, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 310 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:21 b/w, 58 col., 1 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503595085.
Summary This volume offers a unique exploration into the cultural history of the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Period by examining the region through the prism of Christian-Muslim encounters and conflicts and the way in which such relationships were represented in art works from the time. Taking images from the period as its starting point, this interdisciplinary work draws together contributors from fields as varied as cultural history, art history, archaeology, and the political sciences in order to reconstruct the history of a region that was often construed in the Early Modern period as a 'borderland' between religions. From discussions of borders as both physical construction and mental construct in the Mediterranean to case studies exploring the Battle of Lepanto, and from analyses of art work produced from the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries to a consideration of the influence of the Ottoman Empire in the Mediterranean Basin, the chapters gathered together in this insightful volume provide a new approach to our understanding of Early Modern Mediterranean history. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Introduction. Images in the Borderlands: The Mediterranean between Christian and Muslim Worlds in the Early Modern Period Ivana ?apeta Raki? and Giuseppe Capriotti Part 1: Borderland. The Mediterranean Basin between the Two Worlds Rival Legacies: Islamic Art in Early Modern Europe Peter Burke Zadvarje (Duare): The Fate of a Fortress at the Border of Two Worlds Ivan Alduk The Bastions of the Ottoman Capital: The Fortresses of the Dardanelles and the Bosporus Seen by French Military Engineers, Diplomats, and Travellers in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Ferenc T th The Image of Elite Corps, from Al-Andalus to Lepanto Ana Echevarria Part 2: Lepanto. The Image and the Reflection of the Battle in the Mediterranean Basin and Beyond Between Liguria and Southern Piedmont: Images of Lepanto in Religious Contexts Laura Stagno Heroic Comparisons in Images of Christian Political and Military Leaders Engaged in the Wars against the Turks: Some Observations Starting from the Battle of Lepanto (1571) Chiara Giulia Morandi Johannes Sambucus's Arcvs aliqvot trivmphal (Antwerp, 1572): Visual and Written Propaganda for the Victor at Lepanto Juan Chiva and V ctor M nguez On the Other Hand: The Battle of Lepanto in Ottoman Sources Naz Defne Kut Part 3: Circulation. From Ancient to Modern, across Imagined and Secret Battles Reflected in Images The Rhetorical Index in the Portraits of Mehmed II: Some Episodes between Words and Images, from the West Shore of the Mediterranean Angelo Maria Monaco Representing Africa in the Exequies for King Philip II Cristelle Baskins and Borja Franco Llopis Old and New Enemies in Ancient and Modern Battles: Anachronisms in Three Works by Mattia Preti in Malta Maria Luisa Ricci 'Macometto in Una Nugola Nera' (Muhammad in a Black Cloud): The Imaginary War of Giovanni da San Giovanni (and Ferdinando II de' Medici) at Palazzo Pitti Francesco Sorce 'At his Feet': The Image of the Eastern Prisoner in Late Baroque Iberian Public Sculptures Iv n Rega Castro Index
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 201 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:79 col., Language: English. ISBN 9788021099234.
Summary The articles gathered in this special issue of Convivium offer a variety of perspectives - history of medieval art, architecture, literary studies - that explore the relations between spoliation and translation, with a particular focus on the interconnections and similarities between material/artistic and textual/literary cultures. Building on current research in spolia and translation studies, these contributions respond to the increasing interest in and popularity of these two topics in recent scholarship. A conceptual point of departure is that reuse and translation represent two crucial processes facilitating cultural dialogues and exchanges across time and space. Material and textual spolia fascinate us, because they provide various means and levels of engagement with the past with a tangible form, sometimes of an ambivalent nature. Objects, artefacts, buildings, and texts have been subject to constant reworkings, through which they have been interpreted and translated: old stories gain new significance in new contexts, just as old objects gain new meanings in new settings. The aim of this collection is to foster a better understanding of such processes and, at the same time, of the history of the medieval worlds of the Eastern Mediterranean, which is marked by constant cross-cultural encounters and interactions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Ivana Jevtic & Ingela Nilsson - Towards an Empathetic Approach to Material and Literary Spolia Articles Ingela Nilsson - Imitation as Spoliation, Reception as Translation. The Art of Transforming Things in Byzantium Karen Rose Mathews - Speaking Antiquity. Ancient Spolia as a Visual Koine in the Medieval Mediterranean (12th to 15th Century) C. Ceyhun Arslan - Spolia and Textual Reincarnations. A Reassessment of the Hagia Sophia's History Armin F. Bergmeier - Antiquarian Displays of Spolia and Roman Identity. San Marco, Merbaka, and the Seljuk Caravanserais Margaret Mullett - Spoiling the Hellenes: Intertextuality, Appropriation, and Embedment. The Case of the Christos Paschon Baukje van den Berg -Eustathios' Homeric Commentaries. Translating Homer and Spoliating Ancient Traditions Ivana Jevtic - Reuse and Remodeling in the Late Byzantine World. The Church of Bogorodica Ljeviska in Prizren Suzan Yalman - Translating Spolia. A Recent Discover of Fragments from the Walls of Seljuk Konya and Their Afterlives Emelie Hallenberg - Translating and Spoliating the Byzantines. The Receptions and Remodelings of a Komnenian Novel in Early Modern France Afterword Olof Heilo - Postscript: The Meaning of Ruins
Ivan Foletti, Cynthia Hahn, Kris N. Racaniello, C cile Voyer, Adrien Palladino (eds)
Reference : 63157
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, approx. 220 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:80 col., Language: English. ISBN 9788028004255.
Summary Reapproaching Conques from new contexts is the basis of the present volume, a product of the international project ?Conques in the Global World. Transferring Knowledge: from Material to Immaterial Heritage? (Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange H2020). Although it is an important location of cultural heritage and has been consequential historiographically and in the formation of art history, there has never been a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to this momentous site. Thus, this volume publishes the first results of the interdisciplinary and international project, which were initially presented at a conference and enriched by workshops held in New York City in the summer of 2022. The collected essays open with reflective and historiographic work on Conques in the nineteenth century. These segue into essays reconsidering specific integral elements of extant medieval materials at the site. Finally, the volume concludes with a series of essays devoted to placing Conques in a broader context. The entire volume aims to open to as yet unaddressed questions in scholarship on Conques, with the hope that this work will provide a foundation for future studies. TABLE OF CONTENTS Ivan Foletti, Cynthia Hahn, Kris N. Racaniello, C cile Voyer & Adrien Palladino Contextualizing Conques, an Introduction Articles Adrien Palladino Byzance Conques? An Unrealized Dream of ?Neo-Byzantine? Architecture in Nineteenth-Century France Martin F. Le? k The ?Glorious Traveler?. St Foy's Triumphal March from Rodez to Conques or the Liturgical Afterlife of Two Medieval Reliquaries Lei Huang Memory between Tradition and Modernity. Odolric's Historicism and B gon's Promotion of Image in Romanesque Conques Kirk Ambrose The Counterfeit and the Authentic in the Conques Tympanum Kris N. Racaniello The ?Iron Man?. Imagining Muslims and Vanishing Objects in the Shrine of Sainte Foy at Conques Sabina Rosenbergov Digital Heritage Mapping of Medieval Routes: Retracing Pilgrimage to Conques through the Liber Miraculorum Sanctae Fidis Michele Luigi Vescovi, with Jasmin Richardson & Tomas Shannon Mapping Monasticism. A Digital Approach to the Network of Conques Zuzana Frantov The Throne of Wisdom of Beaulieu. The Silver Embodiment of the Triumphant Church
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 146 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:72 col., Language: English. ISBN 9788021097094.
Summary The thematic framework of this special issue is an examination of the impact Russian migr s had on the humanities and art. From art history to philosophy, artistic creation to ecumenical dialogue, the volume is dedicated to figures who, through their emigration from Russia, transformed their places of arrival and relevant fields. The articles in the volume assess these topics from an interdisciplinary point of view, extending the usual horizons of Convivium to other fields as well. The volume was published as the proceedings of the conference Transformed by Emigration. Welcoming Russian Intellectuals, Scientists, and Artists 1917-1945 held at the Hans Belting Library in February 2019. TABLE OF CONTENTS Ivan Foletti After Kondakov. The Heritage of Russian Emigration in the Czech Lands Articles Ekaterina Shashlova Russian Philosophers in France in the Interwar Period. A Review of the Studies of Emigrant Philosophers Juliette Milbach Zinaida Serebrjakova in Paris. Iconographic Analysis of a Russian in Exile Karolina Foletti Presenting Russia to the West. Helene Iswolsky, Russian Catholic migr Intellectual C cile Pichon-Bonin The Russian Illustrators of the P re Castor. Russian Mediators in France of the Concept of Construction in Art and Pedagogy in the 1930s Jordan Ljuckanov The Russian migr Community in Interwar Bulgaria. Attempt at a Typology of Transformations, with Focus on the "Aestheticization" of Newspaper Adrien Palladino Transforming Medieval Art from Saint Petersburg to Paris. Andr Grabar's Life and Scholarship between 1917 and 1945
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 162 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:92 col., Language: English. ISBN 9788021094536.
Summary The thematic frame of this issue is the anthropological notion of liminality, applied both to physical as well as imaginary places of transition in medieval art. The volume is thus dedicated to the phenomenon of the limen, the threshold in medieval culture, understood mainly as a spatial, ritual and temporal category. The structure of the book follows the virtual path of any medieval visitor entering the sacred space. While doing so, the visitor encountered and eventually crossed several "liminal zones" that have been constructed around a series of physical and mental thresholds. In order to truly access the sacred - once again both physically and metaphorically - many transitional (micro)rituals were required and were therefore given particular attention within this volume. The volume was published as proceedings of the Liminality and Medieval Art II conference, which was held in October 2018 at the Masaryk University in Brno. Authors were supposed to conceive their contributions in pairs in order to reflect on the selected topics with an interdisciplinary approach. In the end, the very same pattern was also maintained for the final publication. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Kl ra Dole?alov & Ivan Foletti Liminality and Medieval Art. From Space to Rituals and to the Imagination Articles Ivan Foletti & Katar na Krav? kov Closed Doors as Bearers and Constructors of Images. Santa Sabina in Rome and Notre Dame du Puy Sible De Blaauw & Kl ra Dole?alov Constructing Liminal Space? Curtains in Late Antique and Early Medieval Churches Vlad Bedros & Elisabetta Scirocco Liturgical Screens, East and West. Liminality and Spiritual Experience Chiara Croci The Depiction of the Acta Martyrum During the Early Middle Ages. Hints from a Liminal Space, the Transept of Santa Prassede in Rome (817-824) Jan Kl pa & Eli?ka Pol ?kov Tabulae cum portis, vela, cortinae and sudaria. Remarks on the Liminal Zonesin the Liturgical and Para-Liturgical Contexts in the Late Middle Ages John Mitchell & Nicholas Pickwoad "Blessed Are the Eyes Which See Divine Spirit Through the Letter's Veil." The Book as Object and Idea
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 127 pages, Size:Special Format mm, Illustrations:20 b/w, 23 col., 2 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9788028005764.
Summary Despite its incredible richness, the Armenian cultural heritage remains today at the margins of the art historical canon. The roots of this situation can be traced back to the second half of 19th century when Armenian art was deliberately marginalized by the official scholarship within the Russian Empire. By providing a historiographical examination of this context, we aim to demonstrate how medieval Armenian art became a tool in the Russian imperialistic policy. Besides, we also attempt to address the impact of the late 19th-century imperialism on our present. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction It Has Always Been Only a Province Favoring Georgia or Marginalizing Armenia? Divide et Impera: Traditional Imperialistic Practices Conclusions: Medieval Art history and the Roots of the Current Tragedies Bibliography Index of Names Index of Places
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 157 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:100 col., Language: English. ISBN 9788028001889.
Summary This thematic issue draws on the papers presented at the conference ?Radical Turn? Subversions, Conversions, and Mutations in the Postclassical World (3rd-8th c.)? that took place last autumn in Brno, Czech Republic. Its aim is to contribute to the rehabilitation of the period of ?Late Antiquity?, which has often been neglected in scholarly circles as a mere transitional period between the classical past and the medieval future. Individual papers reflect on the cultural production of this period from the perspectives of different disciplines (art history, classical philology, archaeology, and history), offering new insights on various aspects of late antique. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Ivan Foletti, Marie Ok ?ov & Adrien Palladino, A Radical Turn? "Late Antique" Anxiety, Rupture, and Creative Continuity Articles Ivan Foletti & Marie Ok ?ov , An Age of Fragmentation. Evidence from Late Antique Literary, Visual, and Material Cultures Jana Mikulov , The Variability of Late Latin Authors' Means for Marking Direct Discourse Chiara Croci, ?Abbreviated? Depictions? Questions on the Earliest Christian Images Alberto Virdis, Fragmentation as a Visual Principle: From Cloisonn to Early Stained Glass Katharina Meinecke, Ornamental Surfaces. A ?Global Trend? in Late Antique Afro-Eurasia Chronicles & debates Marco Aimone, Two Byzantine Capitals ?with Pine Cones at Their Corners? and Their Monograms. Technical, Stylistic, and Historical Observations Renate Johanna Pillinger, Wunder Jesu auf ausgew hlten (r mischen) Zwischengoldgl sern
(Belgrad), , (1927-1930). 5 porte-feuilles in-folio, importante documentation photographique sur les bâtiments civils et religieux de Dalmatie par l'architecte, archéologue et photographe Ciril M. Ivekovic. I : 43 planches, II : 66 pl., III : 52 pl., V : 12 pp.-49 pl., VI : 69 pl., sous porte-feuille bleue d'éditeur, quelques planches avec des rousseurs, défauts aux porte-feuilles.Cette série doit comporter au total 6 volumes, il manque le volume IV et les feuillets de texte des volumes I, II, III et VI, les planches de ces 5 volumes sont au complet. Le texte est en cyrillique croate, la table des planches est bilingue croate-français et les légendes des planches sont en croate, allemand , tchèque, français et anglais.
, ludion, 2018 hardcover, 160 pages, Illustrated. 32,7 x 25,6 x 2,4 cm, text in English. ISBN 9789491819841.
Ives Maes grew up in Sunville, a free translation of the Flemish village of Zonhoven. After his brother?s suicide, Maes returned to his homestead and wandered the countryside with a camera and stacks of accidentally expired film. The colour shifts in the photographs he took during these walks suggest an indefinable time. He combined them with snapshots from the family album and images found in the village?s historical archive, and continued to photograph his childhood home during six successive seasons, until a partial solar eclipse put a symbolical end to these recordings. Sunville is a personal quest into Maes?s memories, and explores the peripheries of the medium.
Ivo Hlobil, Hermann Mayrhofer, Marius Winzeler, ?t?p nka Chlumsk (eds.)
Reference : 61123
, Bergbau- und Hotikmuseum/ Praha : N rodn galerie Praha, 2020 Softcover, 190 pages Illustrated. ISBN 9788070357149.
Kr sn Madony ze Salcburku : lit k men kolem 1400 (22. 11. 2019 - 19. 4. 2020 : N rodn galerie Praha, kl ?ter sv. Ane?ky ?esk , Praha) Sch ne Madonnen aus Salzburg : Gussstein um 1400 Note Katal g obsahuje podrobnej?ie popisy jednotliv ch diel Language note Publik cia s be?ne v ?e?tine a nem?ine Exhibitions notes Katal g k rovnomenn m v stav m, ktor sa konali v Bergbau- und Gotikmuseum Leogang, 25.5.-31.10.2019 a v N rodn galerii Praha, kl ?ter sv. Ane?ky ?esk , 22.11.2019-19.4.2020
, nai010, 2021 Hardcover, 469 pages, ENG, 285 x 245 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9789462084605.
This book is the first monograph on Victor Bourgeois, the main pioneer of the international Modern Movement in Belgium. Victor Bourgeois (1897-1962) was the main pioneer of the international Modern Movement in Belgium. He helped build the famous Weissenhofsiedlung in Stuttgart (1927) and between 1928 and 1930 played a crucial role in the CIAM, the most influential platform for modern architecture and urban planning of the twentieth century. The book is the first study of the built and written oeuvre of Victor Bourgeois. Bourgeois' subtle work and sharp theoretical insights make him an undeservedly forgotten architect and urban planner. Architectural historian and curator Iwan Strauven charts the entire oeuvre, both in a 'catalogue raisonn ' and in an 'intellectual biography'. The book is not only Bourgeois' first all-encompassing monograph, it also makes a fundamental contribution to the understanding of the architectural history of the twentieth century.
, GUAEP 2002, 2002 Paperback, 35 pagina's, NL, 265 x 220 mm, in nieuwstaat, met illustraties / foto's in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9789076714141.
Alfred Hardy is de ontwerper van de twee imposante paddenstoelconstructies die sinds 1947 als hangars worden gebruikt op het vliegveld van Grimbergen en die tot de belangrijkste verwezenlijkingen van de naoorlogse Belgische bouwkunde worden gerekend. In dit boek wordt de professionele carri re van Hardy voor het eerst in beeld gebracht, met uitgebreide aandacht voor de loodsen in Grimbergen maar ook voor de talloze andere projecten en realisaties die op hetzelfde constructieve principe zijn gebaseerd: woningen, appartementsgebouwen, hotels, benzinestations en parkeergarages. Na de verschijning van deze publicatie werden de vliegtuigloodsen aan de lijst van beschermde monumenten in Vlaanderen toegevoegd.
, Mercatorfonds, 2023 HB, 255 x 210 mm, 240 p., E/ F/ NL edition, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9789462303607.
Victor Horta en de grammatica van de art nouveau biedt een vernieuwende en grondige analyse van de architecturale aanpak van Victor Horta, de Belgische architect wiens creaties tussen 1893 en 1905 baanbrekend waren voor de architectuur van de art nouveau. In dit boek, onder redactie van Iwan Strauven (professor architectuurgeschiedenis, ULB) en Benjamin Zurstrassen (directeur van het Hortamuseum in Brussel), is nieuw onderzoek samengebracht van nationale en internationale experts in het werk van Victor Horta, dat een nieuwe kijk biedt op de architectuur van de art nouveau. Het eerste deel van het boek werpt een nieuw licht op de toolbox van Victor Horta. Door te focussen op de architectuurbronnen van een specifiek werk, Huis Tassel, geeft het inzicht in waar en hoe Victor Horta zijn ontwerpen bedacht. In het tweede deel worden enkele essenti le thema's van de architectuur van Victor Horta besproken, zoals het retorische gebruik van de structuur, het innovatieve gebruik van materialen en het gebruik van licht voor de uitwerking van het dynamische plan. Het geeft ook een gedetailleerde beschrijving van de plaats die Victor Horta bekleedt in Sigfried Giedions historiografie van de moderne beweging en meer specifiek in zijn baanbrekende werk Space Time Architecture. Een derde deel van het boek onderzoekt de relatie tussen de uitvinding van de art nouveau door Victor Horta en het koloniale project van koning Leopold II. Dit hoofdstuk onthult recent ontdekt archiefmateriaal in verband met het ontwerp van Victor Horta voor het paviljoen van Congo Vrijstaat voor de wereldtentoonstelling van 1900 in Parijs. Horta and the Grammar of Art Nouveau offers an innovative in-depth analysis of the architectural approach of Victor Horta, the Belgian architect whose creations between 1893 and 1905 were seminal for the development of Art Nouveau architecture. This book, edited by Iwan Strauven (Professor Architectural History, ULB) and Benjamin Zurstrassen (Director of the Horta Museum in Brussels), assembles new research by national and international experts on the work of Victor Horta, offering new perspectives on Art Nouveau architecture. The first part of the book sheds a new light on the toolbox of Victor Horta. Focusing on the architectural sources of one specific work, the Tassel house, it gives an insight in where and how Victor Horta conceived of his designs. The second part discusses some fundamental themes of Victor Horta's architecture, such as the rhetorical use of structure, the innovative use of materials and the use of light in the development of the dynamic plan. It also gives a detailed account of the place of Victor Horta in Sigfried Giedions historiography of the modern movement and more specifically in his seminal work Space Time Architecture. A third part of the publication explores the relation between Victor Horta's invention of Art Nouveau and the colonial enterprise of King Leopold II. This chapter unveils recently rediscovered archival material on Victor Horta's project for the Congo Free State pavilion at the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris.
Brussel, Quart, , 2020 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 72 pages, 28,7 x 22,1 cm, ge llustreerd / ENG / DE. ISBN 9783037612217.
Jo Berben, Ingrid Mees and Luc Vanmuyssen are the founders of the Belgian architectural team a2o, with offices in Brussels and Hasselt. Their buildings are powerfully and inventively integrated into the mostly urban environment. Their forms and details are reduced, creating a meditative atmosphere. ? ? What the six projects have most in common is that ? with the exception of the Poor Clares Covent ? they were realised after 2012. It was the time when a2o?s initiators, with the future and with continuity in mind, had taken up a number of loyal, younger designers as new associates in their group. The projects mark a new direction in which young people seek to steer a a2o?s approach: one emanating self-assurance, as well as context-responsivenessn tying in with the high standard of current Belgian and Flemish architectural production.? Iwan Strauven De aedibus international is a series on contemporary, highly qualified European architects and architecture; an archive of carefully selected buildings and projects.
Les éditions du Toucan Cartonné avec jaquette 2009 In-4 (24 x 31 cm), cartonné avec jaquette illustrée, 256 pages, riche iconographie, très belles photos d'intérieurs japonais contemporains ; jaquette un peu frottée, intérieur très frais, bel état général. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.
, Tate Publishing, 2001 Paperback, 245 pages, ENG, 270 x 210 mm, in good condition, ill. in colour / b/w. ISBN 9781854373120.
, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti?ficas, 2000 Softcover, 475 paginas, SPA, 280 x 205 x 25 mm, como nuevo, ilustraciones en color y b/n ISBN 9788400078096.
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas edita esta obra. En 1939 la editorial comenz su andadura en Madrid. Su cat logo asciende a m s de 2000 t tulos. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas tiene textos sobre todo de Invertebrados, Qu mica, Educaci n, Arqueolog a, Derecho... Palmyrenus. Serie Textos: Colecci n De Textos Y Estudios Human sticos, Anejos Revista De Literatura, Publicaciones De Estudios Sefard es, Flora Ib rica, Archivo Gom entre otros son algunos ejemplos de colecciones de esta editorial. En Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas han publicado libros Guillem-llobat, Ximo, Mart nez Montalb n, Jos Luis, Mart nez Batlle, Jos Ram n, Peric s I Brondo, Miquel, Virgilio Mar n, Publio entre otros. fomenta la creaci n literaria organizando Premios como Premio Arqu mides, Premios San Viator y Premio Inspiraciencia.
, Hannibal Books / Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerpen, 2024 Hardcover, 280 x 230 mm, 128 pages, illustrated in colour, ENG edition. ISBN 9789464941425.
A unique overview of the ingenious printmaking of James Ensor Thanks to the experimental character of his prints, James Ensor remains one of the most important etchers of his time. Seventy-five years after his death, his prints continue to amaze. This richly illustrated book sheds light on the remarkable creation process behind his prints, and also on the influence of earlier artists, his contemporaries and collectors, and the reception of his work. By taking a close look at his prints and by comparing the different states, we can catch a glimpse of Ensor?s own states of imagination. Not only did Ensor experiment with various etching techniques and often reworked the etched plates, he also transformed his prints by adding to them and colouring them by hand in pencil and watercolour. Moreover, he sometimes used coloured inks and printed on to a variety supports, such as satin and parchment. James Ensor and the Graphic Experiment places the prints of Ensor in a new light, and is a continuing source of inspiration for admirers of this quirky and multi-faceted artist. With contributions by Izanna Mulder, Willemijn Stammis, Ad Stijnman en Herwig Todts. This book is published on the occasion of the exhibition Ensor?s States of Imagination, which runs from 28 September 2024 to 18 January 2025 at Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp.
, Hannibal Books / Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerpen, 2024 HB, 280 x 230 mm, 128 pages, mooie afbeeldingen in kleur, NL edition. ISBN 9789464941418.
Uniek overzicht van de ingenieuze prentkunst van James Ensor. 'Men moet zich richten op bepaalde etsen van dhr. James Ensor om de ware kunstenaar te ontdekken die hij is.' - Emile Verhaeren Dit rijkge llustreerde boek over het grafische werk van James Ensor onthult niet alleen zijn creatieproces, maar ook de invloed van zijn artistieke voorgangers, tijdgenoten, uitgevers en verzame laars op de totstandkoming en receptie van zijn prentkunst. Hoewel het medium gericht is op reproduceerbaarheid, wordt Ensors grafische oeuvre gekenmerkt door eigenzinnigheid en uniciteit. Zijn aanpassingen op de platen, het drukken op diverse dragers zoals satijn, en het handmatig aanvullen en inkleuren van de afdrukken maken van Ensors grafische werken unieke kunstwerkjes. James Ensor en het grafisch experiment biedt een nieuw perspectief op Ensors experimentele en eigenzinnige benadering van het medium. Publicatie bij de tentoonstelling Ensors staten van verbeelding in het Museum Plantin-Moretus
Roquevaire, Parenthèses, 1979. In-8 (270x180mm) broché, 131 p. Ill. en noir. Très bon état général.
C.E.R.A C.E.R.A, 1977. In-8 carré broché non paginé. Texte sur deux colonnes. 252 dessins. Très bon état
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
, Uitgever:Marc Van De Wiele, 1989 Hardcover, 216 pag. NL, 320 x 250 mm, in Prima staat !, stofomslag, met illustraties in kleur / z/w. ISBN 9789069660622.
, Lannoo, 2005, Gebonden met stofomslag, Formaat : 250 x 300, 142 PAGES ILL. ISBN 9789020963311.
Monografie over het monumentale oeuvre van Pol Spilliaert (1935) Pol Spilliaert zoekt in zijn werk naar verhouding en ritme. Het resultaat zijn uitgepuurde composities.kunst van Spilliaert kan worden beschreven als het uitkristalliseren van vormloze gevoelens. Hij heeft een duidelijke voorkeur voor marmer. Hoewel de abstractie doorweegt, duikt ook het streng gestileerde man-vrouw thema vaak op in zijn oeuvre.Met een biografie, een volledige tentoonstellingslijst en een bibliografie. Monografie over het oeuvre van deze beeldende kunstenaar. Hij realiseert monumentale beelden die moeiteloos bezit nemen van de ruimte.
Knokke, Marc Peire , 2021 Hardcover, 100 pages, illustratie's. Texte en Francais / Nederlands.
Jaak Fontier (Brugge 1927 - Blankenberge 2017) blijft n van de belangrijkste kunstessayisten in Vlaanderen die de carri re van Luc Peire op de voet heeft gevolgd. Zijn Herinneringen aan Jenny en Luc Peire voltooide hij in 2013. Als postuum eerbetoon aan Fontier wordt de tekst hier voor het eerst gepubliceerd. Op basis van de uitgebreide correspondentie Luc Peire ? Jaak Fontier onderzoekt Marc Peire in een flankerend essay de houding van Luc Peire op de kunstkritiek van Jaak Fontier. We ontdekken hoe Peires reacties en bevindingen nauw aansluiten bij zijn persoonlijkheid en zijn eigen esthetica, waarin hij binnen een overkoepelende synthese evenwicht door tegenwicht nastreeft. Het doek Kasa uit 1952 neemt binnen de stijlontwikkeling van Luc Peire zowel een schakel- als een synthesepositie in; anekdotische details verbinden zich harmonisch met gestileerde abstractie en metafysica. De evenwichtige scenische opstelling en het toepassen van formacolore effenen het pad naar een gepersonaliseerde abstractie. Een analyse. Op het einde van zijn leven koesterde Luc Peire het verlangen om via een schenking aan de gemeente Knokke-Heist zijn artistieke erfenis en archief te laten onderbrengen in een ?ideaal museum?. Dit project haalde het niet. Marc Peire spit dit dossier ten gronde uit. ***Jaak Fontier (Bruges 1927 ? Blankenberge 2017) reste l?un des principaux critiques d?art de Flandre avoir suivi de pr s la carri re de Luc Peire. En 2013, il a consign ses souvenirs dans Herinneringen aan Jenny en Luc Peire. En guise d?hommage posthume Jaak Fontier, le texte est publi ici pour la premi re fois. Au d part de l?abondante correspondance entre Luc Peire et Jaak Fontier, Marc Peire tudie compl mentairement l?attitude de Luc Peire par rapport la critique d?art de Jaak Fontier. Nous d couvrons combien les r actions et constatations de Peire pousent sa personnalit et son esth tique, dans laquelle il recherche l? quilibre par le contrepoids au sein d?une synth se globale. La toile Kasa de 1952 occupe une position charni re et constitue une sorte de synth se au sein de l? volution stylistique de Luc Peire : les d tails anecdotiques s?y combinent harmonieusement avec l?abstraction stylis e et la m taphysique. La disposition sc nique quilibr e et l?application de la formacolore pr parent le terrain une abstraction personnalis e. Une analyse. la fin de sa vie, Luc Peire a prouv le d sir de rassembler, via une donation la commune de Knokke-Heist, son h ritage artistique et ses archives dans un mus e id al . Ce projet n?a pas abouti. Marc Peire d taille ce dossier. Nr. 18 van de reeks Bulletins van de Stichting Jenny & Luc Peire, Knokke
, Rijksuniversiteit Te Leiden 1986, 1986 Paperback, 284 pages / seiten, ENG/ D , 250 x 170 mm, in fine condition / sehr gute kondition, illustrations in b/w. ISBN 9071465098.