, Brepols - 2023, 2023 Paperback, x + 218 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:20 b/w, 7 col., 13 tables b/w., 3 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503606477.
Summary The Mediterranean has, for millennia, formed the heart of an intensive trading network of ideas, goods, and people. For the ancient populations of the Levant, Cyprus, and Southern Anatolia, interactions with the sea ? from fishing to seafaring, and from trade to dye production ? were a constant presence in their life. But how did the coastal peoples of the Bronze Age understand the sea? How did living on the shore influence their lives, from daily practices to mythological beliefs? And what was the impact on their conceptual world? This volume seeks to engage with these questions by addressing the relationship between environment, diet, material production, perception, and thought formation through a combination of archaeological analysis and engagement with primary sources, and in doing so, it offers unique insights into the conceptual world of the ancient Mediterranean maritime cultures of the 2nd millennium BCE. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations List of Common and Scientific Names of Fish and Molluscs Mentioned in the Text Part I: Framework Chapter 1. Introduction Objectives Organization of the Book Chapter 2. History, Theory, and Methods State of the Art Theoretical Framework Chronological Framework The Evidence Part II: Regional Chapters Chapter 3. Levant Faunal and Material Cultural Evidence Textual Evidence Discussion Chapter 4. Cyprus Faunal and Material Cultural Evidence Textual Evidence Discussion Chapter 5. Southern Anatolian Coast Faunal and Material Cultural Evidence Textual Evidence Discussion Part III: Overarching Analysis Chapter 6. Concepts of Marine Fauna Marine Fauna as Food Fish and Molluscs: Offerings and Purity Marine Fauna as Status or Commodity Visual Concepts of Marine Fauna Chapter 7. Concepts of the Sea The Sea as a Place The Sea as a Supernatural Force The Sea as a Divine Entity Chapter 8. Conclusions: Concepts of Seascapes Works Cited Index
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Softcover, Pages: 312 pages; Size:240 x 280 mm; Illustrations:360 col. ;Language(s):English. ISBN 9781912554928.
In short, everyone involved in creating this catalogue and the exhibition it records deserves praise. The volume covers a vast terrain, helpfully summarizing the current state of knowledge on a great many objects and providing a road map for further study by scholars and students of the material (and indeed of ?materiality? writ large). In doing so, the catalogue provides a stellar example of the benefits of stepping outside of the intellectual taxonomies that so often constrain scholarship: our assumptions about the firmness of divisions between stylistic periods, geographic regions, and categories of objects. It compellingly demonstrates that those boundaries are far more permeable than they often might seem, and that they can distract us from important commonalities that transcend them.? (Stephen Perkinson, in Historians of Netherlandish Art Reviews, 09/2023) BIO Marjan Debaene is Head of Collections at Museum M in Leuven. SUMMARY Alabaster was a popular material in European sculpture, especially from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. Its relative availability and easy to sculpt characteristic made it a highly suitable material for both large monuments and small objects, for mass production and individual works, from England to Spain and France to the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. This material has been the subject of multidisciplinary research in various European countries for several decades. The research combines material analyses with historical and art-historical approaches. This publication, made for the occasion of the large exhibition on the theme at M Leuven opening on October 14th, brings together all renown specialists on the material and sheds light on the many facets of alabaster, such as its physical and chemical properties as well as its translucency, its whiteness, its softness, and its beautiful sheen, all of which made it a popular material used in different types of sculpture from the middle ages to the baroque, all throughout Europe, ranging from bespoke tombs, funerary monuments and commissioned sculptures and altarpieces to commercially interesting formulas such as English or Mechelen alabaster reliefs. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword M Leuven Peter Bary Foreword Mus e du Louvre Laurence des Cars Preface Marjan Debaene and Sophie Jugie 1 Alabaster as a Material for Sculpture Introduction Sophie Jugie Rhetoric of Alabaster: The Material between its Affordances and Cultural Meaning Aleksandra Lipi?ska How to Distinguish Alabaster from Alabaster: Tracing the Material Back from the Artwork to the Quarry Wolfram Kloppmann ?Marbre d?alabastre?: Status of the Interdisciplinary Research Project on Marble and Alabaster Jude De Roy, Laurent Fontaine and G raldine Patigny Catalogue nos. 1?21 2 Funerary Sculpture Introduction Sophie Jugie Alabaster as a Material for Funerary Monuments Jessica Barker Catalogue nos. 22?41 3 Alabaster Altarpieces Introduction Marjan Debaene and Michaela Z schg The Rimini Altarpiece and Alabaster Sculpture in the Southern Netherlands, around 1430 Stefan Roller English Alabaster and the Continent Lloyd de Beer Alabaster Altarpieces in the Iberian Peninsula: From Gothic to Baroque Carmen Morte Garc a Catalogue nos. 42?99 4 Sacred and Secular Introduction Michaela Z schg and Marjan Debaene The Head of St John the Baptist in Alabaster: The Object in Context Soetkin Vanhauwaert Catalogue nos. 100?126 Epilogue: Alabaster Mentalis, Trinitas Terrestris Sofie Muller Catalogue nos. 127?128 Bibliography Index Lenders to the Exhibition Photographic Acknowledgements
Paris Marny 1925 1 in-16 Paris, Marny, premier bonnetier de Paris, Imprimerie Française de l'Edition,1925, in-16, broché, couverture, titre imprimé en rouge, 128 pp.
Ouvrage indispensable pour tout savoir sur les bas et les chaussettes illustré en noir, écrit et édité par MARNY, premier bonnetier de Paris installé rue Tronchet... Taches et manques à la couverture.
A LA LAMPE D'ALADDIN 1926 1 Liège, A la Lampe d'Aladdin, 1926, in-12, br., 122 pp.
Réflexion sur l'abandon du Smoking et de l'Habit, sur la chaussure et le chapeau, sur le choix de la cravate et la manière de la nouer, sur la chemise, les cannes et les gants. Ouvrage numéroté sur papier vergé baroque thé. Lég. corné.
Paris LE DIVAN 1923 1 in-8 Illustrations d'Henri FARGE. Paris, Le Divan, 1923, in-8, demi veau corail, tête dorée, 288 pp.
"L'homme est le seul animal qui s'habille...le seul être qui ait une idée claire de la beauté". Cet ouvrage n'est que propos encourageant cette quête de l'élégance. Eugène MARSAN y portraitise "quelques artistes littéraires" touchés de dandysme ( BARBEY d'AUREVILLY, BAUDELAIRE, BALZAC,...). Eaux-fortes en couleur et bois racés de Henri FARGE. Un des 240 ex. numéroté sur papier de Monval. Trés légères piqures et taches.
MARSAUD 1 Paris, Marsaud, (1860), in-4, reliure percaline vert sapin remontée sur reliure cartonnée et toilée, titre doré gravé en reliure sur le plat, 32 planches lithographiés en noir, 62 pages.
Troisième édition d'un manuel de tailleur de costumes pour hommes complété de nombreuses figures et explications sur les mesures, les coupes et les techniques nécessaires à l'exécution des modèles. Reliure postérieure.
Dessain et Tolra 1982 In-8 broché 21 cm sur 18,3. 61 pages. Tranche supérieure touchée par l’humidité, intérieur frais bon état d’occasion.
Traduit de l’anglais par Caroline Cour et Marianick Bourdais Bon état d’occasion
MARTINIANI-REBER, Marielle - Direction des musées de France/Inventaire des collections publiques françaises
Reference : 102462
1986 Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, Paris - 1986 - Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - In-8, broché, couverture illustrée - Illustrations en noir et blanc in et hors-texte dans l'ouvrage.
Bon état
, , Hardcover Pages: 195 pages, Size:225 x 300 mm Illustrations:170 col. Language(s):English. ISBN 9782503596907.
R p tons-le: Maryan W. Ainsworth propose un ouvrage la pointe de l? rudition et du savoir; f licitons-la aussi pour l?iconographie tr s riche, n?obligeant pas le lecteur rechercher les figures travers le livre. Regrettons cependant l?absence d?index, des personnes, des lieux et des ?uvres. (Jacques Paviot, dans Francia-Recensio, 4, 2023) BIO Maryan Ainsworth is Curator Emerita in the Department of European Paintings, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Sophie Scully is Assistant Conservator in the Department of Paintings Conservation, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Silvia Centeno is Research Scientist in the Department of Scientific Research, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Marc Smith is Professor of Paleography at the cole des Chartes in Paris, France Christina Meckelnborg is Professor Emerita of Classical and Medieval Studies at the University of Osnabr ck, Germany SUMMARY Among the most intriguing and confounding works of Jan van Eyck?s oeuvre are the Crucifixion and Last Judgment in New York?s Metropolitan Museum of Art. Although acquired in 1933 as a diptych, questions have remained about their initial configuration, and how these paintings functioned. The recent technical investigations of the paintings and their original frames added further complexities to these inquiries when a fragmentary text in Middle Dutch was discovered through X-radiography on the frames surrounding the two paintings. The many facets of the ensuing investigation necessitated an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers involving an art historian, paintings conservator, and museum scientist ? namely, Maryan Ainsworth, Sophie Scully, and Silvia Centeno. Moreover, the new discovery of the formerly hidden text called for the enrichment of the interdisciplinary team by a paleographer and a classical philologist, Marc Smith and Christina Meckelnborg. This book relates the unfolding story of the investigations from in-depth technical research, facilitating the conservation treatment of the frames, to the art historical study that connected these findings to the religious, political, and social contexts of the times. Through considerable interdisciplinary detective work, it was possible to reach a new understanding about the original form and function of the Crucifixion and Last Judgment and their pivotal role concerning devotions to a cherished relic, the Miraculous Bleeding Host, housed in the then collegiate church of Saint Michael and Saint Gudula in Brussels. The implications of these discoveries also shed new light on the relationship between The Met Crucifixion and Van Eyck?s metalpoint drawing of the same theme in the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam. Finally, the study of the Crucifixion and the Last Judgment draws attention to commissions Van Eyck received that are somewhat outside of the canon of works usually associated with this esteemed artist. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Maryan W. Ainsworth The Technical Examination and Restoration of the Frames Sophie Scully and Silvia A. Centeno In Search of the Original Form and Function of the Crucifixion and Last Judgment Maryan W. Ainsworth Investigating Van Eyck?s Working Technique Sophie Scully and Silvia A. Centeno Attribution and Dating Questions in Historical Context Maryan W. Ainsworth Reconsidering the Relationship Between The Met Painting and the Rotterdam Crucifixion Drawing Maryan W. Ainsworth Appendix A. Deciphering the Middle Dutch Text on the Crucifixion and Last Judgment Frames Marc Smith ? Appendix B. Transcriptions of the Texts within the Crucifixion and Last Judgment Christina Meckelnborg Bibliography
1991 / 223 pages. Relié avec jaquette. Editions Flammarion.
Très bon état.
Paris N.R.F. 1926 1 Illustrations de VERTES. Paris, Editions de la Nouvelle Revue Française, 1926, in-8, broché, couverture imprimée rempliée, 190 pp.
La mode est élevée ici au rang de Religion, avec moultes descriptions et anecdotes sur ses officiants, des manequins aux grands couturiers, avec un chapitre consacré aux parfums et en conclusion le lexique d'une planète "up to date". 21 gravures à l'eau-forte et 11 lithographies enlevées et hautes en couleurs de Marcel VERTES, chantre de la mode et des femmes. Un des 300 exemplaires numérotés sur Vélin pur Fil Lafuma-Navarre. Infimes taches.
Reference : 58546
Paris, Dunod, 1867. Folio-oblong. (38,5 x 56 cm.). Contemp. hcalf. Titlelabel with gilt lettering on upper board. Spine rubbed. Original printed wrappers. Containing 6 engraved or lithographed plates. No 1 shows a large collection of mining-tools for stone carving and polishing. No 2 shows different pits, quarries from where the stones are extracted. No 3 depits 12 specimens, handcoloured or in chromolithography, of different kinds of stones (Pierres dures), granites, porphyrs etc. No 4. 12 specimens, handcoloured or in chromolithography, of different kinds of marble (Marbres simples). No 5. 12 specimens, handcoloured or in chromolithography of marble with intrusions (Marbres brèches et brocatelles). No 6. 12 specimens, handcoloured or in chromolithography of composed marble (Mabres composés et lumachelles).
This volume is the first two parts (Livraison 1 et 2) of Sganzin - Reibel's ""Programme ou Résumé des Lecons d'un Cours de Construction, avec des Applications tirées spécialement de l'Art de l'Ingenieur des Ponts et Chaussées. Cinquieme Édition, entirement refondue par Leon Lalanne."" The fifth edition seems to be the first containing these plates with materials added by Léon Lalanne.
in4 reliure cartonné à motif or et noir contrecollé, photos nb en héliogravures - texte en français et anglais
couverture légèrement frottée aux arêtes sinon bel état - TOURCOING - NORD - TEXTILE - PUBLICITE - FILATURE - TISSUS
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, xvi + 140 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:107 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503591261.
Summary During the Roman era, when the ancient city of Palmyra was at the height of its powers, several thousand funerary portraits were sculpted, each carefully crafted to represent the men, women, and children who had once lived there as members of the Palmyrene elite. In their commemorative monuments, these individuals were given specific attributes to express their social status, wealth, identity, and skills. This volume provides an in-depth exploration of different aspects of these funerary portraits, and illuminates in particular the addition of attributes and how and why they were used by both artists and their patrons. The eight contributions gathered here examine the range of choices available to commissioners of art works in Palmyra, the prevalence or rarity of specific attributes, and the ways in which the variation and selection of attributes could be used in funerary, religious, or public contexts to express social cohesion and group identity, as well as to demonstrate individuality. Crucially, while these funerary monuments may be closely associated with Palmyra, they in fact provide clear evidence of the city's relationships across the wider region: examination of the different attributes suggests that the Palmyrenes were aware of how these were used, perceived, and adapted by neighbouring people as a way of transmitting various social meanings and expressing their own values. TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents List of Illustrations Attributes in Palmyrene Funerary Sculpture: Functions and Meanings - MAURA HEYN AND RUBINA RAJA The 'Fringed' Mantle and its Relation to Gender in Palmyrene Funerary Sculpture - FRED ALBERTSON Plants in Palmyrene Funerary Iconography of Adults - OLYMPIA BOBOU Unlocking a Mystery? The Keys in Palmyrene Funerary Portraiture - RIKKE RANDERIS THOMSEN Significance of the Drinking Attributes in Palmyrene Banquet Scenes - MAURA HEYN Adornment and Jewellery as a Status Symbol in Priestly Representations in Roman Palmyra: The Palmyrene Priests and their Brooches - RUBINA RAJA A Symbol of a City. The Iconography of the Palmyrene Coinage - NATHALIA B. KRISTENSEN Why No Attributes? Expressions of Status and Social Realities in the Epigraphy of Palmyra - JEAN-BAPTISTE YON Index
Edisud 2010 In-4 broché 29,4 cm sur 20,8. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
Souyri, Au fil du temps, 2014. In-4 carré broché, couverture rempliée ill. en couleurs, 175 pp., très nombreuses ill. en couleurs, certaines en pleine page, bibliographie.
Située sur la rive orientale du Nil, la ville d'Akhmîm est réputée pour sa tradition du tissage vieille de 4000 ans. Dès l'époque pharaonique et jusqu'à nos jours, on y a tissé le lin, la soie, la laine, le coton. La réappropriation d'un artisanat séculaire par les femmes leur permet de trouver une place dans la société. De nouveaux motifs sont nés. C'est le récit de ce renouveau étayé d'une riche iconographie et d'émouvants témoignages que propose cet ouvrage. Excellente condition. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €)
1908 Sans lieu, ni éditeur, (1908), in-12, cartonnage bleu-orné de motifs floraux d'or-pastichant une reliure.
Catalogue illustré des gravures d'autrefois présentant des fourrures portées par les élégantes du XIIe au XVIIe siècle où se suivent Agnès Sorel, Marie d'Anjou, Madame de Maintenon... Infimes usures et piqures.
1908 Paris, Draeger, (1908), in-12, cartonnage bleu-orné de motifs floraux d'or-pastichant une reliure, 8 planches lithographiées en couleur.
Catalogue illustré des gravures d'autrefois présentant des fourrures portées par les élégantes du XIIe au XVIIe siècle où se suivent Agnès Sorel, Marie d'Anjou, Madame de Maintenon... Petites usures et infimes taches.
1908 Paris, Draeger, (1908), in-12, cartonnage bleu-orné de motifs floraux d'or-pastichant une reliure, 8 planches lithographiées en couleur.
Catalogue illustré des gravures d'autrefois présentant des fourrures portées par les élégantes du XIIe au XVIIe siècle où se suivent Agnès Sorel, Marie d'Anjou, Madame de Maintenon... Infimes usures, borchage fragile. Collection Draeger - ex-libris.
MAX-LEROY & SCHMID. DRIAN (Etienne), BARBIER (George), MARTIN (Charles), VINCENT (René).
Reference : 11270
Draeger 1912 1 Montrouge, Draeger, (1912), in-4, cartonné, couverture imprimée avec une vignette contrecollée, façon miniature, [24 pp.]
Précieux catalogue, illustraté de 4 planches en couleurs, par Charles MARTIN, DRIAN, George BARBIER et René VINCENT, présentant leur nouvelle collection et montrant la fourrure portée au XVIIIème siècle. Nombreuses photos de FELIX et BRISSY. Débrochage, usures à la couverture et légères déchirures.
Codogno, 1936, 240x170mm, 93pages, broché. Bel exemplaire.
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De Saxe 2004 In-4 broché 28 cm sur 21,4. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
Texte par Méry. Histoire de la mode par Le Cte. Foelix. 15 gravures hors texte de Gavarni (sur Chine contrecollées et insérées).Paris, G. de Gonet, et à Leipzig, chez Charles Twietmeyer vers 1850. 300 pp. La couverture en couleurs et le faux-titre porte : Perles et Parures.Reliure bradel percaline verte de l'époque. Dos avec étiquette rouge, fleuron et filets dorés. Non rogné. Couverture illustrée conservée. Pas de rousseur. Bon état. Format in-4°(29x20).
Paris GONET 1895 1 in-8 Paris, G. de Gonet, (1895), in-8, demi-chagrin brun à coins, double filets dorés sur les plats et aux coins, dos à 5 nerfs, illustré de 15 lithographies en noir, 300 pp.
Panorama historique des différents accessoires de la toilette féminine illustré par de jolies gravures hors texte de Gavarni. Usures à la reliure et aux mors, coins émoussés, rousseurs éparses et mouillures. Us. à la rel. et aux mors, coins émoussés, rouss. éparses.
, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, xviii + 232 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:229 col., 1 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503576336.
Summary This volume provides a unique survey of locally produced funerary representations from across regions of ancient Syria, exploring material ranging from reliefs and statues in the round, to busts, mosaics, and paintings in order to offer a new and holistic approach to our understanding of ancient funerary portraiture. Up to now, relatively little attention has been paid to the way in which local and regional production of material in this area formed part of a broader pattern of sculptural and iconographical development across the Roman Near East. By drawing on material from an area encompassing modern Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Turkey, as well as Egypt and Achaia, the contributions in this book make it possible for the first time to take a wider perspective on the importance of funerary portraiture within Greater Roman Syria, and in doing so, to identify influences, connections, and iconographical analogies present throughout the region, as well as local differences, larger-scale boundaries, and ruptures in traditions that occurred across time and place. TABLE OF CONTENTS Michael Bl mer & Rubina Raja, Funerary Portraits in Roman Greater Syria - Time for a Reappreciation Michael Bl mer & Rubina Raja, Shifting the Paradigms: Towards a New Agenda in the Study of the Funerary Portraiture of Greater Roman Syria Andrea U. De Giorgi, 'Til Death Do Us Part: Commemoration, Civic Pride, and Seriality in the Funerary Stelai of Antioch on the Orontes Michael Bl mer, The Diversity of Funerary Portraiture in Roman Commagene and Cyrrhestice Jutta Rumscheid, Different from the Others: Female Dress in Northern Syria Based on Examples from Zeugma and Hierapolis Michael A. Speidel, Roman Soldiers' Gravestones in Greater Syria: Thoughts on Designs, Imports, and Impact Rubina Raja, Funerary Portraiture in Palmyra: Portrait Habit at a Crossroads or a Signifier of Local Identity? Signe Krag, Palmyrene Funerary Female Portraits: Portrait Tradition and Change Achim Lichtenberger & Rubina Raja, Portrait Habit and the Funerary Portraiture of the Decapolis Karl-Uwe Mahler, Funerary Portraiture from the Coastal Region of Roman Syria Bilal Annan, Petrified Memories: On Some Funerary Portraits from Roman Phoenicia C. H. Hallett, Mummies with Painted Portraits from Roman Egypt and Personal Commemoration at the Tomb Sheila Dillon, Attic Funerary Portraiture in the Roman Period