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‎Catherine Verleysen / Till-Holger Borchert / Maximiliaan Martens Jan Dumolyn‎

Reference : 53181

‎Van Eyck een optische revolutie. ‎

‎, Kannibaal- HANNIBAL, 2020 Gebonden, Hardcover met stofomslag compleet. 504 pagina's, 33,2 x 25,7 x 4,7 cm, met prachtige illustraties. nieuwstaat. ISBN 9789463887335.‎

‎Het complete werk van Jan van Eyck bij de grootste Van Eyck-expo ooit. Als schilder van de Bourgondische hertog Filips de Goede en van het flamboyante hof en de rijke inwoners van steden als Brugge en Gent torende Jan van Eyck (1390-1441) mijlenhoog uit boven zijn tijdgenoten. Van Eycks weergaloze techniek, zijn grondige wetenschappelijke kennis en zijn onge venaarde observatievermogen waren doorslaggevend voor de verdere ontwikkeling van de beeldende kunst. Van Eyck ? Een optische revolutie brengt het bredere verhaal van een revolutionair moment in de westerse kunstgeschiedenis. Dankzij de spectaculaire resultaten van de restauratiecampagne van het Lam Godsretabel kijken we vandaag met een totaal nieuwe blik naar het veelluik en naar het hele oeuvre van Hubert en Jan van Eyck. De restauratie in het Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent was de directe aanleiding voor de organisatie van de grootste Van Eyck-tentoonstelling aller tijden en voor deze publicatie. Wereldwijd zijn er van deze Vlaamse meester slechts een twintigtal werken bewaard, en meer dan de helft ervan zal te zien zijn op de expo. Dit rijk ge llustreerde boek brengt het complete oeuvre van Van Eyck samen, aangevuld met meer dan honderd topstukken uit de late middeleeuwen waaruit de invloed van deze absolute grootmeester van de westerse kunst blijkt. Het plaatst het oeuvre van Jan van Eyck in zijn historische en artistieke context, en brengt de wisselwerking met de andere kunsten tot leven.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR54.99 (€54.99 )

‎Catherine Wood ; Jack Bankowsky‎

Reference : 58318

‎Pop Life : Art in a Material World‎

‎, Tate Publishing 2009, 2009 Paperback, 207 paghes, EN , 275 x 220 mm, in good order, with photo's / illustrations in colour and b/w, . ISBN 9781854378330.‎

‎This provocative and entertaining book examines how certain artists, from Salvador Dali to Damien Hirst, have wholeheartedly embraced both the cult of celebrity and the commercial cut and thrust of the art market. It poses the question: which came first, the global media or this new breed of artist? Would a figure like Andy Warhol have risen to a pre-eminent position in daily life in the latter half of the 20th century without a celebrity-hungry media reporting on his actions? The book examines those who have engaged directly with trading their own wares, including Keith Haring selling his pictures in his Pop Shop, Takashi Murakami licensing his designs to big business, and Hirst auctioning his own works at Sotheby's. They are joined by those who have taken an active role in manufacturing their own public personae, including Gilbert & George, Martin Kippenberger and Tracey Emin. Jeff Koons' celebration in painting and sculpture of his marriage and sexual union with porn star and latter-day politician Illona Staller (aka La Cicciolina) is just one example of an artist crossing the usually accepted boundaries between the public and the personal, revelling in and manipulating the response of the media to their own actions. Other artists examined in the book have adopted different strategies, including working under assumed identities, appropriating the visual culture of ethnic groups to which they don't belong or adopting the identities of prostitutes, stalkers or avid fans. All play their part in this fascinating and extensively illustrated book that accompanies a major exhibition at Tate Modern.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.50 (€29.50 )

‎CATHEU (Françoise de)‎

Reference : 196689

‎La Collégiale de Saint-Junien.. Le tombeau. Les peintures murales‎

‎Paris, A. et J. Picard, 1948 in-4, 90 pp., avec 36 figures dans le texte, dont 4 plans, broché. ‎



Phone number : 06 46 54 64 48

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Cathleen Hoeniger‎

Reference : 64763

‎Fate of Early Italian Art during World War Two. Protection, Rescue, Restoration‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 416 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:59 b/w, 42 col., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503609744.‎

‎Summary In Italy, art historians can study wall-paintings, tombs, and stained-glass windows in the early churches for which they were created because they have been preserved in situ over the centuries. This book explores one fraught period of this critical preservation work, during the five years of World War II in Italy, when numerous artistic monuments of value were vulnerable to damage and destruction. Works of art from the late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance lie at the focus, among them, the Angevin tombs of Santa Chiara in Naples, the frescoes of Pisa's Camposanto, Piero della Francesca's wall-painting of Sigismondo in the Tempio Malatestiano in Rimini, and the Mazzatosta Chapel in Viterbo. Rooted in the archives, the narrative charts the formidable task of safeguarding stationary art in the midst of aerial and ground attacks. Taking centre stage are the struggles endured by heritage superintendents, the innovations tested under pressure by art restorers, and the desperate position of clerical custodians of churches. The Allied Monuments Officers, who arrived over halfway through the war, provided substantial assistance in the rescue of damaged art from ruined buildings. This study offers an original perspective by emphasizing the Italian protagonists, whose efforts played out against the political and economic landscape of fascism and the devastation wrought by the war on Italian soil. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of illustrations Acknowledgements List of abbreviations Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Historical Background: Italy's Experience of World War II Chapter 3. The Role Of The Italian Federal Government in the Protection of Stationary Monuments from War Damage Chapter 4. The Defence of Art in the Italian Provinces before and during World War II Chapter 5. The First Responses To The War Damage Of Early Italian Art, 1943-1945 Chapter 6. What Befell the Mazzatosta Chapel in Viterbo and the Wider Circumstances in Lazio Province during World War II Chapter 7. The Wall Paintings of Pisa's Camposanto Monumentale in the Context of World War II Chapter 8. Conclusion Bibliography Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Cathrin Klings hr-Leroy‎

Reference : 63090

‎FRANZ MARC - JOSEPH BEUYS : Im Einklang mit der Natur‎

‎, Schirmer/Mosel, 2011 Hardcover, 207 pag. Deutsch., 265 x 210 mm, in Guten kondition, Schutzumschlag mit illustr., weiter illustr. in Farbe und s/w. ISBN 9783829605571.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR46.95 (€46.95 )


Reference : AUB-5153


‎La cathédrale de Reims. Son histoire, son architecture, sa sculpture, ses vitraux. Richement documenté, 48 planches, illustrations dans le texte, plan dépliant).‎

‎P.U.F. 1963. Bel exemplaire broché, couverture ornée aet avec rabats d'éd., fort in-4, 254 pages avec annexes + planches.‎

CHF70.00 (€75.03 )

‎[CATHÉDRALE] - TERRASSE (Charles) - ‎

Reference : 200506629

‎La cathédrale miroir du monde. ‎

‎Paris, Alpina, 1954; grand in-8, 188 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. (héliogravures).‎


Phone number : 03 89 24 16 78

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎CATLEY Brian ‎

Reference : 183219


ISBN : 2902028571

‎Art déco and other figures‎

‎ Antique Collectors' Club Antique Collectors' Club, 1998. In-4 relié plein cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette illustrée rempliée de 346 pages ornées de nombreuses photos en noir et en couleurs, dans et hors-texte. Texte en anglais. Très bon état. ‎

‎ Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo. ‎

Phone number : 05 65 42 95 21

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Catley, Bryan‎

Reference : 37461

‎Art Deco and other Figures.‎

‎, Antique Collecters' Club, 2003 Hardback, dusjacket, 288 mm x 220 mm., Pages: 400., Illustrations: 121 colour, 1,133 b&w., New. ISBN 9781851493821.‎

‎This important book, now available in a revised edition, contains the most complete range of art deco figures ever published. It is based partly on the original importers' catalogues and partly on the wide range of pieces handled by the author Bryan Catley - the leading specialist in the subject. Between the wars an entirely modern style of decorative sculpture emerged which was a complete break with the heavy romantic late nineteenth century schools, and was totally in sympathy with the vibrant young society of the 1920s. The use of bronze and ivory for a great number of these sensual figures in no way obscures the fact that many are of exceptionally high quality; add to this their sense of movement and rhythm and one realises that the large sums they now command is a reflection of a discriminative international collectors market. Bryan Catley's original interest in the subject was fired when he inherited an art deco figure from his late grandmother's art collection. During his student days at engineering college and after he was inspired to go on and buy every figure he could afford. Later he and John Sparrow set up the business known as 'Catspa' which, for many years before their retirement, was synonymous with Art Deco sculpture.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Cat logo de la exposici n ‎

Reference : 54697

‎Cathalonia : arte g tico catal n en los siglos XIV-XV ‎

‎, Museo Del Prado, 1997 Paperback, 255 pages, 30x24 cm Spanish, Illustrated. ISBN 9788487317576.‎

‎Arte g tico. Comunidad aut noma de Catalu a. Publicaciones de los particulares tipos de sociedades, entidades, organizaciones. Museo del Prado col. y n. Encuadernaci n en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. En la port. : Fundaci n "la Caixa", Ministerio de Educaci n y Cultura, MNAC. Arte g tico. Catalu a. Exposiciones. Museo Nacional del Prado El t tulo Cathalonia : Arte G tico Catal n En Los Siglos Xiv-xv forma parte del cat logo de Museo Nacional Del Prado. Su andadura comenz en 1988 impulsada por El Ministerio De Educaci n, Cultura Y Deporte en Comunidad de Madrid. Tiene m s de cincuenta libros publicados. Ministerio De Educaci n, Cultura Y Deporte es el sello editorial al que pertenece dicha editorial junto a Instituto de la Cinematograf a y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA), Ministerio de Educaci n, Cultura y Deporte. rea de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de las Artes Esc nicas y de la M sica (INAEM), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof a, Biblioteca Nacional de Espa a entre otros. Museo Nacional Del Prado tiene publicaciones sobre todo de Espa a. Artes Pl sticas Y Visuales y Artes Decorativas son algunos ejemplos de colecciones de la editorial. Autores destacados como Lara Padilla,, Nuez Garc a, Crist bal Luis, Bargue o, Eugenio, Alsina Masmitj , Pep, Nuere, Silvia entre otros han publicado sus publicaciones en Museo Nacional Del Prado‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Cato Beljaars‎

Reference : 63131

‎Weird things in Brussels : For those who want to look beyond the tourist trap and see more than Manneke Pis and the Grand Place‎

‎, Borgerhoff & Lamberigts / MER, 2023 Hardcover, 192 pages, ENG.,195 x 155 mm, NEW, illustrated in color. ISBN 9789072201980.‎

‎Brussels is considered the de facto capital of the European Union. But Brussels is also the capital of Belgium and, as such, the unofficial capital of surrealism. This has not escaped the notice of twenty-something Cato Beljaars. With an eye for peculiarities and a well-functioning camera, she roams the streets of the not very clean society of Brussels, recording absurdity, humour, creativity and joyful chaos.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR22.99 (€22.99 )

‎Catrien Schreuder / Tijs Visser / Caroline De Westenholz / Helen Westgeest / Anna Tiltroe‎

Reference : 62947

‎Yayoi Kusama With Love From Holland.‎

‎, MER - Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, 2023 Hardcover 192 Pages, 268mm x 218mm. illustr. Fine. ISBN 9789464778038.‎

‎Yavoi Kusama is one of the most important post-war and contemporary artists, with exhibitions all over the world. Her work is not only of historical importance, it also appeals to a young and broad audience, and defies art concepts such as Minimal and Pop Art. This publication provides an overview of K sama's earliest performative activities, staged especially for the camera, with previously unpublished photos. Naked and painted with dots, dressed in her self-designed fashion, posing in the streets of Amsterdam, in a time of an emerging sexual revolution. Written and visual accounts by eye-witnesses offer us a detailed insight into the colorful and erotic world of Yayoi Kusama for the first time, but also show us her particularly compelling, persuasive power to engage people in her universe. A power one might not expect from a small Japanese woman.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.90 (€39.90 )

‎Catrina Flint de M dicis, Fran ois de M dicis (eds)‎

Reference : 64288

‎Chamber Music in Europe (1850-1918). Composition, Mediation and Reception‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, xviii + 356 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:29 b/w, 16 tables b/w., 28 musical examples, Language: English. ISBN 9782503611761.‎

‎Summary This volume invites its readers into the highly varied world of chamber music composition, performance, and reception from England to Croatia, by way of the Czech lands, Italy, and France. It highlights ways in which the chamber music repertoire might engage in political or diplomatic issues, in chapters by Fenton, Kahan, S , and Thomason. The role of women in this genre of music also has a place this collection, bringing to light performances by all-women string quartets (November), and exposing the ethos of Marguerite de Saint-Marceaux's salon (Perrault). Societies devoted to works in this genre flourished throughout Europe during the time period in questions: here authors reflect on the workings of these groups and the nature of their performances in Prague (Bunzel) and Zagreb (Katalini?). Cultural transfer also has its place in these pages, across the English channel with Rei?felder's work on French chamber music composers in England, and from center to periphery in Branda's exploration of Dvo? k's 'Farewell' tour. No volume on that most intimate of Romantic genres would be complete without a deep dive into musical style. Style, structure, and the Beethovenian legacy come to a head in two, in-depth studies of Franck's chamber music (de M dicis and Strucken-Paland) while questions of a 'late' or 'mature' compositional style ? a sacrosanct ideal connected to Beethoven ? a re held up for scrutiny in the music of Saint-Sa ns (Deruchie) and Dvo? k (Campo-Bowen). TABLE OF CONTENTS Fran ois de M dicis and Catrina Flint de M dicis Introduction Within, Around and Beyond the 'Beethovenian' Christopher Campo-Bowen Anton n Dvo? k's String Quartets Opp. 105 and 106 and the Question of Late Style Andrew Deruchie Saint-Sa ns's Second String Quartet and the Art of Composing 'Oldly' Christiane Strucken-Paland C sar Franck: The String Quartet at the Nexus of Tradition and Innovation Fran ois de M dicis The Franck Quintet: Dramatic Character, Style, and Relationship to the Beethoven Instrumental Tradition Nancy November Challenging Tradition: All-Female String Quartets of the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Private and Public: Blurring the Boundaries Sylvia Kahan Reportage of Chamber Music in the Paris Daily Papers, 1860-1914 Isabelle Perreault Constructing and Re-Mediating the Ethos of a Music Lover: The Case of Marguerite de Saint-Marceaux Kathryn M. Fenton The Musical Art Quartet, Alice Warder Garrett, and American Musical Diplomacy in the Early Twentieth Century Chamber Music and Nationhood Eva Branda Evaluating Dvo? k's 'Niche': The 1892 Farewell Tour, the Dumky Piano Trio Op. 90, and Perceptions of Dvo? k as Chamber Music Composer Anja Bunzel Czech Song, Jan Ludev t Proch zka, and the Salonesque Musical Entertainments in 1870s Prague Vjera Katalini? Die edelste und k stlerischeste aller Kunstformen : The Committee for the Promotion of Chamber Music ? A fin-de-si cle Initiative in Zagreb H lder S Chamber Music 1850-1918: Violin and Chamber Music in Lisbon in the Early Days of the Republic National Identities and Cultural Transfer David Rei felder Modern French Chamber Music in Britain and C sar Franck Geoff Thomason Chamber Concerts for Champagne Socialists: Quartets and Contradictions at Manchester's Ancoats Brotherhood at the End of the Long Nineteenth Century Abstracts and Biographies Index of Names‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎Cattaneo Marco - Jasmina Trifoni‎

Reference : R160207578


ISBN : 2700026500

‎Le patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco - Les monuments‎

‎Grund. 2002. In-Folio. Relié. Etat du neuf, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais. 432 pages.Nombreuses photographies, gravures et cartes en couleurs et en noir et blanc dans et hors texte dont une page dépliante en 3 feuillets. Texte sur 3 colonnes. Jaquette en très bon état.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )

‎Cattaneo Marco, Trifoni Jasmina‎

Reference : RO30322842


ISBN : 2700026500

‎"Les monuments (Collection ""Le patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco"")"‎

‎Gründ. 2002. In-Folio. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 432 pages. Nombreuses photos et couleurs, dans et hors texte. Jaquette en bon état. Une carte en couleurs dépliante.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎"Collection ""Le patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco"". Préface par Francesco Bandarin. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture"‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )

‎Cattaneo Marco & Trifoni Jasmina‎

Reference : R320144694


ISBN : 2700025989

‎Les plus beaux sites du patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco - Les monuments, les sites archéologiques, les sites naturels.‎

‎Gründ. 2009. In-Folio. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 512 pages - jaquette en bon état - nombreuses photos en couleurs dans et hors texte.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR99.00 (€99.00 )

‎CATTAUI (Georges)‎

Reference : 18271

‎Baroque et rococo‎

‎Paris, Arthaud, 1973. Fort in-8 relié en toile d'éditeur violette sous jaquette illustrée, 268 p. Très nombreuses photographies (300) en noir (héliogravure) et en couleurs. Très bon état.‎


Phone number : 33 05 56 81 68 79

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )

‎Cattaui Georges‎

Reference : 100071823


‎Baroque & rococo /300 illustrations dont 6 quadrichromies‎

‎Arthaud 1973 in8. 1973. Relié jaquette. 268 pages. Très bon état‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Cattier Edmond‎

Reference : 100112854

‎Idées d'un bourgeois sur l'Architecture recueillies par Edmond Cattier‎

‎J. Lebègue et Cie in8. Sans date. Relié.‎

‎couverture défraîchie frottée tranche ternie intérieur propre ex-libris et tampon sur la garde non daté circa 1890‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎CATTIN (Paul)‎

Reference : 590498


‎Les comptes du château de Remens ou Château-Gaillard (Ain), 1343-1354. Cahiers René de Lucinge. Quatrième série. n°26.‎

‎ Paris, Association Les Amis du Château des Allymes et de René de Lucinge, De Boccard, 1990. In-4 broché, couv. armoriée, 111 pp., lexique. Texte sur 2 colonnes. ‎

‎Edition du texte latin et traduction française en regard. Couv. un peu passée, intérieur très frais. Bon ex. - Frais de port : -France 4,95 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €) ‎


Phone number : +33 (0)3 25 71 67 98

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Cauberghs, Frans‎

Reference : 65242

‎Oude Duivelshoek en omgeving‎

‎Merksem, Kring voor Heemkunde Merksem , 1986 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 86 pagina's, 24 x 16 cm, Ge llustreerd met foto's, kaartjes en tekeningen.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎CAUDILL, William W.‎

Reference : 5458

‎Toward Better School Design.‎

‎ New York, F. W. Dodge 1954, 300x220mm, 271pages, illustré, reliure de l’éditeur. Back and sides of covers stained. ‎

‎ Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF45.00 (€48.23 )


Reference : 64136


‎CAUE. Le Conseil d'Architecture d'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement de la Vendée au fil du temps.‎

‎1 vol. in-8 br. sous jaquette illustrée, 2001, 117 pp.‎

‎Bon exemplaire‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )


Reference : 1937

‎Cours d'Antiquités monumentales professé à Caen, en 1830. Histoire de l'art dans l'ouest de la France... jusqu'au XVIIe siècle. Atlas. Cinquième partie. Architecture militaire et civile du Moyen-Age ‎

‎Paris, Lance, 1835 - in-4 oblong : 16 pl., 2 ff., 6 pl. gravées - br., couv. imp., pap. brun (qqs. piq. - état d'usage correct)‎

‎Belles planches.‎

Phone number : 09 61 45 05 25

EUR38.00 (€38.00 )
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