Bruxelles, Jean Malvaux, s.d. Broche, couverture carton rouge, 20 x 20cm, 12 reproductions contre-collees avec des verbes sur page en face.
Sverige, Bohuslaningens Bocktryckeri, 1985 Illustrated cardboard cover in colour, 205 x 265mm., 311pp., illustrated in colour and b/w. ISBN 8299057620.
Oslo, Nasjonalgalleriet, 24 August - 13 Oktober 1985. Norwegian text, in good condition.
Antwerpen, Galerij Brabo, 1980 Stevige papieromslag geillustreerd z/w, 19 x 19 cm., pagina's niet genummerd, z/w illustratie.
Tentoonstelling In Galerij Brabo, Antwerpen, van 21 september tot 12 oktober 1980.
, Antwerpen, v.z.w. Eugeen Van Mieghem, z.d.** (db), softcover geniet,, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 21x30cm, 81pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
Jakob Smits Museum, Mol.
, Antwerpen, v.z.w. Eugeen Van Mieghem, z.d.** (db)., softcover geniet, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 21x30cm, 63pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
Tekeningen en pastels uit de verzameling van het Stedelijk Prentenkabinet.
Dusseldorf, Stadtische Kunsthalle, 1985 Gebunden, Leinen mit Schutzumschlag, 240 x 295mm., 351S., illustriert. ISBN 3546477715.
Wichtiger Uberblick uber den rheinischen Expressionismus mit Kurzbiographien u.a. zu Jankel Adler, Gerd Arntz, Mathias Barz, Herbert Campendonk, Theo Campion, H. M. Davringhausen, O. Dix, Johanna Ey, Conrad Felixmuller, Otto Pankok, Gerd Wollheim.
Brugge/Tielt, Stad Brugge/Lannoo, 1969 softcover onder geillustreerde papieromslag, 17x24.3 cm., 328 pp., illustratie in kleur en z/w, in en buiten tekst.
Catalogus met wetenschappelijke bijlage. Tentoonstelling Groeningemuseum 14 juni - 21 september 1969.
, Amsterdam/ Basel, Museum Overholland/ Museum fur Gegenwartskunst, z.d.**, Origineel geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 20x25cm, z.p. (+/- 14) + 26 buitentekstplaten in kleur. ISBN 3720400557.
Prachtig geillustreerde tentoonstellingscatalogus.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2005 Paperback, V+98 p., 59 b/w ill., 215 x 280 mm.
JUNHYOUNG MICHAEL SHIN: Iconographic Surrogates: Contemplating Amit 'bha Images in the Late Kory ' Dynasty (Fourteenth Century) JAMES CAHILL: Some thoughts on the History and Post-History of Chinese Painting ROBERT E. HARRIST, JR: A Response to Professor Cahill's "Some Thoughts on the History and Post-History of Chinese Painting" JEROME SILBERGELD: The Evolution of a "Revolution": Unsettled Reflections on the Chinese Art-Historical Mission REBECCA M. BROWN: Patn's Golghar and the Transformations of Colonial Discourse DEBORAH HUTTON: Carved in Stone: The Codification of a Visual Identity for the Indo-Islamic Sultanate of B 'dj'p' r Art of Asia Acquired by North American Museums, 2003-2004. New.
, Luxembourg, Artemis, 1977., Paperback, original wrappers illustrated, 20x25,5cm, 63pp, illustrated in color and b/w.
Consolidated Report, Annual General Meeting 28/10/1977.
Antwerpen , Artiestenfonds, 1963 Papercover, 24 x 15,5cm., 32pp., z/w illustratie en advertenties van lokale handelaars.
Driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor kunst en cultuur. In goede staat.
Antwerpen, v.z.w. Eugeen Van Mieghem, 1990 softcover geillustreerde karton omslag in kleur, 21x30cm, 32pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
Album, n 11.
, Gent, z.d.**, Gebrocheerd, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 29,5x21,5cm, 71pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
Van Dyck nummer. In goede staat.
, Rouen/ Arcueil, Musees de Rouen/ Anthese, 1999, 1999 Broche, couverture carton illustree, 240 x 285mm., 220pp., illustration tres riche en couleurs. ISBN 9 782912 257093. ISBN 9782912257093.
La peinture de marine en France. La nature et le sublime dans l'art de Claude-Joseph Vernet. L'invitation au voyage. De Puget au freres Ozanne. Marine et paysage. Les Marchands levantins, un decor inspire par Claude-Joseph Vernet. Patrimoine maritime et musees. Sources de l'architecture navale et evolution de l'art de la construction, 1650 - 1850. Bon etat.
, Antwerpen, MUHKA, 1991., Originele uitgeversomslag, 21x27,5cm, 31pp + 32pp + 32pp + 32pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
Aspekten van Israelische kunst. Tekst nederlands/ english.
, Berlin, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, z.d., Brosschiert, Original - Umschlag illustriert koloriert, 21x24cm, z.p., illustriert koloriert und s/w.
Paris, Reunion des Musees Nationaux, 2002 Broche, couverture d' editeuir illustre en couleur, 22x24cm, 487pp, illustre en couleur et n/b. ISBN 9782711843039.
Les portraits de Berthe Morisot par Edouard Manet. Biographie de Berthe Morisot. Catalogue des oeuvres exposer-es. Oeuvre grave...
Brasschaat, Heemkundige Kring Breesgata, 1991
Tentoonstelling van 26 oktober t/3 3 november 1991, Cultureel Centrum Park van Brasschaat.
Nijmegen, Albertinum, 1994 Gebonden, karton onder geillustreerde kartonomslag in kleur, 230 x 235mm., 96pp., uitgebreide kleurillustratie. ISBN 909007659X.
Een fraai verzorgde blik op de wonderlijke beeldenwereld van een broeder Dominicaan. In prima staat.
Antwerpen, Stockmans, 2002 Bound, red half-cloth illustrated cardboard, 230 x 325mm., pages not numbered, 184 full page colour illustrations. ISBN 9789077207024.
Vekemans' forte is painting. His earlier work consisted mainly of gouaches on cartridge paper but nowadays he mostly paints with oil on canvas or behind glass and some work and/or studies using mixed techniques: gouache, aquarelle, and ink on paper. "In my paintings, I believe it is the image that counts, not the message. I do not want to express social commitment through my work. Reality is more overwhelming than imagination. How the paint was applied to the surface tells the story, not the actual rendering which is only of secondary importance." Vekemans has chosen resolutely for figurative painting. Images he found or images stored in his memory, but always recognisable and distilled from what is called "real life". He records these images using his own, personal style and without overshadowing conceptualism. His work does not make any sharp criticism, metaphoric reflection, and sociological considerations. Bruno Vekemans is only interested in the actual image, the picture that acquires power and authority through its own content. He shows scenes from reality which will make you quiver with emotion. His paintings depict moments of tranquility and intimacy although they are placed within the context of activity. Some viewers may experience melancholy, quietness or a special atmosphere but this is real beauty in the eyes of Bruno Vekemans. His palette reveals much about him: colours that balance between opening and covering but which are always intense and convincing. New book.
, Paris, Editions Reunion des musees nationaux, 1981., Broche, jacquette d' editeur iilustre en couleur, 22x25cm, 264pp, illustre n/b. ISBN 0728702533.
Hayward Gallery, Londres. Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
, Bruxelles, Galerie Les Contemporains, 1963., Broche, couverture papier, frontispice - photo, 165 x 220mm., pages ne sont pas numerotees, illustration en couleur et en n/b.
Edition quadrilingue Fr/Nl/Angl/All. Bon etat.
, Anvers, Conseil d' administration de l' Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts, 1857., 1857 Relie, plein-veau, estampe a froid sur les plats, dos orne de titre dore, tranches dorees, 11,5x17,5cm, (XVI) 520pp,errata et addenda.
Deuxieme edition. Table alphabetique des artistes dont les oeuvres sont ecrites dans le catalogue. Tableaux des maitres inconnus. Liste de signatures. Bon etat,
Antwerpen , Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, 1988 Geillustreerde kartonomslag, 155 x 230mm., 525pp., zeer uitgebreide z/w illustratie.
in goede staat.
, Paris, Reunion des Musees Nationaux, 1981 Broche, couverture d' editeur illustre en couleur, 21x29,5cm, z.p, illustre en couleur et n/b.