Les Editions De Minuit Paris 1967 In-8 ( 220 X 140 mn ) de 211 pages, broché sous couverture illustrée. Traduction et postface de Pierre BOURIDEU. Planches hors-texte. Bel exemplaire.
Paris Les Editions de Minuit 1986 in 8 (21,5x13,5) 1 volume broché, couverture illustrée, 211 pages, et 48 illustrations hors-texte en noir et blanc in fine [2]. T. Collection ''Le sens commun''. Deuxième édition revue et corrigée. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon
Les éditions de minuit. 1970. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 211 pages - couverture contrepliée - nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc hors texte en fin d'ouvrage - nombreuses phrases soulignées et annotations au stylo à l'intérieur du livre ne gênant pas la lecture.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Collection le sens commun - traduction et postface de Pierre Bourdieu . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Editions de mInuit Editions de Minuit, 1986. In-8 broché, 211 pages + 48 planches d'llustrations. Traduction et post-face de Pierre Bourdieu. Bon état.
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
1981 Paris Les Editions de Minuit, , 1981, in-8° broché, vignette en noir sur la couverture. Illustré de nombreuses photos 211 pp
très bon état
1975 Paris, Editions de Minuit (Collection "Le Sens Commun"), 1975, in 8° broché, 275 pages ;figures et illustrations dans le texte ; couverture illustrée.
...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Paris Les Editions de Minuit 1992 in-8 broché Paris, Les Editions de Minuit, 1992. Coll. "Le sens commun". 21,5 x 13,5 cm, in-8, 211 (5) pp. - cahier iconographique de 28 ff. n. ch., broché sous couverture imprimée et illustrée.
Quasi neuf. Parfait
Presses du CNRS, 1992, in-4 softcover,, 127 pp, illustrations. In english. Very Good Condition.
Angers, Presses historiques et littéraires 1987 Grand in folio 45,5 x 30 cm. Reliure éditeur demi-vélin crème à la bradel, pièce de titre contrecollée, illustré d’un frontispice, III-87 pp. dont 75 planches. Exemplaire en très bon état. Ouvrage tiré à 750 exemplaires numérotés, signés par l'éditeur et par un huissier attestant du tirage limité de l'ouvrage. Celui-ci, N 592, en bon état.
Réimpression de l'édition ancienne parue sous le titre : " Grand et nouveau Vignole ou Règle des cinq ordres d'architecture selon Jacques Barrozio de Vignole, augmenté de l'ordre français ", par Pierre Panseron (1742-1803), qui avait été imprimée par Mondhare avec les planches par Vanmaelle dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle. Bon état d’occasion
, RMN, 2003 Taschenbuch, 127 seiten, Deutsch, Illustrazionen. ISBN 9782911809071.
, RMN, 2003 Broches, 128 pages, Francais, Illustrations. ISBN 9782911809064.
ISTITUTO GEOGRAFICO DE AGOSTINI, NOVARA. 1981. In-8. Cartonné. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 75 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Nombreuses photos couleurs dans et hors texte. Texte en italien.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 211 pages, Size:127 x 203 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503606569.
Summary This book explores the intersection between the early development of medieval universities and the arrival of Aristotle's works in the Christian West, especially De anima: one of his most famous and obscure writings, straddling the fields of biology and psychology, and devoted to the functions of living beings - including the human being. The leading figures in this very special meeting of cultures, also involving scientific writings from the Islamic world, are the Masters of Faculties of Arts. From the first half of the 13th century, they embarked on a theoretically very demanding enterprise, namely to restore a complete understanding of De anima; and they accomplished this difficult task by establishing a close - and often polemical - relationship with their more famous colleagues: theologians such as Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas. By resorting to the research and teaching methods of their time, the Masters of Arts addressed crucial topics such as the soul/body relationship, sense perception, intellectual knowledge and the special status of the human intellect, mediating, as far as possible, between scientific requirements and those of the Christian faith. Authors such as Adam of Buckfield, Peter of Spain, Siger of Brabant, John of Jandun and John Buridan, together with other, less famous ones and a small crowd of completely anonymous - yet theoretically no less interesting - scholars, gave rise to a choral narrative that disclosed new philosophical perspectives on man. It is in this intellectual context that the roots of Modern philosophical thought lie. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgements Chapter 1. The Commentaries on Aristotles De anima. Historical and Philosophical Background 1. Institutions and Places 2. Translations and Sources 3. Commentaries on the De anima: a Unitary Object of Study 4. Dicunt theologi. Theologians and their Influence on Faculties of Arts 5. Secundum medicos: the Discussion of Medical Doctrines in Commentaries on the De anima Chapter 2. The Human Soul According to Natural Philosophers Perspective (c.12401260/70) 1. Aristotles De anima at the Faculty of Arts 2. Avicennas Influence and the Establishment of the scientia de anima in the Latin West 3. The Definition of the Human Soul According to the Earliest Masters of Arts 4. The Debate on the Faculties of the Human Soul 5. The Soul-Body Relationship 6. Senses and Sensation 7. The Doctrine of the Intellect Chapter 3. The Human Soul at Faculties of Arts between Orthodoxy and Heresy (c.12601277). Siger of Brabant and His Milieu 1. A Troubled Historiographical Issue 2. Sigers Quaestiones in tertium de anima (c.1265) 3. Sigers De anima intellectiva (1273-1274) 4. The Appearance of the Thesis of the Unicity of the Intellect in Faculties of Arts. The Influence of Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas 5. Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy at the Faculty of Arts: the Debate on the Specific Human Difference and the Unicity of the Intellect 6. A Matter of Averroism: Some Historiographical Remarks Chapter 4. After 1270-1277. Doctrinal Developments in Commentaries on De anima 1. A Plurality of Different Intellectual Trajectories 2. The Origins of this Plurality: Sources, Censure, and Philosophical-Theological Debates 3. The Evolution of Some Philosophical Patterns Bibliography Index
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 336 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:8 b/w, 72 col., 4 musical examples, Language(s):English, Italian. ISBN 9782503598895.
Summary The contributors to this project - musicologists, historians, philosophers, art historians, and historians of philosophy - have been invited to participate in a multidisciplinary dialogue with respect to the position music has occupied in instructional and educational systems from medieval to modern times. Their essays are indicative of diverse disciplinary perspectives towards the subject and feature an array of innovative interpretations. On the whole, they neither claim the supremacy of music in the context of the various educational systems, nor do they focus on the artistic musical production that emerged as a consequence of the various educational approaches. Rather, this volume sketches the circulation and dissemination of ideas, images, and people, all related to the different paths and pedagogical practices that have characterised the teaching and learning of music in different locales and across history. It ultimately underscores the strategic role that music occupied within educational systems of all levels vis-à-vis other disciplines and, thus, it contributes to a better understanding of the role music education played in the formation of an educated citizenry - from children to adults, from ?practicus? to ?theoricus?, from men of arms to religious men, from the literate to politicians - bearing in mind the Isidorian definition that ?musica ad omnia se extendit? (Etymologiae III, 17, 1). TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. Docere and discere: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Music in Schools - PAOLA DESSÌ At School for Governance: Paolino da Venezia and Music - F. ALBERTO GALLO I. STUDIUM La musica nel curriculum delle artes delle università italiane nel Quattrocento: fra teoria e prassi- PAOLO ROSSO Transmission and Adaption of Musical Knowledge in 16th-Century German Universities: Professors, Students, and their Books - INGA MAI GROOTE The Musical Training of University Students in the 16th Century and the libri amicorum - PAOLA DESSÌ II. MAGISTRI, ALUMNI ET SCHOLARES Music between scientia and ars in Giacomo Zabarella - LETTERIO MAURO Musica tra le pareti domestiche a Padova nei secoli XV e XVI: dagli ensemble di docenti universitari ai singoli strumenti di studenti e commercianti - ELDA MARTELLOZZO FORIN Ascolti comparati tra l'Alexandreis di Quilichino e la Trecentesca Istoria di Alessandro Magno di Domenico Scolari - DONATELLA RESTANI III. SCHOLA Music Teaching in Montagnana: Organization, Methods, and Repertories - ALESSANDRA IGNESTI Canto piano e strategie pedagogiche in Adrien Bourdoise - XAVIER BISARO ? Don Paolo Galliero e la scuola di grammatica e musica di Tribano (Padova) - DILVA PRINCIVALLI IV. WORKSHOPS AND ACADEMIES ?Si dilettò in giovanezza della scherma e di sonare il liuto?. Painters-Musicians in Giorgio Vasari's Lives - ALESSANDRA PATTANARO ?La musica è diletta al cavallo?. Musical Paradigms in Equestrian Academies of the Renaissance - GAVINA CHERCHI Illustrations Indices General Index Index of Places Index of Manuscripts
Paola Sconzo, Marco Iamoni, Luca Peyronel, Johnny Samuele Baldi (eds)
Reference : 64946
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, xxii + 263 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:52 b/w, 16 col., 9 tables b/w., 20 maps b/w, 1 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503596044.
Summary Many of the debates that have until recently driven research into Mesopotamia's proto-urban phase (5th- 4th millennia BCE) have now been reassessed thanks to new fieldwork in Iraqi Kurdistan and new data into the relationships between the north and south of the Alluvium from hitherto poorly-documented regions. These debates were re-examined in the light of this new material during a workshop held at the ICAANE in 2018 in Munich, leading to unprecedented perspectives on the patterns of early urbanization, social mobility, and the organization of Late Chalcolithic communities. Drawing on research first presented at ICAANE, and building on the most recent data from surveys and excavations, this volume engages with one key question from different angles: namely, how can we reconcile detailed analysis of the multifaceted local variations of proto-urbanism with the supra-regional, intricate, and more widespread nature of this same phenomenon across Mesopotamia? TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface and Acknowledgments Introduction: The Late Chalcolithic of Northern Mesopotamia in Context: Building on a Long and Eventful Debate ? JOHNNY SAMUELE BALDI, MARCO IAMONI, LUCA PEYRONEL & PAOLA SCONZO Unravelling Early Urbanism and Cultural Encounters in Late Chalcolithic North-eastern Iraq ? TIM BOAZ BRUUN & CARLO COLANTONI Beyond Subsistence? Settlement Strategies of the Late Chalcolithic Period in the Selevani Plain (Upper Iraqi Tigris) ? MARCO IAMONI & PAOLA SCONZO? Un air de famille. Preliminary Observations on the Ubaid and Late Chalcolithic Horizon of the Shahrizor Plain (Iraqi Kurdistan) ? MARIA BIANCA D'ANNA, OLIVIER NIEUWENHUYSE & SIMONE MÜHL The 'Uruk Conundrum' in the Shahrizor, Iraqi-Kurdistan: Petrographic Developments, Ceramic Variation and Cultural Connections at Gird-i Shamlu and Gurga Chiya ? MICHAEL P. LEWIS Towards a Definition of the Late Chalcolithic Period in the Erbil Plain: The Contribution of the Helawa Pottery Sequence ? AGNESE VACCA & LUCA PEYRONEL? North-eastern Mesopotamian Ceramic Sub-Assemblages and their Potential for Identifying Communication Networks: The Formation of Red/Grey Ware Assemblages during Late Chalcolithic 1 and 2 ? KHALED ABU JAYYAB Bits of Uruk Before and Outside the Uruk Colonial Sphere. The Qara Dagh Area and Some Early Thoughts on a Reassessment of the Uruk Expansion ? JOHNNY SAMUELE BALDI What Complexity? Late Chalcolithic Developments at the Site of Arslantepe in the Upper Euphrates Region ? FRANCESCA BALOSSI RESTELLI On the Edge of Mesopotamia: The Presence of Uruk and Uruk-related Material Culture in the Upper Tigris Region ? ?NAN AYDO?AN, METIN BATIHAN & HALUK SA?LAMTIMUR The Late Chalcolithic Canaanean Blade System in Northern Mesopotamia: Connections with the Uruk Phenomenon? ? FRANCESCA MANCLOSSI Conclusions: Late Chalcolithic Northern Mesopotamia. Setting the Agenda in the Debate on the Rise of Urbanization in the Ancient Near East ? JOHNNY SAMUELE BALDI, MARCO IAMONI, LUCA PEYRONEL & PAOLA SCONZO
, Gli Ori 2019, 2019 Hardcover, 200 paginas, Italiano/ English, 265 x 215 mm, . ISBN 9788873367680.
, Bechtermünz,, 1998 Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag, Leinen-Einband. 387 Seiten, sehr viele Abbildungen Deutsch 2640g Gr. 4° (35-40 cm), ISBN 9783860474549.
Herbers, Christentum Heilige & Glaubensvorbilder
Paolo Marconi, Francesco Paolo Fiore, Giorgio Muratore, Enrico Valeriani
Reference : 55323
, De Agostini , 1978 Hardcover Rilegato in pelle edit. a due tinte. Cm 37,5 x 27,5. Pagine 526 con centinaia di illustrazioni e disegni a colori e in b/n. Manca il cofanetto. Dorso con gli estremi lesionati. Interno in ottime condizioni. ISBN X.
Hardcover Leather bound edit. two-tone. 37.5 x 27.5 cm. 526 pages with hundreds of illustrations and drawings in color and b/w. The box is missing. Back with damaged ends. Interior in excellent condition.
Seghers 1960
in4, toile noir, jaquette un peu frotte en haut du dos et bas premiere de couverture, livre bon etat, photos couleurs, Seghers, 1988, 207p
Berlin, Gottfried Hayn, 1794. Contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine, titlelabel with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on lower part of spine. Stamps on title-page. (10),XXX,(8),240,(2) pp. and 23 folded engraved plates. Light browning to title-page.
Klaus Jordan, 2792.
PIERRE TERRAIL. 1991. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 224 Pages. Nombreuses photos en couleur dans et hors texte dont une sur le 1er plat. Couverture contre pliée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Pierre Terrail 1999 In-4 broché 30 cm sur 24,1. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Pierre Terrail 1999 24x30x2cm. 1999. Broché. 224 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
Pierre Terrail 1999 30x24x2cm. 1999. Broché - illustrations. 224 pages. Très bon état
Paris, éditions Pierre Terrail, 1991; in-4 broché, 224 pp, illustrations. En français. Couverture en bon état, intérieur en très bon état.