic Rubbish Middens - DANIEL FUKS, GUY BAR-OZ, YOTAM TEPPER, AND EHUD WEISS To Everything There Is a Season: The Dynamics of Seasonality in the Deserts of the Southern Levant in Ancient Times - STEVEN A. ROSEN II. Seasonality, Time, and Chronology Solar Flare Events and Archaeology - JESPER OLSEN Seasonality and the Calendar in Ovid's Exile Poetry - ANKE WALTER III. Seasonality of Religion Seasonality of Timpone della Motta (Northern Calabria) during the Iron Age and the Archaic Period - JAN KINDBERG JACOBSEN, FELICE LAROCCA, JOOS MELANDER, AND GLORIA MITTICA The Sanctuary of Jupiter Dolichenus at Doliche and the Seasonality of Sacrifice - MICHAEL BL MER IV. Seasonality and the Individual Seasonal Dress in the Graeco-Roman World - GLENYS DAVIES Lumen ab Occidente Hiberno: Seasonality in the Pompeian Domestic Bath - CRISTINA M. HERN NDEZ Roman Luxury Villas: Environmental Considerations and Seasonal Uses - MANTHA ZARMAKOUPI Maritime Villas and Seasonality - ANNALISA MARZANO* Seasonally Adaptive Design in Roman Public Architecture and Urban Space - EDMUND THOMAS V. Iconography of Seasonality L'iconografia delle Stagioni nella ceramica magnogreca - MONICA BAGGIO Visualizing the Passing of Time: Personifications of Seasons in Greek and Roman Imagery - MARION MEYER Tempora Anni: Time Recurring - DIETRICH BOSCHUNG VI. Seasonal Dimensions of Catastrophic Events Tracing the Season of the Santorini (Thera) Eruption - FELIX H FLMAYER The Complicated Problem of Seasonality at Classical Olynthos, Greece - LISA NEVETT New Evidence for the Date of the Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius - MASSIMO OSANNA and CHIARA COMEGNA Pompeian Houses and Seasonality: A Contextual Approach - PENELOPE ALLISON
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 2 vols, xiv + 446 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:371 b/w, 842 col., 15 tables b/w., 1 tables col., 3 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503596662.
Summary The Decapolis city of Jerash has long attracted attention from travellers and scholars, due both to the longevity of the site and the remarkable finds uncovered during successive phases of excavation that have taken place from 1902 onwards. Between 2011 and 2016, a Danish-German team, led by the universities of Aarhus and M nster, focused their attention on the Northwest Quarter of Jerash ? the highest point within the walled city ? and this is the fourth in a series of books presenting the team's final results. This two-part set offers a comprehensive presentation of Jerash's rich building heritage from the Late Hellenistic period up to the city's destruction in the mid-eighth century ad through a discussion of architectural elements, together with analysis of the mosaics, wall paintings, and building ceramics excavated from the Northwest Quarter. As well as providing a general overview of the city's changing patterns of habitation, the contributions gathered here also include close case- studies and object biographies that shed new light on the intense use, reuse, and recycling of materials that testify to evolving urban practices and optimization of resources across the Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic periods. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1: Architecture and Building Ceramics Contextualizing Finds from Complex Urban Archaeological Contexts: Methodological Considerations on the Architectural Elements, Building Materials, and Mosaics from the Northwest Quarter (2011-2016) ? ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Architectural Elements from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash ? PATRIC-ALEXANDER KREUZ Byzantine Interior Decorational Elements from the Northwest Quarter ? ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA A Monumental Architectural Limestone Block with Altar Iconography ? ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Ceramic Building Materials from the Northwest Quarter ? PHILIP EBELING An Archaeo-Scientific Analysis of Building Ceramics from the Northwest Quarter ? PHILIP EBELING AND GRY H. BARFOD 'Misfired' Ceramic Tegulae from the Northwest Quarter ? GRY H. BARFOD, PHILIP EBELING, AND CHARLES E. LESHER Volume 2: Wall Paintings and Mosaics Wall Paintings from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash: Roman to Middle Islamic Periods ? KRISTINE DAMGAARD THOMSEN The Colour Palette of the Northwest Quarter: Geochemical Evidence from Pigments Used on Roman and Early Islamic Wall Decorations ? GRY H. BARFOD The Mosaics: In-situ Floors and Fragments in Jerash ? WILLIAM T. WOOTTON Mosaic Glass Tesserae from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash ? CRISTINA BOSCHETTI AND WILLIAM T. WOOTTON About the Authors
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xvi + 293 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:147 b/w, 8 col., 24 tables b/w., Languages: English, French. ISBN 9782503580241.
Summary While the city of Gerasa - modern-day Jerash - is perhaps best known for the impressive remains left by its Roman inhabitants, the Byzantine and Umayyad periods (fifth-eighth centuries AD) were also eras during which the city blossomed and its population boomed. Pottery production in this period also peaked: excavations over the last hundred years have revealed a vast quantity of ceramic finds, creating a challenge for archaeologists to cope with the sheer quantity of material as they seek to define and refine the typology of local ceramics. This volume presents an in-depth examination of finds from Jerash dating to the Byzantine and Umayyad periods. Through this analysis, it seeks to provide a better understanding of local pottery production and the role it played in the development of the city. The chapters included here explore techniques of production, identify key locations for ceramic work, and examine these developments as part of broader socio-economic patterns within the region. The contributions also analyse other artefacts from the city, including coinage and fine wares, as part of this wider discussion. The volume thus offers a unique academic contribution aimed at bringing to the forefront issues of continuity and change in Jerash in the dynamic period between the fifth and eighth centuries CE. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: The Conundrum of Chronologies of the Byzantine and Umayyad Periods in Jerash -ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Revisiting Jerash Late Antique Fine Wares: A?Material and Visual Cultural Approach - ALEXANDRA USCATESCU Archaeological Evidence for Craft Activities in the Area of the Sanctuary of Artemis at Gerasa between the Byzantine and Umayyad Periods - DANIELA BALDONI La c ramique de trois ensembles clos des vie/viiie si cles Gerasa - ANNE-MICHELE RASSON-SEIGNE ET JACQUES SEIGNE The Late Antique Jarash Project: Preliminary Results of the Pottery Data - RAFFAELLA PAPPALARDO Ceramic Petrography of Locally Produced Byzantine/Umayyad Pottery from Jerash - STEPHEN MERKEL Umayyad Numismatics in Bil?d al-Sh?m with Particular Reference to Jund al-Urdunn - INGRID AND WOLFGANG SCHULZE Defining Borders: The Umayyad-Abbasid Transition and the Earthquake of ad 749 in Jerash - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xiv + 247 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:80 b/w, 4 col., 19 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503588865.
Summary The Decapolis city of Jerash has long attracted attention from travellers and scholars, due both to the longevity of the site and the remarkable finds uncovered during successive phases of excavation that have taken place from 1902 onwards. Between 2011 and 2016, a Danish-German team, led by the universities of Aarhus and M nster, focused their attention on the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - the highest point within the walled city - and this volume is the first in a series of books presenting the team's final results. Covering different themes and categories of finds, this volume focuses on the geophysical survey and other remote-sensing work undertaken in and around the Northwest Quarter, and also presents an in-depth discussion of the environmental studies performed at the site. This includes the geoscientific analysis carried out in various contexts, as well as radiocarbon dating, studies of both human and animal bones, and conclusions drawn from the archaeobotanical research. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations 1. A New Perspective on Gerasa/Jerash through the Findings of the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project: The Final Publications of the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project (2011-2016) - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Environmental Studies 2. The Geology of the Northwest Quarter of Ancient Jerash within its Regional Context - GENEVIEVE HOLDRIDGE 3. Soils, Sediments, and Urban History of the Ancient City Jerash - GENEVIEVE HOLDRIDGE, S REN?M. KRISTIANSEN, ACHIM LICHTENBERGER, RUBINA RAJA, AND IAN?A. SIMPSON 4. Olives, Vines, Pulses, and Cereals: Evidence of the Plant Food Economy from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - METTE MARIE HALD 5. The Faunal Remains from the Northwest Quarter in Jerash - PERNILLE BANGSGAARD 6. Human Remains from the Northwest Quarter in Jerash - MARIE LOUISE S. J RKOV 7. Dating the Undatable: Pre-Treatment and Radiocarbon Dating of Human Bones with Extremely Low Collagen Preservation from Jerash - BENTE PHILIPPSEN AND JESPER OLSEN Remote Sensing and Modelling 8. Mapping Jerash by Remote Sensing - S REN?M. KRISTIANSEN AND DAVID STOTT 9. Geophysical Data and Archaeological Evidence: A?Comparative Interpretation - RUDOLF KNIE , ACHIM LICHTENBERGER, DANA PILZ, AND RUBINA RAJA 10. Radiocarbon Dating and Bayesian Modelling - BENTE PHILIPPSEN AND JESPER OLSEN
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, xii + 248 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:102 b/w, 77 col., 3 tables b/w., 10 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503589374.
Summary The Decapolis city of Jerash has long attracted attention from travellers and scholars, due both to the longevity of the site and the remarkable finds uncovered during successive phases of excavation that have taken place from 1902 onwards. Between 2011 and 2016, a Danish-German team, led by the universities of Aarhus and M nster, focused their attention on the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - the highest point within the walled city - and this volume is the third in a series of books presenting the team's final results. The contributions gathered together in this volume provide an in-depth analysis of the glass finds, the lamps, and the iconography of the Jerash bowls discovered in the Northwest Quarter during the excavations. Together, these chapters provide both general overviews and more detailed insights into these important groups of material evidence, and also examine their stratigraphic contextualization and chronological spread across the centuries. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Glass, Lamps, and Jerash Bowls: The Finds from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project's Excavation Campaigns 2012-2016 - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Part I: Glass The Glass Finds from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - RUTH E. JACKSON-TAL Part II: Lamps Pottery Oil Lamps from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - ALEXANDRA USCATESCU Part III: Jerash Bowls Some Notes on the Iconography of the Jerash Bowls from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - PAMELA BONNEKOH About the Authors
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, xviii + 390 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:196 b/w, 21 col., 31 tables b/w., Languages: English, French. ISBN 9782503585048.
Summary The Graeco-Roman Decapolis city of Gerasa was a flourishing centre of population from the Late Hellenistic up to the Early Islamic period. It was also home to a vibrant ceramics industry. Kilns found throughout the city, with a concentration in the Hippodrome, suggest that Gerasa was in fact a mass-production centre in the Decapolis region over a number of centuries, manufacturing a vast array of material to suit the changing needs of daily life. Drawing on finds yielded during excavations by the Danish-German Northwest Quarter Project and other archaeological projects, as well as the research undertaken within the Ceramics in Context project, this volume evaluates the pottery from Gerasa produced in the Late Hellenistic and Roman periods. Typology, development over time, and variations in the Gerasene pottery are explored, and rare examples of imported material are analysed in order to shed light both on the inner workings of the city, and on the networks that extended beyond Gerasa's walls. The contributions gathered here examine the archaeology and history of Gerasa and assess ceramic remains alongside other finds from both the city and neighbouring urban centres. In doing so, they seek to contextualize this material in a broader cultural and historical context, and to improve our understanding of consumption, trading, and networks in the wider Decapolis area. TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents List of Illustrations Abbreviations 1. Invisible Pasts, Urban Fates and the Central Role of Ceramics: Gerasa in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA 2. Late Hellenistic and Roman Antiochia on the Chrysorrhoas, also Called Gerasa: A Reappreciation of the Urban Development in the Light of the Findings of the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project (2011-2017) - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA 3. Ceramics in Cities in Context: An Overview of Published Roman Imperial to Umayyad Pottery in the Southern Levant - PHILIP BES, TOM BRUGHMANS, ACHIM LICHTENBERGER, RUBINA RAJA, AND IZA ROMANOWSKA 4. Les productions c ramiques locales de Jerash au d but de la p riode romaine (Ier si cle avant J.-C. - IIe si cle apr s J.-C.) : influences et diffusion - ANNE-MICHELE RASSON-SEIGNE ET JACQUES SEIGNE 5. La c ramique import e Jerash pendant l' poque romaine (fin Ier si cle avant J.-C. - fin IIIe si cle apr s J.-C.) : l'apport des fouilles du sanctuaire de Zeus - ANNE-MICHELE RASSON-SEIGNE ET JACQUES SEIGNE 6. Les timbres amphoriques trouv s Jerash - STEPHANE DUPLESSIS ET FRANCESCA DI NAPOLI, AVANT-PROPOS DE JACQUES SEIGNE 7. Late Antique Ceramic Imports in Gerasa: New Light on the Macellum Finds (with a Special Reference to the Neighbouring Region) - ALEXANDRA USCATESCU 8. Roman-Period Roof Tiles from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - PHILIP EBELING 9. Pottery from Sanctuaries in the Hinterland of Gadara/Umm Qays (Jordan) - LISA BERGER 10. Pottery from Abila and Gadara - NORA M. VOSS 11. Quantifying Ceramic Trends at Umm el-Jimal - ELIZABETH A. OSINGA 12. Roman City Coins of Gerasa: Contextualizing Currency and Circulation from the Hellenistic to the Late Roman Period - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Indices
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, xii + 182 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:47 b/w, 19 col., 9 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503588872.
Summary The Decapolis city of Jerash has long attracted attention from both travellers and scholars, due both to the longevity of the site, and the remarkable finds uncovered during successive phases of excavation that have taken place from 1902 onwards. Between 2011 and 2016, a Danish-German team, led by the universities of Aarhus and M nster, focused their attention on the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - the highest point within the walled city - and this volume is the second in a series of books presenting the team's final results. This volume offers an in-depth analysis of the coins and metal remains found in Jerash during the excavations. The contributions gathered here cover the small metal finds from the Northwest Quarter, as well as examining Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic coins. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations List of Abbreviations 1. Preface and Introduction - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Metal Finds 2. Die Metallkleinfunde aus dem Nordwestquartier von Gerasa/Jerash - CHRISTOPH EGER Coins 3. Greek and Roman Coins from the Jerash Northwest Quarter Excavations - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA 4. The Coins of the Jerash Northwest Quarter Project and the Umayyad Money Circulation in Jund al-Urdunn - INGRID SCHULZE AND WOLFGANG SCHULZE
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, x + 232 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:205 b/w, 204 col., 10 tables b/w., 22 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503607740.
Summary The Decapolis city of Jerash has long attracted attention from travellers and scholars, due both to the longevity of the site and the remarkable finds uncovered during successive phases of excavation that have taken place from 1902 onwards. Between 2011 and 2016, a Danish-German team, led by the universities of Aarhus and M nster, focused their attention on the Northwest Quarter of Jerash ? the highest point within the walled city ? and this volume is the sixth in a series of books presenting the team's final results. In this volume, a wide range of miscellaneous items discovered in the Northwest Quarter are presented, ranging from prehistoric lithics to Ottoman pipes. Material finds covered include stone sculpture, utensils, and inscriptions, as well as bone objects, spindle whorls, and bread stamps, while some scientific analyses of jewellery and terracotta figurines complement the studies. These chapters ensure that all finds from the Northwest Quarter ? no matter how small ? are made available to researchers, with the contributions gathered here offering unique new insights into the material groups from Gerasa, later Jerash, and into the lives of the population of the city from a longue dur e perspective. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures and Tables 1. Objects in and out of Context from the Northwest Quarter in Gerasa Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja 2. Lithic Artefacts Maysoon al-Nahar 3. Stone Sculpture Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja 4. A Miniature Horned Altar Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja 5. An Oblong Square Gaming Piece - Teetotum(?) Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja 6. Stone Objects Olympia Bobou, Achim Lichtenberger, and Rubina Raja 7. The Inscriptions Found during the Excavation Rudolf Haensch 8. Pottery and Tile Fragments with Greek and Latin Writing Jonas Sch ren 9. A Magical Ringstone to Attract Women Richard L. Gordon 10. The Jerash Silver Scroll John M ller Larsen 11. Pottery and Plaster Fragments with Semitic Writing and Decoration John M ller Larsen 12. The Jewellery Olympia Bobou and Signe Krag 13. Compositions and Raw Materials of Jewellery from the Northwest Quarter Ingrid S gaard and Gry H. Barfod 14. Worked Bone, Ivory Objects, and other Faunal Remains Olympia Bobou and Signe Krag 15. Terracotta Figurines Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja 16. Petrographic Analysis of the Terracotta Figurines Carmen Ting 17. Spindle Whorls Olympia Bobou, Achim Lichtenberger, and Rubina Raja 18. Bread Stamps Philip Ebeling 19. Ottoman Pipes Philip Ebeling
Collection Western n° 122 - Librairie des Champs-Elysées (1974) - In-12 broché de 192 pages - Couverture en couleurs - Traduit de l'américain par Jean-André Rey - Très bon état
Collection Western n° 14 - Librairie des Champs-Elysées (1968) - In-12 broché de 192 pages - Couverture en couleurs - Traduit de l'américain par Michaël Eichelberger - Très bon état
Collection "Galop" n° 27 / Editions Dupuis (1968) - In-12 broché de 176 pages - Belle couverture en couleurs - Traduit de l'américain par Georges Richelle - Très bon état
Collection "Galop" sous la direction de Willy Courteaux
Collection Western n° 175 - Librairie des Champs-Elysées (1977) - In-12 broché de 192 pages - Couverture en couleurs - Traduit de l'américain par Jean-Pierre Albertelli - Très bon état
Adrien Palladino, Ruben Campini, Annalisa Moraschi, Ivan Foletti (eds)
Reference : 64336
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 191 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:30 b/w, 125 col., 2 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9788028003067.
Summary This book questions the place of Armenian visual and material culture in the period known as Late Antiquity, at a time when Armenia is usually presented as an in-between space defined by surrounding external entities: the Roman and the Persian, and later Arab world. The volume includes articles that confront this notion both from the perspective of art history, architecture, and archaeology, and from a historiographical point of view, which examines the reception of Armenian arts by scholars from Italy, Russia, and France. The articles in this richly illustrated volume aim to reposition Armenia as one of the forces of artistic creation and mediation to be reckoned with within the Mediterranean and Eurasian space of Late Antiquity. This project draws on the papers presented at the conference ?Re-Constructing Late Antique Armenia (2nd-8th Centuries CE). Historiography, Material Culture, Immaterial Heritage? that took place in February 2022 at the Center for Early Medieval Studies in Brno, Czech Republic. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Ivan Foletti & Adrien Palladino Late Antiquity and Armenia. From Marginalized Region to Creative Force Articles Patrtick Donab dian Culmination of a Late Antique Legacy? The Golden Age of Armenian Architecture in the Seventh Century Naz nie Garibian The First Armenian Christian Sanctuaries and Shrines. Reconsidering the Received Tradition Lilit Mikayelyan Greco-Roman Ornamental Motifs in Armenia and Iran. Commonality and Sustainability of Tradition (5th-11th Centuries) Zaruhi Hakobyan The Image of St Christopher Cynocephalus in Early Medieval Sculpture of Armenia Adrien Palladino From Desperate Solidarity to Dispassionate Eye. Shifting French Perspectives on Early Medieval Armenian Art (ca 1894-1929) Annalisa Moraschi A Mutual Presentation. Precocious Interests for Medieval Armenia in Nineteenth-Century Italy Beatrice Spampinato A Theoretical Topography of Architecture. On the Problematic Connections between Rome, Byzantium, and Armenia in Italian Historiography (1914-1945) Ruben Campini Art from the Borders? Wolfgang Fritz Volbach and the Localization of a Group of Early Christian Ivory Pyxides in the Caucasus Ivan Foletti & Pavel Rakitin Re-Inventing Late Antique and Early Medieval Armenia in World War II Soviet Union Afterword Christina Maranci Late Antique Armenia. Past, Present, and Future
Affiche originale 54 x 40 cm. du film Blueberry de Jan Kounen de 2004, avec Vincent Cassel, Michael Madsen, etc. D'après la bande dessinée de Jean " Moebius " Giraud. Affiche pliée en deux. E.O.
Affiche originale française (80 x 60 cm.) du film Calibre 44 réalisé par Albert C. Gannaway. Avec Macdonald Carey, Audrey Totter, James Craig, etc. E.O. pliée en quatre.