[Catalogue d'exposition] ; Oradini Carlo (commissaire d’exposition)
Reference : 115609
Cluva Libreria Editrice, coll. « Itinerari », n° 2 1980 Livre en italien. In-8 broché format carré. 20 cm sur 20. 95 pages. Couverture rempliée légèrement jaunie. Intérieur frais. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Taipei, National Palace Museum, 1991 Original publishers paper-covered boards, Square octavo, 177 Pages, illustrated in colour throughout. Text & captions in English and Chinese. ISBN 9575620054.
Second printing. Near fine.
AGC, Asahi Glass Company, 1989. In-4. Cartonnage éditeur. Nombreuses illustrations in et hors texte NB et couleurs. 207 pages. Très bon état
Paris, Edité par l'aluminium français, 1929; grand in-12, 124 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Bien illustré.
Bien illustré.
, Gent, Snoek-Ducaju & Zoon/Pandora, 1995, softcover originele uitgeversomslag geillustreerd in kleur, 24,5x29,5cm, 175pp, rijkelijk geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9789053250365.
PMMK, Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Oostende. Peeters was een van de meest vooruitstrevende vernieuwers in de kunst en in het bijzonder de abstracte kunst. Boek is als nieuw.
Fribourg, Office du Livre 1984, 255x200mm, 232pages, reliure d'éditeur sous jaquette. Bel exemplaire.
planches en couleurs et n/b, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1979, Broché, 92 pages. Bon état.
Paris, Editions Moniteur Images, 1989, Broché, 143 pages. Bon état.
Rouergue Editions du Rouergue, 1992. In-folio relié toile noire éditeur sous jaquette illsutrée. 191 pages + superbes photographies de Alain Willaume. Bon état
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
CATEL Maurice - BOUFFET Roger - MAILLET Germaine - HOLLANDE Maurice - DRUART René et Henri - VAILLANT Jean-Paul
Reference : 103249
Couverture rigide. Cartonnage de l'éditeur. 222 pages.
Livre. Horizons de France (Collection : Les nouvelles provinciales - 19), 1967.
, Becocci/Scala, Florence 1986, 1986 Paperback, 192 pages, ENG, 265 x 180 mm, in very fine condition, with illustrations / images in colour, . ISBN X.
The Palazzo degli Uffizi, or Uffizi for short, is a palazzo or city palace in the Italian city of Florence. Originally the office or administration building of the Florentine magistrate family De' Medici, the palace houses one of the oldest and most important art museums in the world: the Uffizi Gallery. The palace is located next to the Palazzo Vecchio, also owned for centuries by the De' Medici's, in Piazza della Signoria in the center of Florence.
Cat. expo Architectures mexicaines contemporaines
Reference : 8359
ISBN : 9782909283753
Paris, Norma éditions, 2003, in-4, Broché, 159 pages. Bon état.
Paris, 1990, in-4, Broché, 176 pages. Bon état. Nbr. photos, plans etc...
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 2 vols, xxxiv + 836 pages, Size:210 x 297 mm, Illustrations:37 b/w, 122 plates, Language: English. ISBN 9780897223980.
Summary Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire, Part 1, Volumes 1 and 2 (Precious Metal and Bronze) by Catharine Lorber, is the massive, long-anticipated catalogue of coins struck by the first four Ptolemaic kings. It essentially rewrites the sections on these rulers in J. N. Svoronos' classic, but now much out of date,?Ta Nomismata tou Kratous ton Ptolemaion?(1904). The body of coinage catalogued by Svoronos is enlarged by more than 300 further emissions in precious metal and more than 180 emissions in bronze, recorded from subsequent scholarship, from hoards, from commercial sources, and from private collections, and constituting about a third of the total catalogue entries. Lorber's attributions, dates, and interpretations rest on numismatic research since Svoronos, or on the latest archaeological and hoard information. She also provides extensive historical and numismatic introductions that give the coins deeper context and meaning. The coinage of Ptolemies I through IV is supplemented by a few issues possibly attributable to Cleomenes of Naucratis, the predecessor of Ptolemy I in Egypt, as well as by coinages of Ptolemy Ceraunus, Magas, and Ptolemy of Telmessus, members of the Lagid dynasty ruling their own kingdoms outside of Egypt. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1: Precious Metal Preface Acknowledgements Guide for Users Maps Introduction Ptolemy I Soter Ptolemy II Philadelphus Ptolemy III Euergetes Ptolemy IV Philopator Precious Metal Catalogue Cleomenes of Naucratis Ptolemy I Soter Ptolemy II Philadelphus Ptolemy III Euergetes Ptolemy IV Philopator Third-Century Provincial(?) Tetradrachms Unattributable as to Reign (Ptolemy I-IV) Late Additions to the Catalogues Appendices Ptolemaic Precious Metal Hoards Additional Provenances of Precious Metal Coins Bibliography Concordance to Svoronos Indices Remarkable Types in Gold and Silver Remarkable Denominations in Gold and Silver Remarkable Inscriptions on Gold and Silver Controls on Precious Metal Coins Image Credits Plates Volume 2: Bronze Preface Acknowledgements Guide for Users Bronze Catalogue Cleomenes of Naucratis Ptolemy I Soter Macedonia under Ceraunus and Meleager Ptolemy II Philadelphus Ptolemy of Telmessus Ptolemy III Euergetes Ptolemy IV Philopator Appendices 1. Ptolemaic Bronze Hoards 2. Additional Bronze Provenances Bibliography Concordance to Svoronos Numbers Indices 1. Remarkable Types in Bronze 2. Remarkable Inscriptions 3. Controls Image Credits Plates
, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 268 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:19 b/w, 91 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503568607.
Summary The joint ideas of imagery and ingenuity are meant to represent the variety of topics and questions explored by Jeffrey Chipps Smith throughout his career. The term ingenuity, in particular, encompasses the creative genius of the artist and the resourcefulness of acquirers in the use and display of art objects. This collection of essays brings together new scholarship on European art from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries by a range of artists such as Albrecht Altdorfer, Hans Backoffen, Hans Baldung Grien, Sebald Beham, Gerard David, Albrecht D rer, Juan de Flandes, Hans Holbein the Elder, Hans Schwarz, Joos van Cleve, Lucas van Leyden, Rembrandt van Rijn, Benedetto da Rovezzano, Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostzanen, and Nicolaus Gerhaert von Leyden. Topics include the training of artists and the practices of making; the communicative importance of particular subjects, iconographies, and artistic processes; the shifting meanings of objects due to re-use; and the importance of location and tradition in the creation and reception of artworks. Imagery and Ingenuity is an innovative and instructional collection for students and scholars of Early Modern art. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Multivalence in Religious Themes Andrea Pearson, American University, Consumption as Eroticism in Early Netherlandish Devotional Art Jane L. Carroll, Dartmouth College, Addressing Power. 1506-1508 and Burgundian Politics Larry Silver, University of Pennsylvania, ReChristening Altdorfer's Regensburg J rgen M ller, University of Dresden, The Cloak of Mercy: Thoughts on Rembrandt's Hundred Guilder Print Section 2: Artists and Their Practices Hanns Hubach, Kunsthistorisches Institut, University of Zurich, Nicolaus Gerhaert von Leyden - The Strasbourg Self-Portrait of 1464: New Contexts Maryan W. Ainsworth, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gerard David in Antwerp Annette LeZotte, Kauffman Museum at Bethel College, Eyes are the Window to the Soul: Joos van Cleve's Husband-and-Wife Portraits Alisa McCusker, Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri, Hans Schwarz and Hans Holbein the Elder: Training a Portraitist in Early Sixteenth-Century Augsburg Shira Brisman, University of Wisconsin-Madison, The Worth of a Ring, Rewriten: D rer's Letter of April 6,1506 Birgit Ulrike M nch, University of Trier, Gr nhan , or How Hans Baldung Became a 'Green Artist' Alison G. Stewart, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Sebald Beham and the Augsburg Printer Niclas vom Sand. New Documents on Printing and Frankfurt before 1550 Section 3: Patronage and Display Jessica Weiss, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Relics of Los Reyes Cat licos: The Retablo de Isabel and Spanish-Hapsburg Dynastic Heirlooms Catharine Ingersoll, Virginia Military Institute, The Battle of Sch nberg as a Pictorial Subject at the Hapsburg and Wittelsbach Courts, c. 1504-1518 Miriam Hall Kirch, University of North Alabama, Faith Embodied: Jacob Heller, Catharina von Melem, and their Altarpiece Andrew Morrall, Bard Graduate Center, Art, Geometry, and the Landscape of Ruin in the Sixteenth-Century German Kunstkabinett Section 4: Places, Spaces, and Traditions Sally Whitman Coleman, Independent Scholar, The Dirty Work of Fifteenth-Century Landscape Painting in Northern Europe Anne Proctor, Roger Williams University, The Fragmentation and Restoration of the Tomb for San Giovanni Gualberto in Sixteenth-Century Tuscany Dagmar Eichberger, University of Heidelberg, Moving Between Competing Courts: Jean Lemaire de Belges (1473-1515), Historiographer and Connoisseur Thomas Schauerte, Albrecht-D rer-Haus, Growing Distance: The High Altars of the Augustinian Collegiate Churches of Die en and Rohr
Paris, Planete culture art loisirs , s.d.; grand in-8, 253 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur.
Paris, Editions de la martiniere, 1998; in-4, 201 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Avec jaquette.
Avec jaquette.
Paris, Chez jean de bonnot , 1983; in-4, cartonnage de l'éditeur. Très bon état introduction par charles morice avec les cents planches dessinées par le maitre relié plein mouton plats et dos décorés à froid, tête dorée, 162 p & LXXVII planches + appendice XXVIII p et planches Tirage spécial, Ed de tête CIX, état neuf.
Très bon état introduction par charles morice avec les cents planches dessinées par le maitre relié plein mouton plats et dos décorés à froid, tête dorée, 162 p & LXXVII planches + appendice XXVIII p et planches Tirage spécial, Ed de tête CIX, état neuf.
Paris, Chez jean de bonnot , 1983; in-4, cartonnage de l'éditeur. Très bon état introduction par charles morice avec les cents planches dessinées par le maitre relié plein mouton plats et dos décorés à froid, tête dorée, 162 p & LXXVII planches + appendice XXVIII p et planches Tirage spécial, Ed de tête CIX, très bon état.
Très bon état introduction par charles morice avec les cents planches dessinées par le maitre relié plein mouton plats et dos décorés à froid, tête dorée, 162 p & LXXVII planches + appendice XXVIII p et planches Tirage spécial, Ed de tête CIX, très bon état.
, Groeninghe Uitgeverij/Drukkerij 2015, 2015 Paperback, 256 pages, 148 illustrations couleur, Francais/Deutsch, Nouveau ex, bon etat, . ISBN 9789461360458.
Cet ouvrage est la premiere monographie consacree au retable brabancon de la Passion du Christ de l'eglise Notre-Dame de Gustrow, oeuvre prestigieuse et pourtant meconnue. A doubles paires de volets (sculptes et peints) ce retable constitue un des rares temoins conserves de ce type de mobilier liturgique illustrant le savoir-faire des ateliers bruxellois au XVIe siecle. Les sculptures polychromees sont attribuees a la celebre dynastie des Borman, un soldat portant la signature de Jan Borman tandis que les peintures sont donnees a des maitres de l'entourage de Bernard Van Orley. L'etude prealable a l'intervention de restauration menee par une equipe internationale de chercheurs et restaurateurs belges et allemands a permis de reunir un important materiel inedit. Ainsi l'histoire de l'ensemble des restaurations anterieures et la personnalite du restaurateur Alois Hauser l'Ancien ont ete precisees. Les attributions ont ete reexaminees a travers une etude approfondie du style et des techniques d'execution des sculptures comme des peintures. Des informations essentielles et inattendues sur la genese des compositions et sur les collaborations entre peintres sont apparues suite a l'examen en reflectographie infrarouge des volets peints realise par la Hoschschule fur Bildende Kunste de Dresde. Enfin l'etude dendrochronologique a remis en question la datation de 1520-22 traditionnellement acceptee, ouvrant par la de nouvelles pistes de reflexion.
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 398 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:5 b/w, 18 col., 23 tables b/w., 65 music examples, Language: English. ISBN 9782503614861.
Summary For more than a millenium, singers in churches, monasteries, and private chapels across Europe have closed their worship with the joyful musical exclamation Benedicamus Domino ('Let us Bless the Lord'). This moment has sounded in song many times a day: at the end of the Mass, the Office hours, outside the church walls in celebratory processions, as well as in informal sacred, devotional, and festive contexts. Benedicamus Domino was uniquely associated with an unprecedented amount of creative freedom in the sacred rituals of the Christian West: plainchant melodies could be adopted at will from other parts of the liturgy, and this moment inspired a proliferation of poetic and polyphonic elaborations from the eleventh century on. This collection of essays brings together interdisciplinary contributions from eighteen scholars, illuminating the wide range of ritual, musical, poetic, manuscript, and generic contexts for the Benedicamus Domino versicle in the period c.800 -1650. Individual chapters engage with the evidence of liturgical commentaries and Patristic texts, Ordines, and hagiographies. They present and analyse musical and textual embellishments of the Benedicamus Domino, as well as their written traces and material contexts, with several sources discovered or discussed in detail here for the first time. Encompassing a wide geographical and generic scope, this volume reveals unsuspected continuities and contrasts in the history of the Benedicamus Domino versicle in medieval and early modern Europe. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Catherine A. Bradley I. Song Organa, Neumae, and Dissent in Benedicamus Songs at the Abbey of Farfa in the Early Twelfth Century Sam Barrett The Benedicamus Domino and the Parisian Conductus: Distribution, History, and Structure Mark Everist Closing Formulae of Central European Cantiones: Witnesses to Tradition and Functional Fluidity in Fifteenth-Century Bohemia Jan Ciglbauer II. Hagiography, Theology, Liturgy St Nicholas and the Singing of Liturgical Versicles Mary Channen Caldwell The Augustinian Concept of Iubilus and Medieval Liturgical Theology Sigbj rn Olsen S nnesyn When Did the Benedicamus Enter the English Liturgy? Samuel Cardwell The Performance of the Benedicamus Domino according to the Libri ordinarii from the Ecclesiastical Province of Salzburg Gionata Brusa III. Early Plainchant Practices Early Benedicamus Domino Minitexts in the Margins: New Discoveries Giulio Minniti Benedicamus Plainchant Melodies and their Relationships with Kyrie Source Melodies Marit Johanne H ye A Norman Benedicamus Domino Tradition in the Twelfth Century: New Insights from St Albans Abbey Thomas Phillips IV. Female Communities Benedicamus Domino and the Order of Saint Clare in Fourteenth-Century Brussels Martha Culshaw Echoes from a Viennese Nunnery St. Maria Magdalena: Situating Benedicamus Domino Chants between Shared Traditions and Local Practice in the Later Middle Ages David Merlin The Unique Collection of Monophonic Benedicamus Domino Melodies and Tropes from Medieval Riga Laine Tabora V. Polyphony Polyphony for Benedicamus Domino and Deo gratias in Late Medieval English Sources James R. Tomlinson A Newly-Discovered Polyphonic Benedicamus Domino in Milan Antonio Calvia and Anne Stone Benedicamus Domino Polyphony in the Trent Codices Alessandra Ignesti The Renaissance Polyphonic Benedicamus Domino in the Iberian World Michael B. O'Connor Bibliography Index of Compositions Index of Manuscript Sources General Index
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 200 pages, Size:190 x 240 mm, Illustrations:112 b/w, 33 tables b/w., Language: French. ISBN 9782503601151.
Summary Depuis une trentaine d'ann es, l' dition critique d'?uvres musicales fran aises des XVIIe et XVIIIe si cles est en plein essor. Face aux divers corpus, imprim s et manuscrits, se pose la question de l' tablissement du texte litt raire qui, pour l'instant, n'a pas b n fici de l'int r t port la musique. Les sources (livrets d'op ra, po sies pour la musique profane, textes latins et n o-latins pour la musique religieuse), elles-m mes non exemptes de variantes, peuvent-elles servir de r f rence pour la mise en forme de la partition, en mati re d'orthographe et de ponctuation ? La respiration propre au langage musical (m lodie, silences, cadences?) peut-elle se substituer la typographie des textes ? Apr s avoir proc d l'analyse et la confrontation de tous les types de sources aux statuts distincts, historiens de la grammaire et de la litt rature, musiciens et diteurs scientifiques livrent leurs conclusions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Catherine CESSAC ? Introduction Emmanuel BURY ? Thomas Corneille po te et librettiste : des livrets qu'on peut lire ? Jean DURON ? Des vers sous la musique : une ponctuation ordinaire ? Le cas de la musique fran aise la fin du XVIIe si cle Laurent GUILLO ? Entre livret et partition : variations textuelles et filiations dans les sources de Proserpine sorties des presses de Christophe Ballard (1680-1715) Thomas LECONTE ? L' tablissement et l' dition des textes po tiques d'airs fran ais au XVIIe si cle Olivier BETTENS ? Graphie et phonie, normes et variation L'exemple des op ras de Quinault-Lully G rard GEAY ? La ponctuation et l'emploi des cadences dans M d e de Marc-Antoine Charpentier Catherine CESSAC ? L' dition des interm des du Malade imaginaire de Moli re et Charpentier : orthographe et ponctuation S bastien DAUC ? Un regard d'interpr te Index
Presses Universitaires de Nancy, Archives Modernes de l'Architecture Lorraine, 1989. Format 15x21 cm, broche, 48 pages. Tres bon etat.
, Phaidon Press Ltd 2013, 2013 Hardcover, 144 pages, English, 250 x 180 mm, New Copy !, Perfect Condition, with dustcover, . ISBN 9780714861517.
The perfect introduction to the life and work of Robert Rauschenberg