Paris Librairie de la construction moderne. 1 volume IN4 en chemise cartonnée à lacets. Dos toilé (accrocs). Ouvrage divisé en 76 planches dessiné et mis en ordre par P.Esquié. Manque les planches16-17-18-21-22-28-29-46et 47.
Ch. Massin et Cie, éditeurs sd In-folio, portfolio à lacet cartonné, dos restauré, complet de ses planches. Intérieur frais. En l’état.
Bon état d’occasion
Paris, Charles Schmid, Editeur., 1900, in-4, demi-chagrin, dos long, titre à l'or. Frottements au dos, Bon état intérieur.
Essay by Christoph Grafe and Beatrice Josse, Interview with artists Bonom, Strook and Christoph Hefti. Interview with architect Geert Pauwels by Egon Verleye
Reference : 53746
, MER Paper Kunsthalle, 2020 Softcover, 292 x 215 mm, 160 pages, English / NL edition. ISBN 9789463930796.
This book offers an architectural report of the metamorphosis that the Vooruit art center has known during the last ten years. Spurred on by a growing need for the arts center to physically adapt and make new connections with its surroundings and its users, the iconic monument underwent a transformation from a cultural home to an urban platform. The book further elaborates on the vision of the architect and how he wants to build on this art and architecture treasure from the past in a unique and challenging way. The social importance and responsibilities of the arts center in the city are deepened in a debate, in which sustainability and greening are also given a place. In addition, art in the public space becomes an important theme in the publication. Three artists give their reflection on the new architecture through interviews. Their artworks are a lasting witness. In the first part, architecture reviewer Christoph Grafe elaborates on the social and architectural importance of the transformation. In the second part, Louis Demey (ov) enters into a dialogue with architect Geert LM Pauwels. Finally, the artists Christophe Hefti, Strook and Bonom give their view of art in the public space. The dialogue between old and new is beautifully portrayed by the powerful photography of Karin Borghouts, Michiel Devijver and Reinhart Cosaert. Authors Essay by Christoph Grafe and Beatrice Josse, Interview with artists Bonom, Strook and Christoph Hefti. Interview with architect Geert Pauwels by Louis Demey. Photography Reinhart Cosaert, Karin Borghouts, Reiner Lautwein, Stijn Bollaert, Michiel Devyver
, Transit Gallery, 2015 Hardcover, , 245 x 175 mm, 80 pages, English edition. ISBN 9789081240734.
Johan CRETEN ( 1963, Belgium) is a Flemish sculptor based in Paris but working wherever he has the opportunity, from Miami to Mexico, from Den Haag to New York. He trained as a painter but soon turned to ceramics and bronze for his work. He has exhibited at the Louvre, at the Mus e Nationale Eug ne Delacroix in Paris, the Bass Museum of Art in Miami Beach, the Istanbul Biennale, the Mamco in Geneva, the Middelheimmuseum in Antwerp among many other places
Couverture rigide. Reliure toile. 74 pages.
Livre en allemand. Editions Industriedruck AG, Vers 1970.
Darmstadt, Arnold Bergsträsser, 1889. Lex8vo. Contemp. hcloth. Stamp. on titlepage. 259 pp., plates and textillustrations.
(Handbuch der Architectur. 2. Theil, 4. Bd.,Erstes Heft).
, STUDIO EDITIONS 1994, 1994 Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 305 x 240 mm, in good condition, lots of info, illustrations in colour. ISBN 9781851707270.
This book explains how a carpet is made, and looks at the associated symbolism of design and color. It is also a guide to choosing, buying and caring for a carpet, and a directory of carpet types.
Broché couverture à rabats, 28X22 cm, 2009, 173 pages, nombreuses illustrations en couleurs, les éditions du sekoya. Signature de l'auteur avec date page de titre, bon exemplaire..
, Brepols - Fidem, 2021 Paperback, vii + 407 pages, Size:165 x 240 mm, Illustrations:6 col., 22 tables b/w., Language: Spanish. ISBN 9782503593425.
Summary Surgida en la remota Antig edad, la leyenda de los signa iudicii ha permeado tradiciones y pueblos, culturas y religiones diversas, durante siglos. En todo ese tiempo, esta relaci n de signos que preceder n al fin del mundo ha sufrido variada suerte, desde la gran productividad que present durante los albores de la apocal ptica, con un primitivo cat logo de siete se ales ampliado paulatinamente, pasando por un uso pragm tico y proselitista durante el per odo medieval, hasta su eclipse con la llegada del racionalismo epistemol gico. Se trata de un repertorio de se ales escatol gicas de amplia naturaleza (atmosf rica, legendaria, geol gica, espiritual) que buscaba impactar en el imaginario social y colectivo a trav s de lo que hemos denominado factor miedo. La materia tuvo inmensa repercusi n en las tradiciones ga lica, anglosajona o latina, y la recogen desde autores como Lactancio, Or genes o Comodiano, hasta el mismo Agust n de Hipona. Posteriormente, su difusi n fue dilatada, primero a trav s de varios te ricos y ex getas del cristianismo durante los siglos X, XI y XII, y m s tarde de mano de los autores en lenguas vern culas occidentales. A partir del siglo XIII se introduce en la Pen nsula Ib rica, inaugur ndose con un texto que Gonzalo de Berceo dedic a los muy grandes signos ante [...] del Judicio cabdal. Paralelamente a las versiones cristianas, destaca la incidencia que la materia tuvo entre varios autores musulmanes peninsulares a lo largo de los siglos. TABLE OF CONTENTS Consideraciones iniciales El fi n de los d as: rasgos del pensamiento escatol gico El juicio fi nal Las ra ces de la leyenda: antecedentes 1. La tradici n sibil stica 1.1. La fi gura de la sibila 1.2. Libros y or culos sibilinos 1.3. Un acr stico protocristiano y alejandrino de los Oracula 2. Uso cristiano del material sibilino 2.1. Pastor de Hermas 2.2. Te fi lo de Antioqu a 2.3. Clemente de Alejandr a 2.4. Or genes de Alejandr a 2.5. Eusebio de Cesarea 2.6. Lactancio 2.7. Agust n de Hipona 2.8. Quodvultdeus Carthaginiensis 2.9. Teosof a de Tubinga 3. La sibila literaria, su Canto y el Ordo prophetarum 3.1. Anselm Turmeda 3.2. Miscel nea de manuscritos medievales 3.3. Gil Vicente 3.4. Crist bal de Castillejo 3.5. Toribio Ruiz 3.6. Baltasar de Vitoria 3.7. Pedro Calder n de la Barca La base de la leyenda de los signa iudicii 4. Libro IV de Esdras 5. Apocalipsis de Tom s 6. Comodiano 7. San Jer nimo, mediador de la leyenda? La materia ga lica, posible eslab n entre el acr stico sibilino y la leyenda 8. Poemas irlandeses de Blathmac, In Tenga Bithnua, Saltair y Airdena 9. La tradici n anglosajona Pecado - culpa - contrici n: la construcci n del factor miedo La leyenda se afi anza: los signa iudicii dentro de la tradici n escatol gica latina (siglos XI-XIII) 10 Pseudo-Beda 11. Pedro Dami n 12. Bruno Astensis 13. Hildeberto de Tours 14. Raoul Ardens 15. Pedro Comestor 16. Manuscrito Q: De signis ante judicium 17. Alain de Lille 18. Tom s de Aquino 19. Jacobo de la Vor gine Los signos previos al juicio fi nal en la literatura de la Pen nsula Ib rica 20. Versiones cristianas de los signa iudicii 20.1. Gonzalo de Berceo 20.2. Alfonso X 20.3. Ram n Llull 20.4. Francesc Eiximenis 20.5. Pero Guill n de Segovia 20.6. La tradici n catalana de los Evangelia Nicodemi 20.7. Mart n Mart nez de Ampi s 20.8. Manuscrito C.101 20.9. Toribio Ruiz 20.10. Bernal d'Echepare 20.11. Fray Paulino de la Estrella 20.12. Diego Santos Lostado y Calder n 20.13. Contrafacta: la vis c mica de la leyenda 20.13.1. Profec a de Evangelista, an nima 20.13.2. El Juyzio hallado y trovado 20.13.3. Cancionero y Romancero, de Gabriel de Peralta 21. Versiones musulmanas 21.1. Leyenda de La doncella de Carcayona 21.2. Leyendas de Alidachel el Malo y El d a del Juicio, an nimas 21.3. Y a ibn Gabir 21.4. Ali al-Ansari 21.5. Mohammed Rabad n Conclusiones Cuadro cronol gico Bibliograf a ndice de autores ndice de manuscritos
Estelle Ingrand-Varenne, Elisa Pallotini, Janneke Raaijmakers ? (eds)
Reference : 64418
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, xx + 386 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:94 b/w, 26 col., 4 tables b/w., 3 maps color, Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503602363.
Summary This volume proposes a framework for reflection on practices of writing personal names in medieval sacred spaces, uniting historians, art historians, and specialists in written culture (both epigraphers and palaeographers). It traces the forms and functions of names that can be found within the space of early medieval churches and cemeteries, focusing mainly, but not solely, on inscriptions. By examining names written in various kinds of media, from liturgical books to graffiti and more formal inscriptions, the contributors investigate the intentions and effects of the act of writing one's own name or having one's name written down. Their interest resides less in the name itself than the interactions it had with its spatial, iconographic, linguistic, ritual, and cultural context, and what this indicates about medieval graphical practices. What is a name from a graphic point of view? What are the specificities of the epigraphic manifestations of names? By whom were names written, and for whom were they intended (if they were even meant to be accessed)? Addressing these and other questions, this volume shows the importance of inscriptions as historical sources and the contribution they give to the study of medieval societies at the intersection of history, anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, and semiology. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ? VINCENT DEBIAIS Le nom et l' tre: De la th orie aux mises en forme pigraphiques ? ESTELLE INGRAND-VARENNE Graver son nom dans la pierre: Aspects techniques et culturels ? THIERRY GREGOR Topographie du nom du saint dans l' glise: L'exemple des inscriptions br ves de d dicace ? ANNICK GAGN Le nom, marque dans l'image et marqueur de l'objet ? VINCENT DEBIAIS Le nom l'oeuvre: Les signatures pigraphiques d'artistes et de commanditaires entre qu te de gloire et perspectives eschatologiques ? EMILIE MINEO Hic fuit: Scratching Names on Sacred Walls ? CARLO TEDESCHI Saints' Names and Relics: The Evidence of Church Inscriptions ? ELISA PALLOTTINI Ces morts dont on inscrit le nom dans la pierre ... ? C CILE TREFFORT Et breve in exigo marmore nomen ero: Un seul nom pour pitaphe (Gaule, Aquitaine, VIe-VIIIe s.) ? MORGANE UBERTI The Memory of a Person's Name ? JANNEKE RAAIJMAKERS The Social Meaning of Names ? JANNEKE RAAIJMAKERS Naming as a Liturgical Act ? ELS ROSE Beyond the Pale? Those Who Were Not Worthy to Be Named ? MARCO MOSTERT Conclusions ? ESTELLE INGRAND-VARENNE, ELISA PALLOTTINI, and JANNEKE RAAIJMAKERS Bibliography Indices
london, 1998, in-4 pleine toile, jaq. (223 pages).
Le plus grand sculpteur anglais du 18e siècle.
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 336 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:6 b/w, 146 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503590837.
Summary Significant innovations in portraiture occurred during the transitional period from the end of the sixteenth-century to the early seventeenth-century in Rome. Portraits by Annibale Carracci, Valentin de Boulogne, Anthony van Dyck, Simon Vouet and Gianlorenzo Bernini display a loosening of formality and a trend towards movement. These artists produced a portrait type that was more inclusive of the viewer, more communicative, more revealing of a private face. The portraits in this study were less likely to celebrate achievements, family or social standing, titles, rank or station. Instead they portray individuals who exist apart from their professional personae. They reveal unique and characteristic traits of their subjects captured at a particular moment in time. They used subtle affetti, painting technique and colour to express mood and atmosphere and evoke the presence of the sitter. The sitters include poets, courtiers, buffoons and the artists themselves, and each composition is attentive to the thoughts, emotions and imaginative life of the individuals. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements List of Illustrations Introduction The image breathes Rhetorical devices in portraiture The ?motions of the mind?: painting the soul From the Renaissance to the Baroque Chapter One A portrait ?most rarely done full face? of a learned prelate Early seicento portraiture in Rome Venice and colorito Caravaggio and Annibale: ?the new baroque illusionism? The ?proximity and close association of the Monsignore and Annibale? Domenichino and Agucchi Agucchi's imprese: textual expressions of identity Erminia and the Shepherds Venere Dormiente - The Sleeping Venus The portrait of Giovanni Battista Agucchi Annibale Carracci as portraitist Annibale's illness Domenichino and portrait painting Del Mezzo: yearning for the middle Il Trattato della Pittura A portrait by Annibale Carracci or Domenichino? Chapter Two Painting as silent poetry: portraits of Giambattista Marino From decorum to modernit Ut pictura poesis Dicerie Sacre La Galeria Rome: ?with trembling feet, I leave behind myself? Early Roman portraits Caravaggio's portrait: ?another me . . . in two divided? Paris: the portrait by Frans Pourbus ?is very dear to me? Marino's triumphant return to Rome: ?music always, and always poetry, morning and evening? Ottavio Leoni's portraits of writers Maffeo Barberini's circle of poets portraits of the soul ?There are thousands of portraits of me in Rome?: Simon Vouet's lost portrait The ?speaking portrait? in Rome Virginio Cesarini: Fenice degl'ingegni Portrait of a buffoon Chapter Three The upside-down world The parasite The buffoon portrait in the Renaissance: the ?good-natured fool? The sixteenth century: ?the princely tables are cluttered with buffoons? Gabriele Paleotti: ?deformity not deformedly rendered? The seventeenth century: the individual in buffoon portraits Hairy Harry, Mad Peter, and Tiny Amon: court mascots and servants in an urban Arcadia Giangiovetta and the dwarf of the duke of Cr qui Raffaello Menicucci: the buffoon count of Monte San Savino Celeberrimus in utroque Orbe Terrarum: the printed portraits of Raffaello Menicucci Valentin de Boulogne Il Cassero: Rocca del Conte Valentin, il Babuino and Menicucci Tristano Martinelli: from buffoon to actor Bernardino Ricci: Il Tedeschino The ?self? portrait: the life makes the age Chapter Four Artist as virtuoso ?Done with the aid of a mirror? Narcissus: ?as he drank, he chanced to spy the image of his face? The reflection of the Creator Why paint self-portraits? Annibale Carracci's Self-portrait on an Easel Artemisia Gentileschi: ?the soul of this woman? Simon Vouet: absolute absorption Gian Lorenzo Bernini: showing that which does not exist Vel zquez in Rome: brushwork and the blur The expressive power of the brush Conclusion ?Here I am? Appendix I Appendix II Appendix II Bibliography Abbreviations Primary and Secondary Sources Photographic Credits Notes Index Key Subjects and Concepts
, Waanders Uitgevers, 2024 PB, 136 p, ENG / NL. edition, 270 x 235 mm, NIEUW / NEW, illustraties / illustrations in kleur / in color. ISBN 9789462625327.
Dit boek werpt nieuw licht op Delfts aardewerk uit de 17e en 18e eeuw. In deze periode nam de Delftse aardewerkindustrie een vlucht, onder sterke invloed van een veranderende wereld. Delftse plateelbakkers werden gezien als echte innovators. Vandaag beleeft keramiek opnieuw een bloeiperiode. Een nieuwe voorhoede van Nederlandse makers herontdekt het eeuwenoude ambacht en neemt het materiaal en haar betekenis opnieuw onder de loep. Pioniers in Keramiek zoomt in op vernieuwing binnen het keramiek-ambacht. Het basisrecept van keramiek is door de eeuwen heen nauwelijks veranderd, maar de wereld waarin keramiek wordt gemaakt wel. De publicatie gaat nader in op overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen pionierende makers van toen en nu.**************This book sheds new light on Delft pottery from the 17th and 18th centuries. During this period, the Delft pottery industry took off, under the strong influence of a changing world. Delft pottery makers were seen as real innovators. Today, ceramics is once again experiencing a boom. A new vanguard of Dutch makers is rediscovering the age-old craft and reexamining the material and its meaning. Pioneers in Ceramics focuses on innovation within the ceramic craft. The basic recipe of ceramics has hardly changed over the centuries, but the world in which ceramics are made has. The publication examines the similarities and differences between pioneering makers of then and now.
Lausanne, Au Verseau, 1986, in-4to, 76 p., ill. en couleurs + 5 dessins, brochure originale, avec sa bande de publicité verte "10 poèmes inédits de Jacques Chessex...",
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Aubin, Libraire-Editeur Aix 1838 In-8 ( 215 X 135 mm ) de [8] ff. I-VIII puis 9-399 pages, demi veau acajou à coins, dos à nerfs orné de filets dorés, pièce de titre de basane anthracite, tranches marbrées ( Reliure de l'époque ). 7 planches hors-texte dont 1 dépliante en frontispice. EDITION ORIGINALE. Rousseurs passim, bel exemplaire.
Aix, Aubin, 1838, 1 volume, in-8, relié, [14]-399 p.. Gravure dépliante en frontispice, 6 gravures hors-texte, une carte dépliante en fin de volume, notes en bas de pages. Reliure d'époque, pleine basane verte, dos lisse avec filets et titre dorés, petite usure aux coins, des rousseurs.
Bon état. ************* Remise 20 % pour toute commande supérieure à 100 €, envoi gratuit en courrier suivi et assurance à partir de 30 € d'achat (France seulement).
Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne Dos carré collé 1993 Deux volumes in-4 (21 x 29,7 cm), dos carré collé, 426 et 222 pages, document tapuscrit, thèse universitaire ; rousseurs aux tranches supérieures, coins des plats recourbés, assez bon état général. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.
, Tiny Esveld, 2015 Hardcover, 23 cm x 29 cm, 288 pages, with 500 photographs in color. fine copy !. ISBN 9789081577663.
reference book !! In 1913 the two brothers had saved enough to buy their own glassfactory, together with a friend, Henri Wolf. This factory was located in Epinay-sur-Seine near Paris. 1913 was not a good year to start a business. In 1914 the first world war broke out and till 1918, the brothers did not really start to make art glass. In 1918 they needed money to relight their furnaces and they accepted the help from an English investor. At that moment they were no longer in control of their glassworks. The investor wanted profit and in 1923 it led to a rupture. The Schneider brothers scraped every bit of money that they could find to buy their factory back. Luckily they succeeded. From then on the success came. In 1924 the Schneider glassworks build the biggest concrete hall ever with the most modern furnaces. In 1926 they are the biggest glassfactory in France with almost 500 employees. In 1925 Charles was asked to be a member of the jury at the Exposition des Art Decoratifs in Paris. This meant that his work could not enter the exposition and would not compete with the work of the other artists. It was an honour to be a member of the jury, so he accepted, but maybe it had been better if he had declined for the honour and participated as an artist. He would have swept the competition away. His coupe bijoux and the big black footed bowls in contrasting colours were an enormous success all over the world. Most of their production went to North and South America. The glass of Charles Schneider has such joyfull colours, bright and happy colours like orange and yellow. It looks like the sun shines every day. The little bijoux vases are jewels of technique and shape and colour. The ?Le verre Francais? line had a great success with the stylized flowers in stunning colours. As the majority of the le verre francais glass , was only etched one time, the producing costs were low. The general public loved these bright vases. The success of the Schneider factory continued until 1929. In 1929 the banks on Wall street crashed and rich people lost a lot or all of their money. The market for luxury goods collapsed. Schneider tried to survive by cutting down costs, but this does not help when there are no buyers left. After a struggle of a three years the furnace extinguised in 1932. The factory filed for bankruptcy in 1938. Charles Schneider died in 1953 before the revival of his glass. In the eighties his glass was rediscovered. It has its place now among Galle and Daum glass as their equivalent.
, Exhibitions International 1994, 1994 Hardcover, 146 pagina's, Nederlands, 310 x 230 mm, boek in prima staat, met veel foto's en illustraties, . ISBN 9789053490921.
Dit boek beslaat een brede waaier van technieken en artistiekenopvattingen. Het illustreert de verrassende rijkdom van de hedendaagsenkeramiekkunst in de Lage Landen en stimuleert de lezer tot hetnontdekken en het zelf exploreren van nieuwe creatieve mogelijkheden.
Couverture rigide. Cartonnage de l'éditeur. 124 pages. 21 x 27 cm.
Livre. Editions la Maison Rustique, 1950.
Couverture rigide. Cartonnage de l'éditeur. 124 pages. 21 x 27 cm.
Livre. Editions la Maison Rustique, 1950.
Paris, E. Borderel & Robert Ferronniers d'Art, sans date, 335x260mm, 52 pages non paginées, en feuilles sous couverture papier imprimée et étui de l'éditeur (endommagé)à. Divisé en huit chapitres: Styles Roman, Gothique, Renaissance et Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Empire, Moderne. Chacun de ces chapitres est précédé d'une vignette et comporte des planches photographiques représentant l'intérieur des ateliers et de nombreuses réalisations avec, le cas échéant les noms des architectes et décorateurs commanditaires, parmi lesquels, Hulot, Magne, Duval et Gonse, Ewald, Morize, Ubdenstock, Genuys, Perret, Rives, Lauzanne, Coulomb, Marouzeau, Defrasse, Margne, Susse, Subes, Raymond, Granet, Boileau.(101424)
Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37
Etablissements L.A.M. - France, Usine et Administration à GERARDMER ( Vosges )
Reference : 10676
Mantes-la-Jolie, Imprimerie ROYER, 1960, cahier agrafé format 240x163mm, non paginé ( 35 pages ), nombreuses illustrations photographiques ( Ektachromes ) sur l'ensemble du document, exemplaire en bon état.
1925 S.l.n.d. (ca. 1925), 1 vol. in-4° (318 x 235 mm) cartonnage souple marron, plat supérieur titré et illustré dun élément de ferronnerie, de 17 planches sur onglets maintenus par deux rivets.Petit accident recollé au dos
Très beau catalogue de présentations de réalisations de ferronnerie d'art des Etablissements Maison.22 photographies originales, tirage argentique, collées sur 17 planches cartonnées avec mention imprimée des établissements.Toutes les réalisations portent un titre manuscrit à lencre noire en marge.On y retrouve : Porte de la Cour des Métiers, Arts décoratifs 1925 - Porte de vestibule Louis XIV, Château de Rouez (Aisne) - Baie du Pavillon Lalique , Arts décoratifs 1925 - Balcons et rampe du Perron à Chauny - Porte Marchand de Vins à Dijon - Rampe Escalier dhonneur Grand Palais - Rampe Louis XVI, rue Pergolèse à Paris - Rampe Louis XIII, Château de Rouez (Aisne) - Rampe à Chauny (2) - Rampe Louis XIII dans la Creuse - Rampe à Troyes - Balcon Grand Palais, Arts décoratifs 1925 - Balcons, Vérandah (sic), appliques à Chauny - Balcon (Propriété Vans la Creuse) - Balcon modernes (7) - Balcon Propriété à Tulle.Au verso de la couverture, adresse manuscrite de J. Moutard, propriétaire des établissements Maison à partir de 1920 ; et cachet dappartenance de Max BOISSY, architecte à Troyes.« Les Etablissements Maison - Ferronnerie dArt, Les Riceys (Aube) - sont fondés en 1860 par Louis-Ernest Maison (1841-1920), forgeron issu d'une famille de serruriers d'art actifs depuis 1749. Ils sont reconstruits après la Première Guerre mondiale à leur emplacement actuel sur le site d'un ancien moulin à farine. Une partie des ateliers est remplacée par des travées en sheds vers 1950. Le site était desservi par un embranchement ferroviaire du CDA. Louis Maison contribue largement à imposer la vogue du fer forgé dans l'architecture comme chez les particuliers. Ses uvres se répandent à Troyes (grilles de la préfecture, du palais de justice, de la Caisse d'épargne, du chur de la cathédrale), en France (ferronneries des hôtels de ville de Sens et de Roubaix, rampes de l'escalier d'honneur du Grand Palais à Paris) et à l'étranger (grille du palais du gouvernement à Dakar). À côté de la serrurerie artistique, l'entreprise réalise des constructions métalliques en tous genres : charpentes, combles, planchers, ponts, halles et marchés, marquises, serres, jardins d'hiver... Louis Maison accumule les distinctions : premier prix à l'Exposition universelle de Paris de 1878, médailles d'or aux Expositions universelles de 1889 et de 1900, aux expositions de Moscou (1891), Chicago (1893), Saint-Louis (1904), Milan (1906) et Londres (1908), aux expositions de Reims, Nancy, Dijon, Orléans, Troyes, etc... L'entreprise ricetonne devient fournisseur de l'État et de la Ville de Paris.En 1920, Jean Moutard, petit-fils du fondateur, prend la succession. L'activité de restauration se substitue progressivement à l'activité de création. En 1936, la société assure la réfection du dôme des Invalides à Paris. La même année, elle débute la réhabilitation des balcons, grilles et fontaines de la place Stanislas à Nancy, travail qui s'achève en 1978. En 1960, l'entreprise compte une soixantaine d'employés. Jacques Moutard, puis Jean-Noël Moutard en assurent la direction jusqu'à nos jours. En 1978, les ateliers restaurent la statue de Vercingétorix d'Alise-Sainte-Reine (Côte d'Or). De 1982 à 1986, ils participent à la réfection de la statue de la Liberté à New York. En 2005, l'entreprise fonctionne sous la raison sociale Serrurerie Moutard et travaille à 80 % pour les Monuments historiques. » (sources : La BONNETERIE et autres industries locales par l'image, Blog de Fouinos).