Reference : 17971
s.l., s.n., 1731, 1 1 cahier sans couverture. in-4 de 3 pages ;
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Reference : 1090
Aubenas le 10 décembre 1830, 1 1/2 page in-8 manuscrite
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Reference : 1082
Tribunal de Privas, 1881 1 br., sans couverture. 12 pages in-8, cachets, timbre;
Monsieur Court, moulinier à Pont d'Ucel, est condamné à reconstruire un barrage qu'il a détruit sur la rivière.
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Reference : 9721
Valence, Marc Aurel, 1852, 1 1 cahier. in-folio de 4 pages, texte sur 4 colonnes, marque fiscale ;
Marché de la soie.
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Reference : 16098
Lyon, imp. Arnaud, (vers 1905), 1 1 feuillet à en-tête imprimée, illustré (vue de Vals-les-Bains: le Casino et le pont sur la Volane au premier plan) ;
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Reference : 19479
Paris, rédaction, 1887, 1 cahiers libres, sous couverture. in-folio de 8 pages, paginées 329 à 336, texte sur 3 colonnes, titre illustré par Jules Huyot, illustrations dont une d'Anaïs Colin ;
[...] coiffures et accessoires de coiffures. - les soieries nouvelles. - Recettes de ménage. Etc...
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Reference : 18491
Lyon, rédaction, 1876, 1 en cahiers libres. in-folio de 8 pages, texte sur 3 colonnes, illustrations ;
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Hatier 1992 13 4x1 4x20 2cm. 1992. Relié.
Très bon état - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état- expédié soigneusement depuis la France
Reference : 13080
Lyon, rédaction, février-mars 1933, 1 br., couverture illustrée. in-8 de 56-(7) pp., joint 1 feuillet (portrait photo), illustrations, bois original de Jean Chièze ;
Une tache s'achève, par Gabriel Chevallier.- Les foires de Lyon, par Edouard Herriot. - L'imprimerie et les foires de Lyon. - Le métier de la soie à Lyon au XVIe siècle. - La soierie moderne.
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Reference : 10000
Paris, rédaction, 1939, 1 br., couverture illustrée. in-folio de XC pages publicitaires, 94 pp., illustrations, reproduction de peintures en couleurs contrecollées sur feuillets bristol, sanguines d'André Galland (les vendanges et les caves de Champagne), photos de Pierre Ichac ;
L'exposition Internationale de 1939 à New-York.L'homme qui ne voulait pas être roi: Lucien Bonaparte. - Le sauvetage des sous-marins. - L'itinéraire aérien de Paris à Madagascar, par Pierre Ichac. - En Champagne, des vignes aux caves. - La Martinique. - la Réunion. - l'art du parfumeur. - Cartier. - Grand Marnier. - Les soieries Bianchi Ferier. Etc...
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Reference : 15658
A Nismes (Nimes), chez la veuve Belle, 1810, 1 br., sans couverture, exemplaire à relier. in-8 de 504 pp., 1 tableau dépliant, exemplaire à pleines marges ;
Recherches sur l'origine de la soie, et sur l'introduction du murier en France (7 pages sur Olivier de Serres). - Description d'un atelier de filature de soie. - Application des tubes à vapeur au chauffage des ateliers de vers à soie. - Mémoire sur la constitution physique des habitants de Nimes et sur leurs maladies. - Mémoire sur la culture du ricin. - Observations sur l'éclair galvanique. - Mémoire sur les apparitions et les disparitions de l'aurore boréale. - Mémoire sur les variétés de l'espèce humaine. - Recherches sur la position respective de la Méditerranée et de la ville d'Aigues-Mortes à la fin du XIIIème siècle. - Appel à la postérité, ou examen de Jean-Jacques Rousseau sur l'inégalité des conditions. -Etc...
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Planeta DeAgostini 2021 32 pages 2021. Relié. 32 pages.
Bon état
Fondation nationale Carthage 1992 129 pages 15 6x1x23 2cm. 1992. Broché. 129 pages.
bon état de conservation couverture défraîchie intérieur propre
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xvi + 293 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:147 b/w, 8 col., 24 tables b/w., Languages: English, French. ISBN 9782503580241.
Summary While the city of Gerasa - modern-day Jerash - is perhaps best known for the impressive remains left by its Roman inhabitants, the Byzantine and Umayyad periods (fifth-eighth centuries AD) were also eras during which the city blossomed and its population boomed. Pottery production in this period also peaked: excavations over the last hundred years have revealed a vast quantity of ceramic finds, creating a challenge for archaeologists to cope with the sheer quantity of material as they seek to define and refine the typology of local ceramics. This volume presents an in-depth examination of finds from Jerash dating to the Byzantine and Umayyad periods. Through this analysis, it seeks to provide a better understanding of local pottery production and the role it played in the development of the city. The chapters included here explore techniques of production, identify key locations for ceramic work, and examine these developments as part of broader socio-economic patterns within the region. The contributions also analyse other artefacts from the city, including coinage and fine wares, as part of this wider discussion. The volume thus offers a unique academic contribution aimed at bringing to the forefront issues of continuity and change in Jerash in the dynamic period between the fifth and eighth centuries CE. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: The Conundrum of Chronologies of the Byzantine and Umayyad Periods in Jerash -ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Revisiting Jerash Late Antique Fine Wares: A?Material and Visual Cultural Approach - ALEXANDRA USCATESCU Archaeological Evidence for Craft Activities in the Area of the Sanctuary of Artemis at Gerasa between the Byzantine and Umayyad Periods - DANIELA BALDONI La c ramique de trois ensembles clos des vie/viiie si cles Gerasa - ANNE-MICHELE RASSON-SEIGNE ET JACQUES SEIGNE The Late Antique Jarash Project: Preliminary Results of the Pottery Data - RAFFAELLA PAPPALARDO Ceramic Petrography of Locally Produced Byzantine/Umayyad Pottery from Jerash - STEPHEN MERKEL Umayyad Numismatics in Bil?d al-Sh?m with Particular Reference to Jund al-Urdunn - INGRID AND WOLFGANG SCHULZE Defining Borders: The Umayyad-Abbasid Transition and the Earthquake of ad 749 in Jerash - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, xii + 248 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:102 b/w, 77 col., 3 tables b/w., 10 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503589374.
Summary The Decapolis city of Jerash has long attracted attention from travellers and scholars, due both to the longevity of the site and the remarkable finds uncovered during successive phases of excavation that have taken place from 1902 onwards. Between 2011 and 2016, a Danish-German team, led by the universities of Aarhus and M nster, focused their attention on the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - the highest point within the walled city - and this volume is the third in a series of books presenting the team's final results. The contributions gathered together in this volume provide an in-depth analysis of the glass finds, the lamps, and the iconography of the Jerash bowls discovered in the Northwest Quarter during the excavations. Together, these chapters provide both general overviews and more detailed insights into these important groups of material evidence, and also examine their stratigraphic contextualization and chronological spread across the centuries. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Glass, Lamps, and Jerash Bowls: The Finds from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project's Excavation Campaigns 2012-2016 - ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Part I: Glass The Glass Finds from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - RUTH E. JACKSON-TAL Part II: Lamps Pottery Oil Lamps from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - ALEXANDRA USCATESCU Part III: Jerash Bowls Some Notes on the Iconography of the Jerash Bowls from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash - PAMELA BONNEKOH About the Authors
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, x + 232 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:205 b/w, 204 col., 10 tables b/w., 22 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503607740.
Summary The Decapolis city of Jerash has long attracted attention from travellers and scholars, due both to the longevity of the site and the remarkable finds uncovered during successive phases of excavation that have taken place from 1902 onwards. Between 2011 and 2016, a Danish-German team, led by the universities of Aarhus and M nster, focused their attention on the Northwest Quarter of Jerash ? the highest point within the walled city ? and this volume is the sixth in a series of books presenting the team's final results. In this volume, a wide range of miscellaneous items discovered in the Northwest Quarter are presented, ranging from prehistoric lithics to Ottoman pipes. Material finds covered include stone sculpture, utensils, and inscriptions, as well as bone objects, spindle whorls, and bread stamps, while some scientific analyses of jewellery and terracotta figurines complement the studies. These chapters ensure that all finds from the Northwest Quarter ? no matter how small ? are made available to researchers, with the contributions gathered here offering unique new insights into the material groups from Gerasa, later Jerash, and into the lives of the population of the city from a longue dur e perspective. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures and Tables 1. Objects in and out of Context from the Northwest Quarter in Gerasa Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja 2. Lithic Artefacts Maysoon al-Nahar 3. Stone Sculpture Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja 4. A Miniature Horned Altar Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja 5. An Oblong Square Gaming Piece - Teetotum(?) Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja 6. Stone Objects Olympia Bobou, Achim Lichtenberger, and Rubina Raja 7. The Inscriptions Found during the Excavation Rudolf Haensch 8. Pottery and Tile Fragments with Greek and Latin Writing Jonas Sch ren 9. A Magical Ringstone to Attract Women Richard L. Gordon 10. The Jerash Silver Scroll John M ller Larsen 11. Pottery and Plaster Fragments with Semitic Writing and Decoration John M ller Larsen 12. The Jewellery Olympia Bobou and Signe Krag 13. Compositions and Raw Materials of Jewellery from the Northwest Quarter Ingrid S gaard and Gry H. Barfod 14. Worked Bone, Ivory Objects, and other Faunal Remains Olympia Bobou and Signe Krag 15. Terracotta Figurines Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja 16. Petrographic Analysis of the Terracotta Figurines Carmen Ting 17. Spindle Whorls Olympia Bobou, Achim Lichtenberger, and Rubina Raja 18. Bread Stamps Philip Ebeling 19. Ottoman Pipes Philip Ebeling
Saint-Fortunat (Ardèche), 1929, 1 1 feuillet de 46 x 36 cm, encadrement ornemental, coupons (3 retités), statuts au verso.
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 261 pages, Size:210 x 297 mm, Illustrations:133 b/w, 37 col., 11 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503603995.
Summary This book presents the results of a research project realised in 2012-14 in the surroundings of the Roman legionary base at Novae (Moesia inferior), transformed in late Antiquity into a civilian town. The publication also contains material from surveys conducted in 1977 and in 2000, which have so far only been partly published. Various research methods were implemented jointly to enable at least a partial reconstruction of the settlement's character. These included geophysical prospection, field walking, and the mapping of metal finds, supplemented by a series of analyses, such as the testing of plant pollen and macroremains, with the aim of providing as complete a reconstruction as possible of the past environment in the fortress' surroundings. We attempted to record both the finds originating from earlier epochs and those from later ones, in order to provide a more complete reconstruction of the settlement landscape and the character of the site. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction and acknowledgments I The site and its surroundings (Agnieszka Tomas) II Introductory remarks on civil settlement near Roman legionary bases and the case of Novae III The present and the past environment (Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo, Renata Stachowicz-Rybka, Agnieszka Tomas and Hanna Winter) 1. The environment at present (A. Tomas) 2. Palynological study of the samples from the archaeological site at Novae (Hanna Winter) 3. Plant macro-remains from Novae (Renata Stachowicz-Rybka, Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo) IV Research programme (Piotr Jaworski, Marcin Jaworski, Wies?aw Ma?kowski, Krzysztof Misiewicz, Micha? Pisz, Agnieszka Tomas, and Piotr Wroniecki) 1. The landscape and research limitations (A. Tomas, P. Wroniecki, M. Jaworski) 2. Organization of work and general settings (A. Tomas) 3. Previous non-intrusive investigations at Novae (A. Tomas, M. Pisz) 4. Field walking surveys and documentation of structural remains (A. Tomas) 5. Geophysical prospection methods (P. Wroniecki, M. Jaworski, M. Pisz, K. Misiewicz, W. Ma?kowski) 6. Satellite imagery and aerial photography (M. Pisz) 7. Mapping of metal finds (P. Jaworski) 8. GIS database and spatial analyses (P. Wroniecki) V The results of the prospection (Marcin Jaworski, Wies?aw Ma?kowski, Krzysztof Misiewicz, Micha? Pisz, Agnieszka Tomas, and Piotr Wroniecki) 1. Satellite imagery and aerial photography 2011-14 (Micha? Pisz) 2. Fortifications' measurements, field walking, mapping finds and documentation of structural remains (Agnieszka Tomas) 3. Geophysical measurements (P. Wroniecki, M. Jaworski, M. Pisz, K. Misiewicz, W. Ma?kowski) VI The finds (Piotr Dyczek, Evgenia Gencheva, Pawe? Janik, Bartosz Kontny, Ma?gorzata Kot, Szymon Modzelewski, Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo, Tadeusz Sarnowski (?), Renata Stachowicz--Rybka, Agnieszka Tomas and Hanna Winter) 1. Stone Age artefacts (Ma?gorzata Kot) 2. Pottery (Agnieszka Tomas) 3. Amphorae (Agnieszka Tomas, Piotr Dyczek) 4. Glass finds and evidence of glass manufacturing (Agnieszka Tomas) 5. Weapons, armour and other equipment (Bartosz Kontny) 6. Jewellery and cosmetic items (Evgenia Gencheva, Agnieszka Tomas) 7. Other metal finds (Szymon Modzelewski) 8. Evidence of local metal processing (Szymon Modzelewski) 9. Roman and Early Byzantine coin finds (Piotr Jaworski) 10. Lead seals (Piotr Jaworski) 11. Epigraphic finds (Agnieszka Tomas) 12. Brick and tile-stamps (Tadeusz Sarnowski (?)) 13. Terracotta and ceramic items (Agnieszka Tomas) 14. Stone finds (Agnieszka Tomas) 15. Medieval and post-Medieval pottery (Pawe? Janik) 16. Medieval coins found at Ostrite Mogili (Piotr Jaworski) 17. Medieval heart-shaped copper alloy find from Ostrite Mogili (Pawe? Janik) VII Summary and conclusions (Agnieszka Tomas) Literature List of figures and tables in the text
HARLEQUIN 2017 360 pages 13x20 4x2 8cm. 2017. Broché. 360 pages.
Très bon état
HARLEQUIN 2017 360 pages 13x20 4x2 8cm. 2017. Broché. 360 pages.
Très bon état - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état- expédié soigneusement depuis la France
HARLEQUIN 2017 360 pages 13x20 4x2 8cm. 2017. Broché. 360 pages.
Comme neuf
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, xviii + 306 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:210 b/w, 8 col., 12 tables b/w., 5 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503609454.
Summary In the late fourth millennium BCE, the villages, temples, and palace of the Upper Euphrates region stood between two social worlds: the comparatively hierarchical, centrally organized Mesopotamian social tradition to the south and the comparatively egalitarian, decentralized Kura-Araxes social tradition to the north. Over the next seven centuries, this positioning and the interactions it sparked fed into reactions among the region's inhabitants that ranged from cataclysmic violence to a flowering of innovation in visual culture and social arrangements. These events had a wide array of short-term and long-term impacts, some limited to a single house or settlement, and some, like the innovation of the Warrior Tomb template, that transformed societies across West Asia. With an eye towards detail, a theoretical approach emphasizing personal motivation, and multiple scales of analysis, this book organizes previously unpublished data from six sites in the region, Arslantepe, Ta kun Mevkii, Pulur, Nor untepe, Tepecik, and Korucutepe, dating to this dramatic and transformative period. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter 1. Identities under Construction at the Margins The Problem: Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamia and the Kura-Araxes Cultural Tradition at the End of the Fourth Millennium An Approach to Culture Contact Methodologies for New Research Chapter 2. Setting the Stage: The Late Chalcolithic Background The Local Late Chalcolithic of the Upper Euphrates in Regional Context The Kura-Araxes Cultural Tradition A Comparison of Upper Euphrates LC and Kura-Araxes Visual Culture Signatures Conclusion Chapter 3. The First Moments of Visible Contact: The EB Ia Period Arslantepe Tepecik Conclusions: The Formation of a New Kura-Araxes(-Inspired) Visual Orthodoxy Chapter 4. Isolated Citadels: The EB Ib Period Nor?untepe Tepecik Arslantepe Ta?kun Mevkii Conclusions: The Creation of an Indigenous Visual Counter-Orthodoxy Chapter 5. Accommodation, Innovation, and Diversity: The EB II Period Nor?untepe Tepecik Korucutepe Pulur Arslantepe Conclusions: Innovation and Blending of Visual Templates in a Borderland Region Chapter 6. Legacies of Interactions and Innovations on the Upper Euphrates Legacies of EB I Occupations Legacies of EB II Occupations Conclusions. Evidence, Theory, and Narrative The Nature of Kura-Araxes Identity in the Upper Euphrates Region Violence, Power, and Symbolic Systems Works Cited Appendix 1. Plan Key Detailed Descriptions of Object Types Appendix 2. Object Registers Nor?untepe Tepecik Korucutepe Arslantepe Ta?kun Mevkii Objects
Pearson ELT 1988 374 pages 21 4x2 4x13 8cm. 1988. Broché. 374 pages.
Bon état