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‎[L'AUTEUR] - ‎ ‎BRIERE Gaston‎

Reference : 19498


‎Le château de Versailles - Architecture et décoration - 2 volumes - Édition originale.‎

‎Introduction et notice par Gaston Brière, attaché à la conservation du musée. Rare édition originale complète en 2 volumes.Paris, Librairie centrale des beaux-arts. - non daté, (1907-1912) - xxv et 48 pages de texte, + 200 planches (montées sur onglets). Les 200 planches sont décrites sur les pages de texte.Reliure demi-maroquin rouge à coins de l'époque. Dos à nerfs avec titre et tomaison. Coiffes et nerfs légèrement frottés. Têtes dorées. Pas de rousseur. Très bon état. Forts volumes. Format in-folio (53x41).‎


Phone number : 09 67 04 07 48

EUR931.00 (€931.00 )

‎BRIER Max-André BRUNET Pierre‎

Reference : 1673


‎Berger-levrault ,relié sous jaquette ( petite déchirure à la jaquette ),excellent état , 1984 , 406 pages ‎


Phone number : 02 31 23 48 44

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )
Shipping price: €5.00


Reference : 9839

‎MONOGRAPHIE PAROISSIALES du Diocèse de MARSEILLE. ( Fascicule 1 ).‎

‎Imprimerie Marseillaise Marseille 1892 In-8 ( 245 X 160 mm )de 96 pages, broché sous couverture imprimée. EDITION ORIGINALE. Dos absent, couverture effrangée, dans l'état.‎

Phone number : 04 91 42 63 17

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Briffaut, Pierre (Dr)‎

Reference : 277

‎Les étainiers du Haut Escaut - Cambrai, Valenciennes, Tournai‎

‎s.éd., Cambrai, 1978. In-8, broché sous couverture souple illustrée en noir et blanc, 274 pp. - XXVIII pl. Préface du Pr. L. Trenard - Avant-propos général - Les étainiers de Cambrai - Les étainiers de Valenciennes - Les étainiers de Tournai - Abrégé de glossaire - Index des noms d'étainiers et de poinçons - Table des illustrations.‎

‎Avec XXVIII planches en noir et blanc en hors-texte. --- Plus d'informations sur le site‎

Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎BRIGANTI, Giuliano‎

Reference : 2895

‎Les peintres de "vedute"‎

‎Sans nom, Electa, 1971 ; in-4°, cartonnage entoilé, jaquette illustrée en couleurs.‎

‎235 reproductions en noir et en couleurs. Bibliographie, index. Jaquette défraichîe très bon état.‎

Librairie Comestibles - Arnex-sur-Orbe

Phone number : 079 250 71 77

CHF30.00 (€32.16 )

‎Brighelli Jean-Paul‎

Reference : 100086550


ISBN : 2070762076

‎Entre ciel et mer : Le Mont-Saint-Michel‎

‎Gallimard 2001 13x18x2cm. 2001. Poche. 159 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre pointes légèrement cornées‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Brigide Schwarz, Wolfgang Mueller (ed)‎

Reference : 64182

‎Careers and Opportunities at the Roman Curia, 1300 - 1500. A Socio-Economic History of Papal Administration‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 337 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:9 b/w, 8 tables b/w., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503595382.‎

‎Summary Brigide Schwarz (1940-2019), a leading German historian of the Renaissance papacy, is presented here for the first time in a dossier of ten previously untranslated scholarly studies. The volume brings the mechanisms of late medieval career building back to life. Success among churchmen was measured in access to ever more lucrative ecclesiastical endowments (or benefices). As the fifteenth century progressed, their treatment assumed highly monetized and abstract dimensions. Guided by Dr Schwarz, economic historians can discern many transactions that foreshadow the asset management of present-day Wall Street. From the 1400s, administrative positions at the papal court (or Curia) were increasingly auctioned off. This created a marketplace for bidders expecting returns by way of 'creative? fee regulations or through the cornering of services in monopolies. Only recently, scholarship has begun to question older depictions of the late medieval Church as one of decay and moral corruption. Dr Schwarz points to the 'modernity? of the fiscal arrangements which nation states like France soon copied as an efficient model of public financing. TABLE OF CONTENTS Editor?s Introduction Part I - Ecclesiastical Benefices Chapter 1. The Roman Curia and the Late Medieval Benefice Market Chapter 2. Patronage and Clientele in the Late Medieval Church. The Example of Nicholas of Cusa Chapter 3. A 'Rope Team? of Clerics from Hanover in the Late Middle Ages Chapter 4. On Nanker, Bishop of Krak w (1320-1326) and Wroc?aw (1326-1341) Chapter 5. The Vatican Archives and Their Uses for Regional Historians. The Example of Late Medieval Saxony Part II - Curial Offices Chapter 6. The Venality of Offices. An Institution from the Period of Absolutism and its Medieval Roots Chapter 7. The Roman Curia from the Great Schism to the Reform Councils (1378-1447) Chapter 8. On Behalf of the Pope. The Papal cursores from 1200 to about 1470 Chapter 9. Leon Battista Alberti?s Career in the Apostolic Chancery Chapter 10. Position and Rank of the Vice-Chancellor at the Curia Bibliography Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Brigid Marlin‎

Reference : 61068

‎TECHNIQUES IN PAINTING : Learning from the Dutch Masters‎

‎, Bloomsbury, 2022 PB, 279 x 242 mm, 176 p , ENG, fabulous illustrations in colour / b/w, . ISBN 9781789940589.‎

‎The art of Brigid Marlin describes a visionary world of almost unlimited dimensions and self-sufficiency ? when I first saw The Rod I was so impressed by its imaginative sweep that I sent an enthusiastic letter of appreciation to her, the only fan letter I have ever sent to a painter. The sense of a clearly realised poetic universe, in which every detail, however modest, was accorded equal attention, was what most gripped my imagination. Surrealism, which had played a large part in forming my own view of the world, had seemed to falter with the death or old age of its greatest practitioners ? Max Ernst, Magritte, Dali and Delvaux ? and here in Brigid Marlin was a painter who might be the first of the next generation. I remember writing her with as much excitement as I felt when I came across the paintings of Francis Bacon in the 1950?s. The surrealist dream of remaking the world and revealing its true nature seemed to live on in the work of this woman painter ? in the best and most ambitious of her paintings we see clearly her dramatic and visionary remaking of the world, but this regeneration of life and space and spirit is present even in her smallest and most domestic images. In her work, as in the greatest of the surrealists, archaic myth and spiritual apocalypse meet and fuse. ? J. G. Ballard In the work of this artist allegorical forms reveal a world philosophy. Symbols are projected into dream landscapes of transparent clarity in which different aspects of surrealism are revealed ? from the convulsive forms of Dorothea Tanning, the fetishism of Dali, and the alchemical and magical sources of the Middle Ages, and then returning to close the circle of Freudian symbolism. This painter is not striving after the latest in art fashion, rather she has an iconography which searches for the hidden roots of modern consciousness, and confronts the material world with transcendence. Her thought world is realised with extraordinary perfection and penetration. Her paintings are both original and sophisticated in their dimensional world of which they are both the surface and the core, going beyond introversion and extroversion, and forcing us to guess at unknown possibilities. The absolute values of known painting fade away in the viewer, letting these paintings, undisturbed by convention, pursue their own visual and spiritual level. The compulsive picture language of Brigid Marlin hints at the visual signposts of a world whose deeper meaning slumbers in a kind of presensuality. One might say that here are beautifully depicted nightmares of the psyche, or that there are effortless presentations of the art of madness. The visual foreground is cleared away, the creation becomes transparent, and one enters a world which radiates rare psychological effects, testing the capacity of the spectator?s power to experience her art.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR37.50 (€37.50 )

‎Brigitte Dekeyzer‎

Reference : 54792

‎Primitifs Flamands‎

‎, Editions Artoria, 1999 Hardcover, 176 pages, Francais, 330 x 245 x 20 mm, Illustrations en couleur / n/b, jaquette illustre , Tres bien condition ISBN 9782873912543.‎

‎L'art des Primitifs flamands repr sente un in puisable d fi pour le chercheur, mais aussi pour l'amateur d'art ancien. C'est l'intention de cet amateur que l'auteur, Brigitte Dekeyzer, a crit ce livre dans lequel elle nous invite jeter un regard neuf sur leurs ?uvres. Elle d bute son r cit par une esquisse des conditions dans lesquelles travaillaient les ma tres, viennent ensuite les principaux artistes par ordre chronologique : Jan Van Eyck en ouverture grandiose, les ma tres de la Renaissance flamande en point d'orgue. Il se cr e un dialogue entre l' criture et le regard, la description et l'observation. Un langage clair qui rend compte de ce que voit l'?il et un texte la structure solide garantissent de longs et agr ables moments de lecture et de contemplation.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎ Brigitte Dekeyzer‎

Reference : 55324

‎Vlaamse Primitieven‎

‎, Artis-Historia 1999, 1999 Hardcover, 176 pagina's, Nederlands,325 x 240 mm, in prima staat !. ISBN 9789056571252.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Brigitte D'Helft and Michel Verliefden‎

Reference : 49364

‎A.2R.C Architects: The Master Architect Series Bruxelles -Brussel -Brussels‎

‎, , 2016 Hardcover with dusjacket, 432 pages 252mm x 234mm. ill. delivery after 28/10/2016 ISBN 9781876901579.‎

‎The work of internationally renowned, Brussels-based architectural and design firm A2RC ARCHITECTS forms a close link between art, architecture and the urban environment. Critical of attempts over the last few decades to ?modernise? Brussels, the firm is steadfast in its dedication to the continuing urbanisation of the city by implementing new ways of urban living. A2RC ARCHITECTS has pursued the rehabilitation of Brussels by offering full architectural services for the construction of new buildings and urban communities, particularly large-scale, mixed-use urban ensembles. It also has a strong reputation for the successful transformation, restoration, and re-adaptation of noteworthy buildings across a wide range of projects, including theatres, opera houses, museums, public parks, parliaments and congress centres. This book documents and explores the work of a firm dedicated to the future of one of Europe?s most historic and beautiful cities, but it also shows the architecture and design communities how the firm is these days working towards using its knowledge in other cities beset by similar urbanisation issues. The office of the internationally renowned architectural and design firm A2RC ARCHITECTS was established in Brussels (Belgium) in 1983 by architects Brigitte D?Helft and Michel Verliefden. A savoir-faire coupled with a profound knowledge of the procedures, institutions, and particularly the decision-makers in the complicated maze of the ?Capital of Europe? has resulted in many successfully completed projects, several being recognised on both the Belgian and the international scene by the jury of organisations such as the Regles d?Or de l?Urbanisme in Brussels, the MIPIM in Cannes (France), Europa Nostra in The Hague (The Netherlands) or the RICS in London (United Kingdom), to name a few. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR59.90 (€59.90 )

‎Brigitte D'Helft / Michel Verliefden.‎

Reference : 49454

‎A.2R.C Architects. The Master Architect Series.‎

‎, The Images Publishing Group, Hardcover with dustjacket. Size: 252 mm x 234 mm. Pages: 256. Illustrations: 200 colour. ISBN 9781864701579.‎

‎Brussels-based architecture firm A.2R.C is renowned for its steadfast dedication to the continuing urbanisation of the city of Brussels. Critical of attempts over the years to 'modernise' Brussels, A.2R.C's aim is to pursue the reintegration of the city by offering full architectural services for the transformation and readaptation of notable buildings. A.2R.C's expertise extends to new construction, particularly large-scale, mixed-use urban ensembles, and it also has a reputation as one of Europe's most experienced firms in newly built and renovated theater buildings. This book explores the work of a firm dedicated to the future of one of Europe's most historic and beautiful cities. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR59.90 (€59.90 )

‎Brigitte Donnadieu‎

Reference : c8-19


ISBN : 9782903539573

‎L'Apprentissage du regard Leçons d'architecture de Dominique Spinetta‎

‎2002, éditions de la Villette, in-8°, broché, 271 pages, index in fine.‎


Phone number : 04 96 21 81 64

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )
Shipping price: €10.00

‎Brigitte Franzen / Marc G nnewig / Florian Heilmeyer/ Jan Kampshoff / Andrea Nakath / Anna Sophia Schultz ‎

Reference : 57986

‎WESTARCH VOL 1: A New Generation in Architecture (West Arch : A New Generation in Architecture, Band 1)‎

‎, JOVIS Verlag, 2010 softcover 192 pages 23 x30 cm,. ISBN 9783868590791.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR27.00 (€27.00 )

‎Brigitte K lle, Felicity Lunn e.a.‎

Reference : 54379


‎, Hamburger Kunsthalle/ Hannibal Publishing, 2018 HB, 278 x 205 mm, 288 pages, Eng./ DE edition. ISBN 9789492677754.‎

‎Met Kamikaze brengt de Hamburger Kunsthalle onder leiding van curator Brigitte K lle een omvangrijke retro-spectieve tentoonstelling van de Belgische kunstenaar Philippe Vandenberg (1952-2009), wiens radicale werk steeds meer internationale erkenning krijgt. Philippe Vandenberg cre erde een divers oeuvre dat zijn Zeitgeist reflecteert en een antwoord probeert te bieden op funda-mentele vragen. De titel Kamikaze verwijst naar de werkmethode van de kunstenaar: de vernietiging van voorafgaande werken en vastgeroeste denkbeelden opende voor hem de weg tot creatie. Het principe verklaart de vormelijke en inhoudelijke verscheidenheid van zijn schilderijen en tekeningen. De tentoonstel ling, die de periode van 1995 tot 2009 overspant, toont figuratieve werken naast abstract-geometrische experimenten en monochrome overschilderingen. In zijn laatste levensjaren onderzocht de schilder onder meer het gebruik van woorden en zinfragmenten in zijn werk.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.95 (€35.95 )

‎Brigitte Lardinois ; Anjellica Huston ; Isabella Rossellini‎

Reference : 63405

‎Eve Arnold's People‎

‎, Thames & Hudson, 2009 Hardcover, 176 pages, ENG. edition, 290 x 240 x 25 mm, in Very Fine condition, illustrated dustjacket, photos / images in sharp colors / b/w. ISBN 9780500543719.‎

‎Eve Arnold, a Magnum photographer since 1951 and revered by her peers and the latest creative generation in equal measure, has photographed many of the great, the famous and the powerful, ranging from politicians and actors to musicians, writers and artists.This survey of an extraordinary career includes not only engaging and intriguing photographs of big stars, many of whom became close friends, but also of everyday people at work and at play around the world. Interleaved throughout the book are five in-depth Photo Stories showing the access and trust Eve gained when covering subjects such as the plight of migrant workers in Long Island, on assignment with Malcolm X, and her landmark In China project. Brimming with images and contributions from friends, colleagues and luminaries, this book places Eve Arnold deservedly at the heart of the canon of photographic greats.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Brigitte Lardinois ; Fred Hendriks‎

Reference : 61978

‎Magnum Magnum‎

‎, THOTH / Lannoo, 2007 Hardcover, 568 pag. NL, 400 x 330 x 60 mm, NIEUW / NEW, Paginagrote Foto's in scherpe kleuren / z/w .Behoort in een Originele stevige foedraal met imprint !. ISBN 9789059960213.‎

‎Het enige offici le boek ter ere van de zestigste verjaardag van het legendarische fotografenagentschap Magnum Photo's. Een prachtig boekwerk, zeven kilogram zwaar, geleverd in een draagkoffer, dat een gewild verzamelobject zal worden. Zestig jaar visie, verbeeldingen en brille in meer dan 400 iconische beelden geselecteerd door de Magnum-fotografen. Het ultieme boek over het legendarische fotografencollectief. Deze monumentale uitgave is een eerbetoon aan zestig jaar visie, verbeelding en brille van het legendarische fotografenagentschap en -collectief Magnum Photos. Dit boek van onge venaarde omvang en ambitie bevat meer dan vierhonderd foto's van de negenenzestig Magnum-leden, van de erkende grootheden van de twintigste-eeuwse fotografie - onder wie Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Eve Arnold, Marc Riboud en Werner Bishof - tot de moderne meesters en rijzende sterren van onze tijd, zoals Martin Parr, Susan Meiselas, Alec Soth en Donovan Wylie. Elke fotograaf wordt vertegen-woordigd door zes werken die door een ander lid zijn uitgekozen en van commentaar voorzien.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR250.00 (€250.00 )

‎Brigitte Maurice-Chabard, Sophie Jugie, Jacques Paviot‎

Reference : 56751

‎MIROIR DU PRINCE : L' ge d'or du m c nat Autun (1425-1510)‎

‎, Snoeck Publishers, 2021 PB+, 260 x 190 mm, 256 p, 150 illustraties, Texte en Francais. neuf ISBN 9789461616135.‎

‎A la suite des expositions intitul es Bologne et le pontifical d'Autun (2012), De Goya Delacroix, les relations artistiques de la famille Guillemardet (2014) et Eve ou la folle tentation (2017), le mus e Rolin poursuit sa collaboration exceptionnelle avec le mus e du Louvre et pr pare une nouvelle exposition d di e au flamboiement du m c nat artistique de grandes familles autunoises de la fin du Moyen Age. Elle b n ficie ce titre de pr ts exceptionnels issus des d partements, sculptures, objets d'art et peintures du mus e du Louvre, donnant acc s des chefs-d'ouvre de Jean Hey dit le Ma tre de Moulins . D couvrez prochainement le synopsis et les oeuvres phare de l'exposition. Expo: 02/07/2020 - 18/10/2020, Mus e Rolin Autun - Mus e Denon (Ch lon-sur-Sa ne)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Brigitte Woischnik (Herausgeber), Ingo Taubhorn (Herausgeber), Saul Leiter (Fotograf) ‎

Reference : 50936

‎Saul Leiter: Retrospektive - Haus der Photographie / Deichtorhallen Hamburg (ENGLISH) ‎

‎, Kehrer Verlag, , 2021 Hardcover with slipcase, . 300 pages, 22.2 x 3.2 x 26 cm. Herdruk 2021. ISBN 9783868282580.‎

‎ Saul Leiter (b. 1923 in Pittsburgh) has only in recent years received his due as one of the great pioneers of color photography. This can perhaps be attributed to the fact that Leiter saw himself for a long time mainly as a painter. After coming to New York in 1946, he exhibited alongside abstract expressionists like Willem de Kooning before beginning in the late 1940s to take photographs. Like Robert Frank or Helen Levitt, he found his motifs on the streets of New York, but at the same time was visibly interested in abstraction. Edward Steichen was one of the first to discover Leiter's photography, showing it in the 1950s in two important exhibitions at New York's Museum of Modern Art. Back then color photography was regarded as "low art," fit only for advertising. Leiter accordingly worked primarily as a fashion photographer, for magazines such as Esquire and Harper's Bazaar. Nearly forty years would go by before his extraordinary artistic color photography was rediscovered. This book, published to mark the first major retrospective of Leiter's work anywhere in the world, features for the first time, in addition to his early black and white and color images, his fashion photography, the overpainted nudes, as well as his paintings and sketchbooks. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )


Reference : B74023


‎L'architecture religieuse dans le sud-ouest de la Belgique. Tome I: Des origines à la fin du XVe siècle‎

‎s.l., 1949 pp.89-353 avec 178 figures, 25cm., extrait du "Bulletin de la Commission Royale des Monuments et des Sites" vol.1 (1949), br.orig., bel état, B74023‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )


Reference : 73614

‎Les projets de construction de l'église des jésuites à Anvers, d'après les plans conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris.‎

‎Bruxelles/Rome, Bulletin de l'Institut historique belge de Rome, 1934. 16 x 24, 18 pp., 2 planches, broché, bon état.‎

‎"Envoi autographe de l'auteur; extrait du Bulletin de l'Institut historique belge de Rome, fascicule XIV, 1934."‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : 99174

‎Les églises romanes de Belgique.‎

‎Bruxelles, Editions du Cercle d'Art, 1944. 16 x 24, 30 pp. + 32 planches protégées de serpentes légendées, broché + jaquette, bon état.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : 73615

‎Note sur l'église de Vergnies.‎

‎Charleroi, Bulletin de la Société Royale Paléontologique et Archéologique, 1938. 16 x 24, 6 pp., 1 illustration, broché, bon état.‎

‎"Envoi autographe de l'auteur; extrait du bulletin de la Société Royale Paléontologique et Archéologique de l'Arrondissement Judicaire de Charleroi, N° 1, mars 1938."‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Brilli Attilio‎

Reference : bf2910


‎Reisen in Italien. Die Kulturgeschichte des klassischen Italianreise von 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert‎

‎DuMont Cartonné avec jaquette 1989 In-4 cartonné sous jaquette illustrée couleurs, 319 pp., belle somme d'informations, accompagnée de nombreuses illustrations couleurs, et d'un port folio reproduisant les gravures du voyage en Italie de Paul de Musset, texte en allemand ; bel état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.‎

Abraxas-Libris - Bécherel

Phone number : 33 02 99 66 78 68

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )


Reference : 519992


‎Baukunst des 17. und 18 Jahrhunderts in den romanischen Ländern.‎

‎ Berlin, Athenaion, 1919. In-4, rel. éditeur demi-toile beige à petits coins, titre doré au dos et au plat sup., 343 pp., 17 planches h.-t. contrecollées sur papier fort teinté et 354 ill. photogr. ou fig. dans le texte, index. (Handbuch der Kunstwissenschaft). ‎

‎ Ungeheftet Rücken, flecken am die Umschlag. Gut Innen Erhaltung. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €) ‎


Phone number : +33 (0)3 25 71 67 98

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )
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