, Veltman Uitgevers B.V. 2006, 2006 Softcover, 160 pagina's, NL, 280 x 220 mm, in prima staat, met prachtige foto's in kleur. ISBN 9789059203174.
Deze uitgebreide gids voor naaktfotografie heft betrekking op analoge en digitale fotografie en is zowel bedoeld voor de professionele fotograaf als voor de amateur. Er wordt uitvoerig ingegaan op de benodigde uitrusting en basisbegrippen van de fotografie. Aan de orde komen onder meer het werken met modellen, binnen- en buitenfotografie, accessoires, klassiek naakt, studioverlichting, solarisatie, lichaamsversiering en het gebruik van Photoshop-filters. Volledig ge ustreerd met John Freemans krachtige, aansprekende foto's van overal ter wereld, gemaakt in verschillende stijlen.
Sprimont, Mardaga, 1999 Hardcover with illustration, 119 pages, 34 x 30 cm, FR.
with dedication and signature of the artist.
Rockport Publishers Inc. 2000 In-4 relié 23,2 cm sur 16,7. 192 pages. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Librairie de la construction moderne Aulanier et cie. non daté. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. Tome 2 : 712 pages - Tome 3 : 601 pages - plats, contre plats et gardes jaspés - nombreuses figures en noir et blanc dans et hors texte - dos absent sur les deux tomes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Konemann , coll. « Maîtres de l’art italien » 1998 In-4 relié 32 cm sur 27,5. 119 pages. Jaquette en assez bon état. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
IMP. F.COCHARAUX. 1962. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Agraffes rouillées, Intérieur acceptable. 28 pages - coins frottés - quelques figures en noir et blanc dans et hors texte - Ex dono en début d'ouvrage.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, De Haan 1991, 1991 Paperback, 496 pagina's, NL , 250 x 175 x 30 mm, in goede conditie, met illustraties in z/w, . ISBN 9789026944482.
Sinds de middeleeuwen heeft het deltagebied aan de Noordzee een gedeelde naam: de Lage Landen. Ze waren het slagveld voor alle grote Europese oorlogen, ze waren al vroeg vermaard om hun bloeiende handelseconomieën, maar een staatkundige eenheid heeft er nooit willen beklijven.
, Fink verlag, 2019 Hardcover 268 pages , 240 Abb., Format 21 x 28,5 cm. ISBN 9783959761864.
Der in Deutschland lebende chinesische Arzt Dr. Yu Jianmin zählt zu jenen Doppelbegabungen, die auf zwei Feldern Herausragendes leisten. Schon während seines Studiums der Zahnmedizin schuf er Illustrationen zu mehreren medizinischen Lehrbüchern. Diese anatomischen Abbildungen zeichnen sich sowohl durch Detailreichtum als auch durch Genauigkeit aus ? und sie müssen sich vor künstlerischen Standards keineswegs verstecken. 1982 kam Dr. Yu nach Deutschland; fortan arbeitete er an der Abteilung für Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Nach seiner Pensionierung im Jahre 2009 arbeitete Dr. Yu als Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurg weiter in seiner eigenen Praxis in Erlangen. Sein Talent für Farben und Formen zeigte sich schon in der Kindheit. Vor allem das Malen von Porträts entwickelte sich zu einer Leidenschaft, der zahlreiche brillante Bilder und Zeichnungen entsprangen ? dieses Buch gibt davon einen repräsentativen Eindruck. Papst Benedikt XVI. und Königin Elisabeth II. gehören ebenso zu den nach Fotografien individuell Dargestellten wie die ehemaligen US-Präsidenten Bill Clinton und Barack Obama. Einen besonderen Stellenwert nehmen zwei berühmte Schauspielerinnen ein: Marilyn Monroe und Audrey Hepburn. Ihnen ist eine Vielzahl von Bildern gewidmet, wobei der Künstler bei Marilyn Monroe ihren Sexappeal, bei Audrey Hepburn dagegen ihre natürliche Schönheit hervorhebt. Neben Ölgemälden, chinesischer Malerei und medizinischen Zeichnungen dokumentiert diese Publikation auch jene witzigen Wortbilder, zu denen Dr. Yu von englischen Begriffen inspiriert wurde. The Chinese doctor Dr. med. Yu Jianmin is one of those dual talents who excel in two fields. During his studies in human medicine, he created illustrations for several medical textbooks. These anatomical illustrations are characterized by both richness of detail and accuracy ? and by no means hide behind artistic standards. In 1982, Dr. Yu came to Germany; from then on he worked in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. After retiring in 2009, Dr. Yu continues as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in his own practice in Erlangen. His talent for colours and shapes was evident in childhood. Above all, painting portraits became a passion that sprang from many brilliant pictures and drawings ? this book gives a representative impression of it. Pope Benedict XVI and Queen Elizabeth II are also individually portrayed, as are former US Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Of particular importance are two famous actresses, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. A variety of images are dedicated to them. In case of Marilyn Monroe, the artist highlighted her sex appeal, whiel on the other hand he highlighted the natural beauty of Audrey Hepburn. In addition to oil paintings, Chinese painting and medical drawings, this publication also documents those witty word images to which Dr. Yu was inspired by English terms.
500 photographies en couleur détaillent plus des 120 bateaux différents E.P.A 1982
Bon état
Jill Kamil, Collectif, Rowlinson Carter, Andrew Eames, John Rodenbeck
Reference : 55469
, Gallimard 1996, 1996 Paperback , 348 pages, Texte en Francais, 225 x 150 mm, bon etat,. ISBN 9782070592548.
Ce guide répond à deux objectifs : Informer et illustrer. Informer : Plus de vingt auteurs, photographes, universitaires, journalistes ou grands voyageurs, ont collaboré à ce volume pour vous offrir le guide le plus complet. Leur but : Ecrire un récit vivant où anecdotes historiques, tableaux pittoresques et renseignements pratiques se succèdent et se complètent. Illustrer : C'est aussi près de trois cents photographies en couleurs pour rêver avant le départ. Trois parties complémentaires vous permettent de découvrir la vallée du Nil.
1980 Abbeville Press, new-York, 1980, first edition. Un volume in 4° relié toile toile rouge de l'éditeur avec jaquette illustrée. 128 pages, nombreuses illustrations couleurs. Un accroc à la jaquette, bon état intérieur.
Remises possibles sur les achats en lot, achetez plusieurs objets à la fois ! Reçoit sur rendez-vous pour consultation des ouvrages.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2021 Hardback, xvi + 360 pages, Size:215 x 280 mm, Illustrations:0 b/w, 110 col., Language: English. ISBN 9781912554423.
Summary This book is the first study to provide a comprehensive historical and theoretical account of the Academia Leonardi Vinci. Pederson brings together literary sources to offer a new interpretation of the academy not as one singular entity, but as a collection of academic modalities in Renaissance Milan. Eventually these various modalities converged around their namesake Leonardo da Vinci, as well as the architect Donato Bramante. This group drew together not only humanists, as in other early Italian academies, but also practitioners of a range of disciplines that ultimately gave way to a new kind of group. This collective of creative personages generated forms of expression that explored the liminal spaces between art, geometry, architecture, and the natural world, which in turn stimulated conversation and debate. This activity made it different from other early Italian academies, and in this way it offered something entirely new.
, Steidl, 2013 Hardcover, 280 pages, ENG. edition, 280 x 190 x 25 mm, NEW, illustrated by the well-known style of Dine, in color / b/w. ISBN 9783869306445.
Inspired by a semi-autobiographical book by the mid-20th century German printmaker HAP Grieshaber, I have used his idea to create a story of fifty years as a printmaker. The book includes interviews with my printers and memories of my life around the prints I made at that time. I have made over a thousand prints so far and I am not done yet. There are ?key? images illustrated, and the text attempts to marry the technical with my emotional feeling for the mediums, etching, lithography, woodcut and silkscreen. I have included recipes for variations on intaglio and some stories of my friendships with these gifted artisans who have produced this work.? Jim Dine
, Kehrer Verlag 2016, 2016 Hardcover, 187 pages/seiten, 290 x 240 mm, English/Deutsch, illustrated, book in fine condition/in guten zustand,. ISBN 9783868286885.
Jim Dine ranks alongside figures such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and Wayne Thibaud as one of the celebrated stars of American Pop Art. The self-portraits, which Dine began painting in the 1950s, serve to catalyze an independent, intense, and surprising dialog with the artist and his output. And Dine's diverse experiments with a wide range of techniques and materials address themes including youth and old age, intimacy and extroversion, and seriality and creativity on paper?enabling these self-portraits to open up new insights into a supposedly familiar oeuvre. The book presents a selection of almost one hundred fascinating self-portraits.
, ludion, 2023 HB, 290 x 235 mm, 256 pages, ENG edition. ISBN 9789493039902.
Aan de hand van beelden van vrouwen en mannen uit de hoogtijdagen van de Japanse prentkunst (1765-1865) gaat dit boek dieper in op de subtiele iconografie en de complexe symbolen die eigen zijn aan deze traditie. De intrigerende elementen verwijzen naar de Japanse geschiedenis, literatuur, mythologie, mode, folklore en roddels uit de Edo-periode en zijn soms moeilijk te onderscheiden, laat staan te vatten, zonder de juiste kennis. Opgedeeld in de klassieke prentkunstthema's zoals mooie vrouwen, helden, en acteurs, reikt dit rijkelijk geillustreerde boek de lezer de sleutels aan om de verborgen betekenissen in meer dan 100 Japanse topprenten te begrijpen. Mooie vrouwen - waaronder dames uit Edo's bekende bordeelwijk Yoshiwara - nemen een groot deel van het boek in beslag. Helden en schurken illustreren het rijke mythologische en pseudo-historische verleden van Japan. Ook de volksvermaken kabuki en sumo komen aan bod: beroemde acteurs spelen hun bekendste rollen als moedige mannen of delicate geisha. Aan de hand van werken van grote meesters van de Japanse prentkunst zoals Suzuki Harunobu, Kitagawa Utamaro, Toshusai Sharaku, Utagawa Toyokuni en zijn opvolger Utagawa Kunisada, worden de geheimen van ukiyo-e prijsgegeven, die fascinerende traditie die een Women and men - strong, proud, tragic or beautiful - from the heyday (1765-1865) of Japanese printmaking are this book's subject. It seeks to dig below the surface of the prints to describe the often subtle iconography employed in these masterful creations by the most famous artists of their time. It begins with Suzuki Harunobu's subdued and introverted scenes of women seated on verandas. The book then moves on to the spectacular 'big face' (okubi-e) portraits of prostitutes and Kabuki actors by artists like Kitagawa Utamaro, Toshusai Sharaku and Utagawa Kunimasa. Frail 'streetwalkers', forced by circumstance into the lowest ranks of prostitution, are transformed into elegant beauties, obscuring their tragic existence. The spectacle of heroes from Japan's rich mythological and pseudo-historical past crowd the printed sheet. Stern-faced actors drawn by the confident hands of Utagawa Toyokuni and his pupil Kunisada demonstrate the economy of line and powerful expression of the woodblock medium. Each print is explored in the finest detail in order to explain the riddles of Ukiyo-e -the intriguing and captivating mode of visual expression that would have such a profound influence on Western art.
, Ludion, 2023 Hardcover, 256 pages, ENG, 295 x 240 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour. ISBN 9789493039902.
Women and men - strong, proud, tragic or beautiful - from the heyday (1765-1865) of Japanese printmaking are this book's subject. It seeks to dig below the surface of the prints to describe the often subtle iconography employed in these masterful creations by the most famous artists of their time. It begins with Suzuki Harunobu's subdued and introverted scenes of women seated on verandas. The book then moves on to the spectacular 'big face' (okubi-e) portraits of prostitutes and Kabuki actors by artists like Kitagawa Utamaro, Toshusai Sharaku and Utagawa Kunimasa. Frail 'streetwalkers', forced by circumstance into the lowest ranks of prostitution, are transformed into elegant beauties, obscuring their tragic existence. The spectacle of heroes from Japan's rich mythological and pseudo-historical past crowd the printed sheet. Stern-faced actors drawn by the confident hands of Utagawa Toyokuni and his pupil Kunisada demonstrate the economy of line and powerful expression of the woodblock medium. Each print is explored in the finest detail in order to explain the riddles of Ukiyo-e -the intriguing and captivating mode of visual expression that would have such a profound influence on Western art.
Antwerp, , 1993 Folding sheet, 3 pages, 42x29cm.
Published in the catalogue for the exhibition On taking a normal situation and retranslating it into overlapping and multiple readings of conditions past and present at M HKA, Antwerp, 1993 Editor?s Note In the autumn of this year Jimmie Durham, who has posed variously as an artist, a theoretical biologist, and as an international gardener, was detained under suspicion by the authorities at Antwerp Airport. Durham was found attempting to enter the city carrying sheets of dried pulp made from trees, upon which he allegedly had made certain markings. The following text, deciphered by the Bureau of Egress, was delivered to the Museum by the Bureau of Foreign Documents.
, Skira (Thames), 2024 HB, 320 x 245 mm, 224 p, ENG. colored illustrations; NEW. ISBN 9788857251059.
Jimmy Nelson: Humanity is about the renowned photographer Jimmy Nelson's personal and artistic journey across the world, an expedient to take people across a deeper journey of reflection on their own identity as part of the universal family of humans. His travels are similar to field expeditions, with lots of preparation and contingencies to take into account. They can last weeks, if not months. For Jimmy Nelson, traveling is part of his artistic process, epitomizing a resolute search into what it means to be human, deeply, at the core of our shared origins from one same source in the African continent. In the process, he has reconnected with his own deeper self and has realized that humanity is all one. In Jimmy Nelson: Humanity, the photographer is passionate to share why he is obsessively searching for a form of art that can embrace what he experiences in the field, when he finds alignment with the people, nature, light; a sense of balance that creates a symphony of experiences that analogue photography, in the form of the giant 10x8 negatives, gets close to express and that allows him to funnel all the emotions that he wants to record visually, in just one instant. Through his spectacular shots, Jimmy Nelson's journey becomes our journey and indigenous peoples, normally photographed as an ethnographic subject, become the protagonists of a story of "unadulterated beauty" that empowers the beholders to perceive all humanity.
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 251 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:15 b/w, 13 tables b/w., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503594552.
Summary This regional study focuses on the socio-economic development of the so-called West-Quarter of the county of Flanders during the period 1300-1600. Through the expansion of potent textile industries in the countryside from the fourteenth century onwards, this region gradually attained distinctly 'urban' characteristics in terms of production scale, specialisation, product quality, and the aim for external markets. By the middle of the sixteenth century the West-Quarter had even become one of Flanders's main production regions of woolen cloth. This book assesses how and why this economic expansion took place, why it happened at that particular moment, and why in this region. The broader aims of the research are twofold: first, to offer a contribution to the debate on Europe's transition from a 'feudal' to a 'capitalist' or market economy by looking at the influence of specific social structures and institutional frameworks on the economic development of pre-industrial societies. Secondly, this book contributes to the debate about the divide between town and countryside in pre-industrial Europe, combining the outlooks and methods of both urban and rural historians in order to qualify this supposed dichotomy.
Paris, Seuil, 2001, 24,5 x 29,5, 192 pages sous cartonnage éditeur muet et jaquette illustrée. Iconographie noir & blanc et couleurs. Traduit de l'anglais par Catherine Makarius.
Menus défauts d'usage.
Paris, Seuil, 2001, 24,5 x 29,5, 192 pages sous cartonnage éditeur muet et jaquette illustrée. Iconographie noir & blanc et couleurs. Traduit de l'anglais par Catherine Makarius.
Très bon état.
Zürich, IABSE-AIPC-IVBH, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, 1995, gr. in-8vo, 1612 p., richement ill. de dessins, schéma et photographies n./b., brochure originale.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
, Exhibitions International , 2008 softcover, 60 pages, 31x25 cm. ISBN 9789057790331.
In Pattaya, Thailand, transgenders called ''Sisters'' are carrying the message that they deserve respect as human beings.n'What a wonderful world' is a collection of portraits of the Sisters, reflecting their vulnerability, their courage and their joy. In accompanying testimonials, the Sisters talk about the complexities in several aspects of their lives.
J.J. BOURASSE, Abbé, Président de la Société Archéologique de Tourraine.
Reference : 82
ALFRED MAME et FILS - TOURS - MDCCCLXVII - (1867) -Septième édition.384 pages - Nombreuses figures, 2 gravures hors-texte;Bien relié.
Sur le Premier plat figure la mention, entourée d'une couronne de laurier, Institution Saint-Joseph VILLEDIEU. - Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou sur simple demande en Mondial Relay.- ATTENTION: Colis recommandé uniquement sur demande (parcel recommended on request). Si vous désirez un remboursement équivalent au montant de votre achat, en cas de perte détérioration ou spoliation, demandez-nous expressément un envoi en recommandé ( if you wish a repayment equivalent to the amount of your purchase, in case of loss - deterioration or despoliation, ask us expressly for a sending recommended)- Conditions de vente : Les frais de port sont affichés à titre Indicatifs (pour un livre) Nous pouvons être amené à vous contacter pour vous signaler le surcoût du au nopmbre de livres achetés ou du poids de ceux-ci. - Conditions of sale : The shipping costs are displayed as an indication (for one book) We may need to contact you to inform you of the cost of the additional shipping depending on the weight and the number of books- Possibilité d'envoi par Mondial-Relay - Réception en boutique sur rendez-vous. Librairie G. PORCHEROT - SP.Rance - 0681233148
Amsterdam, Kosmos, S.d. (1948) Gebrocheerd, 80pp., 13x19.5cm., ills. in z/w., goede staat.