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‎Matthew Reeves‎

Reference : 61104

‎PLEURANTS Alabaster Mourners for the Tomb Monument of Jean de Berry (1340-1416) ‎

‎, Phoebus Focus XXVI, 2022 PB, 210 x 148 mm, 88 pages., EN edition., Phoebus Focus XXVI ISBN 9789464366228.‎

‎Medieval sculptures are notoriously hard to study. So often divorced from their original context and function by centuries of destruction, alteration or just neglect, the subtleties of their aesthetic impact, their meaning and their symbolic complexity are at times almost completely hidden from us, to be only loosely gleaned or reconstructed. Fortunately, this is not the case with the two beautiful pleurants - or mourners - in the collection of The Phoebus Foundation. This edition of Phoebus Focus takes you on a journey of questions and discoveries: who were these men, for whom were they made, and why? Matthew Reeves tells the story of one of France's richest princes, Jean de Berry (1340-1416), his profound love of art and the wondrous ways in which sculpture can be used to commemorate, move us to prayer, and serve political ends.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR22.50 (€22.50 )

‎Matthew Reeves‎

Reference : 61105

‎PLEURANTS : Albasten treurfiguren voor het grafmonument van Jean de Berry (1340-1416) ‎

‎, Phoebus Focus XXVI, 2022 PB, 210 x 148 mm, 88 p., NL editie., Phoebus Focus XXVI ISBN 9789464366211.‎

‎iddeleeuwse sculpturen zijn notoir moeilijk te bestuderen. Al te vaak is hun oorspronkelijke context en functie door eeuwen van slijtage, veranderingen of verwaarlozing verloren gegaan. Hierdoor ontgaat hun esthetische impact, betekenis of symbolische complexiteit ons soms volledig en kunnen nuances er slechts met moeite uit worden afgeleid of gereconstrueerd. Gelukkig is dit niet het geval voor de twee prachtige pleurants - of treurfiguren - in de collectie van The Phoebus Foundation. Deze Phoebus Focus neemt je mee op een queeste vol vragen en ontdekkingen: wie waren deze mannen, voor wie werden deze beelden gemaakt en waarom? Matthew Reeves vertelt het verhaal van een van Frankrijks rijkste prinsen, Jan van Berry, zijn intense liefde voor de kunst en de manieren waarop beeldhouwkunst gebruikt werd om te herdenken, tot gebed aan te sporen en politieke doeleinden te dienen. Matthew Reeves is directeur van een van 's werelds meest toonaangevende galerie n voor Europese, middeleeuwse kunst. Hij co rdineert het internationale tentoonstellingsprogramma van de galerie en publiceert artikels en tentoonstellingscatalogi over diverse onderwerpen, waaronder glas-in-lood ramen, textiel, keramiek, sculptuur en paneelschilderkunst uit de late middeleeuwen en de renaissance. Hij is gespecialiseerd in het artistieke mecenaat van hertog Jan van Berry (1340-1416), en meer bepaald in zijn Sainte-Chapelle, het bijhorende decoratieve programma en het grafmonument.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR22.50 (€22.50 )

‎MATTHEY, Pierre-Louis.‎

Reference : 86208

‎La tempête de Shakespeare. Introduction de Jacques Copeau.‎

‎ Paris, Editions R.-A. Corrêa 1932, 190x145mm, 193pages, broché. Bel exemplaire. Edition originale sur papier Alfa, numéroté n.° 69 / 76. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF75.00 (€80.39 )

‎ Matthia Loebke‎

Reference : 56578

‎Christoph Steinmeyer : The Long Goodbye‎

‎, Snoeck Verlaggesellschaft 2008, 2008 Paperback, 50 seiten , Deutsch, in guten zustand, . ISBN 9783936859805.‎

‎The D?sseldorf artist born in 1967 and who also resides in Berlin belongs to a generation of painters who question the authenticity of the medium as much as the provenance of its pictorial compositionality. Since the mid-1990s Christoph Steinmeyer has devoted himself to a magical symbolism, which leads both his subject matter and style of his painting into an area of hybridism, yet creating a dangerous but well-founded liaison. One might say that the surfaces of the luxurious interiors or the surfaces with their synthetic effect or the bold, colour-field still lifes of flowers look as though they have been melted in the flame of a Bunsen Burner. However, they aren't amalgamations in which mass-media images are merely transformed into painting or the ?stories? are faded out, but rather the artist refers to collective ideas of medially transmitted patterns and models that he transfers into a new and likewise imagined ideal type. nIn the most recent group of works this brand of magical symbolism takes an astonishing turn. The film sets that are made up of scenery from different scenes are embellished with symbolic props. These pointed image-within-an image constellations interrupt the time-space continuum of the interiors after having been additionally charged with titles such as ?Gilda?, ?Rebecca? or ?Violet?. Christoph Steinmeyer counters the apparent authenticity of his filmic black and white painting with grisalle, which upon closer inspection reveals a fine and detailed chromaticism. This style of painting convulses the beautiful appearance of the compositions like peristalsis- as if we were dealing with dream sequences that can only occur in films or indeed in the way Christoph Steinmeyer shows them to us. It is indeed a rarity to find such fantastical potential in painting. nThe book complete with its unusual format is the first publication to date on Christoph Steinmeyer's work.‎


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EUR22.00 (€22.00 )

‎Matthias Depoorter‎

Reference : 60954

‎DE VLAAMSE MEESTERS Van Eyck tot Bruegel.‎

‎, ludion, 2023 HB, 290 x 235 mm, 280 pagina's, 200 illustraties,NL edition nieuw!. ISBN 9789493039919.‎

‎Het rijk ge llustreerde kunstboek De Vlaamse meesters: van Van Eyck tot Bruegel beslaat bijna anderhalve eeuw schilderkunst, van omstreeks 1430 tot de dood van Pieter Bruegel de Oude in 1569. In die tijdspanne kwam de schilderkunst in de Nederlanden tot een ongekende bloei. De Vlaamse Meesters: Van Van Eyck tot Bruegel biedt een representatief overzicht van de belangrijkste en meest invloedrijke schilders van die periode en van alle schildergenres die ontwikkeld of vernieuwd in de regio. Soms, als iets heel vertrouwd lijkt, verlies je uit het oog wat het zo bijzonder maakt: Vlaamse Meesters. Van van Eyck tot Bruegel wil dit effect tegengaan en opent opnieuw de ogen voor de revolutie die in de 15e en 16e eeuw in de Lage Landen plaatsvond en de koers van de Europese kunst bepaalde. In 48 rijkelijk ge llustreerde analyses onderzoekt Matthias Depoorter hoe schilders als Van Eyck, Van der Weiden, Massys, Bosch en Bruegel ongekende hoogten bereikten en tot op de dag van vandaag met recht als vernieuwers worden beschouwd. De bepalende factor was hun perfectionering en beheersing van de olieverftechniek, evenals hun baanbrekende aandacht voor optische lichteffecten. De nieuwe technische mogelijkheden boden een andere manier van kijken naar de wereld en uiteindelijk een nieuwe manier van schilderen. Niet minder vernieuwend was het detailniveau. Deze schilders kenden elkaars werk door en door - dit boek toont de fundamentele artistieke kruisbestuiving. Een must-read voor iedereen die opnieuw verliefd wil worden op de oude meesterwerken. MATTHIAS DEPOORTER (*1980) is schrijver en kunsthistoricus. Hij was een van de curatoren van de baanbrekende tentoonstelling Van Eyck: een optische revolutie in het Museum voor Schone Kunsten in Gent en co rdineerde de bijbehorende wetenschappelijke publicatie. In deze publicatie onderzoekt hij wat deze schilderijen zo nieuw en bijzonder maakte. Deze benadering is zowel genre- als thematisch, en onthult iets over de verschillende artistieke stijlen, formats, functies en stromingen, evenals de artistieke en maatschappelijke context waarin ze zijn ontstaan. Deze schilders kenden elkaars werk goed. Ze leenden regelmatig elementen van een collega en deden er iets nieuws mee. Artistieke kruisbestuiving was fundamenteel.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Matthias Donath‎

Reference : 116976


ISBN : 3936872260

‎Architektur in Berlin 1933-1945, ein stadtführer‎

‎Lukas Verlag 2004 Livre en allemand. In-4 cartonné 26,5 cm sur 22. 255 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc. Bon état d’occasion.‎

‎“Architecture à Berlin 1933-1945, un guide de la ville” Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎Matthias Maser, Jes s Lorenzo Jim nez, Geoffrey K. Martin (eds)‎

Reference : 64549

‎Canon Law and Christian Societies Between Christianity and Islam. An Arabic Canon Collection From al-Andalus and its Transcultural Contexts‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 434 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503607269.‎

‎Summary The unique Arabic version of the Iberian canon law code 'Collectio Hispana', preserved in a mid-eleventh-century manuscript of the Royal Library of El Escorial, has been deemed ?the most distinguished and characteristic? work of medieval Andalusi Christian writing. It represents an exceptional source witness to the internal legal organisation of Christian communities in Muslim-dominated al-Andalus as well as to their acculturation to Islamicate environments. Yet, the Arabic collection has received only little scholarly attention so far. This volume presents the results of a recent interdisciplinary research project on the Arabic canon law manuscript, flanked by contributions from neigbouring fields of research that allow for a comparative assessment of the substantial new findings. The individual chapters in this volume address issues such as the origins of the Arabic law code and its sole transmitting manuscript, its language and translation strategies, its source value for both the persistence and transformation of ecclesiastical institutions after the Muslim conquest, or the law code's position in the judicial practice of al-Andalus. The volume brings together the scholarly expertise of distinguished specialists in a broad range of disciplines, e.g. history, Arabic and Latin philology, medieval palaeography and codicology, archaeology, coptology, theology and history of law. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introductory Essays Jes s LORENZO JIM NEZ, Geoffrey K. MARTIN, and Matthias MASER: ?Introduction: Canon Law and Christian Societies, Between Christianity and Islam. The Arabic Canon Collection From al-Andalus and its Transcultural Contexts? Matthias MASER: ?Whens and Whereabouts?Old and New Lights on the Genesis of al-Q?n?n al-Muqaddas (El Escorial, ms. rabe 1623)? II. The CCAEA's Interrelations With Other Variants of the Latin Hispana Collection Pieter S. Van Koningsveld (?): ?The Date of al-Q?n?n al-Muqaddas: The Lisbon Fragments and the Islamic Sources? Matthias M. TISCHLER: ?Carolingian Canon Law Collections in Early Medieval Catalonia. Complementing or Replacing the Hispano-Visigothic Legal Tradition?? Cornelia SCHERER: ?Looking Over the Editor's Shoulder. Strategies and Processes Applied to the Systematic Arrangement of the Collectio Hispana? Matthias MASER: ?Papal Decretals in the Arabic Canon Law Collection from al-Andalus. Patterns of Selection, Arrangement, and Indexing? III. Language and Lexis of Christian-Arabic (Canon) Law Juan Pedro MONFERRER-SALA: ?Notes on the Lexicon of the Tenth Book of al-Q?n?n al-Muqaddas (Mid-11th Century CE)? Ariana D'OTTONE and Matthijs WIBIER: ?Visigothic Law and Canon Law in al-Andalus: Reconsidering the Leiden Glossary and the Vocabulista in Arabico? IV. Judicial Systems and Court Procedures From a Transcultural Perspective Lev WEITZ: ?Canon Law and Q??? Court Documents in Medieval Egypt? Francisco CINTRON MATTEI: ?Insights Into the Judicial Organization and Social Authority of an Ecclesiastical Judiciary in al-Andalus? Delfina SERANO-RUANO: ?Legal Interactions Between Christians and Muslims in al-Andalus According to the Collection of Legal Cases by Ibn Sahl (d. 486/1093)? V. Persistence and Transformations of Ecclesiastical Structures in al-Andalus Jes s LORENZO JIM NEZ: ?When God Does Not Rule the City of God. Bishops and Episcopal Sees in al-Andalus? Ana ECHEVARR A ARSUAGA: ?The Survival of Female Monasticism in al-Andalus? Mar a de los ngeles UTRERO AGUDO: ?Archaeology on the Construction and Connections of the So-Called Mozarabic Churches? VI. Orthodoxy, Discipline, and Law in 'Mozarabic' Societies Geoffrey K. MARTIN: ?Translation and Theology in the Arabic Version of Pope Leo I's Letter against Priscillian? Mar a Magdalena MART NEZ ALMIRA: ?The Marriage of Cordovan Mozarabs in al-Q?n?n al-Muqaddas? VII. Conclusions Thomas BURMAN: ?Conclusion?‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎Matthias M. Tischler, Patrick S. Marschner (eds)‎

Reference : 65323

‎Transcultural Approaches to the Bible. Exegesis and Historical Writing across Medieval Worlds‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, viii + 254 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:19 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503592855.‎

‎Summary This volume, the first in the new series Transcultural Medieval Studies, draws together scholars from around the world to offer new insights into the importance and role of the Bible across the varied cultures of medieval Europe. The papers gathered here take a comparative and multidisciplinary approach to the subject, focusing on the biblical background of perceptions of the religious and cultural 'Self ' and 'Other' in the Mediterranean, in Latin Europe, and in the Baltic. In doing so, the contributions identify commonalities and differences of the 'uses of the Bible' in these various worlds, combining and contrasting studies on Bible manuscripts, their exegesis, and their use for historical writing. TABLE OF CONTENTS Scientific Challenges in a Changing World: Transcultural Medieval Studies in the Twenty-First Century - MATTHIAS M. TISCHLER Bible, Exegesis and Historiography in the Medieval Worlds: Crossing Histories from a Transcultural Point of View - MATTHIAS M. TISCHLER AND PATRICK S. MARSCHNER Part I: The Iberian World Reframing Salvific History in a Transcultural Society: Iberian Bibles as Models of Historical, Prophetic and Eschatological Writing - MATTHIAS M. TISCHLER The Bible of Vic (1268): Textual and Theological Value of its Glosses in the Context of the Barcelona Disputation (1263) - EUL LIA VERNET I PONS The Chronicle of Sampiro, the Arabs, and the Bible: Eleventh-Century Christian-Iberian Strategies of Identifying the Cultural and Religious 'Other' - PATRICK S. MARSCHNER Part II: Latin Europe and the Near East Scripture, Hierarchy, and Social Control: The Uses of the Bible in the Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Chronicles and Chansons of the Crusades - SINI KANGAS Condemned Sisters, Effeminate Brothers, and Damned Heretics: Ezekiel 23 and the Negotiation of Clerical Sexuality in the Thirteenth Century - LYDIA M. WALKER Part III: The Baltic World How to Fit the 'Livs' into Sacred History? Identifying the Cultural 'Other' in the Earliest Latin Sources Depicting the Livonian Crusade - PETER FRAUNDORFER Wolves in the Wilderness: Biblical Typology and the Envisioning of Lithuanian Pagans in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries - STEFAN DONECKER‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Matthias Range‎

Reference : 64557

‎British Royal Weddings: From the Stuarts to the Early Twentieth Century‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, xv + 367 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:32 b/w, 40 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503596969.‎

‎Summary This generously illustrated volume is the first in-depth study of the history and ceremonial at British royal weddings from the late sixteenth century onwards. With its over 70 illustrations it is also the most complete pictorial record of these ceremonies. Focusing on the actual wedding service, it follows the three main aspects of the choice of venue, the structure of the ceremonial, and especially the music of these events up to the early twentieth century. Being so closely linked with the performance of these ceremonies, music presents itself as an intriguing aspect for discussing the ceremonial details. Since the eighteenth century, at least some royal weddings have also been notable musical occasions and since Victorian times they have influenced the choices at other weddings. Many newly discovered sources have allowed for new insights and conclusions about the historical facts and interpretations of these ceremonies. Overall, this study presents the most complete account to date of how these magnificent occasions were celebrated. With its holistic approach and interdisciplinary character, replete with numerous illustrations and tables, this study is an extensive resource for historians and musicians alike - and for all those with a wider range of interest in British royal ceremonies. A second volume "British Royal Weddings: The House of Windsor" is scheduled to appear in 2023 by the same author and is the first in-depth discussion of how the British Royal Weddings since 1919 have been celebrated. TABLE OF CONTENTS Illustrations and Figure Preface Acknowledgments Abbreviations and Conventions 1 Setting the Scene 2 From Elaborate to Modest: The Seventeenth Century 3 The 'Concert' Weddings I: The Children of George II 4 The 'Concert' Weddings II: The Later Eighteenth-Century Georgians 5 Home Weddings: The Early Nineteenth Century 6 'State Marriages': The Early Victorians 7 The 'Windsor Castle' Weddings: The Mid-Victorians I 8 Routine and Innovation: The Mid-Victorians II 9 The Choral Weddings: The Late-Victorians 10 The Last 'of the Old Age': The Early Twentieth Century 11 The 'Pomp of Old Days': Three Centuries of Royal Weddings Appendices A Chronological List of British Royal Weddings B Texts and Transcriptions C Royal Weddings and their Music Sources and Bibliography Printed Orders of Service and Ceremonials Manuscript and Archival Material Published Material (including Dissertations) Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎Matthias Van Milders‎

Reference : 62233

‎Roem, hoop en tegenslag. Verhalen uit de wielergeschiedenis van Deurne ‎

‎, District Deurne , 2021, softcover, 318 pag. met afbeeldingen. ISBN 9789081874816.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Matthias Wivel (ed)‎

Reference : 65048

‎Sebastiano del Piombo and Michelangelo: The Compass and the Mirror. An Anthology‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 344 pages, Size:210 x 297 mm, Illustrations:10 b/w, 150 col., Language(s):English, Italian. ISBN 9782503580265.‎

‎Summary The collaboration between Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) and Sebastiano del Piombo (1485-1547), is among the most extraordinary artistic partnerships of the early modern period. It produced works of startling originality, crucial to the development of the so-called High Renaissance in the first decades of the sixteenth century. It was arguably Michelangelos most creative collaboration, helping him refine motifs and narrative strategies, and it proved determining for Sebastianos development of a monumental, spiritually invested idiom whose influence became a touchstone for religious art deep into the following century, and for principles of painterly abstraction beyond. Inspired by the exhibition Michelangelo & Sebastiano, mounted at The National Gallery in London in 2017, this book unites a group of international scholars in reflection on the two artists, their collaboration and its wider significance. TABLE OF CONTENTS Matthias Wivel ? The Compass and the Mirror Elena Calvillo ? Friendship, Medium and the Diverging Lives of Sebastiano del Piombo and Michelangelo Piers Baker-Bates ? Copies and Versions in Sebastiano's Art? The Christ Carrying the Cross Sheryl E. Reiss ? A Word Portrait of a Medici Maecenas: Giulio de' Medici (Pope Clement VII) as Patron of Art Arnold Nesselrath ? Raphael: Of Heirs and Pretenders Matthias Wivel and Rachel Billinge ? Sebastiano's Vich Triptych Carlo Piga ? Da Michelangelo a Sebastiano: antiche suggestioni e moderne invenzioni nel ciclo decorativo della Cappella Borgherini in San Pietro in Montorio a Roma Stefania Pasti ? Aperietur in tempore: Sebastiano del Piombo and the Borgherini Chapel in the Light of Prophetic Readings Paul Joannides ? A New Drawing by Sebastiano del Piombo for the Semi-Dome of the Borgherini Chapel Costanza Barbieri ? Sebastiano as Portraitist and a Case Study: The Portrait of Michelangelo Pointing at His Drawings Oriana Sartiani ? A Portrait of Michelangelo Attributed to Sebastiano del Piombo: Technical Examination, Discoveries, and Treatment Simonetta Antellini ? L'originalit compositiva della Nascita della Vergine di Sebastiano del Piombo Daniela Luzi ? 'Il bel secreto': La pittura sperimentale sulla pietra di Sebastiano nella Cappella Chigi Morten Steen Hansen ? The Readings of Angels: Sebastiano del Piombo and the Politics of the Immaculate Conception Andrea Donati ? Marcello Venusti, Michelangelo and the Legacy of Sebastiano del Piombo Charles Robertson ? Michelangelo's Last Judgement: Sebastiano del Piombo's Contribution‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎MATTHIEU docteur‎

Reference : 6479

‎A travers l’Italie,l’Autriche,la Suisse et l’Allemagne‎

‎In 12 broché,faux-titre,titre,429 pages,Librairie Fischbacher 1901 envoi manuscrit autographe de l’auteur, édition originale, petites taches à la dernière page de garde,bon exemplaire ‎

Charbonnel - Bar le Duc

Phone number : 03 29 79 40 63

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Matthieu Flory ; Elisa Nouaille ; translation : Eileen Powis‎

Reference : 60892

‎ANTIDESIGN : Galerie Avant-sc ne‎

‎, Norma ditions, 2022 Hardcover, 192 pages, ENG / FR, 310 x 225 x 25 mm, NEW , illustrated in colour. ISBN 9782376660743.‎

‎The 80s vibrate with energy. In their whirlwind, a generation of creators has emerged, carrying arts of living different from those of the past: Mark Brazier-Jones, Franck Evennou, Elizabeth Garouste, Marco de Gueltzl, Hubert Le Gall, Thierry Peltrault, Laurence Picot, Andrea Salvetti or even Claude de Wulf. In order to give flesh to this period in France, this book has collected the words of a witness of its actors, Elisabeth Delacarte whose Avant-Sc ne gallery is one of the few to have survived until today. For almost 40 years, it has defended singular artists who have become essential in their field. From France to England, Italy or Russia, the elaborate portraits dedicated to them evoke the atmosphere and the news that accompany them. Each embodies the importance of artistic craftsmanship, and all take particular paths in order to express universal emotions in their own way. The great subjects of today are declined along their course. We discover upcycling ahead of time with the fiery Marco de Gueltzl and the beginnings of the libertine punk Mark Brazier-Jones, the vital need for nature in the works of Frank Evennou or the sculptor chef Andrea Salvetti, the romanticism advocated by Laurence Picot, the joyful poetry of Elizabeth Garouste, the humorous fantasy of Hubert Le Gall. They have in common to have changed their lives to devote themselves to art furniture. This is also the case of Elisabeth Delacarte. His personal point of view illuminates from the inside the changes in the decorative arts at the end of the 20th century. Staging the productions of each artist, decoration projects punctuate the book and leave room for contemplation.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎Matthieu Flory / Yves Boiret (Prefacier) ‎

Reference : 44456

‎Portes parisiennes. ‎

‎Paris, EREME, 2006 Hardcover in dusjacket, 76 pages, 16,0 cm x 22,5 cm x 1,1 cm in fine condition !. ISBN 9782915337402.‎

‎Promenade dans la ville, promenade dans le temps, cel ivre est une invitation a redecouvrir un aspect malheureusement inconnu de Paris : ses portes. Qu'elles soient Renaissance, Empire, Art Nouveau ou contemporaines, elles nous en disent parfois tout aussi long sur l'evolution de la capitale que les traites les plus savants. Massives ou delicates, sobres ou richement decorees, de bois ou en metal, quelques cent-vingt portes ou details de portes nous plongent au c?ur du patrimoine parisien, a travers une balade savoureuse et coloree. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Matthieu Husson, Clemency Montelle, Benno van Dalen (eds)‎

Reference : 64914

‎Editing and Analysing Numerical Tables. Towards a Digital Information System for the History of Astral Sciences‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, ix + 615 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:58 b/w, 16 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503596068.‎

‎Summary Astronomical tables are a significant yet understudied part of the scientific historical corpus. They circulated among many cultures, and were adopted and transformed by astronomical practitioners for a variety of purposes. The numerical data conveyed in these tables provides rich evidence for pre-modern scientific practices. In the last fifty years, new approaches to the analysis and critical editing of astronomical tables have flourished due to advances in computing power and associated modern mathematical tools. In more recent times, the rapid growth of digital humanities and modern data analysis promises exciting further developments in this area. The present collection of studies on astronomical tables captures this momentum. It is a result of long-term collaborative work on building a database of astronomical tables and other objects found in manuscripts, released under the name DISHAS (Digital Information System for the History of Astral Sciences). The fourteen contributions in this volume provide a broad coverage of astronomical traditions throughout Eurasia and North Africa, which, with very few exceptions, find their roots in the mathematical astronomy of Ptolemy. The contributions include critical editions of previously unexamined astronomical tables along with insightful mathematical analyses, as well as reflective methodological surveys that open up new perspectives for research on these fundamental sources for the history of mathematics and astronomy. TABLE OF CONTENTS Matthieu Husson, Clememcy Montelle and Benno van Dalen Introduction Part 1 : Classical Approaches to Table Cracking Glen Van Brummelen , Matthieu Husson, and Clemency Montelle Tools of the Table Crackers: Using Quantitative Methods to Analyze Historical Numerical Tables Jos Chab s and Bernard R. Goldstein The Almanac of Jacob ben Makhir Sebastian Falk Copying and Computing Tables in Late Medieval Monasteries Kailyn Pritchard Determining the Sine Tables Underlying Early European Tangent Tables Part 2 : Editing and Analysing Astronomical Tables Clemency Montelle Editing Sanskrit Astronomical Tables: The Candr?rk? of Dinakara (1578 CE) Anuj Misra Recomputing Sanskrit Astronomical Tables: The Am?talahar? of Nity?nanda (c. 1649/50 CE) Part 3: Computational Practices and Table Cracking Li Liang Tables of Sunrise and Sunset in Yuan and Ming China (1271-1644) and their Adoption in Korea Glen Van Brummelen The Tables of Planetary Latitudes in Jamsh?d al-K?sh?'s Kh?q?n? Z?j Sho Hirose Equation Tables in the D?gga?ita of Parame?vara Richard Kremer Cracking the Tabulae permanentes of John of Murs and Firmin of Beauval with Exploratory Data Analysis Part 4: Pushing Approaches to Table Analysis Further Matthieu Husson Computing with Manuscripts: Time between Mean and True Syzygies in John of Lign res' Tabule magne Johannes Thomann Reverse Engineering Applied to Ephemerides: Analysis and Edition of the Arabic Ephemeris of 1326/27 CE (MS Cairo, D?r al-Kutub, m?q?t 817) Benno van Dalen The Geographical Table in the Sh?mil Z?j: Tackling a 13th-Century Arabic Source with the Aid of a Computer Database‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Matthieu Pignot (ed)‎

Reference : 65125

‎Latin Anonymous Sermons from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (AD 300-800). Classification, Transmission, Dating‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 288 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:4 b/w, 2 tables b/w., Language(s):English, French, Latin. ISBN 9782503591223.‎

‎Summary This volume contains the proceedings of the international conference on anonymous sermons, funded by the F.R.S.-FNRS and held on 16 May 2019 at the Universit de Namur (Belgium), within the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and the research centre Pratiques M di vales de l' crit (PraME). It brings together scholars working on late antique and early medieval Latin preaching, and follows on previous volumes on Augustine and African sermons published in the Ministerium Sermonis subseries. The focus here is on Christian Latin preached texts, thought to date from the period c. 300-800 AD, which are not currently attributed to a known author. Long neglected because of their uncertain attribution, these sermons offer new material for the study of late antique and early medieval Christianity. The contributions assembled here provide an essential entry point to the study of these little-known sermons: after an introduction which sets the aims of the book, discusses the state of the art and describes main avenues for research, individual papers present future tools to classify sermons and explore their medieval transmission in manuscripts, offer new critical editions of previously unknown sermons, and develop methods and reliable criteria to shed new light on their historical context of composition. Both engaging with current issues and challenges and offering innovative case studies, this book opens up new ground for future research on late antique and early medieval Latin Christian preaching in general. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Abbreviations Introduction: Past and Current Research on Latin Anonymous Sermons (Matthieu Pignot) The Medieval Transmission and Reception of the Pseudo-Augustinian AU s 382/PS-AU s Bou 1. Notes on Converting a Scholarly Tradition into a Digital Network (Shari Boodts) Le corpus du pseudo-Eus be Gallican et l'essor de la pr dication en Provence aux Ve et VIe si cles (Ra l Villegas Mar n) Patchwork Sermons: An Understudied Genre of Late Antique Latin Literature (Clemens Weidmann) Un sermon pseudo-augustinien pour la f te de P ques, confront ses sources (Fran ois Dolbeau) Le Sermon Mai 53 (CPPM I 1218, Nutritos hirundo pullos) propos de la marche de Pierre sur les eaux (Matth. 14, 22-33), un pseudo-augustinien africain ? (Marie Pauliat) Two Anonymous Preachers on the "Woman Taken in Adultery": S. Mai 8 and an Unedited Homily in a Manuscript from Moissac (Gert Partoens & Andr s Handl) propos du sermon De laudibus Mariae (PS-AU s 123; PS-FU s 36) : sa tradition dans les imprim s de Fulgence (Pierre-Maurice Bogaert & Matthieu Pignot) Un tractatus sur Prou. 30, 15-20 (CPPM I 5027) et la question de son attribution Gr goire d'Elvire (J r my Delmulle) Indices‎


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EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Matthi Forrer, a.o.‎

Reference : 59123

‎Hokusai and his School - paintings, drawings and illustrated Books‎

‎, Society for Japanese Arts and Crafts 1982, 1982 Paperback, 164 pages, ENG, 300 x 210 mm , good , lots of illustrations in b/w, . ISBN 9070216027.‎

‎Katsushika Hokusai (October 31, 1760 - May 10, 1849) was a Japanese printmaker, painter, and draftsman. He was mainly concerned with making woodblock prints, better known as ukiyo-e. Hokusai has worked within all genres of ukiyo-e, but he became most famous for his landscape images. His life summarizes the transition from the elegance of printmaking in the 18th century to its zenith in the 19th century. His best-known works include The Great Wave off Kanagawa, the Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji and his Manga.‎


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EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Matthijs de Keijzer, Pieter Keune‎

Reference : 61998

‎Pigmenten en bindmiddelen‎

‎, NRC, 2005 Paperback, 196 pag. NL, 210 x 150 mm; als Nieuw, vele voorbeelden in kleur. ISBN 9789077019085.‎

‎schildertechniek, Restauratie, restauratie, Pigmenten, Technologie, Nijverheid, Ambachten, Bindmiddelen‎


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EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Matthijs Ilsink Bram de Klerck Co-auteur: Annemarieke Willemsen‎

Reference : 58327

‎einde van de middeleeuwen Vijftig kunstwerken uit de tijd van Bosch en Erasmus‎

‎, Vantilt, 2019 Gebonden, Hardcover 363 pagina's, als nieuw. Met illustraties.‎

‎In de kunst- en cultuurgeschiedenis van Noord-Europa hebben de late 15de en vroege 16de eeuw altijd bijzonder tot de verbeelding gesproken. Tot op de dag van vandaag wordt erover gediscussieerd of die een laatste fase van de middeleeuwen zijn of een vroege manifestatie van een internationale renaissance. Juist het gevoel te maken te hebben met een overgangsperiode maakt deze tijd zo fascinerend. In dit boek bespreken vijftig kenners vijftig kunstobjecten in de historische context van dit 'herfsttij', soms ook met aandacht voor hun voortleven en receptie in later tijd. Deze miniaturen hebben steeds n kunstwerk als onderwerp, wat uitnodigt tot grasduinen in een schat aan thema's, wetenswaardigheden en benaderingswijzen. Maar ook biedt dit rijk ge llustreerde boek een prachtig moza ek van recente inzichten in de schilderkunst en sculptuur, teken- en prentkunst, architectuur en toegepaste kunst uit de tijd van Jheronimus Bosch en Desiderius Erasmus. Dit boek verschijnt naar aanleiding van het afscheid, in juni 2019, van prof.dr Jos Koldeweij als hoogleraar Kunstgeschiedenis van de middeleeuwen en de vroegchristelijke tijd aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.‎


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EUR35.99 (€35.99 )

‎Matthijs Ilsink - Jos Koldeweij ‎

Reference : 48068

‎Hieronymus Bosch Visons of genius ‎

‎, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2016 Paperback, 270x225mm, 192p, 140 colour illustrations, English edition ISBN 9789462301184.‎

‎Expo: 13/2/2016 - 8/5/2016, Noordbrabants Museum, ?s-Hertogenbosch Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) lived and worked in 's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, where he created enigmatic paintings and drawings full of bizarre creatures, phantasmagoric monsters, and terrifying nightmares. He also depicted detailed landscapes and found inspiration in fundamental moral concepts: seduction, sin, and judgment. This beautiful book accompanies the largest exhibition ever held on Bosch's work, and will feature important new research on his 25 known paintings and 20 drawings. The book, divided into six sections, covers the entirety of the artist's career. It discusses in detail Bosch's Pilgrimage of Life, Bosch and the Life of Christ, his role as a draftsman, his depictions of saints, and The Garden of Earthly Delights, among other topics, and is handsomely illustrated by new photography undertaken by the Bosch Research and Conservation Project Team. Matthijs Ilsink is project coordinator of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project and teaches at Radboud University, Nijmegen. Jos Koldeweij is professor in art history of the Middle Ages at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The authors are the curators of the's-Hertogenbosch exhibition.‎


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EUR24.95 (€24.95 )

‎Matthijs Ilsink - Jos Koldeweij ‎

Reference : 48069

‎Jerome Bosch Visions de genie.‎

‎, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2016 Paperback, 270x225mm, 192 pages, 140 colour illustrations, French edition ISBN 9789462301177.‎

‎Expo: 13/2/2016 - 8/5/2016, Noordbrabants Museum, s-Hertogenbosch Jerome Bosch (1450-1516) a vecu et travaille a Bois-le-Duc, ou il a cree des ?uvres enigmatiques peuplees d'etres etranges, de monstres fantastiques et de cauchemars inquietants inspires de ses themes de predilection : la seduction, le peche et le Jugement dernier. Ce magnifique ouvrage parait en marge de la plus grande exposition jamais dediee a son travail. Les six chapitres du livre retracent sa carriere, traitant en details des themes varies comme la Perigrinatio vitae de Bosch, Bosch et la vie du Christ, son role en tant que concepteur d'estampes, ses peintures de saints ou le Jardin des delices. Ce livre, qui a ete supervise par l'equipe du BRCP, est magnifiquement illustre grace a de nouvelles photographies. Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) lived and worked in 's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, where he created enigmatic paintings and drawings full of bizarre creatures, phantasmagoric monsters, and terrifying nightmares. He also depicted detailed landscapes and found inspiration in fundamental moral concepts: seduction, sin, and judgment. This beautiful book accompanies the largest exhibition ever held on Bosch's work, and will feature important new research on his 25 known paintings and 20 drawings. The book, divided into six sections, covers the entirety of the artist's career. It discusses in detail Bosch's Pilgrimage of Life, Bosch and the Life of Christ, his role as a draftsman, his depictions of saints, and The Garden of Earthly Delights, among other topics, and is handsomely illustrated by new photography undertaken by the Bosch Research and Conservation Project Team. Matthijs Ilsink is project coordinator of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project and teaches at Radboud University, Nijmegen. Jos Koldeweij is professor in art history of the Middle Ages at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The authors are the curators of the's-Hertogenbosch exhibition.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR27.90 (€27.90 )

‎Matthijs Ilsink - Jos Koldeweij ‎

Reference : 48067

‎Jheronimus Bosch Visioenen van een genie.‎

‎, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2016 Paperback, 270x225mm, 192p, 140 colour illustrations, Dutch (NL) edition . NIEUW ISBN 9789462301160.‎

‎Expo: 13/2/2016 - 8/5/2016, Noordbrabants Museum, s-Hertogenbosch Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) leefde en werkte in 's Hertogenbosch waar hij raadselachtige schilderijen en tekeningen vol bizarre wezens, fantastische monsters en angstaanjagende nachtmerries schiep. Hij schilderde ook gedetailleerde landschappen. Zijn inspiratie vond hij in fundamentele morele begrippen: bekoring, zonde en oordeel. Dit prachtige boek verschijnt naar aanleiding van de grootste tentoonstelling die ooit aan zijn werk werd gewijd. Hiervoor werd belangrijk nieuw onderzoek verricht over de 25 schilderijen en 20 tekeningen die van hem bekend zijn. In de zes secties van het boek komt de hele carriere van de kunstenaar aan bod. Het behandelt op gedetailleerde wijze thema's als Bosch' Peregrinatio Vitae, Bosch en het leven van Christus, zijn rol als ontwerper van prenten, zijn schilderijen van heiligen, en de Tuin der Lusten. Het boek is prachtig geillustreerd met nieuwe foto's, gemaakt in opdracht van het Bosch Research and Conservation Project Team. Kenmerkend voor Bosch zijn de beroemde monsters, duivelse figuren, engelen en heiligen die zijn tekeningen en panelen bevolken. Zijn karakteristieke werk, vol illusies en hallucinaties, wonderlijke gedrochten en nachtmerries, verbeeldt onnavolgbaar de grote thema's van zijn tijd: verleiding, zonde en rekenschap. Werkend in de periode rond 1500, de overgang tussen middeleeuwen en renaissance, weerspiegelen Jheronimus' schilderijen en tekeningen op raadselachtige wijze de relatie tussen de mens, zijn omgeving en zijn schepper. Jheronimus Bosch geldt als een geniale kunstenaar, die in zijn werk werelden toonde die zijn tijdgenoten niet voor mogelijk hielden. Het is een kunstenaar die tot de absolute wereldtop behoort, wiens werk navolging kreeg bij generaties na hem en die tot op de dag van vandaag ook nieuwe kunstenaars weet te inspireren. "Jheronimus Bosch is de belangrijkste en meest oorspronkelijke middeleeuwse kunstenaar die ons land heeft voortgebracht. Het is fantastisch dat in 2016 het overgrote deel van zijn oeuvre in zijn geboortestad 's-Hertogenbosch te zien zal zijn. Geweldig ook dat een nieuwe generatie kennis kan maken met dit in alle opzichten unieke werk." Charles de Mooij, directeur van Het Noordbrabants Museum ‎


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EUR19.99 (€19.99 )

‎Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Ron Spronk, Luuk Hoogstede a.o‎

Reference : 48072

‎Jerome Bosch peintre et dessinateur. HIERONYMUS BOSCH CATALOGUE RAISONN ‎

‎, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2016 Hardback, 325x240mm, 592 pages, 450 colour illustrations, French edition neuf. ISBN 9789462301122.‎

‎Le 500e anniversaire de la mort de Jerome Bosch sera l'occasion de la publication, en 2016, de trois ouvrages sur ce grand maitre a l'imagination foisonnante. Le premier sera un nouveau catalogue raisonne, complet et definitif, de ses 25 tableaux et 20 dessins. Il s'agit de l'aboutissement de six ans de recherches menees par le Bosch Research and Conservation Project. A travers de splendides photographies prises apres restauration, tres detaillees et entierement nouvelles, les auteurs y examinent en details chacun des tableaux et dessins conserves, rendant hommage a l'incroyable creativite de cet artiste de l'extreme fin du moyen age qui en est arrive a changer les regles de la peinture. Compiled by members of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project and published on the 500th anniversary of Hieronymus Bosch's death, this is the definitive new catalogue of all of Bosch's extant paintings and drawings. His mastery and genius have been redefined as a result of six years research on the iconography, technics, pedigree and conservation history of his paintings and on his life. This stunning volume reproduces all new photography, as well as up-to-date research on the individual works. For the first time the incredible creativity of this late medieval artist, expressed in countless details, is reproduced and discussed in this book. Special attention is being paid to Bosch as an image maker, a crafty draughtsman and a brutal painter, changing the game of painting around 1500 by his innovative way of working. Matthijs Ilsink is project coordinator of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project and teaches at Radboud University, Nijmegen. Jos Koldeweij is professor in art history of the Middle Ages at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Published on the 500th anniversary of Hieronymus Bosch's death, this book represents the most definitive catalogue of the artist's iconic works. Authors: Bosch Research and Conservation Project: Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Ron Spronk, Luuk Hoogstede, Robert G. Erdmann, Rik Klein Gotink, Hanneke Nap, Daan Veldhuizen ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Ron Spronk, Luuk Hoogstede a.o‎

Reference : 48070

‎Jheronimus Bosch Schilder en tekenaar. Catalogus raisonne.‎

‎, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2016 Hardcover, 607 pag. NL editie, 330 x 255 x 45 mm, NIEUW !!, in een stevig foedraal, stofomslag, 450 illustraties in kleur, ISBN 9789462301115.‎

‎Vijfhonderd jaar na de dood van de kunstenaar verschijnt de nieuwe en definitieve catalogus van al zijn bewaard gebleven schilderijen en tekeningen, samengesteld door leden van het Bosch Research and Conservation Project. Zes jaar wetenschappelijk onderzoek over zijn leven en over de iconografie, de technieken, de pedigree en de bewaringsgeschiedenis van zijn schilderijen resulteren in een nieuwe definitie van zijn genie en meesterschap. De recentste gegevens over de afzonderlijke werken zijn in het boek verwerkt, samen met nieuwe foto's. De ongelooflijke creativiteit van deze laatmiddeleeuwse kunstenaar die in ontelbare details tot uiting komt, wordt hier voor het eerst uitvoerig toegelicht. Er wordt speciale aandacht besteed aan Bosch als inventor, als geraffineerd tekenaar en als vrijmoedig schilder, die rond 1500 door zijn vernieuwende werkwijze de spelregels van de schilderkunst veranderd heeft. Auteurs: Bosch Research and Conservation Project: Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Ron Spronk, Luuk Hoogstede, Robert G. Erdmann, Rik Klein Gotink, Hanneke Nap, Daan Veldhuizen ‎


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EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎[Cantr , Jozef [ill.]] - ‎ ‎Matthijs, Marcel / Cantr , Jozef [ill.]‎

Reference : 64859

‎Schaduw over Brugge‎

‎Antwerpen , De Sikkel, 1940 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 233 pagina's, met illustraties van Jozef Cantr . 21.5x16cm.‎

‎Mooi exemplaar. ‎


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